I nod: „These were the later words, tem­porar­ily did not need to be t terjemahan - I nod: „These were the later words, tem­porar­ily did not need to be t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I nod: „These were the later words,

I nod: „These were the later words, tem­porar­ily did not need to be too many.”
„Was right, other [Zhan Long] do CBN fight the net mas­ters not to par­tic­i­pate in the day im­pe­r­ial book repos­i­tory?”
„Um, at least first 100 will not par­tic­i­pate.”
„OK, I un­der­stood, wish­ing you smooth!”
Has made the tele­phone call, goes out goes to hall, din­ner Cooldown ar­rived, Lin Wan Er lazy walks from the room, wears the loose home cloth­ing, but beau­ti­ful does not re­sult in the local prod­ucts as be­fore, on the el­e­ment face cheek full is the sat­is­fac­tory happy ex­pres­sion, ar­rives at side me, opened the arm to give me a warm hug, said with a smile: „Tem­porar­ily does not have oth­ers”
I laugh in one's heart, lower the head to have a look at the girl­friend slightly red pretty face, the heart also thump thump fiercely to beat, low­ers the head to kiss on her red lip, until hear­ing the sound of Dong Cheng month open­ing the door is sep­a­rated, Dong Cheng month walks, while put out a hand to pull the front un­der­wear, pursed the lips say­ing: „Prob­a­bly the un­der­wear changed small, what's the mat­ter”
Lin Wan Er chuckle: „That is be­cause you did grow once more?”
„That sen­ti­ment is good” the Dong Cheng month to lower the head to have a look at the front, said with a smile: „The pre­sent scale was very good, I do not ex­pect the stature well to Wan Er your sit­u­a­tion”
The Lin Wan Er cheek is red: „I do not want to grow into this, goes out al­ways stares was look­ing that is quite awk­ward”
„You are in the luck not to know the luck, you do not know the feel­ing of even chest fe­male stu­dent”
I said: „This feel­ing can ask Tang Xin in guild, the month plume sev­eral MM”
But Lin Wan Er said: „My good­ness, do you pay at­ten­tion ac­tu­ally very clearly?”
„This care to guild mem­bers”
The Dong Cheng month throws smiles, said: „Lacks prospects!”
Say­ing, she takes up a tablet PC from the one side, said: „, My good­ness, many celebri­ties have joined the day im­pe­r­ial book repos­i­tory, Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled joined”
I: „Is fes­ti­val yue?”
„Um!” She hands me the com­puter and in front of Lin Wan Er, above clear demon­stra­tion name of one group of peo­ple
Fes­ti­val yue( has de­cided 4 peo­ple): Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled
Raises bit( has de­cided 11 peo­ple): On Lu Chun­yang, paper pic­ture demon, Sim­ple and Mu Xuan, The Sev­enth Tang, hun­dred li (0.5km), if the wind and sink­ing fish, fall the wild goose, Sword Tears and dying fresh long sep­a­ra­tion and war ca­su­alty to leave
Staff( has de­cided 27 peo­ple): Tang Men great mas­ter et al., slightly.
Wu Kui( has de­cided 117 peo­ple): Small re­fined et al., slightly.
Com­mon­ers( num­ber of peo­ple 8.71 mil­lion peo­ple): Slightly.
„They sub­mit­ted Lin Wan Er to smile to the place and RMB”.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I nod: „These were the later words, tem­porar­ily did not need to be too many.”„Was right, other [Zhan Long] do CBN fight the net mas­ters not to par­tic­i­pate in the day im­pe­r­ial book repos­i­tory?”„Um, at least first 100 will not par­tic­i­pate.”„OK, I un­der­stood, wish­ing you smooth!”„Good!”Has made the tele­phone call, goes out goes to hall, din­ner Cooldown ar­rived, Lin Wan Er lazy walks from the room, wears the loose home cloth­ing, but beau­ti­ful does not re­sult in the local prod­ucts as be­fore, on the el­e­ment face cheek full is the sat­is­fac­tory happy ex­pres­sion, ar­rives at side me, opened the arm to give me a warm hug, said with a smile: „Tem­porar­ily does not have oth­ers”I laugh in one's heart, lower the head to have a look at the girl­friend slightly red pretty face, the heart also thump thump fiercely to beat, low­ers the head to kiss on her red lip, until hear­ing the sound of Dong Cheng month open­ing the door is sep­a­rated, Dong Cheng month walks, while put out a hand to pull the front un­der­wear, pursed the lips say­ing: „Prob­a­bly the un­der­wear changed small, what's the mat­ter”Lin Wan Er chuckle: „That is be­cause you did grow once more?”„That sen­ti­ment is good” the Dong Cheng month to lower the head to have a look at the front, said with a smile: „The pre­sent scale was very good, I do not ex­pect the stature well to Wan Er your sit­u­a­tion”The Lin Wan Er cheek is red: „I do not want to grow into this, goes out al­ways stares was look­ing that is quite awk­ward”„You are in the luck not to know the luck, you do not know the feel­ing of even chest fe­male stu­dent”I said: „This feel­ing can ask Tang Xin in guild, the month plume sev­eral MM”But Lin Wan Er said: „My good­ness, do you pay at­ten­tion ac­tu­ally very clearly?”„This care to guild mem­bers”The Dong Cheng month throws smiles, said: „Lacks prospects!”Say­ing, she takes up a tablet PC from the one side, said: „, My good­ness, many celebri­ties have joined the day im­pe­r­ial book repos­i­tory, Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled joined”I: „Is fes­ti­val yue?”„Um!” She hands me the com­puter and in front of Lin Wan Er, above clear demon­stra­tion name of one group of peo­pleFes­ti­val yue( has de­cided 4 peo­ple): Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han, Yanzhao un­par­al­leledRaises bit( has de­cided 11 peo­ple): On Lu Chun­yang, paper pic­ture demon, Sim­ple and Mu Xuan, The Sev­enth Tang, hun­dred li (0.5km), if the wind and sink­ing fish, fall the wild goose, Sword Tears and dying fresh long sep­a­ra­tion and war ca­su­alty to leaveStaff( has de­cided 27 peo­ple): Tang Men great mas­ter et al., slightly.Wu Kui( has de­cided 117 peo­ple): Small re­fined et al., slightly.Com­mon­ers( num­ber of peo­ple 8.71 mil­lion peo­ple): Slightly.„They sub­mit­ted Lin Wan Er to smile to the place and RMB”.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya mengangguk: "Ini adalah kata-kata kemudian, sementara tidak perlu terlalu banyak."
"Apakah benar, lainnya [Zhan Panjang] jangan CBN melawan tuan bersih untuk tidak berpartisipasi dalam hari repositori buku kekaisaran"?
"Um, di setidaknya pertama 100 tidak akan berpartisipasi. "
" OK, saya mengerti, berharap Anda halus! "
" Baik! "
telah membuat panggilan telepon, keluar pergi ke hall, makan malam Cooldown tiba, Lin Wan Er malas berjalan dari ruangan, memakai pakaian rumah longgar, tapi indah tidak menghasilkan produk lokal seperti sebelumnya, di pipi elemen wajah penuh adalah ekspresi bahagia memuaskan, tiba di sisi saya, membuka lengan untuk memberikan pelukan hangat, berkata sambil tersenyum: "untuk sementara tidak memiliki orang lain "
aku tertawa dalam hati seseorang, menurunkan kepala untuk melihat pada pacar sedikit merah wajah cantik, jantung juga Buk Buk keras untuk mengalahkan, menurunkan kepala untuk mencium bibir merahnya, sampai mendengar suara Dong Cheng bulan membuka pintu dipisahkan, Dong Cheng bulan berjalan, sedangkan mengulurkan tangan untuk menarik celana depan, mengerutkan bibir mengatakan: "Mungkin pakaian berubah kecil, ada apa"
Lin Wan Er tertawa: "Itu karena ? Anda tidak tumbuh lagi "
" sentimen Itu bagus "Dong Cheng bulan untuk menurunkan kepala untuk melihat di depan, berkata sambil tersenyum:" skala ini sangat baik, saya tidak berharap bertubuh baik untuk wan Er situasi Anda "
The Lin Wan Er pipi merah:" saya tidak ingin tumbuh menjadi ini, keluar selalu tatapan sedang mencari yang cukup canggung "
" Anda sedang beruntung tidak tahu keberuntungan, Anda tidak tahu perasaan mahasiswi bahkan dada "
saya berkata:" perasaan ini dapat meminta Tang Xin di guild, bulan membanggakan beberapa MM "
Tapi Lin Wan Er mengatakan:" Ya ampun, apakah Anda memperhatikan benar-benar sangat jelas "?
" perawatan ini untuk anggota serikat "
The Dong Cheng bulan melempar senyum, mengatakan:"! Lacks prospek "
mengatakan, ia mengambil sebuah PC tablet dari satu sisi, mengatakan:", saya kebaikan, banyak selebriti telah bergabung hari repositori buku kekaisaran, Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han, Yanzhao tertandingi bergabung "
saya:" Apakah festival yue "?
" Um! "Dia mengulurkan komputer dan di depan Lin Wan Er, atas nama demonstrasi yang jelas dari satu kelompok orang
Festival yue (telah memutuskan 4 orang): Fang Geque, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han, Yanzhao tak tertandingi
Meningkatkan bit (telah memutuskan 11 orang): Pada Lu Chunyang, kertas gambar setan, Simple dan Mu Xuan, The Seventh Tang, seratus li (0.5km), jika angin dan ikan tenggelam, jatuh angsa liar, Air mata Pedang dan sekarat pemisahan panjang segar dan perang korban meninggalkan
Staff (telah memutuskan 27 orang):. Tang Men besar guru et al, sedikit.
Wu Kui (telah memutuskan 117 orang): kecil halus et al, sedikit..
Jelata (jumlah orang 8,71 juta orang). sedikit
"Mereka mengajukan Lin Wan Er tersenyum ke tempat dan RMB".
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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