2018 Jeep Wrangler Spy ShotsNews of Jeep’s next-generation Wrangler ha terjemahan - 2018 Jeep Wrangler Spy ShotsNews of Jeep’s next-generation Wrangler ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2018 Jeep Wrangler Spy ShotsNews of

2018 Jeep Wrangler Spy Shots

News of Jeep’s next-generation Wrangler has been making headlines for years but we now have our first solid evidence that work on the redesigned off-roader is well underway. A test mule for the new Wrangler has just been spotted undergoing hot-weather testing in the Southwest.

Prototypes wearing the final sheet metal are still more than a year away but the mule, which is hidden beneath the current model’s shell, provides some clues about the newly-packaged dimensions of the new Wrangler in its two-door configuration. Modifications in front of the windshield leading down to the side skirts suggest extensions to the wheelbase and hood. The extended wheelbase in particular should make the vehicle easier to handle in addition to being roomier.

Otherwise, the proportions look to be remaining much the same as those on the current model, which shouldn’t come as much surprise considering Jeep’s actions for previous Wrangler generations. Also carrying over from the current model should be a rugged body-on-frame design, solid axles and mostly steel construction. Some aluminum may be used, however, in an effort to improve fuel economy.

Currently, the Wrangler uses a 3.6-liter V-6, and this should remain the same considering Fiat Chrysler Automobiles [NYSE:FCAU] has just updated the Pentastar unit. A diesel mill is also likely to be finally offered for customers in the United States (one is already offered overseas). A six-speed manual transmission will be standard, though we’ve heard that an eight-speed automatic may be offered. Another possibility is hybrid technology at some point.

Production of the new Wrangler is expected to start at the current model’s plant in Toledo, Ohio in 2017, meaning the new off-roader should arrive as a 2018 model. FCA is making moves to increase capacity at the Toledo plant, possibly in preparation for a new Wrangler pickup. Furthermore, a four-door Wrangler Unlimited should remain part of the lineup.

Stay tuned for updates as development continues.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2018 Jeep Wrangler Spy ShotsNews of Jeep’s next-generation Wrangler has been making headlines for years but we now have our first solid evidence that work on the redesigned off-roader is well underway. A test mule for the new Wrangler has just been spotted undergoing hot-weather testing in the Southwest.Prototypes wearing the final sheet metal are still more than a year away but the mule, which is hidden beneath the current model’s shell, provides some clues about the newly-packaged dimensions of the new Wrangler in its two-door configuration. Modifications in front of the windshield leading down to the side skirts suggest extensions to the wheelbase and hood. The extended wheelbase in particular should make the vehicle easier to handle in addition to being roomier.Otherwise, the proportions look to be remaining much the same as those on the current model, which shouldn’t come as much surprise considering Jeep’s actions for previous Wrangler generations. Also carrying over from the current model should be a rugged body-on-frame design, solid axles and mostly steel construction. Some aluminum may be used, however, in an effort to improve fuel economy.Currently, the Wrangler uses a 3.6-liter V-6, and this should remain the same considering Fiat Chrysler Automobiles [NYSE:FCAU] has just updated the Pentastar unit. A diesel mill is also likely to be finally offered for customers in the United States (one is already offered overseas). A six-speed manual transmission will be standard, though we’ve heard that an eight-speed automatic may be offered. Another possibility is hybrid technology at some point.Production of the new Wrangler is expected to start at the current model’s plant in Toledo, Ohio in 2017, meaning the new off-roader should arrive as a 2018 model. FCA is making moves to increase capacity at the Toledo plant, possibly in preparation for a new Wrangler pickup. Furthermore, a four-door Wrangler Unlimited should remain part of the lineup.Stay tuned for updates as development continues.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2018 Jeep Wrangler Spy Shots Berita dari Jeep Wrangler generasi telah menjadi berita utama selama bertahun-tahun tapi kami sekarang memiliki bukti kuat pertama kami yang bekerja pada didesain ulang off-roader berjalan dengan baik. Sebuah keledai tes untuk Wrangler baru baru saja terlihat menjalani pengujian cuaca panas di Southwest. Prototip mengenakan lembaran logam akhir masih lebih dari satu tahun lagi tapi keledai, yang tersembunyi di bawah shell model saat ini, memberikan beberapa petunjuk tentang dimensi baru-dikemas dari Wrangler baru dalam konfigurasi dua pintu nya. Modifikasi di depan kaca depan mengarah ke side skirt menyarankan ekstensi untuk wheelbase dan kap. Wheelbase diperpanjang khususnya harus membuat kendaraan lebih mudah untuk menangani selain menjadi roomier. Jika tidak, proporsi terlihat akan tetap sama seperti yang di model saat ini, yang seharusnya tidak datang sebanyak mengejutkan mengingat tindakan Jeep untuk Wrangler sebelumnya generasi. Juga membawa lebih dari model saat ini harus menjadi desain kasar body-on-frame, as padat dan sebagian konstruksi baja. . Beberapa aluminium dapat digunakan, namun, dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan ekonomi bahan bakar Saat ini, Wrangler menggunakan 3,6-liter V-6, dan ini harus tetap sama mengingat Mobil Fiat Chrysler [NYSE: FCAU] baru saja diperbarui unit Pentastar . Sebuah pabrik diesel juga kemungkinan akan akhirnya ditawarkan untuk pelanggan di Amerika Serikat (salah satu sudah ditawarkan di luar negeri). Sebuah transmisi manual enam kecepatan akan menjadi standar, meskipun kami telah mendengar bahwa delapan kecepatan otomatis dapat ditawarkan. Kemungkinan lain adalah teknologi hybrid di beberapa titik. Produksi Wrangler baru ini diharapkan mulai di pabrik model saat di Toledo, Ohio pada 2017, yang berarti off-roader baru akan tiba sebagai model 2018. FCA adalah membuat langkah untuk meningkatkan kapasitas di pabrik Toledo, mungkin dalam persiapan untuk Wrangler pikap baru. Selanjutnya, empat pintu Wrangler Unlimited harus tetap menjadi bagian dari lineup. Menantikan untuk update pengembangan terus.

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