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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
1. IntroductionThe importance of relationship marketing is reflected inthe numerous advantages that have been attributed to it byprominent scholars (e.g., Madhok & Tallman, 1998; Morgan& Hunt, 1994). Inter-organisational relationships may alsobe beneficial in the context of supply chain management(SCM) that requires the integration of the business partnersin the supply chain. This importance has been recognisedand highlighted in distribution channel studies (e.g.,Anderson & Weitz, 1992; Lusch & Brown, 1996) andtheoretically analysed in the context of supply chainmanagement and performance (Stank, Goldsby, & Vickery,1999). Despite this importance, certain authors have highlightedgaps in the literature, particularly in the empiricalexamination of inter-organisational relationships in channelsand logistics (Frazier, 1999; Siguaw, Baker, & Simpson,2003). Specifically, little attention has been paid to theantecedents of relationship orientation and the potentialperformance consequences of relational exchange in supplychains (Prahinski & Benton, 2004).This paper seeks to examine the effect of intra-organisationallearning in the orientation of a firm towards relationshipdevelopment. The terms ‘‘organisational learning’’ and‘‘intra-organisational learning’’ are used interchangeably inthis paper. Organizational learning occurs within individualorganizations but it is a function of the interaction amongchannel members (Lukas, Hult, & Ferrell, 1996). On thisbasis organizational learning can be conceptualized as apotential contributor to relationship development in theinteraction between logistics service providers (LSPs) andtheir clients. Selnes and Sallis (2003) indicate that althoughthe literature on organizational learning is unclear as to theconsequences of intra-organizational learning capability,the common theme is that organizational learning affectsthe organization. Intra-organizational learning requires theidentification of information needs, the acquisition ofinformation externally and its internal dissemination (Day,1994). Organizational learning has the ability to influencebehaviour (Huber, 1991) and will enhance the capacity ofunderstanding (Damanpour, 1991), cross-functional coordination(Aiken & Hage, 1971), creativity and, problemsolving(Senge, 1990a). On this basis this paper hypothesizesthat the need for communication, interaction andinformation acquisition from clients in conjunction with the values instilled by intra-organisational learning (e.g.,enhanced ability of understanding, cross-functional interaction,creativity, problem solving abilities) will influencebehaviour and orientation towards the formation ofrelationships at the inter-organisational level in the supplychain context.A number of scholars have acknowledged the importanceof examining organisational learning as an influence ofbehaviour change and performance improvement (Hult,Ferrell, & Hurley, 2002; Hult, Hurley, Giunipero, &Nichols, 2000; Hult, Nichols, Giunipero & Hurley, 2000;Slater & Narver, 1995). Despite the acknowledgement in themarketing field that organisational learning is an importantstrategy for competitive advantage (Baker & Sinkula, 1999;Hult, Hurley et al., 2000; Hult, Nichols et al., 2000) fewstudies have been devoted to the empirical testing of theeffects of organisational learning and certainly none in thetesting of organisational learning as an antecedent torelationship orientation in supply chains.The recent trend towards the outsourcing of the logisticsactivities has given prominence to the concept of thirdparty logistics service providers (LSPs). An LSP is definedas a provider of industrial logistics services that performsthe logistics functions on behalf of their clients (Coyle,Bardi, & Langley, 1996). Despite the importance of LSPs,particularly in terms of the potential impact of thisorganisational adjustment to effectiveness and performancein supply chains, there have been few studies analysing therelationship between LSPs’ strategies and performance(Lai, 2004).In an attempt to address the aforementioned gaps in theliterature, the purpose of this research is to empiricallyassess the role of organisational learning as an antecedent torelational orientation in LSP–client relationships and thepotential influence on logistics service effectiveness andfirm performance. The paper also examines the effect oflogistics service effectiveness on performance in supplychains. It is envisaged that attention to LSP–client relationshipsand the resulting performance implications will havesignificant practical and theoretical contributions.In the next section, the theoretical framework underpinningthe conceptual inter-relationships is presented andfour testable hypotheses are proposed. The research methodologyis then presented, which includes sampling andmeasurement before analysing the data collected from asample of Hong Kong based LSPs. Following this, adiscussion of the results and implications for theory, practiceand further research are highlighted.
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