In the matter of religions it is particularly easy to distinguish the  terjemahan - In the matter of religions it is particularly easy to distinguish the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the matter of religions it is pa

In the matter of religions it is particularly easy to distinguish the two orders of
question. Every religious phenomenon has its history and its derivation from natural
antecedents. What is nowadays called the higher criticism of the Bible is only a study of
the Bible from this existential point of view, neglected too much by the earlier church.
Under just what biographic conditions did the sacred writers bring forth their various
contributions to the holy volume? And what had they exactly in their several
individual minds, when they delivered their utterances?
These are manifestly questions of historical fact, and one does not see how the answer
to them can decide offhand the still further question: of what use should such a
volume, with its manner of coming into existence so defined, be to us as a guide to life
and a revelation? To answer this other question we must have already in our mind
some sort of a general theory as to what the peculiarities in a thing should be which
give it value for purposes of revelation; and this theory itself would be what I just
called a spiritual judgment. Combining it with our existential judgment, we might
indeed deduce another spiritual judgment as to the Bible’s worth. Thus if our theory of
revelation-value were to affirm that any book, to possess it, must have been composed
automatically or not by the free caprice of the writer, or that it must exhibit no scientific
and historic errors and express no local or personal passions, the Bible would probably
fare ill at our hands.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dalam hal agama sangat sangat mudah untuk membedakan dua perintahpertanyaan. Setiap fenomena agama memiliki sejarah dan turunannya dari alampendahulunya. Apa yang saat ini disebut kritik tinggi Alkitab adalah hanya sebuah studiAlkitab dari eksistensial pandang ini, diabaikan terlalu banyak oleh Jemaat awal.Di bawah kondisi apa biographic menurut penulis-penulis suci melahirkan mereka berbagaikontribusi volume Suci? Dan apa yang telah mereka persis di mereka beberapamasing-masing pikiran, ketika mereka menyampaikan ucapan-ucapan mereka?Ini adalah jelas pertanyaan fakta sejarah, dan orang tidak melihat bagaimana jawabanmereka dapat memutuskan begitu saja masih lebih jauh pertanyaan: apa gunanya harus sepertivolume, dengan cara yang datang ke dalam keberadaan jadi didefinisikan, akan kami sebagai panduan untuk hidupdan Wahyu? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini kita harus sudah dalam pikiran kitasemacam teori umum tentang apa kekhasan dalam hal yang harus yangmemberikan nilai untuk tujuan Wahyu; dan teori ini sendiri akan apa yang saya hanyadisebut penilaian rohani. Menggabungkan dengan penilaian eksistensial kami, kami mungkinmemang menyimpulkan penilaian rohani lain mengenai Alkitab senilai. Dengan demikian jika kami teoriWahyu-nilai itu untuk menegaskan bahwa setiap buku, untuk memilikinya, harus telah dikarangsecara otomatis atau tidak oleh caprice gratis penulis, atau bahwa itu harus menunjukkan tidak ilmiahdan kesalahan yang bersejarah dan express tidak nafsu lokal atau pribadi, Alkitab mungkin akanTARIF sakit di tangan kami.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
In the matter of religions it is particularly easy to distinguish the two orders of
question. Every religious phenomenon has its history and its derivation from natural
antecedents. What is nowadays called the higher criticism of the Bible is only a study of
the Bible from this existential point of view, neglected too much by the earlier church.
Under just what biographic conditions did the sacred writers bring forth their various
contributions to the holy volume? And what had they exactly in their several
individual minds, when they delivered their utterances?
These are manifestly questions of historical fact, and one does not see how the answer
to them can decide offhand the still further question: of what use should such a
volume, with its manner of coming into existence so defined, be to us as a guide to life
and a revelation? To answer this other question we must have already in our mind
some sort of a general theory as to what the peculiarities in a thing should be which
give it value for purposes of revelation; and this theory itself would be what I just
called a spiritual judgment. Combining it with our existential judgment, we might
indeed deduce another spiritual judgment as to the Bible’s worth. Thus if our theory of
revelation-value were to affirm that any book, to possess it, must have been composed
automatically or not by the free caprice of the writer, or that it must exhibit no scientific
and historic errors and express no local or personal passions, the Bible would probably
fare ill at our hands.
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