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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
The diponegoro war<br>The diponegoro war took place in java, from 1825 until 1830. It was led by prince diponegoro of yogyakarta. The immediate cause was the dutch's arrogant decision to build a road across a piece of Prince Diponegoro's property where his parents were buried.<br>At the beginning of the war,the troops of prince diponegoro were very successful in controlling central java and besieging yogyakarta.however,as the war continned,price diponogoro had difficulties in maintaining the number of his troops.on the other hand,the dutch colonial army was able to fill is rank with troops from sulawesi,and later on from the netherlands.the dutch commander,general dekock,was able to end the siege of yogyakarta on 25 september 1825<br>Harga di Ponogoro memulai perang sengit gerilya dan perang dan itu tidak sampai 1827 bahwa tentara Belanda memperoleh hand.there atas kira-kira 200.000 orang meninggal dalam perjalanan konflik, yang 8000 adalah tentara duth <br>Perang akhirnya berakhir di 1830 setelah pangeran Diponegoro tertipu untuk memasuki fortrees duth dekat pangeran magelang.the percaya bahwa ia diundang ke sana untuk negosiasi untuk kemungkinan gencatan senjata
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