This is your time to try out all the brand new features of MIUI 7 in b terjemahan - This is your time to try out all the brand new features of MIUI 7 in b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This is your time to try out all th

This is your time to try out all the brand new features of MIUI 7 in beta, while helping us to make it even better for everyone else. For more details about MIUI 7, please check here: MIUI 7 Global Launch Premiere: MIUI 7 Global Features

What is MIUI Global Beta Rom?
If this is the first time you hear about MIUI global beta release or your Xiaomi phone is on stable ROM and have never flashed your device before, please check the following link:

How to Update to MIUI 7?
1) If you're using MIUI global beta ROM, please open 'Updater' app on your phone and check for the update!
2) This OTA has not been pushed for stable ROMs yet. So if you're using stable ROM, you need to download the ROM first and flash it by yourself.
3) Or you can download the full ROM files in the thread and flash the ROM by yourself. To get some tips on how to flash your device, please refer to this link:
4) Do remember to make a backup before flashing.

MIUI 7 Global Beta ROM 5.8.22 Full Changelog
New - Added four new system UIs (08-14, for India only)
New - XXL text (08-14)
New - Showtime: Set profile picture/video to show in your contacts' device when you call them (08-14, for India only)
New - Baby album: Group all baby images in one place, supports sending all images as a package and set the album as daily lockscreen. (08-14, For India only)
Optimization - System response speed increased by 30%, battery life improved by 10%.
New - Quick OTP(For India only)
New – Smart SMS Filter (For India only)

Optimization - System response speed increased by 30%, battery life improved by 10%.

New - Contact cards: Exchange contact cards with your friend to view his/her profile picture and detailed information (08-14)
New - Showtime: Set profile video to show in your contact's device when you call them (You need to exchange contact cards with the contact first) (08-14, For India only)

New - Added XXL text for the app (08-14)
Optimization - Searching results display the newer messages on top (08-17)

Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar
New - Added notification page fold/unfold animated effects (08-07)
New - Block notifications in notification shade by one press (08-18)
Optimization - Optimized Notification shade brightness bar interactive style (08-07)
Optimization - Optimized battery icon on status bar (08-07)
Optimization - Optimized status bar display effects when using large font (08-10)
Optimization - Optimized notifications' height when using large font (08-10)
Optimization - Optimized 'Manage notifications' page display effect when using large font (08-10)
Optimization - MiHome app icon does not show in lockscreen in Parental controls mode (08-11)
Fix - Roaming icon did not disappear in some situations (08-10)
Fix - Block button in some featured themes overlapped with clock widget (08-12)
Fix - Notes widget display error when using large font (08-12)
Fix - Pressing on toggles did not fold notification shade in Performance mode (08-19)

Home screen
New - Child mode (08-14)
Optimization - Optimized display effect of live blur (08-07)
Optimization - Optimized built-in widgets display effect when using large font (08-10)
Optimization - Optimized One-handed mode launching speed (08-10)
Optimization - Removed Settings and Security from Parental controls - Accessible apps list (08-11)
Optimization - Assistant and Google Now cannot be launched in Parental controls mode (08-11)
Optimization - Optimized prompt text when setting wallpaper in home screen editing mode (08-12)
Fix - Home screen reloaded after deep cleaning (08-11)
Fix - A specific icon displayed repeatedly when using some themes (08-21)

New - Added four default themes (08-14)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This is your time to try out all the brand new features of MIUI 7 in beta, while helping us to make it even better for everyone else. For more details about MIUI 7, please check here: MIUI 7 Global Launch Premiere: MIUI 7 Global FeaturesWhat is MIUI Global Beta Rom?If this is the first time you hear about MIUI global beta release or your Xiaomi phone is on stable ROM and have never flashed your device before, please check the following link: to Update to MIUI 7?1) If you're using MIUI global beta ROM, please open 'Updater' app on your phone and check for the update!2) This OTA has not been pushed for stable ROMs yet. So if you're using stable ROM, you need to download the ROM first and flash it by yourself. 3) Or you can download the full ROM files in the thread and flash the ROM by yourself. To get some tips on how to flash your device, please refer to this link: Do remember to make a backup before flashing.[media][/media]MIUI 7 Global Beta ROM 5.8.22 Full ChangelogHighlightsNew - Added four new system UIs (08-14, for India only)New - XXL text (08-14)New - Showtime: Set profile picture/video to show in your contacts' device when you call them (08-14, for India only)New - Baby album: Group all baby images in one place, supports sending all images as a package and set the album as daily lockscreen. (08-14, For India only)Optimization - System response speed increased by 30%, battery life improved by 10%. New - Quick OTP(For India only)New – Smart SMS Filter (For India only)SystemOptimization - System response speed increased by 30%, battery life improved by 10%. ContactsNew - Contact cards: Exchange contact cards with your friend to view his/her profile picture and detailed information (08-14)New - Showtime: Set profile video to show in your contact's device when you call them (You need to exchange contact cards with the contact first) (08-14, For India only)MessagingNew - Added XXL text for the app (08-14)Optimization - Searching results display the newer messages on top (08-17)Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification BarNew - Added notification page fold/unfold animated effects (08-07)New - Block notifications in notification shade by one press (08-18)Optimization - Optimized Notification shade brightness bar interactive style (08-07)Optimization - Optimized battery icon on status bar (08-07)Optimization - Optimized status bar display effects when using large font (08-10)Optimization - Optimized notifications' height when using large font (08-10)Optimization - Optimized 'Manage notifications' page display effect when using large font (08-10)Optimization - MiHome app icon does not show in lockscreen in Parental controls mode (08-11)Fix - Roaming icon did not disappear in some situations (08-10)Fix - Block button in some featured themes overlapped with clock widget (08-12)Fix - Notes widget display error when using large font (08-12)Fix - Pressing on toggles did not fold notification shade in Performance mode (08-19)Home screenNew - Child mode (08-14)Optimization - Optimized display effect of live blur (08-07)Optimization - Optimized built-in widgets display effect when using large font (08-10)Optimization - Optimized One-handed mode launching speed (08-10)Optimization - Removed Settings and Security from Parental controls - Accessible apps list (08-11)Optimization - Assistant and Google Now cannot be launched in Parental controls mode (08-11)Optimization - Optimized prompt text when setting wallpaper in home screen editing mode (08-12)Fix - Home screen reloaded after deep cleaning (08-11)Fix - A specific icon displayed repeatedly when using some themes (08-21)ThemesNew - Added four default themes (08-14)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini adalah waktu Anda untuk mencoba semua fitur baru merek MIUI 7 dalam versi beta, sambil membantu kita untuk membuatnya lebih baik untuk orang lain. Untuk rincian lebih lanjut tentang MIUI 7, silahkan cek di sini: MIUI 7 global Peluncuran Premiere: MIUI 7 global Fitur Apa MIUI global Beta Rom? Jika ini adalah pertama kalinya Anda mendengar tentang MIUI rilis beta global atau telepon Xiaomi Anda pada ROM stabil dan tidak pernah terlintas perangkat sebelum, silakan cek link berikut: Cara Update ke MIUI 7? 1) Jika Anda menggunakan MIUI ROM beta global yang , silahkan buka app 'Updater' pada ponsel Anda dan memeriksa update! 2) OTA ini belum mendorong untuk ROM stabil belum. Jadi, jika Anda menggunakan ROM yang stabil, Anda perlu men-download ROM pertama dan flash sendiri. 3) Atau Anda dapat men-download file ROM penuh di thread dan flash ROM sendiri. Untuk mendapatkan beberapa tips tentang cara untuk flash perangkat Anda, silakan lihat link ini: 4) Jangan lupa untuk membuat cadangan sebelum flashing. [Media] https: //[/media] MIUI 7 global Beta ROM 5.8.22 penuh Changelog Highlights Baru - Ditambahkan empat sistem baru UIS (14/8, untuk India saja) New - teks XXL (14/08) New - Showtime: Mengatur gambar profil / video untuk menunjukkan di perangkat kontak Anda 'ketika Anda menelepon mereka (08-14, untuk India saja) New - Album Bayi: Grup semua gambar bayi di satu tempat, mendukung pengiriman semua gambar sebagai sebuah paket dan mengatur album sebagai lockscreen harian. (14/08, Hanya untuk India) Optimization - kecepatan respon sistem meningkat sebesar 30%, baterai ditingkatkan dengan 10%. Baru - Cepat OTP (Hanya untuk India) New - Cerdas SMS Filter (Untuk hanya India) Sistem Optimasi - respon Sistem kecepatan meningkat sebesar 30%, baterai ditingkatkan dengan 10%. Kontak Baru - kartu Kontak: kartu kontak Efek dengan teman Anda untuk melihat / nya gambar profil dan informasi rinci (14/8) New - Showtime: Set video profil untuk menunjukkan di perangkat kontak Anda ketika Anda memanggil mereka (Anda perlu untuk bertukar kartu kontak dengan kontak pertama) (08-14, untuk India) Pesan Baru - Ditambahkan XXL teks untuk aplikasi (14/8) Optimization - Mencari hasil menampilkan pesan baru di atas (17/8) Lockscreen, Status Bar, Bar Pemberitahuan Baru - Ditambahkan halaman pemberitahuan lipat / terungkap efek animasi (7/8) New - Blok pemberitahuan dalam pemberitahuan teduh oleh salah satu pers (18/8) Optimization - Dioptimalkan Pemberitahuan warna kecerahan bar gaya interaktif (07/08) Optimization - Dioptimalkan ikon baterai pada status bar (7/8) Optimization - Dioptimalkan Status efek bar layar saat menggunakan huruf besar (10/08) Optimization - tinggi Dioptimalkan pemberitahuan 'ketika menggunakan font yang besar (08- 10) Optimization - Dioptimalkan 'Mengelola pemberitahuan' efek tampilan halaman ketika menggunakan font yang besar (10/08) Optimization - ikon aplikasi MiHome tidak menunjukkan di lockscreen di Parental modus kontrol (11/8) Perbaiki - Roaming ikon tidak menghilang dalam beberapa situasi (10/08) Fix - tombol Block di beberapa fitur tema tumpang tindih dengan jam widget (12/8) Fix - Catatan widget kesalahan layar ketika menggunakan huruf besar (12/08) Fix - Menekan matikan tidak lipat teduh pemberitahuan dalam mode Kinerja (19/08) layar Awal Baru - modus Anak (14/08) Optimization - Dioptimalkan tampilan efek blur hidup (07/08) Optimization - Dioptimalkan built-in widget efek menampilkan ketika menggunakan font yang besar (10/08) Optimization - Dioptimalkan satu tangan kecepatan modus launching (10/8) Optimization - Pengaturan Dihapus dan Keamanan dari kontrol Parental - daftar aplikasi yang dapat diakses (11/8) Optimization - Asisten dan Google Now tidak dapat diluncurkan dalam mode kontrol Parental (11/8) Optimization - Dioptimalkan teks prompt ketika mengatur wallpaper dalam modus pengeditan layar awal (12/8) Perbaiki - Layar awal reloaded setelah dalam pembersihan (11/8) Fix - Sebuah ikon khusus ditampilkan berulang kali ketika menggunakan beberapa tema (21/8) Tema Baru - Ditambahkan empat standar Tema (14/08)

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