You….” Yun Che opened his eyes wide, and his face rapidly turned ghast terjemahan - You….” Yun Che opened his eyes wide, and his face rapidly turned ghast Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

You….” Yun Che opened his eyes wide

You….” Yun Che opened his eyes wide, and his face rapidly turned ghastly under the excruciating suffocation.

“I’ll give you two choices.” The girl’s absolute stunning features were now full of dreadfulness, and every word from her tender voice is chilling: “Your first choice, obediently turn over the Sky Poison Pearl to this princess. The other is that this princess will take the Sky Poison Pearl from your dead body after I take your life!”

Although the young girl’s hands were undoubtedly supple like tender jade, it rigidly constricted his throat, and rendered him unable to move at all with excruciating pain. However, his face didn’t show even the slightest fear or panic, instead spoke dully with his weak and hoarse voice: “I choose the second choice, quickly kill me now.”

The girl’s lovely eyes narrowed, and sneered: “You think I* wouldn’t dare to?”

As she was speaking, her fingers abruptly tightened. Five lines of frightening blood prints immediately appeared Yun Che’s neck, and his complexion became even more anguished than before. However he curled up his lips, and smiled with a ghastly white face: “If you really wished for me to die…. then just now… you wouldn’t have saved me despite risking the poison’s rebound!”

Jasmine: “……”

Yun Che stared into her eyes, and continued as his face contorted with pain: “You were hit by a strange poison, but this poison not only poison the body, but also poison the soul! That night, your body already dissipated in my face, and you became only a soul tormented by this severe poison…. The body you have now, is only a semi-physical body born from you forcefully sucking my blood the other day, while borrowing power from the Sky Poison Pearl that was fused with me! This means that, my life, is also your life! If you had died, it wouldn’t affect me in the slightest; but if I had died, you would have instantly died with me!”

“If I turned over the Sky Poison Pearl to you, I would have really invited my own death!”

“….” An intense shock swayed through the depth of Jasmine’s charming eyes, and she slowly loosened her small hands that were on Yun Che’s throat.

As he finally had escaped the pain of being choked, Yun Che harshly coughed with unrivaled intensity. He then violently vomited, to the point of even hurling out his bile. His complexion becoming even ghastly than before.

“You don’t actually seem to be as useless as you look.” Jasmine looked at him with the corner of her eye: “How could you tell?

“Heh…” Yun Che smiled with a low voice: “Because I’m an exceptionally skilled doctor! If you don’t want to die, you must not only spare me, but must also protect me with all your might! To be able to consolidate your soul into a body, one would at least need to have the strength of Emperor Profound Realm! Your life, certainly would worth much more than mine.”

To reach Emperor Profound Realm at the age of twelve or thirteen, one could imagine Yun Che’s turmoil in his heart as he spoke his words. Throughout the Blue Wind Empire, if one had reached Sky Profound Realm, one would already be considered unsurmountable; and for people who had achieved Emperor Profound Realm, there weren’t even ten in the entire Blue Wind Empire. Without exception, these people can boast like emperors, for they were unparalleled between the heavens and earth. To reach this realm, one would not only need exceptional ingenuity and lucky opportunities, but also need an adequate amount of time. People in Blue Wind Empire who could reach Emperor Profound Realm were invariably over hundreds of years old. After reaching this realm, even if the physical body was destroyed, one could still take form by crystallizing the soul; if they could find a chance to rebuild the physical body, they would be able to flawlessly resurrect.

However this girl who had her body destroyed, whose soul was still alive and depended on his life force, clearly had the strength of Emperor Profound Realm! How terrifying of a concept is that?

However the girl’s next sentence, stupefied Yun Che for an entire five seconds.

“Emperor Profound Realm?” The girl’s gaze didn’t waver, but her face openly expressed a deep disinterest: “What’s that?”

Yun Che: “….”

At this time, the sound of slightly hurried foot steps could be heard from up ahead. Jasmine’s gaze congealed, and slowly snapped her body around. The owner of the footsteps sound quickly appeared in their vision.

Xiao Jiu!

“Another one has come for my life. What to do is up to you.”

When he was facing Xiao Ba earlier, although he had his “secret weapon” held in hand, it was impossible to assert that he wasn’t nervous. But now, looking at the Xiao Jiu in front of his eyes, he wasn’t nervous even in the slightest. He leaned half of his body onto the tree trunk behind him, his gaze toward Xiao Jiu actually contained a tiny bit of pity…. and disappointment… Why did only a Xiao Jiu come? It would have been great if a few more came to accompany him in the grave.

Xiao Jiu first
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Anda..." Yun Che membuka matanya lebar, dan wajahnya dengan cepat berubah mengerikan di bawah mati-lemas luar biasa."Saya akan memberi Anda dua pilihan." Gadis itu fitur menakjubkan mutlak yang sekarang penuh dengan dreadfulness, dan setiap kata dari suaranya yang lembut dingin: "pilihan pertama Anda, patuh menyerahkan mutiara racun langit untuk putri ini. Yang lain adalah bahwa putri ini akan mengambil mutiara Sky racun dari tubuh Anda mati setelah saya mengambil hidup Anda!"Meskipun tangan gadis muda pasti kenyal seperti batu giok lembut, itu kaku dibatasi tenggorokan, dan membuat dia mampu bergerak sama sekali dengan sakit sekali. Namun, wajahnya tidak menunjukkan bahkan sedikit takut atau panik, bukannya berbicara segera dengan suaranya yang lemah dan serak: "Saya memilih pilihan kedua, dengan cepat membunuh saya sekarang."Gadis cantik mata menyipit, dan sneered: "Anda berpikir saya * tidak akan berani untuk?"Ketika dia berbicara, jari-jarinya tiba-tiba diperketat. Lima baris menakutkan cetakan darah segera muncul Yun Che leher, dan kulit nya menjadi bahkan lebih sedih daripada sebelumnya. Namun ia meringkuk bibirnya, dan tersenyum dengan wajah putih mengerikan: "Jika Anda benar-benar berharap bagi saya untuk mati... kemudian sekarang... Anda tidak akan menyelamatkan saya meskipun mempertaruhkan racun rebound!"Melati: "..."Yun Che stared into her eyes, and continued as his face contorted with pain: “You were hit by a strange poison, but this poison not only poison the body, but also poison the soul! That night, your body already dissipated in my face, and you became only a soul tormented by this severe poison…. The body you have now, is only a semi-physical body born from you forcefully sucking my blood the other day, while borrowing power from the Sky Poison Pearl that was fused with me! This means that, my life, is also your life! If you had died, it wouldn’t affect me in the slightest; but if I had died, you would have instantly died with me!”“If I turned over the Sky Poison Pearl to you, I would have really invited my own death!”“….” An intense shock swayed through the depth of Jasmine’s charming eyes, and she slowly loosened her small hands that were on Yun Che’s throat.As he finally had escaped the pain of being choked, Yun Che harshly coughed with unrivaled intensity. He then violently vomited, to the point of even hurling out his bile. His complexion becoming even ghastly than before.“You don’t actually seem to be as useless as you look.” Jasmine looked at him with the corner of her eye: “How could you tell?“Heh…” Yun Che smiled with a low voice: “Because I’m an exceptionally skilled doctor! If you don’t want to die, you must not only spare me, but must also protect me with all your might! To be able to consolidate your soul into a body, one would at least need to have the strength of Emperor Profound Realm! Your life, certainly would worth much more than mine.”To reach Emperor Profound Realm at the age of twelve or thirteen, one could imagine Yun Che’s turmoil in his heart as he spoke his words. Throughout the Blue Wind Empire, if one had reached Sky Profound Realm, one would already be considered unsurmountable; and for people who had achieved Emperor Profound Realm, there weren’t even ten in the entire Blue Wind Empire. Without exception, these people can boast like emperors, for they were unparalleled between the heavens and earth. To reach this realm, one would not only need exceptional ingenuity and lucky opportunities, but also need an adequate amount of time. People in Blue Wind Empire who could reach Emperor Profound Realm were invariably over hundreds of years old. After reaching this realm, even if the physical body was destroyed, one could still take form by crystallizing the soul; if they could find a chance to rebuild the physical body, they would be able to flawlessly resurrect.However this girl who had her body destroyed, whose soul was still alive and depended on his life force, clearly had the strength of Emperor Profound Realm! How terrifying of a concept is that?However the girl’s next sentence, stupefied Yun Che for an entire five seconds.“Emperor Profound Realm?” The girl’s gaze didn’t waver, but her face openly expressed a deep disinterest: “What’s that?”Yun Che: “….”At this time, the sound of slightly hurried foot steps could be heard from up ahead. Jasmine’s gaze congealed, and slowly snapped her body around. The owner of the footsteps sound quickly appeared in their vision.Xiao Jiu!“Another one has come for my life. What to do is up to you.”When he was facing Xiao Ba earlier, although he had his “secret weapon” held in hand, it was impossible to assert that he wasn’t nervous. But now, looking at the Xiao Jiu in front of his eyes, he wasn’t nervous even in the slightest. He leaned half of his body onto the tree trunk behind him, his gaze toward Xiao Jiu actually contained a tiny bit of pity…. and disappointment… Why did only a Xiao Jiu come? It would have been great if a few more came to accompany him in the grave.Xiao Jiu first
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Anda .... "Yun Che membuka matanya lebar, dan wajahnya cepat berubah mengerikan di bawah lemas menyiksa." Saya akan memberikan dua pilihan. "Fitur gadis itu mutlak menakjubkan sekarang penuh dreadfulness, dan setiap kata dari suara yang lembut adalah dingin: "Pilihan pertama Anda, patuh menyerahkan Sky Poison Pearl untuk putri ini. Yang lain adalah bahwa putri ini akan mengambil Sky Poison Pearl dari mayat Anda setelah saya mengambil hidup Anda! "Meskipun tangan gadis muda yang pasti kenyal seperti giok lembut, kaku tercekat tenggorokannya, dan membuat dia tidak bisa bergerak sama sekali dengan sakit luar biasa. Namun, wajahnya tidak menunjukkan sedikit pun rasa takut atau panik, bukannya berbicara datar dengan suara lemah dan serak nya: "Saya memilih pilihan kedua, dengan cepat membunuh saya sekarang." Mata indah gadis itu menyempit, dan mengejek: "Kau pikir I * tidak akan berani? "Saat dia berbicara, jari-jarinya tiba-tiba menegang. Lima baris menakutkan cetakan darah segera muncul leher Yun Che, dan kulitnya menjadi lebih sedih daripada sebelumnya. Namun ia meringkuk bibirnya, dan tersenyum dengan wajah putih mengerikan: "Jika Anda benar-benar berharap aku mati .... kemudian hanya sekarang ... Anda tidak akan menyelamatkan saya meskipun mempertaruhkan rebound racun itu "! Jasmine:" ...... "Yun Che menatap matanya, dan terus sebagai wajahnya berkerut dengan rasa sakit:" Anda terkena racun aneh, tapi racun ini tidak hanya meracuni tubuh, tetapi juga meracuni jiwa! Malam itu, tubuh Anda sudah dihamburkan di wajah saya, dan Anda menjadi hanya jiwa tersiksa oleh racun parah ini .... Tubuh yang Anda miliki sekarang, hanya tubuh semi-fisik lahir dari Anda tegas mengisap darah saya hari lain, sementara meminjam kekuatan dari Sky Poison Pearl yang menyatu dengan saya! Ini berarti bahwa, hidup saya, juga hidup Anda! Jika Anda telah meninggal, itu tidak akan mempengaruhi saya sedikit pun; tetapi jika aku mati, Anda akan langsung mati dengan saya! "" Jika aku berbalik di atas Sky Poison Pearl kepada Anda, saya akan benar-benar mengundang kematian saya sendiri! "" .... "Sebuah kejutan intens bergoyang melalui kedalaman Jasmine mata menawan, dan dia perlahan-lahan melonggarkan tangan kecilnya yang berada di tenggorokan Yun Che. Saat ia akhirnya melarikan diri rasa sakit karena tersedak, Yun Che kasar batuk dengan intensitas yang tak tertandingi. Dia kemudian keras muntah, ke titik bahkan melemparkan keluar empedu nya. Kulitnya menjadi lebih mengerikan daripada sebelumnya. "Anda tidak benar-benar tampaknya menjadi seperti sia-sia karena Anda melihat." Jasmine menatapnya dengan sudut matanya: "Bagaimana kau bisa tahu?" Heh ... "Yun Che tersenyum dengan suara rendah: "Karena aku seorang dokter sangat terampil! Jika Anda tidak ingin mati, Anda tidak harus hanya luang saya, tetapi juga harus melindungi saya dengan segenap kekuatanmu! Untuk dapat mengkonsolidasikan jiwa Anda ke dalam tubuh, satu setidaknya perlu memiliki kekuatan Kaisar Realm Mendalam! Kehidupan Anda, tentu saja layak akan jauh lebih dari saya. "Untuk mencapai Kaisar Realm mendalam pada usia dua belas atau tiga belas, satu bisa membayangkan gejolak Yun Che di dalam hatinya saat ia berbicara kata-katanya. Sepanjang Blue Wind Empire, jika salah satu telah mencapai Sky Realm mendalam, orang akan sudah dianggap unsurmountable; dan untuk orang-orang yang telah mencapai Kaisar Realm mendalam, tidak ada bahkan sepuluh di seluruh Blue Wind Empire. Tanpa kecuali, orang-orang ini dapat membanggakan seperti kaisar, karena mereka tak tertandingi antara langit dan bumi. Untuk mencapai wilayah ini, seseorang tidak hanya perlu kecerdikan yang luar biasa dan kesempatan beruntung, tetapi juga membutuhkan jumlah yang cukup waktu. Orang-orang di Blue Wind Empire yang bisa mencapai Kaisar Realm Mendalam yang selalu lebih dari ratusan tahun. Setelah mencapai wilayah ini, bahkan jika tubuh fisik hancur, satu masih bisa mengambil bentuk oleh mengkristal jiwa; jika mereka bisa menemukan kesempatan untuk membangun kembali tubuh fisik, mereka akan mampu sempurna membangkitkan. Namun gadis ini yang memiliki tubuhnya hancur, yang jiwanya masih hidup dan bergantung pada kekuatan hidupnya, jelas memiliki kekuatan Kaisar Realm Mendalam! Bagaimana menakutkan dari konsep itu? Namun kalimat berikutnya gadis itu, tertegun Yun Che untuk seluruh lima detik. "Kaisar Realm Mendalam?" Tatapan gadis itu tidak goyah, tapi wajahnya secara terbuka menyatakan tertarik dalam: "Apa itu? "Yun Che:". ... "Pada saat ini, suara langkah kaki yang sedikit bergegas bisa didengar dari depan. Tatapan Jasmine beku, dan perlahan-lahan bentak tubuhnya sekitar. Pemilik jejak suara cepat muncul dalam visi mereka. Xiao Jiu! "Satu lagi telah datang untuk hidup saya. Apa yang harus dilakukan adalah terserah Anda. "Ketika ia menghadapi Xiao Ba sebelumnya, meskipun ia memiliki nya" senjata rahasia "yang diselenggarakan di tangan, itu tidak mungkin untuk menegaskan bahwa ia tidak gugup. Tapi sekarang, melihat Xiao Jiu di depan matanya, ia tidak gugup bahkan sedikit pun. Dia bersandar setengah dari tubuhnya ke batang pohon di belakangnya, tatapannya menuju Xiao Jiu benar-benar berisi sedikit kecil kasihan .... dan kekecewaan ... Mengapa hanya Xiao Jiu datang? Ini akan menjadi besar jika beberapa datang untuk menemaninya di kuburan. Xiao Jiu pertama

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