Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
He glanced over at me again. “We’ve met, haven’t we? Man, ’cuz you look familiar. I can’t put it. Wait . . .” His pale eyes widened. “Holy shit, it’s true.”“Ritchey,” warned Jax in a low voice as he reached into his pocket. “Don’t piss me off.”“Whoa, man, I’m not trying. I like you. Always have, being we both have seen battle.” He raised his hands, and I saw it then, the vicious red track marks on his arms. “But you got to know, there’s more word on the street, talking about how Mona’s daughter is here. I just didn’t believe it. You better hope Isaiah doesn’t catch wind of that shit.”Well, a little late on hoping for that.“Stop looking at her,” Jax ordered, and Ritchey stopped looking at me as Jax pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and dropped it on the counter. “Use that to get your boy some food. If I even fucking catch wind of you spending it on dope, I’m going to revisit and it isn’t going to be pretty.”My breath caught as I stared at the money. It wasn’t a whole ton of it, but it was a decent-size wad. Then I stared at Jax. He was giving money to Ritchey for his kid. I think in that moment, I definitely went from liking Jax straight into crush territory.After Jax dropped the money on the counter, he said something to Ritchey about us not being there, and then he took my hand and led me out of the house. I wanted to grab the child and make a run for it, but considering how everything was going for me, I doubted he’d be better off with me."Harus kami telah memeriksa lantai atas?" Aku bertanya sebagai pintu ditutup di belakang kami.JAX menggelengkan kepala. "Ritchey tidak berbohong. Mona tidak ada. Kami akan memeriksa Ike dan melihat apakah ia telah tahu."Aku menuju ke bawah tangga, pikiran saya terjebak dalam segala hal. Aku akan datang rumah berpikir saya bisa mendapatkan uang saya kembali dari ibu, atau setidaknya memiliki keluar dengan dia; menyadari tak satu pun dari kedua hal itu akan terjadi; dan mencoba untuk membuat beberapa uang yang dibutuhkan, tetapi pada akhirnya, mendapati diriku di tengah sengketa obat juta dolar.Ibu.Menghela napas."Anda baik-baik saja?" Dia bertanya pelan, meremas tanganku seperti kita memukul trotoar.Melirik ke arahnya, aku menyadari sesuatu yang lain, sesuatu yang mungkin bagian yang paling tak terduga dalam semua ini. Saya akan menemukan Jax. Aku mengangguk, dan kemudian aku berkata, "No maksudku, sudah begitu lama sejak saya telah sekitar hal ini. Aku lupa apa rasanya."JAX menarik saya lebih dekat sampai aku sedang berjalan dengan tubuh saya ditekan terhadap sisinya dan, melepaskan tanganku, ia dijatuhkan lengan bahu saya. Ini adalah bagus. Brandon akan melakukan hal ini kadang-kadang, tapi itu tidak pernah merasa seperti ini."Tidak keren bahwa Anda harus ingat apa yang ini adalah seperti," katanya. "Bahwa Anda hanya tidak bisa melupakan. Aku tidak ingin bahwa — "Tires squealed, shrieking, and the smell of burnt rubber filled the air. The sound raised the hairs all over my body as Jax’s arm tightened on my shoulders. He spun around, keeping me tucked close, just in time to see a black SUV cut between two parked cars, smacking into one. Metal crunched and grinded, giving way as the SUV jumped the sidewalk.My heart stopped and then sped up. The SUV was coming straight for us.
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