About The Semarang City Print  EmailHits: 4307Semarang is a city on th terjemahan - About The Semarang City Print  EmailHits: 4307Semarang is a city on th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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About The Semarang City

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Semarang is a city on the north coast of the island of Java, Indonesia. It is the capital of the province of Central Java. It has an area of 373.67 km² and a population of approximately 1.5 million people, making it Indonesia's fifth largest city. Semarang is located at 6°58′S 110°25′E? / ?6.967°S 110.417°E? / -6.967; 110.417. A major port during the Dutch colonial era, and still an important port today, the city has a large ethnically Chinese population.

The name of the city, Semarang, may have originated from the concatenation of the words "assam" (tamarind) and "arang" (charcoal). Another version is that Semarang is originated from Chinese word Sam Po Lang, meaning "the city of Sam Po" (Admiral Zheng He).


Semarang's history dates back to the ninth century, when it was known as Bergota. By the end of fifteenth century, a Javanese Islamic missionary from nearby Sultanate of Demak with the name of Kyai Pandan Arang founded a village and an Islamic boarding school in this place. On May 1, 1547, after consulting Sunan Kalijaga, Sultan Hadiwijaya of Pajang declared Kyai Pandan Arang the first bupati (regent) of Semarang, thus culturally and politically, on this day Semarang was born.

In 1678, Sunan Amangkurat II promised to give control of Semarang to the Dutch East India Company (VOC) as a part of a debt payment. In 1682, the Semarang state was founded by the Dutch colonial power. On October 5, 1705 after years of occupations, Semarang officially became a VOC city when Susuhunan Pakubuwono I made a deal to give extensive trade rights to the VOC in exchange of wiping out Mataram's debt. The VOC, and later, the Dutch East Indies government, established tobacco plantations in the region and built roads and railroads, making Semarang an important colonial trading centre.

In the 1920s, the city became a center of leftist and nationalist activism. With the founding of the Communist Party of Indonesia in the city, Semarang became known as the "Red City". The Japanese military occupied the city along with the rest of Java in 1942, during Pacific War of World War II. During that time, Semarang was headed by a military governor called a Shiko), and two vice governors known as Fuku Shiko. One of the vice governors was appointed from Japan, and the other was chosen from the local population. After Indonesian independence in 1945, Semarang became the capital of Central Java province.


The city of Semarang divided into 16 districts (kecamatan) and 177 sub-districts of (kelurahan). The 16 districts are: West Semarang, East Semarang, Central Semarang, North Semarang, South Semarang, Candisari, Gajahmungkur, Gayamsari, Pedurungan, Genuk, Tembalang, Banyumanik, Gunungpati, Mijen, Ngaliyan, and Tugu.

A Bupati (regent) used to be the head of government in Semarang until 1906. After 1906, the city of Semarang was headed by a Mayor (Walikota).

Mayors of Semarang after Indonesian independence:

Moch. lchsan
Koesoebiyono (1949 - 1 July 1951)
RM Hadisoebeno Sosrowardoyo (1 July 1951 - 1 January 1958)
Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (7 January 1958 - 1 January 1960)
RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (1 January 1961 - 26 April 1964)
Wuryanto (25 April 1964 - 1 September 1966)
Soeparno (1 September 1966 - 6 March 1967)
R. Warsito Soegiarto (6 March 1967 - 2 January 1973)
Hadijanto (2 January 1973 - 15 January 1980)
Imam Soeparto Tjakrajoeda (15 January 1980 - 19 January 1990)
Soetrisno Suharto (19 January 1990 - 19 January 2000)
Sukawi Sutarip (19 January 2000 - present)

Semarang is located on the northern coast of Java. The northern part of the city is built on the coastal plain while the southern parts, known as Candi Lama and Candi Baru, are on higher ground. Two rivers run through the city, one on the east side and one through the west side, essentially dividing the city into thirds.


The western part of the city is home to many industrial parks and factories. The port of Semarang is located on the north coast and it is the main shipping port for the province of Central Java. Many small manufacturers are located in Semarang, producing goods such as textiles, furniture, and processed foods. Large companies, such as Kubota and Coca-Cola, also have plants in Semarang or its outer towns.

Many major banks in Indonesia have large offices in Semarang. These include BCA, BNI, Panin Bank, HSBC, Permata, and Bank Mandiri. Most of these offices are located in the center of the city, especially around Jalan Pandanaran and Jalan Pemuda.

Hospitality is becoming increasingly important in Semarang. It is home to about a dozen upscale hotels that cater to business travelers and tourists. The most noteworthy are Hotel Ciputra, Grand Candi Hotel and recently opened Hotel Gumaya.

Consumer activity spending remains strong Semarang. Most locals attend daily or weekly markets, like Pasar Johor. The majority of stores in Semarang are small, family-owned businesses. However, larger Indonesian companies as well as foreign companies have begun to open their own stores here. Carrefour, a French hypermarket chain, opened its first store in Central Java at the brand-new DP Mall in Semarang, one of the 3 main shopping malls in the city. The other two malls are Ciputra Mall and the Java Supermall.


The population of Semarang is predominantly Javanese, though with smaller numbers of people from many regions in Indonesia. The city is known for its large ethnically Chinese population. The main languages spoken are Indonesian and Javanese. Sometimes Hokkien Chinese or Mandarin is spoken among the Chinese minority.

Sights, temples and monuments

As a result of its large ethnically Chinese population, the city boasts several Chinese temples. These include Sam Po Kong (Gedung Batu), built in honour of the Chinese Great Admiral Zheng He who visited the area in 1405, and Tay Kak Sie Temple. Blenduk Church, a 1753 Protestant church built by the Dutch, is located in the old town (called "Oudstad"). Tugu Muda (Youth Monument), a monument to heroes of Indonesia's independence struggle, is located in a large roundabout surrounded by famous buildings such as Gedung Lawang Sewu and the Semarang Cathedral. Jalan Pemuda, one of the roads leading into the roundabout, is a major shopping street. The Cathedral of the Holy Rosary is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Semarang.


Semarang is widely known for its Bandeng Presto (pressure-cooked milkfish) and Lumpia.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tentang kota Semarang Cetak EmailHits: 4307Semarang merupakan sebuah kota di pantai utara pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Kota ini adalah ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Memiliki luas sebesar 373.67 km² dan populasi sekitar 1,5 juta orang, sehingga kota terbesar kelima di Indonesia. Semarang terletak di 6 ° 58′S 110 ° 25′E? /? 6.967 ° S 110.417 ° E? /-6.967; 110.417. sebuah pelabuhan utama selama era kolonial Belanda, dan masih merupakan pelabuhan penting hari, kota ini memiliki populasi etnis Cina yang besar.Nama kota, Semarang, mungkin berasal dari rangkaian kata-kata "assam" (asam) dan "arang" (arang). Versi lain adalah bahwa Semarang berasal dari kata Cina Sam Po Lang, yang berarti "kota dari Sam Po" (Laksamana Zheng He).SejarahSejarah Semarang tanggal kembali ke abad kesembilan, ketika itu dikenal sebagai Bergota. Pada akhir abad kelima belas, seorang misionaris Islam Jawa dari dekatnya Kesultanan Demak dengan nama Kyai Pandan Arang mendirikan desa dan pesantren di tempat ini. Pada tanggal 1 Mei 1547, setelah konsultasi Sunan Kalijaga, Sultan Hadiwijaya Pajang menyatakan Kyai Pandan Arang bupati pertama (Bupati) Semarang, dengan demikian secara budaya dan politik, pada hari ini Semarang dilahirkan.Pada tahun 1678, Amangkurat II dari berjanji untuk memberikan Semarang untuk perusahaan India Timur Belanda (VOC) sebagai bagian dari pembayaran utang. 1682, negara Semarang didirikan oleh kuasa kolonial Belanda. Pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1705 setelah tahun, Semarang resmi menjadi kota VOC ketika Susuhunan Pakubuwono saya membuat kesepakatan perdagangan memberikan hak kepada VOC pertukaran di Kartasura. VOC dan kemudian pemerintah Hindia Belanda, berdiri perkebunan tembakau di wilayah dan membangun jalan dan rel kereta api, membuat Semarang kolonial perdagangan penting pusat.Tahun 1920-an, kota ini menjadi pusat Burgemeester. Dengan pendirian Partai Komunis Indonesia di kota, Semarang menjadi dikenal sebagai "Kota merah". Militer Jepang menduduki kota bersama dengan seluruh Jawa pada tahun 1942, selama Pacific perang perang dunia II. Selama waktu itu, Semarang dipimpin oleh seorang Gubernur militer yang disebut Shiko), dan dua Wakil Gubernur dikenal sebagai Fuku Shiko. Salah satu Wakil Gubernur diangkat dari Jepang, dan yang lainnya dipilih dari penduduk setempat. Setelah Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945, Semarang menjadi ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah.AdministrasiKota Semarang terbagi menjadi 16 Kabupaten (kecamatan) dan Kecamatan 177 (kelurahan). 16 Kabupaten yang: Barat Semarang, Semarang Timur, Pusat Semarang, Semarang Utara, Selatan Semarang, Candisari, Gajahmungkur, Gayamsari, Pedurungan, Genuk, Tembalang, Banyumanik, Gunungpati, Mijen, Ngaliyan, dan Tugu.A Bupati (regent) used to be the head of government in Semarang until 1906. After 1906, the city of Semarang was headed by a Mayor (Walikota).Mayors of Semarang after Indonesian independence:Moch. lchsanKoesoebiyono (1949 - 1 July 1951)RM Hadisoebeno Sosrowardoyo (1 July 1951 - 1 January 1958)Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (7 January 1958 - 1 January 1960)RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (1 January 1961 - 26 April 1964)Wuryanto (25 April 1964 - 1 September 1966)Soeparno (1 September 1966 - 6 March 1967)R. Warsito Soegiarto (6 March 1967 - 2 January 1973)Hadijanto (2 January 1973 - 15 January 1980)Imam Soeparto Tjakrajoeda (15 January 1980 - 19 January 1990)Soetrisno Suharto (19 January 1990 - 19 January 2000)Sukawi Sutarip (19 January 2000 - present)GeographySemarang is located on the northern coast of Java. The northern part of the city is built on the coastal plain while the southern parts, known as Candi Lama and Candi Baru, are on higher ground. Two rivers run through the city, one on the east side and one through the west side, essentially dividing the city into thirds.EconomyThe western part of the city is home to many industrial parks and factories. The port of Semarang is located on the north coast and it is the main shipping port for the province of Central Java. Many small manufacturers are located in Semarang, producing goods such as textiles, furniture, and processed foods. Large companies, such as Kubota and Coca-Cola, also have plants in Semarang or its outer towns.Many major banks in Indonesia have large offices in Semarang. These include BCA, BNI, Panin Bank, HSBC, Permata, and Bank Mandiri. Most of these offices are located in the center of the city, especially around Jalan Pandanaran and Jalan Pemuda.Hospitality is becoming increasingly important in Semarang. It is home to about a dozen upscale hotels that cater to business travelers and tourists. The most noteworthy are Hotel Ciputra, Grand Candi Hotel and recently opened Hotel Gumaya.Consumer activity spending remains strong Semarang. Most locals attend daily or weekly markets, like Pasar Johor. The majority of stores in Semarang are small, family-owned businesses. However, larger Indonesian companies as well as foreign companies have begun to open their own stores here. Carrefour, a French hypermarket chain, opened its first store in Central Java at the brand-new DP Mall in Semarang, one of the 3 main shopping malls in the city. The other two malls are Ciputra Mall and the Java Supermall.CultureThe population of Semarang is predominantly Javanese, though with smaller numbers of people from many regions in Indonesia. The city is known for its large ethnically Chinese population. The main languages spoken are Indonesian and Javanese. Sometimes Hokkien Chinese or Mandarin is spoken among the Chinese minority.Sights, temples and monumentsAs a result of its large ethnically Chinese population, the city boasts several Chinese temples. These include Sam Po Kong (Gedung Batu), built in honour of the Chinese Great Admiral Zheng He who visited the area in 1405, and Tay Kak Sie Temple. Blenduk Church, a 1753 Protestant church built by the Dutch, is located in the old town (called "Oudstad"). Tugu Muda (Youth Monument), a monument to heroes of Indonesia's independence struggle, is located in a large roundabout surrounded by famous buildings such as Gedung Lawang Sewu and the Semarang Cathedral. Jalan Pemuda, one of the roads leading into the roundabout, is a major shopping street. The Cathedral of the Holy Rosary is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Semarang.FoodSemarang is widely known for its Bandeng Presto (pressure-cooked milkfish) and Lumpia.
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