anthraquic horizons of rice-irrigated surface waterlogged soils are di terjemahan - anthraquic horizons of rice-irrigated surface waterlogged soils are di Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

anthraquic horizons of rice-irrigat

anthraquic horizons of rice-irrigated surface waterlogged soils are distinguished as hydragric
c) Human induced new parent materials
Unconsolidated mineral or organic soil materials resulting largely from landfills, mine spoil,
urban rubble, garbage dumps, dredgings, produced by human activities generate fresh
‘anthropogeomorphic’ parent materials upon which soil forming factors can start acting anew
(Kosse, 2000).
It is this type of ‘anthropogenic soils’ that has received most attention and for which a
number of names have been suggested: Spolents (Sencindiver et al., 1978), Potisols (Fanning
et al., 1978), Depo-subgroups and Methanosols (Blume, 1989), the latter for organic wastes
which break down anaerobically and cause the build-up of methane in landfills. In Russia
(Shishov et al., 2001) the ‘Technogenic Superficial Formations’ are considered separately
from the actual soil classification, the composition and origin of landfill materials being
criteria for a further subdivision. Soils of sealed surfaces, under roads or buildings, are also
recorded in order to provide data on the kinds and areas of soils which are lost to urban and
industrial development (Blume, 1989). In the WRB these soils were not retained as
Anthrosols on account of not having been subject for a sufficiently long period of time to
pedogenetic processes. They are assigned to the Regosols (Entisols) qualified at subgroup
level in accordance with the origin of the anthropogeomorphic material (spolic, garbic,
d) Human induced deep soil disturbance
This type of anthropogenic soils refers to deep plowing, ripping, battlefields, trenches,
excavations, pipelines, construction sites, cemeteries, broken hardened layers or pans. These
soils show no diagnostic horizons or only fragments which are not arranged in any
discernible manner. Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) recognizes Arents for these
types of materials. In Germany these soils are classified as Treposols and Rigosols (DBG,
1985). The WRB accommodates them as Aric subgroups.
e) Human induced change of landform
Terracing is an agricultural technique with a long history that has transformed landscapes and
soils in many parts of the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe (Sandor, 1998). Early ages for
terracing are approximately 3000-4000 years B.P. in the Near East, eastern Asia and the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
anthraquic horizons of rice-irrigated surface waterlogged soils are distinguished as hydragricAnthrosols.c) Human induced new parent materialsUnconsolidated mineral or organic soil materials resulting largely from landfills, mine spoil,urban rubble, garbage dumps, dredgings, produced by human activities generate fresh‘anthropogeomorphic’ parent materials upon which soil forming factors can start acting anew(Kosse, 2000).It is this type of ‘anthropogenic soils’ that has received most attention and for which anumber of names have been suggested: Spolents (Sencindiver et al., 1978), Potisols (Fanninget al., 1978), Depo-subgroups and Methanosols (Blume, 1989), the latter for organic wasteswhich break down anaerobically and cause the build-up of methane in landfills. In Russia(Shishov et al., 2001) the ‘Technogenic Superficial Formations’ are considered separatelyfrom the actual soil classification, the composition and origin of landfill materials beingcriteria for a further subdivision. Soils of sealed surfaces, under roads or buildings, are alsorecorded in order to provide data on the kinds and areas of soils which are lost to urban andindustrial development (Blume, 1989). In the WRB these soils were not retained asAnthrosols on account of not having been subject for a sufficiently long period of time topedogenetic processes. They are assigned to the Regosols (Entisols) qualified at subgrouplevel in accordance with the origin of the anthropogeomorphic material (spolic, garbic,urbic).d) Human induced deep soil disturbanceThis type of anthropogenic soils refers to deep plowing, ripping, battlefields, trenches,excavations, pipelines, construction sites, cemeteries, broken hardened layers or pans. Thesesoils show no diagnostic horizons or only fragments which are not arranged in anydiscernible manner. Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) recognizes Arents for thesetypes of materials. In Germany these soils are classified as Treposols and Rigosols (DBG,1985). The WRB accommodates them as Aric subgroups.e) Human induced change of landformTerracing is an agricultural technique with a long history that has transformed landscapes andsoils in many parts of the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe (Sandor, 1998). Early ages forterracing are approximately 3000-4000 years B.P. in the Near East, eastern Asia and the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
cakrawala anthraquic permukaan terendam air tanah sawah irigasi dibedakan sebagai hydragric
c) Manusia diinduksi bahan induk baru
mineral yang tidak dikonsolidasi atau bahan organik tanah yang dihasilkan sebagian besar dari tempat pembuangan sampah, tambang merusak,
puing-puing perkotaan, pembuangan sampah, dredgings, dihasilkan oleh aktivitas manusia menghasilkan segar
'anthropogeomorphic' bahan induk di mana faktor-faktor tanah pembentuk dapat mulai bertindak lagi
(Kosse, 2000).
ini adalah jenis 'tanah antropogenik' yang telah menerima perhatian yang besar dan yang satu
sejumlah nama telah diusulkan: Spolents (Sencindiver et al ., 1978), Potisols (Fanning
et al., 1978), Depo-subkelompok dan Methanosols (Blume, 1989), yang kedua untuk limbah organik
yang memecah anaerob dan menyebabkan penumpukan metana di tempat pembuangan sampah. Di Rusia
(Shishov et al., 2001) yang 'technogenic superfisial Formasi' dianggap secara terpisah
dari klasifikasi tanah yang sebenarnya, komposisi dan asal bahan TPA menjadi
kriteria untuk pembagian lebih lanjut. Tanah dari permukaan disegel, di bawah jalan atau bangunan, juga
dicatat untuk memberikan data tentang jenis dan bidang tanah yang hilang untuk perkotaan dan
pengembangan industri (Blume, 1989). Dalam WRB tanah ini tidak dipertahankan sebagai
Anthrosols karena tidak telah dikenakan untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama untuk
proses pedogenetic. Mereka ditugaskan untuk Regosols (Entisol) kualifikasi di subkelompok
tingkat sesuai dengan asal-usul bahan anthropogeomorphic (spolic, garbic,
D) Manusia diinduksi gangguan tanah yang dalam
ini jenis tanah antropogenik mengacu membajak, merobek, medan perang , parit,
penggalian, pipa, lokasi konstruksi, pemakaman, rusak lapisan mengeras atau panci. Ini
tanah tidak menunjukkan cakrawala diagnostik atau hanya fragmen yang tidak diatur dalam
cara yang dilihat. Tanah Taksonomi (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) mengakui Arents untuk ini
jenis bahan. Di Jerman tanah ini diklasifikasikan sebagai Treposols dan Rigosols (DBG,
1985). WRB mengakomodasi mereka sebagai subkelompok Aric.
E) Manusia diinduksi perubahan bentuk lahan
Terasering adalah teknik pertanian dengan sejarah panjang yang telah mengubah lanskap dan
tanah di banyak bagian Amerika, Asia, Afrika dan Eropa (Sandor, 1998). Awal usia untuk
terasering sekitar 3000-4000 tahun BP di Timur Dekat, Asia Timur dan
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