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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
This table presents descriptive statistics for the variables used in the empirical analyses. The sample is comprised of 16,340 firm-years spanning the period 1993 through 2010. Financial reporting delay, DELAY, is measured as the number of calendar days from firm i’s fiscal year-end to the annual earnings announcement date. The book effective tax rate, ETR, is computed as total tax expense (Compustat TXTi,t) divided by pretax book income less special items (Compustat PIi,t - SPIi,t). The current cash effective tax rate, CETR, is computed as total cash taxes paid (Compustat TXPDi,t) divided by pretax book income less special items (Compustat PIi,t - SPIi,t). Total book-tax difference, BTD, is computed using the Hanlon et al. (2005) methodology. Discretionary tax planning, DTAX, is computed following Frank et al. (2009). Earnings surprise, UE, is computed as the difference between actual earnings per share minus the mean analyst consensus forecast immediately preceding the earnings announcement date, scaled by lagged fiscal year-end stock price. EXTR, is an indicator variable equal to one if the firm has reported extraordinary items during the fiscal year. LOSS is an indicator variable equal to one if the firm reports negative net income during the fiscal year. OPIN is an indicator variable equal to one if the firm did not receive a standard, unqualified audit opinion for the most recent fiscal year. FYE is an indicator variable equal to one if the firm has a December 31 fiscal year end. BIG4 is an indicator variable equal to one if the firm was audited by one of the Big Four audit firms. SIZE is measured as the natural log of total assets (Compustat ATi,t). Litigation risk, LIT, is an indicator variable equal to one if the firm’s SIC code is in 2833–3836, 3570–3577, 3600–3674, 5200–5961, 7370–7374. Market-to-book ratio, MTB, is computed as the ratio of market value of equity (Compustat PRCC_Fi,t 9 CSHOi,t) to book value of equity (Compustat CEQi,t). Leverage, LEV, is computed as total long term debt (Compustat DLTTi,t) divided by total assets (Compustat ATi,t). Financial distress, DISTRESS, is measured using Zmijewski’s (1984) prediction model. Share-based volatility, VOL, is measured as the natural logarithm of the ratio of total common shares traded during the year (Compustat CSHTR_Ci,t) to total common shares outstanding at fiscal year-end (Compustat CSHOi,t). Share concentration ratio, CON, is measured as total shares outstanding (Compustat CSHOi,t) divided by total shareholders (Compustat CSHRi,t). PPE is computed as net property, plant and equipment (Compustat PPENTi,t) divided by total assets (Compustat ATi,t). Pretax discretionary accruals, ACC, is computed following Frank et al. (2009). Effective tax rates (ETR and CETR) are constrained to lie on the [0,1] interval. Firms with negative pretax book income (Compustat PIi,t), total tax expense (Compustat TXTi,t) or cash taxes paid (Compustat TXPDi,t) are omitted from the analysis. Utilities and financial firms are excluded from the sample. All continuous variables are winsorized at the 1 and 99 % levelCorporate tax avoidance 59
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