“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he murmured, bending down to drop a quic terjemahan - “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he murmured, bending down to drop a quic Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he mu

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he murmured, bending down to drop a quick kiss onto the soft, exposed skin where her shoulder and neck met. “I called your name at least twice but you were totally wrapped up in your own little world.”
“I was just thinking…” she shrugged, her voice trailing off.
“Everything… nothing,” another listless shrug.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, coming down on his haunches in front of her.
“I’m fine. A little tired…” He lifted a hand and gently traced one of her delicate cheekbones with his thumb before nimbly jumping to his feet and sitting down on the sofa next to her. Neither of them said anything for a while, they just listened to the rain and watched it cascading down the window like a waterfall.
“I want you to meet my father,” he suddenly announced unexpectedly and she froze before turning her head slowly to meet his brooding gaze.
“My father…” he repeated and she bit her lip before clearing her throat uncertainly.
“I don’t know if that’s…” she began but he interrupted her before she could finish.
“His condition is deteriorating very quickly,” he said abruptly, his voice broke slightly as he said the words and his jaw clenched.
“Oh Sandro, I’m so sorry…” she whispered, her eyes going liquid with sympathy for him. “When’s your flight?”
“I’m not leaving,” he told her grimly and her eyes shadowed in confusion, before flaring as she realized why he refused to go and be with his father.
“Sandro,” her voice was so low it barely carried to the man who sat inches away from her. “You can’t stay because of me. You have to go and be with your family. Your place is with them right now.”
“You’re my family too, Theresa,” he suddenly snapped, a maelstrom of frustration and pain welling up in his eyes. “And I refuse to leave you here alone.”
“Hardly alone, Sandro…” she dismissed airily. “The staff, Lisa and Rick and even my father are here for me. Go home to your family…”
“This is where I have to be, this is where I’m staying. Stop arguing with me for God’s sake!” he growled.
“You are not going to blame me for this too, Sandro…” she fumed impotently, recognizing the stubborn tilt of his jaw and the steely resolution in his eyes and knowing that his mind was made up and he wouldn’t budge on the issue unless something drastic happened to change his mind. “The only reason you’re here now is because of my father and his corrupt little blackmailing scheme! My father and I have messed up your life and your family enough; don’t make it worse by staying here with me of all people, when the family you sacrificed your freedom for needs you the most.”
“Don’t you ever,” he suddenly seethed, grabbing and gripping her hand so tightly he cut off the circulation. “Lump yourself into the same category as your father again, Theresa, none of this is your fault and right now you need me too.”
“I do not need you,” she enunciated clearly. “I refuse to let you martyr yourself like this. Duty above all else… is that it? Long-suffering Sandro, always doing the right thing, always putting everybody else’s needs before his own. Always sacrificing his own happiness at the altar of familial obligation. I am not going to be your obligation, Sandro. I refuse… go be with your family!”
“You are my family, damn it! You, you, you!” He suddenly shouted in frustration and she jumped in fright, her jaw going slack as he leapt from the sofa to loom over her furiously. So rarely did Sandro lose his cool like this that Theresa simply stared up into his frustrated, wretched face in shocked silence. All the air suddenly seemed to leave his sails and his shoulders sagged as he dropped to his knees in front of her, bringing his eyes down to the same level as hers. “I want to be here with you… why is that so hard for you to understand?” His voice had dropped down to a whisper. His eyes suddenly, shockingly, filled with moisture which he made no attempt to hide from her and he muttered something in Italian, his voice thick with emotion. She bit her lip and shook her head.
“I don’t understand…” she whispered regretfully and he reached out a large hand to cup her cheek.
“My father is dying, cara,” he repeated in English, his voice absolutely wracked with emotion. “Please… I need you to just not fight with me right now.” She nodded and reached out with both hands to stroke his hair back from his broad, proud forehead. The gesture seemed to undo him and his face crumpled before he wrapped his strong arms around her thickened waist and buried his face in the mound of her stomach and Theresa curled her upper body protectively over his head as she whispered soothing little snippets of nothing into his hair.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to make this more difficult; I just thought that you were staying out of some misguided sense of honour and obligation. I would hate that, Sandro. I would hate for you to stay and then if the… the worst happened… you would blame me because you couldn’t be there at his side.”
“I know,” he murmured, finally lifting his head to look up at her, his face grim and carefully neutral, despite the roiling emotion she could see in his eyes. “And I can see why you would think that… I have blamed you for way too much in the past and treated you terribly but you have to believe me when I tell you that the last thing in the world I want to do anymore, is hurt you, Theresa.” She said nothing… knowing that even though it would not be intentional, he would still hurt her when he eventually left, when they divorced, when he married Francesca. All of those things were as inevitable as the sunset, they would happen and they would devastate her.
“So what did you want to ask me?” She finally asked, without acknowledging his fervent words. The omission did not go unnoticed and Sandro flinched slightly before taking a deep breath and levering himself up off his knees to sit down on the sofa beside her, angling his body so that he could face her.
“I want you to meet my father,” he repeated and her eyes showed her confusion.
“I’m not sure I understand… you know that doctor Shelbourne has prohibited any flying during my third trimester,” he smiled slightly before shaking his head.
“Theresa, cara, you really need to catch up to the twenty-first century,” he teased half-heartedly, it had become a standing joke between him and Rick, of all people, that Theresa was so technologically-backward. She could barely operate her mobile phone, so e-mailing, instant messaging and every other form of electronic –inging, left her completely baffled. She had wiped out the hard drives on three laptops in as many years and now kept her records strictly on paper in a filing cabinet in her office.
“So then, what do you have in mind?” She asked curiously.
“Certainly nothing that involves either you or my father flying anywhere… have you never heard of video-conferencing?” He asked, brushing back a strand of hair that had slipped from its anchor behind her ear, to swing into her face. He always did little things like that lately, he was always touching her, petting her and after her initial discomfort with all the contact, Theresa now barely even noticed it, simply enjoying the pampering.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he murmured, bending down to drop a quick kiss onto the soft, exposed skin where her shoulder and neck met. “I called your name at least twice but you were totally wrapped up in your own little world.”“I was just thinking…” she shrugged, her voice trailing off.“About?”“Everything… nothing,” another listless shrug.“How are you feeling?” He asked, coming down on his haunches in front of her.“I’m fine. A little tired…” He lifted a hand and gently traced one of her delicate cheekbones with his thumb before nimbly jumping to his feet and sitting down on the sofa next to her. Neither of them said anything for a while, they just listened to the rain and watched it cascading down the window like a waterfall.“I want you to meet my father,” he suddenly announced unexpectedly and she froze before turning her head slowly to meet his brooding gaze.“What?”“My father…” he repeated and she bit her lip before clearing her throat uncertainly.“I don’t know if that’s…” she began but he interrupted her before she could finish.“His condition is deteriorating very quickly,” he said abruptly, his voice broke slightly as he said the words and his jaw clenched.“Oh Sandro, I’m so sorry…” she whispered, her eyes going liquid with sympathy for him. “When’s your flight?”“I’m not leaving,” he told her grimly and her eyes shadowed in confusion, before flaring as she realized why he refused to go and be with his father."Sandro," suaranya begitu rendah hampir dibawa ke orang yang duduk di inci dari padanya. "Anda tidak bisa tinggal karena saya. Anda harus pergi dan keluarga Anda. Tempat Anda adalah dengan mereka sekarang.""Kau keluarga saya juga, Theresa," Dia tiba-tiba membentak, pusaran frustrasi dan rasa sakit yang menggenang di matanya. "Dan aku menolak untuk meninggalkan Anda di sini sendirian.""Hampir tidak sendirian, Sandro..." dia diberhentikan airily. " Staf, Lisa dan Rick dan bahkan ayah saya di sini bagi saya. Pulang ke rumah untuk keluarga Anda...""Ini adalah dimana saya harus, ini adalah tempat saya tinggal. Berhenti berdebat dengan saya demi Tuhan!"Dia berkata sambil menggeram."Anda tidak akan menyalahkan saya untuk ini juga, Sandro..." dia kesal impotently, mengenali kemiringan keras kepala rahang beliau dan resolusi steely di matanya dan mengetahui bahwa pikirannya terdiri dan ia tidak akan bergerak pada masalah kecuali sesuatu yang drastis terjadi untuk mengubah pikirannya. " Satu-satunya alasan Anda di sini sekarang adalah karena ayah saya dan nya korup skema sedikit blackmailing! Ayah saya dan saya telah mengacaukan hidup Anda dan keluarga Anda cukup; Jangan membuatnya lebih buruk dengan tinggal di sini dengan saya semua orang, ketika keluarga Anda mengorbankan kebebasan Anda untuk kebutuhan Anda yang paling.""Jangan Anda sebelumnya," Dia tiba-tiba kambing yang dimasak, meraih dan menggenggam tangannya begitu erat ia memotong sirkulasi. "Benjolan diri Anda ke dalam kategori yang sama sebagai ayahmu lagi, Theresa, Semua ini adalah kesalahan Anda dan sekarang Anda perlu saya juga.""Aku tidak perlu Anda," dia tercantum jelas. "Saya menolak untuk membiarkan Anda martir diri seperti ini. Tugas di atas segalanya... adalah bahwa hal itu? Penderitaan panjang Sandro, selalu melakukan hal yang benar, selalu menempatkan kebutuhan orang lain sebelum dirinya sendiri. Selalu mengorbankan kebahagiaan nya sendiri di altar keluarga kewajiban. Aku tidak akan menjadi kewajiban Anda, Sandro. Aku menolak... pergi dengan keluarga Anda! ""Anda adalah keluarga saya, sialan! Anda, Anda, Anda!" Dia tiba-tiba berteriak frustrasi dan dia melompat dalam ketakutan, rahang nya akan kendur ketika ia melompat dari sofa untuk alat tenun atas dia marah. Sangat jarang Sandro kehilangan dingin seperti ini yang Theresa hanya menatap sampai ke wajahnya frustrasi, celaka dalam keheningan terkejut. Semua udara tiba-tiba tampaknya meninggalkan layar nya dan bahunya terkulai seperti dia jatuh berlutut di depannya, membawa matanya ke tingkat yang sama sebagai miliknya. "Saya ingin berada di sini dengan Anda... Mengapa begitu sulit bagi Anda untuk memahami?" Suaranya telah menjatuhkan turun ke bisikan. Matanya tiba-tiba, mengejutkan, penuh dengan kelembaban yang dibuatnya tidak ada usaha untuk menyembunyikan dari dia dan ia bergumam sesuatu di Italia, suaranya tebal dengan emosi. Dia sedikit bibir dan menggelengkan kepalanya."Aku tidak mengerti..." dia berbisik menyesal dan ia mengulurkan tangan besar untuk Piala pipiku nya."Ayahku sedang sekarat, cara," ia diulang dalam bahasa Inggris, suaranya benar-benar didera dengan emosi. "Tolong... Saya perlu Anda untuk tidak hanya melawan dengan saya sekarang." Dia mengangguk dan mengulurkan tangan dengan kedua tangan untuk stroke rambutnya kembali dari dahinya luas, bangga. Gerakan tampaknya membatalkan dia dan wajahnya kusut sebelum ia dibungkus tangannya kuat pinggang menebal dan membenamkan wajahnya dalam gundukan perutnya dan Theresa meringkuk bagian atas tubuhnya protektif atas kepalanya sebagai dia berbisik menenangkan potongan kecil dari apa-apa ke rambutnya."Saya minta maaf," katanya lembut. "Aku tidak bermaksud untuk membuat ini lebih sulit; Aku hanya berpikir bahwa Anda tinggal keluar dari beberapa sesat dan rasa kehormatan dan kewajiban. Aku benci itu, Sandro. Saya akan membenci untuk Anda menginap dan lalu jika... yang terburuk yang terjadi... Anda akan menyalahkan saya karena Anda tidak bisa berada di sana di sisinya. ""Aku tahu," ia bersungut, akhirnya mengangkat kepalanya untuk memandang wajah hatinya suram dan hati-hati netral, meskipun emosi bergolak dia bisa melihat di matanya. "Dan aku bisa melihat mengapa Anda akan berpikir bahwa... Saya telah menyalahkan Anda untuk cara terlalu banyak di masa lalu dan memperlakukan Anda sangat tetapi Anda harus percayalah ketika saya memberitahu Anda bahwa hal terakhir di dunia yang ingin saya lakukan lagi, adalah menyakiti Anda, Theresa." Dia mengatakan apa-apa... mengetahui bahwa meskipun tidak akan disengaja, ia akan masih menyakiti dirinya ketika ia akhirnya meninggalkan, ketika mereka bercerai, ketika ia menikah Francesca. Semua hal adalah sebagai tak terelakkan sebagai matahari terbenam, mereka akan terjadi dan mereka akan menghancurkan Ester.“So what did you want to ask me?” She finally asked, without acknowledging his fervent words. The omission did not go unnoticed and Sandro flinched slightly before taking a deep breath and levering himself up off his knees to sit down on the sofa beside her, angling his body so that he could face her.“I want you to meet my father,” he repeated and her eyes showed her confusion.“I’m not sure I understand… you know that doctor Shelbourne has prohibited any flying during my third trimester,” he smiled slightly before shaking his head.“Theresa, cara, you really need to catch up to the twenty-first century,” he teased half-heartedly, it had become a standing joke between him and Rick, of all people, that Theresa was so technologically-backward. She could barely operate her mobile phone, so e-mailing, instant messaging and every other form of electronic –inging, left her completely baffled. She had wiped out the hard drives on three laptops in as many years and now kept her records strictly on paper in a filing cabinet in her office.“So then, what do you have in mind?” She asked curiously.“Certainly nothing that involves either you or my father flying anywhere… have you never heard of video-conferencing?” He asked, brushing back a strand of hair that had slipped from its anchor behind her ear, to swing into her face. He always did little things like that lately, he was always touching her, petting her and after her initial discomfort with all the contact, Theresa now barely even noticed it, simply enjoying the pampering.
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