“Hardly stalkerish,” she shook her head. “I have been living with you  terjemahan - “Hardly stalkerish,” she shook her head. “I have been living with you  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Hardly stalkerish,” she shook her

“Hardly stalkerish,” she shook her head. “I have been living with you for more than eighteen months and I loved you when I married you, I was interested in knowing you. These are the kinds of mundane facts married couples know about each other. Everything I know about you, I had to learn for myself, none of it was ever volunteered. You didn’t know about my hobby, or how I take my coffee, or birthday, is not because I’ve been secretive… I mean those things are hardly secrets, it’s because you were just not interested enough in getting to know me. That’s how it’s been for the last eighteen months and that’s how it still is, despite your sudden feigned interest in me.” He started to say something but she raised her hand to quieten him and was amazed when he actually shut his mouth.
“I know now that I wasn’t the bride you would have chosen for yourself,” she managed to say it despite the huge lump in her throat but she couldn’t meet his eyes as she acknowledged that painful fact. “You made that pretty clear on our wedding night and every day since then. But I think that at the very least, I deserved to be treated with some show of respect…” She bit her lower lip to stop its trembling and wrapped her arms around herself. He said nothing in response, just kept staring at her thoughtfully.
“I don’t really know what you want me to say,” he finally admitted and she smiled sadly.
“I know,” she acknowledged with a dip of the head. “That’s a major part of the problem.”
He unexpectedly shoved himself away from the table and took the couple of steps it required to bring him standing directly in front of her. He hovered threateningly above where she sat and Theresa tried her best not to cower beneath his brooding regard. He then surprised her even further by dropping to his haunches in front of her, placing his hands on the arms of her chair and trapping her in her seat.
“I may not know these things you asked of me, Theresa,” his sexy accent thickened as his voice dropped a few notches. “But I do know you…” She shook her head mutely; disconcerted by both his proximity and his direct stare. He was definitely not avoiding her eyes this time, his gaze just a frank and unflinching regard. She felt like a deer trapped in the headlights and she wanted to look away, she wanted to escape but she could barely breathe, much less avert her gaze.
He raised one hand and Theresa braced herself for his unwanted touch, desperate not to flinch. In the end, she still jumped slightly when his fingertips brushed across her lips.
“I know what makes you tremble with desire,” his voice had lowered even further, nothing more than a seductive rumble now and Lisa’s lips parted slightly. “I know where to touch, where to kiss, where to suck… I know how to make you moan, scream and cry out in ecstasy.
“That’s just sex,” she finally found her voice but hardly sounded convincing. He merely smiled, lifting his other hand until he had her face framed with his thumbs stroking across her cheekbones and his fingertips burrowing into the soft hair at her temples.
“It doesn’t solve anything,” she continued to protest, with the same lack of conviction as before.
“Maybe not,” he shrugged without concern. “But it feels fantastic…”
“But we don’t do it right,” she murmured, thinking about the fact that he’d never kissed her, not on the lips, not once… his fingers stilled and she realised, rather belatedly, that he may have misconstrued her comment, which was fine with her, if it meant that he would stop this blatant seduction of her senses.
“What do you mean?” She could tell how much it cost him to keep the affronted heat out of his voice.
“I always thought that one day I would make love with my husband,” she confessed on a whisper. “But we don’t do that, do we? We have sex… we…” she used a word that she had never in her life uttered before and Sandro flinched slightly in response to it, the soothing stroke of his fingertips stopped abruptly.
“Don’t use language like that,” he growled. “It doesn’t suit you!”
“Well, it’s what you once called it,” she defended herself hotly.
“I would never…”
“You did…” she interrupted what she knew would be a denial. “On our wedding night, after the first time…. I tried to… to…” she blushed as she remembered her naivety back then. She had reached over to snuggle with him and he had moved all the way to the edge of the bed in an effort to get away from her. “Well, anyway, you told me not to mistake what we did with any act of love. That it was much more basic than that. Just sex, you said, just… well… you know…”
His hands had dropped from her face to her shoulders and his eyes narrowed on her painfully humiliated face. His grip tightened on her shoulders and she squirmed slightly before it let up and he kneaded her shoulders slightly.
“Theresa, I was pretty hammered on our wedding night,” she nodded her eyes bright with tears as she remembered how long he had made her wait for him. Her innocent, eager anticipation had been dashed when the dignified, distant husband who had left her all alone in their hotel suite had returned three hours later, so drunk that he could barely hold himself upright. He had fallen onto the bed and immediately passed out, leaving Theresa shattered. Two hours later, his skilful hands on her body had brought her out of a restless doze and he had strummed at and played with her body like it was a finely-tuned musical instrument, making her a willing slave to his every command.
Such had been her response that it had barely registered that his lips hadn’t once touched hers. He had kissed just about every other part of her body and afterwards, while she strove to maintain the closeness between them, he had all-but destroyed her fragile spirit by denigrating the act. She could tell that Sandro was recalling the events of that night too and his eyes dropped to where her hands were still restlessly fidgeting with the pencil which had fallen into her lap. He dropped one huge hand over hers to stop the movement.
“I resented you very much,” he admitted. “Because I felt trapped…”
“Wrong tense, Sandro,” she whispered. “Your resentment is still very current.”
“Things change, Theresa.”
“Some things are inexcusable, Sandro,” she whispered painfully. “And unforgivable.”
“We’re not getting anywhere with this,” he growled in frustration and she dragged her hands out from under his.”
“That’s what I’ve been telling you for the last three days,” she pointed out and he bit off a curse before getting up abruptly. Theresa jumped up too, to avoid being intimidated by his height. But she had miscalculated, he was still too close to her and when she got up, her breasts brushed up the length of his body from groin to torso. They both immediately went still as awareness simmered between them. Theresa made a soft sound and attempted to put some distance between them but Sandro’s arms came up to circle her loosely, his hands meeting in the small of her back and the tips of his fingers just brushing against the slight swell of her backside. Her own hands came up to firmly brace against his chest, she wanted to push him away but somehow her hands were idly stroking instead of exerting any force.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Hampir tidak stalkerish," ia menggelengkan kepalanya. "Saya telah hidup dengan Anda selama lebih dari delapan belas bulan dan aku mencintaimu saat aku menikah Anda, saya tertarik untuk mengetahui Anda. Ini adalah jenis biasa fakta pasangan tahu tentang satu sama lain. Segala sesuatu yang aku tahu tentang Anda, saya harus belajar untuk diriku sendiri, tidak ada yang pernah dibuat secara sukarela. Anda tidak tahu tentang hobi saya, atau bagaimana saya mengambil kopi atau ulang tahun, saya adalah bukan karena aku sudah rahasia... Maksud saya hal-hal yang hampir tidak rahasia, karena Anda tidak hanya cukup tertarik dalam mendapatkan mengenal saya. Itu adalah bagaimana telah selama delapan belas bulan dan itu adalah bagaimana ia masih adalah, meskipun Anda pura-pura ketertarikan saya." Dia mulai mengatakan sesuatu tapi dia mengangkat tangan untuk menenangkan dia dan kagum ketika ia benar-benar menutup mulutnya."Aku tahu sekarang bahwa aku tidak pengantin Anda akan memilih untuk diri sendiri," dia berhasil mengatakan meskipun besar benjolan di tenggorokan tapi ia tidak bisa memenuhi matanya yang ia mengakui fakta itu menyakitkan. "Anda membuat yang cukup jelas pada malam pernikahan kami dan setiap hari sejak itu. Tapi saya pikir bahwa setidaknya, aku pantas untuk diperlakukan dengan beberapa menunjukkan rasa hormat..." Dia sedikit bibir bawah untuk menghentikan yang gemetar dan membungkus lengannya di sekitar dirinya. Dia mengatakan tidak ada dalam tanggapan, hanya terus menatap dia serius."Saya benar-benar tidak tahu apa yang Anda ingin saya untuk mengatakan," dia akhirnya mengakui dan Dia tersenyum sedih."Aku tahu," ia diakui dengan berenang kepala. "Itu adalah bagian besar dari masalah."Dia tiba-tiba mendorong dirinya dari tabel dan mengambil beberapa langkah-langkah yang dibutuhkan untuk membawanya berdiri secara langsung di depannya. Dia melayang menakuti di atas mana dia duduk dan Theresa mencoba yang terbaik untuk tidak gemetar ketakutan di bawah menghormati merenung. Ia kemudian terkejut dirinya lebih jauh dengan menjatuhkan ke nya paha depannya, meletakkan tangannya di atas lengan kursi nya dan perangkap dia di kursi."Saya mungkin tidak tahu hal-hal ini Anda bertanya kepadaku, Theresa," aksennya seksi mengental seperti suaranya menjatuhkan beberapa takik. "Tetapi saya tahu Anda..." Ia menggelengkan kepalanya mutely; disconcerted oleh kedekatan nya dan menatap langsung nya. Ia adalah pasti tidak menghindari matanya saat ini, dengan tatapan yang hanya jujur dan gigih hal. Dia merasa seperti rusa terperangkap di lampu dan dia ingin tampak pergi, dia ingin melarikan diri tetapi dia hampir tidak bisa bernapas, apalagi mencegah pandangan matanya.Ia mengangkat satu tangan dan Theresa bersiap diri untuk sentuhan-nya yang tidak diinginkan, putus asa untuk tidak menyentak. Pada akhirnya, dia masih melompat sedikit ketika jari nya menggosok di bibirnya."Aku tahu apa yang membuat Anda bergetar dengan hasrat," suaranya telah menurunkan lebih jauh, tidak lebih dari gemuruh menggoda sekarang dan Lisa bibir berpisah sedikit. "Aku tahu di mana untuk menyentuh, mencium, mengisap... di mana di mana Aku tahu bagaimana membuat Anda merintih, berteriak dan menangis keluar di ekstasi."Itu adalah hanya seks," dia akhirnya menemukan suaranya tapi hampir tidak terdengar meyakinkan. Ia hanya tersenyum, mengangkat tangannya lain sampai ia wajahnya dibingkai dengan ibu jari membelai di nya tulang pipi dan jari nya menggali ke rambut lembut di kelenteng-kelenteng nya."Itu tidak menyelesaikan apa-apa," ia terus protes, dengan sama kurangnya keyakinan sebagai sebelum."Mungkin belum," ia mengangkat tanpa perhatian. "Tapi rasanya fantastis...""Tapi kita tidak melakukannya dengan benar," dia bersungut, berpikir tentang fakta bahwa ia telah pernah mencium dia, bukan pada bibir, tidak pernah... jarinya batu dan ia menyadari, agak terlambat, bahwa ia mungkin disalahartikan komentar, yang baik-baik saja dengan dia, jika itu berarti bahwa ia akan menghentikan rayuan ini terang-terangan Indra nya."Apa maksudmu?" Dia bisa memberitahu berapa biayanya dia untuk menjaga terhina panas dari suaranya."Saya selalu berpikir bahwa suatu hari aku akan membuat cinta dengan suamiku," ia mengakui pada bisikan. "Tapi kami tidak melakukannya, apakah kita? Kami memiliki seks... kita..."Dia menggunakan kata yang dia tidak pernah dalam hidupnya mengucapkan sebelum dan Sandro meraba sedikit dalam menanggapi hal itu, stroke menenangkan jari nya berhenti tiba-tiba."Tidak menggunakan bahasa seperti itu," Dia berkata sambil menggeram. "Tidak sesuai dengan Anda!""Yah, itu adalah apa Anda pernah disebut," ia membela dirinya hangat."Aku tidak akan pernah...""Anda lakukan..." Dia terganggu apa yang ia tahu akan penyangkalan. " Pada malam pernikahan kami, setelah pertama kali... Saya mencoba untuk......"ia tersipu karena dia ingat kekanak-kanakan nya kembali kemudian. Dia telah mencapai lebih dari meringkuk dengan dia dan dia telah pindah semua jalan ke tepi tempat tidur dalam upaya untuk mendapatkan dari padanya. "Yah, Pokoknya, Anda mengatakan kepada saya untuk tidak kesalahan apa yang kami lakukan dengan tindakan cinta. Bahwa itu jauh lebih dasarnya ketimbang yang. Hanya seks, Anda berkata, hanya... Yah... kau tahu... "Tangannya telah menurun dari wajahnya bahunya dan matanya mempersempit di wajahnya menyakitkan dipermalukan. Memperketat pegangan di bahunya dan dia menggeliat sedikit sebelum itu mereda dan ia diremas bahunya sedikit."Theresa, aku cantik hammered pada malam pernikahan kami," Dia mengangguk matanya cerah dengan air mata karena dia ingat berapa lama ia telah membuatnya menunggunya. Dia tidak bersalah, bersemangat antisipasi telah berlari ketika bermartabat, jauh suaminya telah meninggalkan Dia sendirian di suite hotel mereka kembali tiga jam kemudian, jadi mabuk bahwa dia bisa nyaris tidak menahan dirinya tegak. Ia jatuh ke tempat tidur dan segera disahkan, meninggalkan Theresa hancur. Dua jam kemudian, tangannya terampil di tubuhnya membawanya dari dosisnya gelisah dan dia telah bermain di dan bermain dengan tubuhnya seperti itu peka alat musik, membuat dia bersedia budak nya setiap perintah.Seperti telah menanggapi nya yang telah hampir tidak terdaftar bahwa bibirnya sekali belum tersentuh miliknya. Ia telah mencium hampir setiap bagian lain dari tubuh dan setelah itu, sementara dia berusaha keras untuk menjaga kebersamaan antara mereka, ia memiliki semua-tapi hancur semangat rapuh oleh merendahkan undang-undang. Dia tahu bahwa Sandro adalah mengingat peristiwa malam itu terlalu dan matanya jatuh ke mana tangannya masih gelisah fidgeting dengan pensil yang telah jatuh ke pangkuannya. Dia menjatuhkan satu tangan besar atas miliknya untuk menghentikan gerakan."Saya suka Anda sangat banyak," akunya. "Karena aku merasa terjebak...""Salah tegang, Sandro," ia berbisik. "Kemarahan Anda masih sangat saat ini.""Hal-hal berubah, Theresa.""Beberapa hal bisa ditolerir, Sandro," ia berbisik menyakitkan. "Dan tak Termaafkan.""Kami tidak mendapatkan di mana saja dengan hal ini," Dia berkata sambil menggeram frustrasi dan ia diseret tangannya keluar dari bawah nya."“That’s what I’ve been telling you for the last three days,” she pointed out and he bit off a curse before getting up abruptly. Theresa jumped up too, to avoid being intimidated by his height. But she had miscalculated, he was still too close to her and when she got up, her breasts brushed up the length of his body from groin to torso. They both immediately went still as awareness simmered between them. Theresa made a soft sound and attempted to put some distance between them but Sandro’s arms came up to circle her loosely, his hands meeting in the small of her back and the tips of his fingers just brushing against the slight swell of her backside. Her own hands came up to firmly brace against his chest, she wanted to push him away but somehow her hands were idly stroking instead of exerting any force.
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