Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
60300:30:09,760 --> 00:30:11,603This could be perfect.We have to change.60400:30:11,800 --> 00:30:14,326These hangers are slippery.Like they have some special coating.60500:30:14,520 --> 00:30:16,329My hands are really sweaty,which is weird.60600:30:16,520 --> 00:30:19,171Is it hot in here?It feels like the surface of the sun.60700:30:19,360 --> 00:30:20,486You're more fun like this...60800:30:20,680 --> 00:30:22,921- but calm down.- I was in a fight-or-flight situation.60900:30:23,120 --> 00:30:25,521I'm filled with adrenaline.Look how high I can jump.61000:30:25,760 --> 00:30:26,966I can't do this normally.61100:30:27,160 --> 00:30:28,286See that?61200:30:28,480 --> 00:30:29,561(GASPS)61300:30:29,800 --> 00:30:31,643- Yes!- No.61400:30:31,880 --> 00:30:33,245We're gonna need this and this.61500:30:33,440 --> 00:30:36,284- Control yourself. We don't need that!- And these! And those! And these!61600:30:36,520 --> 00:30:39,524Aah! I know this is impracticalbut we might have to catch our own food.61700:30:39,720 --> 00:30:41,848Or make a lightning rod! A hat!61800:30:43,600 --> 00:30:46,410- Please. Focus. We need to get clothes!- Yes!61900:30:46,600 --> 00:30:51,083Okay, how about you try somethingcompletely different...62000:30:51,320 --> 00:30:52,651of what you are.62100:30:52,840 --> 00:30:53,887How about...62200:30:54,120 --> 00:30:57,522- a woman?- Perfect! And you can be a cowboy.62300:31:00,640 --> 00:31:01,687It's tight in here.62400:31:01,920 --> 00:31:05,049- Cowboy?- This is a good plan. This is gonna work!62500:31:05,240 --> 00:31:07,049I'll be a woman, and you'll be a cowboy.62600:31:07,240 --> 00:31:09,402No one's gonna see that coming.I should learn to knit.62700:31:09,600 --> 00:31:12,490I could knit a sweater or a sleeping bagor a whole house. Need curtains?62800:31:12,720 --> 00:31:15,485Looks like night in here,but I know it's day.62900:31:16,200 --> 00:31:17,770It's day, right? It's like Vegas.63000:31:17,960 --> 00:31:19,166Whoo! It's hot!63100:31:19,360 --> 00:31:20,361(GASPS)63200:31:20,600 --> 00:31:21,886What is that white thing?63300:31:22,080 --> 00:31:23,206Oh, that's my underwear.63400:31:23,440 --> 00:31:25,602That's no underwear, that's a diaper!63500:31:25,800 --> 00:31:27,290I like a lot of coverage.63600:31:33,800 --> 00:31:35,962Come on, man. We're running out of time.63700:31:40,960 --> 00:31:43,440I feel like the cheesefell off my cracker.63800:31:45,320 --> 00:31:48,051Why do you look like that?You're supposed to be incognito.63900:31:48,240 --> 00:31:51,369Not look exactly like that pictureof you on TV. Oh, my God.64000:31:51,560 --> 00:31:54,484EMMETT: All of Texas law enforcementmencari untuk kedua.64100:31:54, 720--> 00:31:57, 166Petugas Cooper tahuhal yang benar untuk melakukan...64200:31:57, 360--> 00:31:59, 408dan kami yakinbahwa ia akan datang dalam.64300:31:59, 640--> 00:32:02, 644REPORTER: jam ini, polisi masihmencari dua tersangka.64400:32:02, 880--> 00:32:06, 327-Petugas Cooper, yang berdiri di 4' 11".-Oh, ayolah.64500:32:06, 520--> 00:32:09, 729-Lain tersangka, Latina 45 tahun...-Empat puluh lima?64600:32:11, 680--> 00:32:13, 489COOPER: kita harus keluar dari sini.64700:32:13, 680--> 00:32:16, 331Jika saya bisa mendapatkan ke ponsel yang,Saya bisa menelepon Emmett kapten.64800:32:16, 480--> 00:32:18, 767Anda tidak bisa melakukan itu. Dia akan mengenali kita.64900:32:18, 960--> 00:32:21, 566Bagaimana kita seharusnya untuk membayartanpa dia melihat wajah-wajah kami?65000:32:21, 760--> 00:32:22, 841Biarkan saya menangani hal itu.65100:32:27, 640--> 00:32:28, 687Di sini Anda pergi.65200:32:35, 520--> 00:32:36, 931Ya tuhan. Kita harus keluar dari sini.65300:32:37, 120--> 00:32:38, 610-Mengapa?-Sekarang. Ayolah.65400:32:47, 440--> 00:32:48, 805Ayolah. Di sini.65500:32:51, 760--> 00:32:53, 922-Hey.-Ayo. Masuk.65600:32:54, 920--> 00:32:57, 002-Apa itu?-Laki-laki Cortez.65700:32:57, 240--> 00:32:58, 287Apa?65800:33:00, 040--> 00:33:01, 883Jangan khawatir. Mereka tidak melihat kami.65900:33:10, 160--> 00:33:11, 286Oke.66000:33:13,400 --> 00:33:15,209We're gonna wait till he pulls over...66100:33:15,440 --> 00:33:17,681and then we're gonna commandeerthe vehicle.66200:33:31,120 --> 00:33:33,282MAN: Come here, boy! Hey!Come here. Come here.66300:33:33,480 --> 00:33:35,005Aw. Look at you there.66400:33:35,920 --> 00:33:39,641(DOG BARKING)66500:33:39,840 --> 00:33:42,844(MOUTHING) You go out first, and thenI want you to go around and then wait.66600:33:44,720 --> 00:33:46,449So you're driving a car?66700:33:46,640 --> 00:33:49,450And looking for a cow to milk,while putting on makeup.66800:33:49,640 --> 00:33:53,406But it doesn't look good, so you'returning a tiny little radio on... What?66900:33:53,680 --> 00:33:55,364Oh, never mind. Come on!67000:33:56,400 --> 00:33:57,561And leave that!67100:33:57,800 --> 00:34:00,246No! I'm not going anywherewithout my suitcase!67200:34:00,720 --> 00:34:02,245What's in there, anyway?67300:34:02,480 --> 00:34:05,006- No, niña!- Another kilo of baking powder?67400:34:07,200 --> 00:34:08,645You are not taking these!67500:34:09,040 --> 00:34:10,451Then I'm not going anywhere.67600:34:11,040 --> 00:34:13,725Shoes. You're gonna get us killedover some shoes?67700:34:14,320 --> 00:34:15,810They're not just shoes.67800:34:18,600 --> 00:34:20,911These are gifts from mybrother in Colombia.67900:34:20, 923--> 00:34:23, 401Ini adalah satu-satunya halAku telah meninggalkan darinya.68000:34:25, 560--> 00:34:28, 291Ia mendapat masalah dengan orang yang salah.68100:34:28, 480--> 00:34:30, 960Ia pergi kepada polisi untuk membantu...68200:34:32, 400--> 00:34:34, 209dan ia akhirnya mati.68300:34:36, 160--> 00:34:39, 562Jadi Anda ingin tahu mengapa aku benci polisi.Itulah alasan.68400:34:39, 800--> 00:34:42, 724Jadi jika Anda ingin membawa sayake Dallas untuk mati, baik.68500:34:42, 920--> 00:34:45, 605Tetapi Anda akan membawa sayadengan koper saya.68600:34:46, 640--> 00:34:47, 971Maaf.68700:34:48, 280--> 00:34:49, 611Aku tidak tahu.68800:34:49, 960--> 00:34:52, 884Tapi aku tidak seperti polisi lain.Anda dapat mempercayai saya.68900:34:53, 080--> 00:34:55, 890Anda harus berhenti memperlakukan sayaseperti aku bodoh rookie polisi...69000:34:56, 080--> 00:34:57, 809yang tidak tahu apa yang dia lakukan.69100:34:58, 040--> 00:35:01, 522Maka Anda harus berhenti memperlakukan sayaseperti aku pidana.69200:35:03, 520--> 00:35:04, 646Denda.69300:35:06, 640--> 00:35:07, 801Denda.69400:35:11, 240--> 00:35:12, 401Ikuti aku.69500:35:26, 680--> 00:35:29, 251Bingo! Aku punya mereka!Baiklah, Riva ibu, kami akan...69600:35:29, 480--> 00:35:33, 201Siapa sih yang Anda,dan apa yang Anda lakukan dalam truk?69700:35:33, 560--> 00:35:34, 925Mendapatkan jauh dari itu, wanita.69800:35:35, 120--> 00:35:36, 531Oke! Oke.69900:35:37, 720--> 00:35:40, 041-My name adalah, UMM...-Uh-huh.70000:35:40, 800--> 00:35:42, 325Nama saya adalah Nancy...70100:35:42, 720--> 00:35:44, 609-Reagan.Mm-hm.70200:35:44, 800--> 00:35:45, 801Tepat.70300:35:46, 000--> 00:35:49, 243Aku tahu kedengarannya konyol,Tapi apa yang orang tua saya bernama saya.70400:35:49, 440--> 00:35:50, 441Biarkan saya menjelaskan.70500:35:50, 640--> 00:35:53, 291Teman saya dan saya adalah dokter hewandan kami di lingkungan...70600:35:53, 440--> 00:35:55, 044Laki-laki: menutup perangkap Anda. Saya pegang pistol.70700:35:55, 240--> 00:35:59, 370Maaf. Saya tahu Anda tidak menyukai saya. TapiSaya yakin Anda tidak ingin aku terbunuh!70800:35:59, 560--> 00:36:01, 050Laki-laki: Anda harus berpikir tentang hal itu.70900:36:01, 200--> 00:36:02, 565(BERBICARA DALAM BAHASA SPANYOL)71000:36:02, 760--> 00:36:05, 206Saya tahu Anda sedang marah, tetapi kita bisahanya berbicara tentang hal ini cukup?
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