„This sim­plic­ity.” Frost shows a faint smile: „Slight ef­fort, you f terjemahan - „This sim­plic­ity.” Frost shows a faint smile: „Slight ef­fort, you f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„This sim­plic­ity.” Frost shows a

„This sim­plic­ity.” Frost shows a faint smile: „Slight ef­fort, you felt re­lieved that I start im­me­di­ately Tian Ling Em­pire!”
Left the front door of ad­min­is­tra­tive hall, the blue radish led 9 dra­goons to wait out­side, I order them to set out with South Ko­rean deep pool and other palace guards di­rectly to­gether, when the time comes at­tacked and de­fends to­gether is OK.
When I arrange all times, An­gela brought Schutzstaffel to come un­ex­pect­edly, wind and frost of face, saw after me, said: „Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao, heard that Tian Ling Em­pire had the im­por­tant mat­ter to occur, right?”
I admit frankly: „Soon will have a war, the palace guard and Rong Di Jun will fight it out in fol­low­ing Cooldown!”
Anji chats: „Ba Huang City is Tian Ling Em­pire the city of treaty of al­liance, at this time we will not aban­don the let­ter to make, said that needs me to make any­thing, Ba Huang City will cer­tainly not shirk.”
I asked: „How many troops can Ba Huang City use?”
Anji chats: „21 W mil­i­tary strength.”
I fi­nally started con­fi­dently, said: „Does not need the queen to meet head-on per­son­ally, I want your this 21 W per­son to send out, to lift the flag pro­tec­tion of Tian Ling Em­pire around Tian Ling Em­pire Wang Cheng, for­bids to enter the city be­sides any mil­i­tary strength out­side palace guard and im­pe­r­ial guard, must guar­an­tee that in the war of this tur­moil does not have any army to threaten Wang Cheng!”
A An­gela nod: „Relax, I han­dle cer­tainly!”
„Um, I walked!”
The sit­u­a­tion is ur­gent, I also im­me­di­ately said in guild chan­nel, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Li Mu et al. the work­ing ef­fi­ciency is how in­tre­pid, the melt god cav­alry and oth­ers builds up in every book city in abun­dance, si­mul­ta­ne­ously I also start to re­late the friend pledge, Ye to come, Misty Clouds, cold Bei Song and oth­ers ex­pressed will­ing­ness in av­er­age to dis­patch troops to every book city, is a [Zhan Long] war!
How­ever, those who most make me not think was Q Sword adds my good friend on own ini­tia­tive, and has sent in the voice quickly, the sound was tran­quil, said: „Ram­ble, dark green has dis­patched troops hon­estly, sur­passes the 7 W ris­ing sun such as the blood player to be away from fire Shen­shan less than 10 min­utes of trav­el­ing sched­ule . More­over, dark green hon­est also united the tem­ple knight group, the sword porch and shaft blood, every, the fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily and other trade unions to at­tack fire Shen­shan to­gether, hot axe armed forces Luo child dotard dark green was said hon­estly moves, has dis­patched the hot axe armed forces en­tire 5 W mil­i­tary strength to re­duce heat Shen­shan, but, under my hand 1 W army was buck­led by me, this time, I only want to ask your a few words: But is will­ing to col­lab­o­rate with me?”
The Q Sword main pledge was ru­ined by Wang Zecheng one, this ac­count he has def­i­nitely recorded.
I replied im­me­di­ately: „Joy­fully ut­most!”
Q Sword said with a smile: „Good, I will be hav­ing the [Hero’s Mound] 6 W per­son mil­i­tary strength, in ad­di­tion the 1 W army's of hot axe armed forces south of fire Shen­shan in jun­gle am­bushes, once they start to at­tack fire Shen­shan, I start to dis­patch troops!”
Sev­eral min­utes later, Prague guild­mas­ter Yanzhao un­par­al­leled has sent in a news: „Young fel­low, en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire wanted the tur­moil to get up, didn't this type of big weaponry call us Prague un­ex­pect­edly?”
I laugh: „Feared that uncle your arm old leg can­not fol­low every­body's fight rhythm!”
Yanzhao is un­par­al­leled: „You are wait­ing, I must make you know that any­thing is called Lian Po to be old, can still ten bowls!”
I some­what was also speech­less, but Yanzhao non- skilled in both field help is best, only has not taken a stand was Fang Geque, but Fang Geque now is the flame Long Jun's com­mand, more­over it­self has not par­tic­i­pated in Q Swo
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„This sim­plic­ity.” Frost shows a faint smile: „Slight ef­fort, you felt re­lieved that I start im­me­di­ately Tian Ling Em­pire!”„Good!”Left the front door of ad­min­is­tra­tive hall, the blue radish led 9 dra­goons to wait out­side, I order them to set out with South Ko­rean deep pool and other palace guards di­rectly to­gether, when the time comes at­tacked and de­fends to­gether is OK.When I arrange all times, An­gela brought Schutzstaffel to come un­ex­pect­edly, wind and frost of face, saw after me, said: „Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao, heard that Tian Ling Em­pire had the im­por­tant mat­ter to occur, right?”I admit frankly: „Soon will have a war, the palace guard and Rong Di Jun will fight it out in fol­low­ing Cooldown!”Anji chats: „Ba Huang City is Tian Ling Em­pire the city of treaty of al­liance, at this time we will not aban­don the let­ter to make, said that needs me to make any­thing, Ba Huang City will cer­tainly not shirk.”I asked: „How many troops can Ba Huang City use?”Anji chats: „21 W mil­i­tary strength.”„Good!”I fi­nally started con­fi­dently, said: „Does not need the queen to meet head-on per­son­ally, I want your this 21 W per­son to send out, to lift the flag pro­tec­tion of Tian Ling Em­pire around Tian Ling Em­pire Wang Cheng, for­bids to enter the city be­sides any mil­i­tary strength out­side palace guard and im­pe­r­ial guard, must guar­an­tee that in the war of this tur­moil does not have any army to threaten Wang Cheng!”A An­gela nod: „Relax, I han­dle cer­tainly!”„Um, I walked!”„Good!”The sit­u­a­tion is ur­gent, I also im­me­di­ately said in guild chan­nel, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Li Mu et al. the work­ing ef­fi­ciency is how in­tre­pid, the melt god cav­alry and oth­ers builds up in every book city in abun­dance, si­mul­ta­ne­ously I also start to re­late the friend pledge, Ye to come, Misty Clouds, cold Bei Song and oth­ers ex­pressed will­ing­ness in av­er­age to dis­patch troops to every book city, is a [Zhan Long] war!How­ever, those who most make me not think was Q Sword adds my good friend on own ini­tia­tive, and has sent in the voice quickly, the sound was tran­quil, said: „Ram­ble, dark green has dis­patched troops hon­estly, sur­passes the 7 W ris­ing sun such as the blood player to be away from fire Shen­shan less than 10 min­utes of trav­el­ing sched­ule . More­over, dark green hon­est also united the tem­ple knight group, the sword porch and shaft blood, every, the fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily and other trade unions to at­tack fire Shen­shan to­gether, hot axe armed forces Luo child dotard dark green was said hon­estly moves, has dis­patched the hot axe armed forces en­tire 5 W mil­i­tary strength to re­duce heat Shen­shan, but, under my hand 1 W army was buck­led by me, this time, I only want to ask your a few words: But is will­ing to col­lab­o­rate with me?”The Q Sword main pledge was ru­ined by Wang Zecheng one, this ac­count he has def­i­nitely recorded.
I replied im­me­di­ately: „Joy­fully ut­most!”
Q Sword said with a smile: „Good, I will be hav­ing the [Hero’s Mound] 6 W per­son mil­i­tary strength, in ad­di­tion the 1 W army's of hot axe armed forces south of fire Shen­shan in jun­gle am­bushes, once they start to at­tack fire Shen­shan, I start to dis­patch troops!”
Sev­eral min­utes later, Prague guild­mas­ter Yanzhao un­par­al­leled has sent in a news: „Young fel­low, en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire wanted the tur­moil to get up, didn't this type of big weaponry call us Prague un­ex­pect­edly?”
I laugh: „Feared that uncle your arm old leg can­not fol­low every­body's fight rhythm!”
Yanzhao is un­par­al­leled: „You are wait­ing, I must make you know that any­thing is called Lian Po to be old, can still ten bowls!”
I some­what was also speech­less, but Yanzhao non- skilled in both field help is best, only has not taken a stand was Fang Geque, but Fang Geque now is the flame Long Jun's com­mand, more­over it­self has not par­tic­i­pated in Q Swo
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
". Kesederhanaan ini" Frost menunjukkan senyum samar: "! Usaha sedikit, Anda merasa lega bahwa saya mulai segera Tian Ling Empire"
! "Baik"
Meninggalkan pintu depan balai administrasi, lobak biru menyebabkan 9 naga menunggu di luar, saya memerintahkan mereka untuk berangkat dengan kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan dan penjaga istana lainnya langsung bersama-sama, ketika waktu datang menyerang dan membela bersama-sama adalah OK.
ketika saya mengatur semua kali, Angela membawa Schutzstaffel datang tiba-tiba, angin dan es wajah, melihat setelah saya , mengatakan: "Jenderal Li Xiao Yao, mendengar bahwa Tian Ling Empire memiliki hal yang penting terjadi, kan?"
aku mengakui terus terang: "segera akan kita perang, pengawal istana dan Rong di Juni akan berjuang keluar dalam mengikuti Cooldown! "
Anji chatting:" Ba Huang City adalah Tian Ling Empire kota perjanjian aliansi, saat ini kami tidak akan meninggalkan surat untuk membuat, mengatakan yang perlu saya untuk membuat sesuatu, Ba Huang City akan pasti tidak syirik ".
saya bertanya : "Berapa banyak pasukan dapat Ba Huang Kota gunakan?"
Anji chatting: ". 21 kekuatan militer W"
saya akhirnya mulai percaya diri, mengatakan: "tidak perlu ratu untuk memenuhi kepala-on pribadi, saya ingin ini Anda 21 W orang untuk mengirimkan, untuk mengangkat perlindungan bendera Tian Ling Empire sekitar Tian Ling Empire Wang Cheng, melarang untuk masuk kota selain setiap kekuatan militer di luar pengawal istana dan penjaga kekaisaran, harus menjamin bahwa dalam perang kekacauan ini tidak memiliki tentara mengancam Wang Cheng "!
A Angela mengangguk:"! Tenang, saya menangani pasti "
"! Um, aku berjalan "
!" Baik "
situasi ini mendesak, saya juga langsung mengatakan di saluran serikat, Lin Wan Er, Yue qing Qian dan Li Mu et al. efisiensi kerja adalah bagaimana pemberani, lelehan dewa kavaleri dan lain-lain membangun di setiap kota buku dalam kelimpahan, bersamaan saya juga mulai berhubungan teman janji, Ye datang, Misty Clouds, dingin Bei Lagu dan lainnya menyatakan kesediaannya rata-rata untuk pengiriman ! pasukan untuk setiap kota buku, adalah [Zhan panjang] perang
Namun, mereka yang paling membuat saya tidak berpikir itu Q Sword menambahkan teman baik saya atas inisiatif sendiri, dan telah mengirimkan suara dengan cepat, suara itu tenang, mengatakan: " mengoceh, hijau gelap telah mengirimkan pasukan jujur, melampaui 7 W matahari terbit seperti pemutar darah berada jauh dari api Shenshan kurang dari 10 menit perjalanan jadwal. Selain itu, hijau tua yang jujur ​​juga bersatu kelompok ksatria kuil, teras pedang dan darah poros, setiap, keluarga yang terkenal aristokrat keluarga dan serikat buruh lainnya untuk menyerang api Shenshan bersama-sama, kapak panas angkatan bersenjata Luo anak pikun hijau gelap dikatakan jujur ​​bergerak, telah mengirimkan kapak panas angkatan bersenjata seluruh 5 kekuatan militer W untuk menurunkan panas Shenshan, tapi, di bawah tanganku 1 tentara W lemas oleh saya, kali ini, saya hanya ingin menanyakan beberapa kata-kata Anda: tapi bersedia untuk berkolaborasi dengan saya ? "
. The Q Sword janji utama hancur oleh Wang Zecheng satu, akun ini dia pasti telah mencatat
saya segera menjawab:"! Joyfully terbaik "
Q Sword berkata sambil tersenyum:" Baik, saya akan memiliki [pahlawan Mound] 6 kekuatan militer W orang, selain itu 1 W tentara dari angkatan bersenjata kapak panas selatan dari api Shenshan di penyergapan hutan, setelah mereka mulai menyerang api Shenshan, saya mulai mengirimkan pasukan! "
" Baik! "
Beberapa menit kemudian, Praha Guildmaster Yanzhao tertandingi telah dikirim dalam berita: "sesama Young, seluruh Tian Ling Empire ingin gejolak untuk bangun, tidak jenis persenjataan besar hubungi kami Praha tiba-tiba?"
aku tertawa: "Ditakutkan bahwa paman kaki tua lengan Anda tidak dapat mengikuti semua ini melawan ritme "!
Yanzhao tak tertandingi:" Anda sedang menunggu, saya harus membuat Anda tahu bahwa ada sesuatu yang disebut Lian Po menjadi tua, masih sepuluh mangkuk "!
saya agak juga berkata-kata, tapi Yanzhao non terampil di kedua bidang bantuan terbaik, hanya belum mengambil sikap adalah Fang Geque, tapi Fang Geque sekarang adalah perintah api panjang Jun, apalagi sendiri tidak berpartisipasi dalam Q Swo
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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