At a quarter to three one afternoon, a little girl, about seven years  terjemahan - At a quarter to three one afternoon, a little girl, about seven years  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At a quarter to three one afternoon

At a quarter to three one afternoon, a little girl, about seven years old, was found wandering outside a police officer in Jenderal Sudirman Street. She was wearing a light blue night dress and shoes that were too large for her.“What’s your name? Where do you live?” a kind policeman asked her. But the little girl looked at him and didn’t say anything. No one seemed to know this lost child. Since the police couldn’t get any information from her, they sent her to Yogya Children’s Center.At the Children’s Center, the little remained silent and didn’t talk to anyone. As the people didn’t know her name, they began to call her ‘Little One’. ‘Little One’ underwent a medical examination which showed that she was not a normal, healthy child. Although she was not dumb, she remained silent for four days. It was only then that she began to talk.The nurses looked after her just as they did to other children, and ‘Little One’ seemed quite happy and contended. She was always cheerful and responsive, although she was a bit slow in understanding instructions. When she was allowed to go out of her ward, her face beamed with curiosity and excitement.Meanwhile, the police tried to find her parents. Their efforts proved worthless when no one came to claim her. She was ‘nobody’s child’.‘Little One’ had no place to go. The Center became her home.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At a quarter to three one afternoon, a little girl, about seven years old, was found wandering outside a police officer in Jenderal Sudirman Street. She was wearing a light blue night dress and shoes that were too large for her.<br><br>“What’s your name? Where do you live?” a kind policeman asked her. But the little girl looked at him and didn’t say anything. No one seemed to know this lost child. Since the police couldn’t get any information from her, they sent her to Yogya Children’s Center.<br><br>At the Children’s Center, the little remained silent and didn’t talk to anyone. As the people didn’t know her name, they began to call her ‘Little One’. ‘Little One’ underwent a medical examination which showed that she was not a normal, healthy child. Although she was not dumb, she remained silent for four days. It was only then that she began to talk.<br><br>The nurses looked after her just as they did to other children, and ‘Little One’ seemed quite happy and contended. She was always cheerful and responsive, although she was a bit slow in understanding instructions. When she was allowed to go out of her ward, her face beamed with curiosity and excitement.<br><br>Meanwhile, the police tried to find her parents. Their efforts proved worthless when no one came to claim her. She was ‘nobody’s child’.<br>'Little One' tidak punya tempat untuk pergi. Pusat menjadi rumahnya.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada satu sore 2:45, seorang gadis kecil, sekitar tujuh tahun, ditemukan berkeliaran di luar seorang perwira polisi di jalan Jendral Sudirman. Dia mengenakan gaun malam biru muda dan sepatu yang terlalu besar untuknya.<br><br>"Apa nama Anda? Di mana Anda tinggal? "seorang petugas polisi memintanya. Tapi gadis kecil memandangnya dan tidak mengatakan apa-apa. Tidak seorang pun tampaknya mengetahui anak yang hilang ini. Karena polisi tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi darinya, mereka mengirimnya ke pusat anak Yogya.<br><br>Di pusat anak, kecil tetap diam dan tidak berbicara dengan siapa pun. Ketika orang tidak tahu namanya, mereka mulai menyebutnya ' Little One '. ' Little One ' menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan yang menunjukkan bahwa dia bukanlah anak yang normal dan sehat. Meskipun ia tidak bodoh, ia tetap diam selama empat hari. Saat itulah dia mulai bicara.<br><br>Para perawat memandangnya sama seperti yang mereka lakukan kepada anak lain, dan ' Little One ' tampaknya cukup bahagia dan bersaing. Dia selalu ceria dan responsif, meskipun dia agak lambat dalam memahami instruksi. Ketika dia diizinkan untuk pergi keluar dari lingkungannya, wajahnya berseri-seri dengan rasa ingin tahu dan kegembiraan.<br><br>Sementara itu, polisi berusaha mencari orang tuanya. Upaya mereka terbukti tidak berharga ketika tidak ada yang datang untuk mengklaimnya. Dia adalah ' tidak ada anak '.<br>' Little One ' tidak memiliki tempat untuk pergi. Pusat ini menjadi rumahnya.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 3:[Salinan]
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