In­ex­pen­sive Feng said: „Free cop­u­la­tion, how­ever all dragon egg terjemahan - In­ex­pen­sive Feng said: „Free cop­u­la­tion, how­ever all dragon egg Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In­ex­pen­sive Feng said: „Free cop

In­ex­pen­sive Feng said: „Free cop­u­la­tion, how­ever all dragon eggs will con­cen­trate in hatch by the ge­ot­hermy to­gether, hatches one time every 100 years, this has enough di­vine and won­der­ful spirit to sup­port the young dragon, after Aodiliya has stolen away the dragon god essence, the dragon strength of wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory sig­nif­i­cantly re­duces, per­haps needed 500 years to hatch one time.”
Frost vi­sion one cold: „These Long Dan, pre­serve where?”
The in­ex­pen­sive Feng's giant head trem­bles slightly, has strug­gled dili­gently, said: „Do your you want to do?”
The Frost chuckle, the racket the in­ex­pen­sive Feng's head, said: „Any­thing, does not want to bor­row some Long Dan, re­turn­ing to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den to do to the human ben­e­fi­cial mat­ter”
On the in­ex­pen­sive Feng's face has shown the painful look, said: „You damn, you is a god, un­ex­pect­edly to taste foods newly in sea­son, must make the new taste with the egg of big dragon the fried egg your hu­man­ity is re­ally greed­i­est and most fear­ful bi­ol­ogy”
A Frost face is wooden: „Idiot, who told you me to make the fried egg”
In­ex­pen­sive Feng in great sur­prise: „Do you want to do with these Long Dan? Only if there is the ge­ot­hermy and Long Lilai as­sists, oth­er­wise is un­able to hatch Long Dan.”
Frost some­what is slightly small hap­pily, said: „The cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den place bot­tom deep place is a giant heat source, Long Li the words, we have red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu, even, we can ac­cel­er­ate the growth of young dragon.”
„What?!” In­ex­pen­sive Feng star­tled: „Is im­pos­si­ble? No one can ac­cel­er­ate the growth of young dragon, oth­er­wise wild Long Clan al­ready uni­fied the en­tire north do­main”
Frost or­thochro­matic road: Dragon god essence that „Aodiliya steals away had sold to me by the 5 W gold coin . More­over, we have red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu to pro­vide big dragon the strength of breed­ing, in a short time tames a num­ber of grown big drag­ons is not the issue, what issue do you have? I only want to ask now where these Long Dan pre­serve, you shifted re­spon­si­bil­ity onto oth­ers with me again the drag­ging, my sword mas­sa­cred you, at the worst looked for other dragon clan to con­tinue to ask again!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In­ex­pen­sive Feng said: „Free cop­u­la­tion, how­ever all dragon eggs will con­cen­trate in hatch by the ge­ot­hermy to­gether, hatches one time every 100 years, this has enough di­vine and won­der­ful spirit to sup­port the young dragon, after Aodiliya has stolen away the dragon god essence, the dragon strength of wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory sig­nif­i­cantly re­duces, per­haps needed 500 years to hatch one time.”Frost vi­sion one cold: „These Long Dan, pre­serve where?”The in­ex­pen­sive Feng's giant head trem­bles slightly, has strug­gled dili­gently, said: „Do your you want to do?”The Frost chuckle, the racket the in­ex­pen­sive Feng's head, said: „Any­thing, does not want to bor­row some Long Dan, re­turn­ing to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den to do to the human ben­e­fi­cial mat­ter”On the in­ex­pen­sive Feng's face has shown the painful look, said: „You damn, you is a god, un­ex­pect­edly to taste foods newly in sea­son, must make the new taste with the egg of big dragon the fried egg your hu­man­ity is re­ally greed­i­est and most fear­ful bi­ol­ogy”A Frost face is wooden: „Idiot, who told you me to make the fried egg”In­ex­pen­sive Feng in great sur­prise: „Do you want to do with these Long Dan? Only if there is the ge­ot­hermy and Long Lilai as­sists, oth­er­wise is un­able to hatch Long Dan.”Frost some­what is slightly small hap­pily, said: „The cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den place bot­tom deep place is a giant heat source, Long Li the words, we have red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu, even, we can ac­cel­er­ate the growth of young dragon.”„What?!” In­ex­pen­sive Feng star­tled: „Is im­pos­si­ble? No one can ac­cel­er­ate the growth of young dragon, oth­er­wise wild Long Clan al­ready uni­fied the en­tire north do­main”Frost or­thochro­matic road: Dragon god essence that „Aodiliya steals away had sold to me by the 5 W gold coin . More­over, we have red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu to pro­vide big dragon the strength of breed­ing, in a short time tames a num­ber of grown big drag­ons is not the issue, what issue do you have? I only want to ask now where these Long Dan pre­serve, you shifted re­spon­si­bil­ity onto oth­ers with me again the drag­ging, my sword mas­sa­cred you, at the worst looked for other dragon clan to con­tinue to ask again!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Murah Feng mengatakan: "sanggama Gratis, namun semua telur naga akan berkonsentrasi di hatch oleh Geothermy bersama, menetas satu kali setiap 100 tahun, ini memiliki cukup semangat ilahi dan indah untuk mendukung naga muda, setelah Aodiliya telah dicuri esensi naga dewa , kekuatan naga wilayah naga klan liar secara signifikan mengurangi, mungkin diperlukan 500 tahun untuk menetas satu waktu ".
visi Frost satu dingin:"? panjang ini Dan, melestarikan mana "
kepala raksasa murah Feng gemetar sedikit, telah berjuang rajin, mengatakan: "Apakah Anda ingin melakukan"
The Frost tertawa, raket yang murah kepala Feng, mengatakan: "Apa saja, tidak mau meminjam beberapa panjang Dan, kembali ke den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon lakukan untuk hal yang menguntungkan manusia"
On wajah murah Feng telah menunjukkan tampilan yang menyakitkan, mengatakan: "Anda sialan, Anda adalah dewa, tiba-tiba rasa makanan baru di musim, harus membuat rasa baru dengan telur naga besar telur goreng kemanusiaan Anda benar-benar rakus dan paling takut biologi "
wajah Frost adalah kayu:" Idiot, yang mengatakan kepada Anda saya untuk membuat telur goreng "
Murah Feng di kejutan besar:" Apakah Anda ingin lakukan dengan panjang Dan ini? . Hanya jika ada Geothermy dan assist panjang Lilai, dinyatakan tidak dapat menetas Panjang Dan "
Frost agak sedikit kecil bahagia, mengatakan:" The dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den tempat bawah tempat dalam adalah sumber panas raksasa, Long Li kata-kata , kami telah naga merah tepung perempuan pangeran Shu, bahkan, kita dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan naga muda ".
" Apa ?! "Murah Feng terkejut:" Apakah mungkin? Tidak ada yang bisa mempercepat pertumbuhan naga muda, jika tidak liar panjang Clan sudah bersatu seluruh domain utara "
Frost orthochromatic jalan: Naga esensi Tuhan yang" Aodiliya mencuri pergi telah dijual kepada saya oleh 5 W koin emas. Selain itu, kami telah naga merah tepung perempuan pangeran Shu untuk memberikan naga besar kekuatan peternakan, dalam waktu singkat menjinakkan sejumlah naga besar tumbuh tidak masalah, apa masalah yang Anda miliki? Saya hanya ingin bertanya sekarang di mana ini panjang Dan melestarikan, Anda mengalihkan tanggung jawab ke orang lain dengan saya lagi menyeret itu, pedang saya dibantai Anda, di terburuk mencari klan naga lainnya untuk terus bertanya lagi! "
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