Nie Li looks to that six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth, sai terjemahan - Nie Li looks to that six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth, sai Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nie Li looks to that six Heav­enly

Nie Li looks to that six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth, said: „From now on you with me, so long as two years, two years later if any­one of you are not will­ing to fol­low, mo­men­tar­ily can leave! I will not stop you!”
Nie Li break­ing by bit­ing right hand, blood drop in these six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts.
Nie Li feels that own soul as if re­lated with these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth in one, this was the soul con­tract, once Nie Li stim­u­lated to move­ment force­fully, can ex­tin­guish at will kills these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth.
Only then has signed the per­son of mas­ter and ser­vant con­tract, can leave End­less Wilder­ness, be­cause this mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts are quite for­mi­da­ble, left the End­less Wilder­ness Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, does not have any good end mostly.
These six youth had not replied, stood in Nie Li silently, they had been fet­tered in any case thor­oughly, the abil­ity that has not re­volted against com­pletely, when the time comes this said that hasn't lis­tened to Nie Li? They only then with­stand silently!
Their six peo­ple to the Nie Li words, do not be­lieve ob­vi­ously, but there is a mas­ter and ser­vant con­tract, they can only take or­ders in Nie Li.
More­over, is ab­solutely loyal!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nie Li looks to that six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth, said: „From now on you with me, so long as two years, two years later if any­one of you are not will­ing to fol­low, mo­men­tar­ily can leave! I will not stop you!”Nie Li break­ing by bit­ing right hand, blood drop in these six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts.Nie Li feels that own soul as if re­lated with these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth in one, this was the soul con­tract, once Nie Li stim­u­lated to move­ment force­fully, can ex­tin­guish at will kills these Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth.Only then has signed the per­son of mas­ter and ser­vant con­tract, can leave End­less Wilder­ness, be­cause this mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts are quite for­mi­da­ble, left the End­less Wilder­ness Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, does not have any good end mostly.These six youth had not replied, stood in Nie Li silently, they had been fet­tered in any case thor­oughly, the abil­ity that has not re­volted against com­pletely, when the time comes this said that hasn't lis­tened to Nie Li? They only then with­stand silently!Their six peo­ple to the Nie Li words, do not be­lieve ob­vi­ously, but there is a mas­ter and ser­vant con­tract, they can only take or­ders in Nie Li.More­over, is ab­solutely loyal!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nie Li terlihat bahwa enam pemuda Balap Roh Primordial Surgawi, mengatakan: "Mulai sekarang Anda dengan saya, selama dua tahun, dua tahun kemudian jika ada dari Anda tidak bersedia mengikuti, sejenak bisa meninggalkan! Aku tidak akan berhenti Anda! "
Nie Li melanggar dengan menggigit tangan kanan, penurunan darah dalam enam tuan dan hamba kontrak ini.
Nie Li merasa bahwa jiwa sendiri seolah-olah terkait dengan ini pemuda Roh Balap Primordial Surgawi dalam satu, ini adalah kontrak jiwa, sekali Nie Li dirangsang untuk gerakan tegas, dapat memadamkan sesuka membunuh ini pemuda Roh Balap primordial Surgawi.
Hanya itu telah menandatangani orang master dan kontrak hamba, dapat meninggalkan Wilderness tak berujung, karena tuan dan hamba ini kontrak yang cukup tangguh, meninggalkan tanpa ujung Wilderness Heavenly Primordial Roh Balap klan, tidak memiliki akhir yang baik sebagian besar.
keenam pemuda tidak menjawab, berdiri di Nie Li diam-diam, mereka telah terbelenggu dalam hal apapun secara menyeluruh, kemampuan yang belum memberontak melawan sepenuhnya, ketika saatnya tiba ini mengatakan bahwa belum mendengarkan Nie Li? Mereka hanya kemudian menahan diam-diam!
Enam orang mereka dengan kata-kata Nie Li, tidak percaya jelas, tapi ada master dan hamba kontrak, mereka hanya bisa menerima perintah dalam Nie Li.
Selain itu, benar-benar setia!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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