1. IntroductionPhospholipids (PLs) are major constituents of cell memb terjemahan - 1. IntroductionPhospholipids (PLs) are major constituents of cell memb Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1. IntroductionPhospholipids (PLs)

1. Introduction
Phospholipids (PLs) are major constituents of cell membranes and play crucial roles in the biochemistry and physiology of the cell (Kidd & Head, 2005). PLs have been widely used in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products as highly efficient emulsifiers. In recent decades, n 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n 3 PUFA), especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have received significant scientific attention because of their health benefits, which include improvement of immune function and prevention of heart disease and cancer (Khandelwal et al., 2013; Komprda, 2012; Kromhout, Bosschieter, & de Lezenne Coulander, 1985; Larsson, Kumlin, Ingelman-Sundberg, & Wolk, 2004). Consumption of n 3 PUFA has also been reported to provide important benefits with respect to functioning of the brain and retina, as well as accelerating the growth of preterm baby (Carlson, Werkman, Peeples, Cooke, & Tolley, 1993; Lanting, Fidler, Huisman, Touwen, & Boersma, 1994; Neuringer, Connor, Van Petten, & Barstad, 1984). Long-chain n 3 PUFAs are characteristic of marine oils and occur pervasively in the PLs of fish and marine species, with EPA and DHA commonly accounting for up to 50% of their fatty acid constituents (Haraldsson & Thorarensen, 1999). The presence of long-chain and low-melting PUFA is believed to add fluidity and mobility to cell membranes and thus, they adjust membrane integrity and function properly in lower ambient temperatures (Haraldsson & Thorarensen, 1999). In addition, fatty acids are more easily absorbed in the body as PL than as the corresponding triacylglycerols (TAGs) or ethyl esters (Galli et al., 1992). Because of the positive influence of n 3 PUFAs on human health, there is a growing demand for them in the pharmaceutical industry in a PL form as well as their natural TAG form (Carlson, 1991). Lemaitre-Delaunay et al. (1999) have provided evidence for higher bioavailability of DHA for incorporation into erythrocytes in human adults when DHA is provided in PL rather than in TAG. Wijendran et al. (2002) also reported that PL were about 2.1-fold more effective than TAG as substrates for accretion of brain arachidonic acid in the develop- ment of neonatal primate brain. Although PLs containing n 3 PUFA is available in fish and marine products, refinement procedures, including laborious extraction and separation, are required for it to be used industrially. Thus, enzymatic modification using inexpensive plant lecithin (PC, phosphatidylcholine) and a rich n 3 PUFA source might be an effective method for obtaining n 3 PUFA-enriched PLs. Replacement of fatty acid residues present in a native PL by fatty acids with beneficial physiological effects can lead to tailored PLs that offer intriguing marketing opportunities for manufacturers of nutraceuticals. Interest in the production of structured PLs containing specific fatty acid residues has also increased significantly in recent years. Vikbjerg, Mu, and Xu (2007) have reported that phospholipase A2-catalyzed synthesis of PL with caprylic acid by acyl modification of the sn 2 position in PLs. Hossen and Hernandez (2005) have reported that Lypozyme RM IM (from Rhizomucor miehei) and Lipozyme TL IM (from Thermomyces lanuginosus) are effective in the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid into soybean PL. Previous research concerning the incorporation of n 3 PUFA into PC by phospholipase A1 (PLA1) immobilized on Duolite A568 as a carrier has been reported (Kim, Garcia, & Hill, 2010). However, although a modified PC containing n 3 PUFA can be produced successfully, there is a concomitant significant decrease in PC yield as a consequence of hydrolysis. Therefore, it is important to find the means to enhance the desired yield of modified PC. In this study, detailed experiments were first conducted regarding immobilization of PLA1, and then the immobilized enzyme was employed for modification of PC. PC from soybean and highly enriched n 3 PUFA from fish oil were used as substrates
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1. PendahuluanPhospholipids (PLs) are major constituents of cell membranes and play crucial roles in the biochemistry and physiology of the cell (Kidd & Head, 2005). PLs have been widely used in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products as highly efficient emulsifiers. In recent decades, n 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n 3 PUFA), especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have received significant scientific attention because of their health benefits, which include improvement of immune function and prevention of heart disease and cancer (Khandelwal et al., 2013; Komprda, 2012; Kromhout, Bosschieter, & de Lezenne Coulander, 1985; Larsson, Kumlin, Ingelman-Sundberg, & Wolk, 2004). Consumption of n 3 PUFA has also been reported to provide important benefits with respect to functioning of the brain and retina, as well as accelerating the growth of preterm baby (Carlson, Werkman, Peeples, Cooke, & Tolley, 1993; Lanting, Fidler, Huisman, Touwen, & Boersma, 1994; Neuringer, Connor, Van Petten, & Barstad, 1984). Long-chain n 3 PUFAs are characteristic of marine oils and occur pervasively in the PLs of fish and marine species, with EPA and DHA commonly accounting for up to 50% of their fatty acid constituents (Haraldsson & Thorarensen, 1999). The presence of long-chain and low-melting PUFA is believed to add fluidity and mobility to cell membranes and thus, they adjust membrane integrity and function properly in lower ambient temperatures (Haraldsson & Thorarensen, 1999). In addition, fatty acids are more easily absorbed in the body as PL than as the corresponding triacylglycerols (TAGs) or ethyl esters (Galli et al., 1992). Because of the positive influence of n 3 PUFAs on human health, there is a growing demand for them in the pharmaceutical industry in a PL form as well as their natural TAG form (Carlson, 1991). Lemaitre-Delaunay et al. (1999) have provided evidence for higher bioavailability of DHA for incorporation into erythrocytes in human adults when DHA is provided in PL rather than in TAG. Wijendran et al. (2002) also reported that PL were about 2.1-fold more effective than TAG as substrates for accretion of brain arachidonic acid in the develop- ment of neonatal primate brain. Although PLs containing n 3 PUFA is available in fish and marine products, refinement procedures, including laborious extraction and separation, are required for it to be used industrially. Thus, enzymatic modification using inexpensive plant lecithin (PC, phosphatidylcholine) and a rich n 3 PUFA source might be an effective method for obtaining n 3 PUFA-enriched PLs. Replacement of fatty acid residues present in a native PL by fatty acids with beneficial physiological effects can lead to tailored PLs that offer intriguing marketing opportunities for manufacturers of nutraceuticals. Interest in the production of structured PLs containing specific fatty acid residues has also increased significantly in recent years. Vikbjerg, Mu, and Xu (2007) have reported that phospholipase A2-catalyzed synthesis of PL with caprylic acid by acyl modification of the sn 2 position in PLs. Hossen and Hernandez (2005) have reported that Lypozyme RM IM (from Rhizomucor miehei) and Lipozyme TL IM (from Thermomyces lanuginosus) are effective in the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid into soybean PL. Previous research concerning the incorporation of n 3 PUFA into PC by phospholipase A1 (PLA1) immobilized on Duolite A568 as a carrier has been reported (Kim, Garcia, & Hill, 2010). However, although a modified PC containing n 3 PUFA can be produced successfully, there is a concomitant significant decrease in PC yield as a consequence of hydrolysis. Therefore, it is important to find the means to enhance the desired yield of modified PC. In this study, detailed experiments were first conducted regarding immobilization of PLA1, and then the immobilized enzyme was employed for modification of PC. PC from soybean and highly enriched n 3 PUFA from fish oil were used as substrates
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. Pendahuluan
Phospholipid (PL) merupakan konstituen utama dari membran sel dan memainkan peran penting dalam biokimia dan fisiologi sel (Kidd & Head, 2005). PL telah banyak digunakan dalam makanan, farmasi, dan produk kosmetik sebagai sangat e fi sien emulsi fi ers. Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, n 3 asam lemak tak jenuh ganda (n 3 PUFA), terutama asam eicosapentaenoic (EPA) dan docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), telah menerima signifikan ilmiah perhatian karena manfaat-manfaat kesehatan mereka, yang meliputi perbaikan fungsi kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah penyakit jantung dan kanker (Khandelwal et al, 2013;. Komprda, 2012; Kromhout, Bosschieter, & de Lezenne Coulander, 1985; Larsson, Kumlin, Ingelman-Sundberg, & Wolk, 2004). Konsumsi n 3 PUFA juga telah dilaporkan untuk memberikan penting manfaat sehubungan dengan fungsi otak dan retina, serta mempercepat pertumbuhan prematur bayi (Carlson, Werkman, Peeples, Cooke, & Tolley, 1993; Lanting, Fidler, Huisman, Touwen, & Boersma, 1994; Neuringer, Connor, Van Petten, & Barstad, 1984). Rantai panjang n 3 PUFA merupakan ciri khas dari minyak laut dan terjadi meluas di PL dari ikan dan spesies laut, dengan EPA dan DHA umum akuntansi hingga 50% dari konstituen asam lemak mereka (Haraldsson & Thorarensen, 1999). Kehadiran rantai panjang dan rendah mencair PUFA diyakini menambah fl uidity dan mobilitas untuk membran sel dan dengan demikian, mereka menyesuaikan integritas dan fungsi membran benar dalam suhu ambien yang lebih rendah (Haraldsson & Thorarensen, 1999). Selain itu, asam lemak lebih mudah diserap dalam tubuh sebagai PL daripada sebagai trigliserida yang sesuai (TAG) atau etil ester (Galli et al., 1992). Karena positif dalam pengaruh fl n 3 PUFA terhadap kesehatan manusia, ada permintaan untuk mereka di industri farmasi dalam bentuk PL serta bentuk TAG alami mereka (Carlson, 1991). Lemaitre-Delaunay et al. (1999) telah memberikan bukti bioavailabilitas tinggi dari DHA untuk dimasukkan ke dalam eritrosit pada orang dewasa manusia ketika DHA disediakan di PL bukan di TAG. Wijendran et al. (2002) juga melaporkan bahwa PL sekitar 2,1 kali lipat lebih efektif daripada TAG sebagai substrat untuk pertambahan asam arakidonat otak dalam pengembangan otak primata neonatal. Meskipun PL mengandung n 3 PUFA tersedia dalam ikan dan hasil laut, kembali prosedur fi nement, termasuk ekstraksi melelahkan dan pemisahan, yang diperlukan untuk untuk digunakan industri. Dengan demikian, enzimatik modi fi kasi menggunakan lesitin murah tanaman (PC, fosfatidilkolin) dan kaya n 3 PUFA sumber mungkin menjadi metode yang efektif untuk memperoleh n 3 PL PUFA diperkaya. Penggantian residu asam lemak hadir dalam PL asli oleh asam lemak dengan efek fisiologis resmi bene fi dapat menyebabkan PL disesuaikan yang menawarkan peluang pemasaran yang menarik bagi produsen Nutraceuticals. Bunga dalam produksi PL terstruktur yang mengandung fi c residu asam lemak tertentu juga meningkat secara signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Vikbjerg, Mu, dan Xu (2007) telah melaporkan bahwa fosfolipase A2-katalis sintesis PL dengan asam kaprilat oleh asil modi fi kasi dari sn 2 posisi dalam PL. Hossen dan Hernandez (2005) telah melaporkan bahwa Lypozyme RM IM (dari Rhizomucor miehei) dan Lipozyme TL IM (dari Thermomyces lanuginosus) efektif dalam penggabungan asam linoleat terkonjugasi dalam PL kedelai. Penelitian sebelumnya mengenai penggabungan n 3 PUFA ke PC dengan fosfolipase A1 (PLA1) bergerak di Duolite A568 sebagai pembawa telah dilaporkan (Kim, Garcia, & Hill, 2010). Namun, meskipun dimodifikasi PC yang mengandung n 3 PUFA dapat diproduksi dengan sukses, ada signifikan penurunan fi kan bersamaan yield PC sebagai konsekuensi dari hidrolisis. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk fi nd sarana untuk meningkatkan hasil yang diinginkan dimodifikasi PC. Dalam penelitian ini, percobaan rinci yang pertama dilakukan tentang imobilisasi PLA1, dan kemudian enzim amobil dipekerjakan untuk modi fi kasi dari PC. PC dari kedelai dan sangat diperkaya n 3 PUFA dari minyak ikan yang digunakan sebagai substrat
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