Luo child soon courage Ju Lie, his here hot axe armed forces also only terjemahan - Luo child soon courage Ju Lie, his here hot axe armed forces also only Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Luo child soon courage Ju Lie, his

Luo child soon courage Ju Lie, his here hot axe armed forces also only then sev­eral thou­sands, but my not only has the palace guard sharp, has [Zhan Long] sharp, in Luo child's eyes, the [Zhan Long] play­ers is my palace sol­dier, nat­u­rally can dread that had to add, after re­sult sev­eral sec­onds, Luo child beck­oned with the hand say­ing: „, Gives these boy ways out of hav­ing eyes but fail­ing to see, we con­tinue the hot cloud em­pire sol­diers who in­ter­cepts breaks through, do not bleed off, cuts their num­bers of peo­ple, in the fu­ture will need these where­abouts Great in­vi­ta­tion mil­i­tary ex­ploits.”
I look up one, be­hind the bat­tal­ions of hot axe armed forces has piled the heads of many hot cloud em­pire NPC sol­diers, prob­a­bly some are they kills, more is other reg­i­ment kills, but the hot axe armed forces cling to the mil­i­tary ex­ploit, prob­a­bly com­pletely shears to con­sider own merit, the war in this game is that cruel, some of my il­lu­sion can­not make Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Li Mengyao these side MM do not play again, this will cast the trauma.
The young pig runs to raise the flint­lock to look to me, said: „Ram­ble guild­mas­ter, thanked!”
I nod smile: „All right, minor mat­ter.”
Liu Ying this feels the nose to say re­sent­fully: „These NPC sim­ply were in­sane, un­ex­pect­edly dares to begin to the player, this giz­mondo Gente the un­der- suit, NND, ir­ri­tated me”
I let some­body cool off or calm down looked at his one eyes, said: „Des­tiny com­pany al­ready an­nounced that all sys­tems turned over to the con­trol cen­tral sys­tem to man­age vol­un­tar­ily, they were only re­spon­si­ble for the trim­ming, when in­side your hand did not have enough strength do not speak the last words NPC, do not think one played it­self a game to work as God, in this case, you one day were pos­si­bly run over and died do not know how dead.”
Liu Ying stares, ob­vi­ously he has not been sep­a­rated from his Feng water chest­nut group pres­i­dent's son's sta­tus, re­gards in the game the re­al­ity, what a pity here NPC does not show re­spect for some­body's abil­ity, does not think Liu Ying sta­tus is hon­ored, is the son of which duke and mar­quis, but just re­garded group leader in a ven­turer him, the Tian Ling Em­pire ven­turer has reg­is­tered tens of mil­lions, who will care about your sta­tus not much ven­turer?
There­fore I also thought that the reg­i­ment sys­tem re­ally very much has the mix­ing ne­ces­sity, the sta­tus that for ex­am­ple I this palace guard com­mands now can go to many trou­bles for our province, the son is at some­body's beck and call with it for a life­time, would rather the base and low per­son stepped on these in the under foot, how the look­ing dis­dain­fully world, in­vin­ci­ble?
Thinks of here, can­not bear the heroic spirit have, then greeted Li Mu, Lin Wan Er et al., lead­ing the [Zhan Long] per­son to con­tinue to pur­sue for­ward, left be­hind Liu Ying and other group of peo­ple in a daze there, then fast left Luo child's army, Liu Ying as if also fi­nally com­pre­hended, Luo child hag­gling over every penny the vil­lain in NPC could not of­fend.
Boom, that night is not doomed or­di­nary.
Is rais­ing the Longchi sword and town Yue Dao, I brought [Zhan Long] one group of per­son al­most every peo­ple to chop the pointed weapons com­pletely curl the mouth, 10 li (0.5km) of fire likely city have be­come a human pur­ga­tory, overnight, the fire Yun Cheng au­tumn leaf reg­i­ment com­manded Ye 塰, the day pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment to com­mand to kill as pun­ish­ment dies dur­ing has fought ran­domly, these two reg­i­ment also al­most whole army has been an­ni­hi­lated, the five big reg­i­ment at­tack fire likely cities of fire Yun Cheng em­pire, only re­main­ing pure run­ning water reg­i­ment and act­ing as look-out reg­i­ment these two, and these two reg­i­ments also only then not to the ap­pear­ance of 7 W per­son total., In the maple­wood was drunk prob­a­bly u
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Luo child soon courage Ju Lie, his here hot axe armed forces also only then sev­eral thou­sands, but my not only has the palace guard sharp, has [Zhan Long] sharp, in Luo child's eyes, the [Zhan Long] play­ers is my palace sol­dier, nat­u­rally can dread that had to add, after re­sult sev­eral sec­onds, Luo child beck­oned with the hand say­ing: „, Gives these boy ways out of hav­ing eyes but fail­ing to see, we con­tinue the hot cloud em­pire sol­diers who in­ter­cepts breaks through, do not bleed off, cuts their num­bers of peo­ple, in the fu­ture will need these where­abouts Great in­vi­ta­tion mil­i­tary ex­ploits.”I look up one, be­hind the bat­tal­ions of hot axe armed forces has piled the heads of many hot cloud em­pire NPC sol­diers, prob­a­bly some are they kills, more is other reg­i­ment kills, but the hot axe armed forces cling to the mil­i­tary ex­ploit, prob­a­bly com­pletely shears to con­sider own merit, the war in this game is that cruel, some of my il­lu­sion can­not make Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Li Mengyao these side MM do not play again, this will cast the trauma.The young pig runs to raise the flint­lock to look to me, said: „Ram­ble guild­mas­ter, thanked!”I nod smile: „All right, minor mat­ter.”Liu Ying this feels the nose to say re­sent­fully: „These NPC sim­ply were in­sane, un­ex­pect­edly dares to begin to the player, this giz­mondo Gente the un­der- suit, NND, ir­ri­tated me”I let some­body cool off or calm down looked at his one eyes, said: „Des­tiny com­pany al­ready an­nounced that all sys­tems turned over to the con­trol cen­tral sys­tem to man­age vol­un­tar­ily, they were only re­spon­si­ble for the trim­ming, when in­side your hand did not have enough strength do not speak the last words NPC, do not think one played it­self a game to work as God, in this case, you one day were pos­si­bly run over and died do not know how dead.”Liu Ying stares, ob­vi­ously he has not been sep­a­rated from his Feng water chest­nut group pres­i­dent's son's sta­tus, re­gards in the game the re­al­ity, what a pity here NPC does not show re­spect for some­body's abil­ity, does not think Liu Ying sta­tus is hon­ored, is the son of which duke and mar­quis, but just re­garded group leader in a ven­turer him, the Tian Ling Em­pire ven­turer has reg­is­tered tens of mil­lions, who will care about your sta­tus not much ven­turer?There­fore I also thought that the reg­i­ment sys­tem re­ally very much has the mix­ing ne­ces­sity, the sta­tus that for ex­am­ple I this palace guard com­mands now can go to many trou­bles for our province, the son is at some­body's beck and call with it for a life­time, would rather the base and low per­son stepped on these in the under foot, how the look­ing dis­dain­fully world, in­vin­ci­ble?Thinks of here, can­not bear the heroic spirit have, then greeted Li Mu, Lin Wan Er et al., lead­ing the [Zhan Long] per­son to con­tinue to pur­sue for­ward, left be­hind Liu Ying and other group of peo­ple in a daze there, then fast left Luo child's army, Liu Ying as if also fi­nally com­pre­hended, Luo child hag­gling over every penny the vil­lain in NPC could not of­fend.Boom, that night is not doomed or­di­nary.Is rais­ing the Longchi sword and town Yue Dao, I brought [Zhan Long] one group of per­son al­most every peo­ple to chop the pointed weapons com­pletely curl the mouth, 10 li (0.5km) of fire likely city have be­come a human pur­ga­tory, overnight, the fire Yun Cheng au­tumn leaf reg­i­ment com­manded Ye 塰, the day pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment to com­mand to kill as pun­ish­ment dies dur­ing has fought ran­domly, these two reg­i­ment also al­most whole army has been an­ni­hi­lated, the five big reg­i­ment at­tack fire likely cities of fire Yun Cheng em­pire, only re­main­ing pure run­ning water reg­i­ment and act­ing as look-out reg­i­ment these two, and these two reg­i­ments also only then not to the ap­pear­ance of 7 W per­son total., In the maple­wood was drunk prob­a­bly u
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Anak Luo segera keberanian Ju Lie, pasukannya kapak di sini panas bersenjata juga hanya kemudian beberapa ribu, tapi saya tidak hanya telah pengawal istana yang tajam, memiliki [Zhan Panjang] tajam, di mata luo anak, yang [Zhan Panjang] pemain adalah istanaku tentara, secara alami dapat takut bahwa harus menambahkan, setelah hasil beberapa detik, anak Luo memberi isyarat dengan tangan berkata: ", Memberikan cara anak ini keluar dari memiliki mata tetapi gagal untuk melihat, kami terus tentara kerajaan awan panas yang memotong istirahat melalui, tidak berdarah off, memotong jumlah mereka dari orang, di masa mendatang akan membutuhkan keberadaan ini besar undangan eksploitasi militer. "
saya mencari satu, di belakang batalion angkatan bersenjata kapak panas telah menumpuk kepala banyak awan panas kerajaan tentara NPC, mungkin beberapa mereka membunuh, lebih lainnya resimen membunuh, tapi kapak panas angkatan bersenjata melekat militer mengeksploitasi, mungkin benar-benar gunting untuk mempertimbangkan prestasi sendiri, perang dalam game ini adalah bahwa kejam, beberapa ilusi saya tidak dapat membuat Lin Wan Er dan . Dong bulan Cheng dan Li Mengyao ini sisi MM tidak bermain lagi, ini akan melemparkan trauma
babi muda berjalan untuk menaikkan flintlock untuk melihat ke saya, mengatakan: "Guildmaster mengoceh, mengucapkan terima kasih!"
aku mengangguk sambil tersenyum: "Baiklah, . entahkah "
Liu Ying ini terasa hidung mengatakan kesal:" NPC ini hanya yang gila, tiba-tiba berani mulai pemain, Gente ini Gizmondo setelan memahami, NND, kesal saya "
saya membiarkan seseorang dingin atau tenang memandang satu matanya, mengatakan: "perusahaan Takdir sudah mengumumkan bahwa semua sistem diserahkan kepada sistem pusat kontrol untuk mengelola secara sukarela, mereka hanya bertanggung jawab atas pemangkasan, saat berada di dalam tangan Anda tidak memiliki kekuatan yang cukup tidak berbicara kata-kata terakhir NPC, tidak berpikir satu memainkan sendiri permainan untuk bekerja sebagai Tuhan, dalam hal ini, Anda satu hari yang mungkin berlari dan meninggal tidak tahu bagaimana mati. "
Liu Ying menatap, jelas dia belum lepas dari nya air kastanye Feng Status anak kelompok presiden itu, salam dalam permainan kenyataannya, sayang di sini NPC tidak menghormati kemampuan seseorang, tidak berpikir Status Liu Ying dihormati, adalah anak yang duke dan marquis, tapi hanya dianggap pemimpin kelompok dalam venture dia, venturer Tian Ling Empire telah terdaftar puluhan juta, yang akan peduli tentang status Anda tidak banyak venture?
karena itu saya juga berpikir bahwa sistem resimen benar-benar sangat banyak memiliki kebutuhan pencampuran, status yang misalnya saya ini pengawal istana perintah sekarang dapat pergi ke banyak masalah untuk provinsi kami, anak berada pada seseorang beck dan panggilan dengan itu untuk seumur hidup, lebih suka basis dan orang yang rendah menginjak ini di kaki bawah, bagaimana mencari disdainfully dunia, tak terkalahkan?
berpikir dari sini , tidak tahan semangat heroik memiliki, kemudian disambut Li Mu, Lin Wan Er et al., memimpin [Zhan panjang] orang untuk terus mengejar ke depan, meninggalkan Liu Ying dan kelompok lain dari orang dalam keadaan linglung di sana, kemudian cepat meninggalkan tentara luo anak, Liu Ying seakan juga akhirnya dipahami, anak luo tawar-menawar atas setiap sen penjahat di NPC tidak bisa menyinggung perasaan.
Boom, malam itu tidak ditakdirkan biasa.
apakah menaikkan pedang Longchi dan kota Yue Dao, saya membawa [Zhan panjang ] satu kelompok orang hampir setiap orang untuk memotong senjata tajam benar-benar meringkuk mulut, 10 li (0.5km) dari api kemungkinan kota telah menjadi api penyucian manusia, semalam, api Yun Cheng daun gugur resimen diperintahkan Ye塰, hukuman hari resimen perintah untuk membunuh sebagai hukuman mati selama telah berjuang secara acak, dua resimen ini juga hampir seluruh tentara telah dimusnahkan, lima resimen serangan api kota kemungkinan besar api Yun Cheng kerajaan, hanya tersisa murni menjalankan resimen air dan bertindak sebagai tampilan-out resimen kedua, dan dua resimen ini juga hanya maka tidak penampilan 7 W orang Total., dalam maplewood adalah mabuk mungkin u
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