Participation in sport promotes a healthy lifestylePointParticipation  terjemahan - Participation in sport promotes a healthy lifestylePointParticipation  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Participation in sport promotes a h

Participation in sport promotes a healthy lifestyle

Participation in sport promotes health. The effect on self-esteem and well-being as a product of sport can only be experienced by certain children if forced by their schools to first participate. A recent report to the European Parliament declared 'physical education is a springboard for involvement in sport and physical activities throughout life’[1]. Government is, or should be, concerned with the health of its citizens. Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise. This doesn’t have to be through traditional team sports; increasingly schools are able to offer exercise in the form of swimming, gymnastics, dance, weight training, use of a multi-gym, aerobics, etc

[1] Hardman, K. (2007). Current situation and prospects for physical education in the European Union. European Parliament

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It is a red herring to say that PE makes any serious difference to people's health. There are plenty of more effective ways of ensuring a healthy population than pushing children round a freezing sports pitch once a week; not least would be addressing the disgusting diets our young have today, and encouraging walking or cycling to school rather than total reliance on the car. Both methods would involve promoting a healthy lifestyle without forcing the participation in unpopular physical education classes that do little for one's education.
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Physical education helps to forge skills that will prove invaluable in later life

Physical education helps to forge character and the mutual respect required to succeed in an adult environment. Playing team sports builds character and encourages students to work with others, as they would be expected to do in most business or sporting environments. Sport teaches children how to win and lose with good grace and builds a strong school spirit through competition with other institutions. It is invaluable to imbue with children the delicate balance between a competitive rivalry that encourages effort and, on the other hand, losing the fairness and respect required to enjoy sport. It is often the experience of playing on a team together which builds the strongest friendships at school, which endure for years afterwards. As was noted in a report to the European Parliament, 'PE...helps children learn to respect and value their own bodies and abilities, and those of others'[1]. Compulsory physical education is the only means by which all children can be forced to appreciate such advantages.

[1]Hardman, K. (2007). Current situation and prospects for physical education in the European Union. European Parliament.

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Physical education undermines one's character as much as it strengthens and forges it. For every future athlete who grows in stature as he becomes comfortable in a team environment, there are a number of academic students who are forced weekly to cope with the brutality and criticisms of others more gifted at specific sports. Values like respect are not taught on a football field, any glance at a professional football match leads inexorably to that conclusion. Furthermore, learning about teamwork and co-operation no longer requires hours spent playing sport; they can be taught just as accurately and effectively in a classroom through music, drama, community projects, etc. without the need to encourage an ultra-competitive ethos.
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Compulsory physical education will improve national sporting achievement

The quest for national sporting achievement begins in schools. If schools don't have compulsory PE, it is much harder to pick out, develop and equip athletes to represent the country on a wider stage. Even with a 'sports academy' model run along Australian lines, it's much easier to find suitable individuals with a full sports program in every school. In the UK seventy per cent of state-school students are dropping PE when it becomes optional; it is no surprise that up to 30% of its Olympic athletes are now privately-educated, where physical education is compulsory until the end of one's education[1]. State education is not just about aiding the individual it’s also about the state getting a good return on its investment – in a well-educated populace to drive business and entrepreneurialism etc. This applies equally in sports.

[1] Laing, A. (2010, February 2). Third of British 2012 Olympic Athletes privately educated. Retrieved May 18, 2011.

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Schools aren't supposed to be about fostering achievers for the state – that smacks of Stalinism. Schools should be tailored to the individual – if the individual student doesn’t want to participate in sports, they shouldn’t have to. If we allowed such national aims to be considered in schools, would we consent to humiliation of those that did badly in maths lessons, to encourage their achievement in maths (and thus business skills?) Of course not. But we allow that in PE.
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Sports teams require the support of schools and the encouragement of physical education

Without school support, sports will collapse. If compulsory physical education classes aren't in place, then team activities will end by sheer lack of numbers, no matter if several very talented individuals are at the school (or even potentially talented – they’ll never know without the program). New surveys in the United Kingdom have found that they expect to see a fall in sporting events provided in schools due to cost-cutting, despite the upcoming Olympics inspiring students to want to compete[1]. If voluntary take-up of sport in schools is too low, then schools will shut down PE programmes so that there is no choice at all. Not everyone is academic: why deprive those talented sports students of their one chance to shine? Athletes who lack academic prowess are required to stick at classes like maths even if it appears obvious their career path is in sport; why should mathematicians escape from their respective obligation to compete in sports?

[1] The Labour Party (2011, April 18). Competitive school sports expected to fall, survey reveals. Retrieved April 19, 2011.

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Forcing children that don't want to play to make up teams in order to allow others to shine smacks of rigid education from a bygone era. Learning about teamwork and co-operation no longer requires hours spent playing sport; they can be taught just as accurately and effectively in a classroom with altogether more academic and conducive activities. In any case, in an increasingly litigious age, a compulsory rather than voluntary sports program is a liability. More and more schools are avoiding the very team games (e.g. rugby, soccer, hockey, football) to the (realistic) fear of lawsuits when injuries and disputes occur.
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Schools can punish students who do not participate in the classes with further PE lessons

Compulsory PE lessons can be treated in the same manner an ordinary educational class is treated; if the student refuses to participate and therefore does not do their work, they are punished with extra work of that same class. In this case, that would necessitate added physical education exercises at a later date or immediately after the class. The excuse that the student does not wish to participate in the class should be seen as no different to if it were stated during a maths or English class, where it would not be accepted. The fact that physical education is qualitatively different to those classes is irrespective; once deemed a compulsory subject, and therefore beneficial, it must be accepted and completed.
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The intention of advocating a healthy lifestyle and sports is lost if there is a punishment attached to the class. Furthermore, to expect all students to participate in a class that is so overtly embarrassing to the weaker athletes is almost state-sanctioned bullying. In a maths class, the working and answers of the weakest students are not paraded in front of the class for all to see, and if they try to stop this, kept behind for extra work. It is demonstrably unfair to ask students, fragile about their appearance as it is, to compete physically with classmates. It should be encouraged, but maintain voluntary for those who wish to do so. The others can still be taught about healthy living and exercise without being dragged into physical exertion.

Individuals should have the right to control their own bodies

We acknowledge the right of individuals (or their parents) to control their own bodies – when they have an operation, where they go, what they do. Why is this any different?

This discussion should be held in the real world: students actually aren’t compelled to attend PE classes, as ‘sick notes’ are produced with alarming regularity by parents complicit in their child’s wish to avoid this lesson. The aim of ‘compulsory PE’ isn’t being fulfilled at present in any case, and greater efforts to enforce it will only result in more deceit, or children missing school for the entire day – or, in the most extreme cases, being withdrawn from state education by parents unwilling to allow their children to be forced into something they don’t wish to do. Instead, we should simply abandon the whole exercise and allow PE to become voluntary. The UNESCO charter stresses the right to PE, and was addressed to nations that failed to provide it at all – it was not meant to suggest that individuals should be compelled to do it in nations that do[1].

[1] UNESCO. (1945, November 16). Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Retrieved May 18, 2011.

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If not forced to exercise in youth, many will never think to do it in adulthood. This is no idle q
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Partisipasi dalam olahraga mempromosikan gaya hidup sehatTitikPartisipasi dalam olahraga mempromosikan kesehatan. Efek pada harga diri dan kesejahteraan sebagai produk olahraga hanya bisa dialami oleh anak-anak tertentu jika dipaksa oleh sekolah pertama berpartisipasi. Sebuah laporan Parlemen Eropa menyatakan 'pendidikan jasmani adalah batu loncatan untuk keterlibatan dalam olahraga dan kegiatan fisik sepanjang hidup' [1]. Pemerintah adalah, atau seharusnya, bersangkutan dengan kesehatan warganya. Mendorong aktivitas fisik dalam muda melalui wajib PE perkelahian obesitas anak dan memberikan kontribusi untuk membentuk kebiasaan latihan seumur hidup. Ini tidak harus melalui olahraga tradisional tim; semakin sekolah mampu menawarkan latihan dalam bentuk renang, senam, tari, latihan beban, penggunaan multi gym, aerobik, dll[1] Hardman, K. (2007). Situasi saat ini dan prospek untuk pendidikan jasmani di Uni Eropa. Parlemen Eropa Meningkatkan ini TandinganIni adalah ikan merah untuk mengatakan bahwa PE membuat perbedaan apapun serius untuk kesehatan masyarakat. Ada banyak cara yang lebih efektif untuk memastikan populasi yang sehat daripada mendorong anak putaran Lapangan olahraga pembekuan sekali seminggu; paling tidak akan menangani Diet menjijikkan muda kita memiliki hari ini, dan mendorong berjalan atau bersepeda untuk sekolah daripada total ketergantungan pada mobil. Kedua metode akan melibatkan mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat tanpa memaksa partisipasi dalam kelas pendidikan jasmani tidak populer yang berbuat banyak untuk satu adalah pendidikan.Meningkatkan ini Pendidikan jasmani membantu untuk membentuk keahlian yang akan terbukti sangat berharga dalam kehidupanTitikPendidikan jasmani membantu untuk membentuk karakter dan saling menghormati yang diperlukan untuk berhasil dalam lingkungan dewasa. Bermain olahraga tim membangun karakter dan mendorong siswa untuk bekerja dengan orang lain, karena mereka akan diharapkan untuk melakukan sebagian bisnis atau olahraga lingkungan. Olahraga mengajarkan anak bagaimana untuk menang dan kalah dengan kebaikan dan membangun sekolah kuat Roh melalui persaingan dengan institusi lain. Hal ini sangat berharga untuk mengilhami dengan anak keseimbangan antara persaingan kompetitif yang mendorong usaha dan, di sisi lain, kehilangan keadilan dan hormat yang diperlukan untuk menikmati olahraga. Hal ini sering pengalaman bermain di tim bersama yang membangun persahabatan terkuat di sekolah, yang bertahan selama bertahun-tahun sesudahnya. Seperti yang tercatat dalam laporan Parlemen Eropa, ' PE... membantu anak-anak belajar untuk menghormati dan menghargai tubuh mereka sendiri dan kemampuan, dan orang lain [1]. Fisik pendidikan wajib adalah satu-satunya cara dengan mana semua anak dapat dipaksa untuk menghargai keunggulan tersebut.[1]Hardman, K. (2007). Situasi saat ini dan prospek untuk pendidikan jasmani di Uni Eropa. Parlemen Eropa. Meningkatkan ini TandinganPendidikan jasmani merongrong karakter seseorang seperti itu memperkuat dan menempa itu. Untuk setiap atlet masa depan yang tumbuh membesar ketika ia menjadi nyaman dalam lingkungan tim, ada sejumlah akademik siswa yang dipaksa mingguan untuk mengatasi kebrutalan dan kritik terhadap orang lain yang lebih berbakat di olahraga tertentu. Nilai-nilai seperti rasa hormat tidak diajarkan di lapangan sepakbola, setiap melirik pertandingan sepak bola profesional mengarah pada tak terelakkan bahwa kesimpulan. Selain itu, belajar tentang kerja tim dan kerjasama tidak lagi membutuhkan jam yang dihabiskan bermain olahraga; mereka dapat diajarkan hanya sebagai secara akurat dan efektif dalam kelas melalui musik, drama, proyek-proyek komunitas, dll tanpa perlu untuk mendorong sebuah etos ultra-kompetitif.Meningkatkan ini Fisik pendidikan wajib akan meningkatkan prestasi Olahraga NasionalTitikPencarian untuk prestasi olahraga nasional dimulai di sekolah. Jika sekolah tidak memiliki wajib PE, itu jauh lebih sulit untuk memilih, mengembangkan dan melengkapi atlet untuk mewakili negaranya pada tahap yang lebih luas. Bahkan dengan model 'sports academy' menjalankan sepanjang garis Australia, jauh lebih mudah untuk menemukan orang-orang yang cocok dengan program olahraga yang lengkap di setiap sekolah. Di Inggris tujuh puluh persen dari siswa sekolah negara yang ditinggalkan PE ketika menjadi opsional; Hal ini tidak mengherankan bahwa sampai dengan 30% dari atlet Olimpiade sekarang pribadi-berpendidikan, dimana pendidikan jasmani wajib sampai akhir pendidikan [1]. Negara pendidikan tidak hanya tentang membantu individu it's juga tentang negara mendapatkan pengembalian investasi – penduduk terdidik untuk mendorong bisnis dan entrepreneurialism dll. Hal ini berlaku sama di olahraga.[1] Laing, A. (2010, 2 Februari). Ketiga British 2012 Olimpiade atlet swasta berpendidikan. Diakses pada 18 Mei 2011. Meningkatkan ini TandinganSekolah tidak seharusnya tentang pembinaan berprestasi untuk negara – smacks itu Stalinisme. Sekolah harus disesuaikan kepada individu – jika siswa tidak ingin berpartisipasi dalam olahraga, mereka seharusnya tidak perlu. Jika kami mengizinkan seperti Nasional bertujuan untuk dipertimbangkan dalam sekolah, yang akan kita setuju untuk penghinaan dari orang-orang yang melakukan buruk dalam pelajaran matematika, untuk mendorong prestasi mereka dalam matematika (dan dengan demikian keterampilan bisnis?) Tentu saja tidak. Tapi kita membiarkan itu di PE.Meningkatkan ini Tim olahraga memerlukan dukungan dari sekolah dan penghiburan dari pendidikan jasmaniTitikTanpa dukungan sekolah, olahraga akan runtuh. Jika kelas pendidikan jasmani wajib tidak di tempat, kemudian kegiatan tim akan berakhir oleh semata-mata kurangnya nomor, tidak masalah jika beberapa individu yang sangat berbakat di sekolah (atau bahkan berpotensi berbakat-mereka tidak akan pernah tahu tanpa program). Survey di Inggris menemukan bahwa mereka mengharapkan untuk melihat penurunan disediakan di sekolah karena pemotongan biaya, meskipun Olimpiade mendatang inspirasi siswa ingin bersaing [1] acara olahraga. Jika mengambil-up sukarela olahraga di sekolah terlalu rendah, maka sekolah akan menutup program PE sehingga ada pilihan sama sekali. Tidak semua orang akademik: Mengapa menghilangkan siswa berbakat olahraga dari mereka satu kesempatan untuk bersinar? Atlet yang kekurangan kecakapan akademik diperlukan untuk kelas-kelas seperti matematika bahkan jika tampaknya jelas karir mereka dalam olahraga; Mengapa harus matematikawan melarikan diri dari kewajiban mereka masing-masing untuk bersaing dalam olahraga? [1] buruh Partai (2011, April 18). Olahraga kompetitif sekolah diharapkan jatuh, survei mengungkapkan. Diakses pada 19 April 2011. Meningkatkan ini TandinganMemaksa anak-anak yang tidak ingin bermain untuk membuat tim untuk mengizinkan orang lain untuk bersinar smacks kaku pendidikan dari zaman dulu. Belajar tentang kerja tim dan kerjasama tidak lagi membutuhkan jam yang dihabiskan bermain olahraga; mereka dapat diajarkan hanya sebagai secara akurat dan efektif dalam kelas dengan kegiatan sama sekali lebih akademik dan kondusif. Dalam kasus apapun, dalam usia semakin sadar hukum, program wajib daripada sukarela olahraga adalah kewajiban. Semakin banyak sekolah menghindari permainan sangat tim (misalnya rugby, sepak bola, hoki, sepak bola) untuk takut tuntutan hukum (realistis) ketika cedera dan perselisihan terjadi.Meningkatkan ini Sekolah dapat menghukum siswa yang tidak berpartisipasi dalam kelas dengan lebih lanjut PE pelajaranTitikWajib PE pelajaran dapat diperlakukan dengan cara yang sama kelas pendidikan biasa dianggap; Jika mahasiswa menolak untuk berpartisipasi dan karena itu tidak melakukan pekerjaan mereka, mereka akan dihukum dengan tambahan karya kelas yang sama. Dalam kasus ini, yang akan memerlukan latihan pendidikan jasmani ditambahkan di kemudian hari atau segera setelah kelas. Alasan bahwa siswa tidak ingin berpartisipasi dalam kelas harus dilihat sebagai tidak berbeda jika dinyatakan selama matematika atau kelas bahasa Inggris, dimana itu tidak akan diterima. Fakta bahwa pendidikan fisik kualitatif yang berbeda untuk kelas tersebut terlepas; Setelah dianggap mata kuliah wajib, dan karena itu menguntungkan, itu harus diterima dan selesai.Meningkatkan ini TandinganMaksud dari advokasi gaya hidup sehat dan olahraga hilang jika ada hukuman yang melekat pada kelas. Selain itu, diharapkan semua siswa untuk berpartisipasi dalam sebuah kelas yang sangat terang-terangan memalukan kepada atlet lemah adalah hampir direstui negara bullying. Dalam kelas matematika, bekerja dan jawaban dari siswa paling lemah tidak diarak di depan kelas untuk semua untuk melihat, dan jika mereka mencoba untuk menghentikan ini, disimpan di belakang untuk bekerja ekstra. Hal ini terbukti tidak adil untuk meminta siswa, rapuh tentang penampilan mereka seperti itu, untuk bersaing secara fisik dengan teman sekelas. Harus didorong, tetapi menjaga sukarela bagi mereka yang ingin melakukannya. Yang lain dapat masih diajarkan tentang hidup sehat dan latihan tanpa diseret ke dalam kontak fisik.Individu harus memiliki hak untuk mengendalikan tubuh mereka sendiriKami mengakui hak individu (atau orang tua mereka) untuk mengendalikan tubuh mereka sendiri-ketika mereka memiliki operasi, di mana mereka pergi, apa yang mereka lakukan. Mengapa hal ini berbeda?This discussion should be held in the real world: students actually aren’t compelled to attend PE classes, as ‘sick notes’ are produced with alarming regularity by parents complicit in their child’s wish to avoid this lesson. The aim of ‘compulsory PE’ isn’t being fulfilled at present in any case, and greater efforts to enforce it will only result in more deceit, or children missing school for the entire day – or, in the most extreme cases, being withdrawn from state education by parents unwilling to allow their children to be forced into something they don’t wish to do. Instead, we should simply abandon the whole exercise and allow PE to become voluntary. The UNESCO charter stresses the right to PE, and was addressed to nations that failed to provide it at all – it was not meant to suggest that individuals should be compelled to do it in nations that do[1].[1] UNESCO. (1945, November 16). Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Retrieved May 18, 2011. Improve this CounterpointIf not forced to exercise in youth, many will never think to do it in adulthood. This is no idle q
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Participation in sport promotes a healthy lifestyle

Participation in sport promotes health. The effect on self-esteem and well-being as a product of sport can only be experienced by certain children if forced by their schools to first participate. A recent report to the European Parliament declared 'physical education is a springboard for involvement in sport and physical activities throughout life’[1]. Government is, or should be, concerned with the health of its citizens. Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise. This doesn’t have to be through traditional team sports; increasingly schools are able to offer exercise in the form of swimming, gymnastics, dance, weight training, use of a multi-gym, aerobics, etc

[1] Hardman, K. (2007). Current situation and prospects for physical education in the European Union. European Parliament

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It is a red herring to say that PE makes any serious difference to people's health. There are plenty of more effective ways of ensuring a healthy population than pushing children round a freezing sports pitch once a week; not least would be addressing the disgusting diets our young have today, and encouraging walking or cycling to school rather than total reliance on the car. Both methods would involve promoting a healthy lifestyle without forcing the participation in unpopular physical education classes that do little for one's education.
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Physical education helps to forge skills that will prove invaluable in later life

Physical education helps to forge character and the mutual respect required to succeed in an adult environment. Playing team sports builds character and encourages students to work with others, as they would be expected to do in most business or sporting environments. Sport teaches children how to win and lose with good grace and builds a strong school spirit through competition with other institutions. It is invaluable to imbue with children the delicate balance between a competitive rivalry that encourages effort and, on the other hand, losing the fairness and respect required to enjoy sport. It is often the experience of playing on a team together which builds the strongest friendships at school, which endure for years afterwards. As was noted in a report to the European Parliament, 'PE...helps children learn to respect and value their own bodies and abilities, and those of others'[1]. Compulsory physical education is the only means by which all children can be forced to appreciate such advantages.

[1]Hardman, K. (2007). Current situation and prospects for physical education in the European Union. European Parliament.

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Physical education undermines one's character as much as it strengthens and forges it. For every future athlete who grows in stature as he becomes comfortable in a team environment, there are a number of academic students who are forced weekly to cope with the brutality and criticisms of others more gifted at specific sports. Values like respect are not taught on a football field, any glance at a professional football match leads inexorably to that conclusion. Furthermore, learning about teamwork and co-operation no longer requires hours spent playing sport; they can be taught just as accurately and effectively in a classroom through music, drama, community projects, etc. without the need to encourage an ultra-competitive ethos.
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Compulsory physical education will improve national sporting achievement

The quest for national sporting achievement begins in schools. If schools don't have compulsory PE, it is much harder to pick out, develop and equip athletes to represent the country on a wider stage. Even with a 'sports academy' model run along Australian lines, it's much easier to find suitable individuals with a full sports program in every school. In the UK seventy per cent of state-school students are dropping PE when it becomes optional; it is no surprise that up to 30% of its Olympic athletes are now privately-educated, where physical education is compulsory until the end of one's education[1]. State education is not just about aiding the individual it’s also about the state getting a good return on its investment – in a well-educated populace to drive business and entrepreneurialism etc. This applies equally in sports.

[1] Laing, A. (2010, February 2). Third of British 2012 Olympic Athletes privately educated. Retrieved May 18, 2011.

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Schools aren't supposed to be about fostering achievers for the state – that smacks of Stalinism. Schools should be tailored to the individual – if the individual student doesn’t want to participate in sports, they shouldn’t have to. If we allowed such national aims to be considered in schools, would we consent to humiliation of those that did badly in maths lessons, to encourage their achievement in maths (and thus business skills?) Of course not. But we allow that in PE.
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Sports teams require the support of schools and the encouragement of physical education

Without school support, sports will collapse. If compulsory physical education classes aren't in place, then team activities will end by sheer lack of numbers, no matter if several very talented individuals are at the school (or even potentially talented – they’ll never know without the program). New surveys in the United Kingdom have found that they expect to see a fall in sporting events provided in schools due to cost-cutting, despite the upcoming Olympics inspiring students to want to compete[1]. If voluntary take-up of sport in schools is too low, then schools will shut down PE programmes so that there is no choice at all. Not everyone is academic: why deprive those talented sports students of their one chance to shine? Athletes who lack academic prowess are required to stick at classes like maths even if it appears obvious their career path is in sport; why should mathematicians escape from their respective obligation to compete in sports?

[1] The Labour Party (2011, April 18). Competitive school sports expected to fall, survey reveals. Retrieved April 19, 2011.

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Forcing children that don't want to play to make up teams in order to allow others to shine smacks of rigid education from a bygone era. Learning about teamwork and co-operation no longer requires hours spent playing sport; they can be taught just as accurately and effectively in a classroom with altogether more academic and conducive activities. In any case, in an increasingly litigious age, a compulsory rather than voluntary sports program is a liability. More and more schools are avoiding the very team games (e.g. rugby, soccer, hockey, football) to the (realistic) fear of lawsuits when injuries and disputes occur.
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Schools can punish students who do not participate in the classes with further PE lessons

Compulsory PE lessons can be treated in the same manner an ordinary educational class is treated; if the student refuses to participate and therefore does not do their work, they are punished with extra work of that same class. In this case, that would necessitate added physical education exercises at a later date or immediately after the class. The excuse that the student does not wish to participate in the class should be seen as no different to if it were stated during a maths or English class, where it would not be accepted. The fact that physical education is qualitatively different to those classes is irrespective; once deemed a compulsory subject, and therefore beneficial, it must be accepted and completed.
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The intention of advocating a healthy lifestyle and sports is lost if there is a punishment attached to the class. Furthermore, to expect all students to participate in a class that is so overtly embarrassing to the weaker athletes is almost state-sanctioned bullying. In a maths class, the working and answers of the weakest students are not paraded in front of the class for all to see, and if they try to stop this, kept behind for extra work. It is demonstrably unfair to ask students, fragile about their appearance as it is, to compete physically with classmates. It should be encouraged, but maintain voluntary for those who wish to do so. The others can still be taught about healthy living and exercise without being dragged into physical exertion.

Individuals should have the right to control their own bodies

We acknowledge the right of individuals (or their parents) to control their own bodies – when they have an operation, where they go, what they do. Why is this any different?

This discussion should be held in the real world: students actually aren’t compelled to attend PE classes, as ‘sick notes’ are produced with alarming regularity by parents complicit in their child’s wish to avoid this lesson. The aim of ‘compulsory PE’ isn’t being fulfilled at present in any case, and greater efforts to enforce it will only result in more deceit, or children missing school for the entire day – or, in the most extreme cases, being withdrawn from state education by parents unwilling to allow their children to be forced into something they don’t wish to do. Instead, we should simply abandon the whole exercise and allow PE to become voluntary. The UNESCO charter stresses the right to PE, and was addressed to nations that failed to provide it at all – it was not meant to suggest that individuals should be compelled to do it in nations that do[1].

[1] UNESCO. (1945, November 16). Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Retrieved May 18, 2011.

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If not forced to exercise in youth, many will never think to do it in adulthood. This is no idle q
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