Good Day dear, i actually was having fears of betrayal and how to get  terjemahan - Good Day dear, i actually was having fears of betrayal and how to get  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Good Day dear, i actually was havin

Good Day dear, i actually was having fears of betrayal and how to get you convinced to believe me when the firm advices me to look for a foreign partner from your country since i am a refugee at the moment and the law of the country does not permit me to part-take in any international transaction until i secure all the necessary papers. I was also warned to be careful with the kind of person i connect through internet because most of the people are fake and can destroy my future if i don't prayer for God to guide me to select real person surprisingly your mail response came up and you sound as if you were reading my mind at the moment.

I really don't know how we can convince each other so that trust can be built between us, i am willing to be loyal to you because it takes one to know someone. I have gone through your mail content and discovered that you worth knowing more, i actually did not know how to make you believe me again, i was really touched by your mail and i am assuring you that you will never regret meeting me. I shall remain loyal to you and allow you direct me on what to do with this fund when i come over because of your vast experience and broad knowledge while i continue my education over there first.I spoke with the reverend father Williams today again about you and he encouraged me to make sure that i give you details of the bank and about my late father 's deposit since my father used my name as his next of kin, i have also informed the bank that you will contact them on my behalf so they accepted and said until they hear from you.

Therefore use this information which i felt you might need to contact them either by phone or e-mail to find out their procedures you shall met to enable you receive this fund officially and legally into your country without problems, the name of the bank, their contacts and my late father's deposit information are stated as bellow: The contact information's of the bank is as follows,

Royal Bank of Scotland,

36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB
EC3M ILH ( Reg:90312 )
( Your Faithful and Friendly Financial Partner )
Tel : +447 866 401 484
FAX : +44-700-593-0668
Email :
Email :
Director foreign operations dept: Mr Philip Hampton,

Information about the deposit code are as follows.

Name of depositor: LATE.DR.FRANK SAMY BEDIE
Nationality: Democratic Republic Côte d'Ivoire
Deposit security code: 4124 5785 4695 2174
Next of kin : MISS.GINNA BEDIE
Amount deposited: US $7.600.000.00 USD

Please make sure you did not miss-place any of this information so that they will not stand on the ground to deny you access to the deposit, please hurry up, i am eager to join you, am sick and tied of poor condition of living over here as a refugee camp this refugee camp is just like one living in the hell but since we come in contact i know that it will soon come to an end .

I'm not permit-ed to move freely over here because i have not gotten their contact stated above resident permit .I am trusting you based on your genuine promise that you won't betray yourself which you have taken me as part of you. Please do not involve a third person into this matter for now until we secure the money because of my father's name that rings like a bell in the ears of people since after his tragic fall, it is not everybody that likes my family name therefore our issue must be kept secret and shouldn't be known by anyone again apart from you. Please keep this very transaction secret for now, i am sure that you are working alone with me because God is with us and one with God is with majority.

Keep me informed as you contact the bank firm on my behalf and please do not argue or stretch matters with them to avoid raising an eyebrow on my family name by any of the jealous staff or government authority, please everything calm and cool as you proceed, don't allow anything that can create awareness that I'm still alive to anyone because i am hiding my identity over here in this refugee camp except very few trusted ones that knows whom i am like the reverend Anthony Peters whom i gave you his telephone number here in this refugee camp i will be waiting to hear from you always.

Love & care from,
Ginna Bedie,
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Good Day dear, i actually was having fears of betrayal and how to get you convinced to believe me when the firm advices me to look for a foreign partner from your country since i am a refugee at the moment and the law of the country does not permit me to part-take in any international transaction until i secure all the necessary papers. I was also warned to be careful with the kind of person i connect through internet because most of the people are fake and can destroy my future if i don't prayer for God to guide me to select real person surprisingly your mail response came up and you sound as if you were reading my mind at the moment.I really don't know how we can convince each other so that trust can be built between us, i am willing to be loyal to you because it takes one to know someone. I have gone through your mail content and discovered that you worth knowing more, i actually did not know how to make you believe me again, i was really touched by your mail and i am assuring you that you will never regret meeting me. I shall remain loyal to you and allow you direct me on what to do with this fund when i come over because of your vast experience and broad knowledge while i continue my education over there first.I spoke with the reverend father Williams today again about you and he encouraged me to make sure that i give you details of the bank and about my late father 's deposit since my father used my name as his next of kin, i have also informed the bank that you will contact them on my behalf so they accepted and said until they hear from you.Therefore use this information which i felt you might need to contact them either by phone or e-mail to find out their procedures you shall met to enable you receive this fund officially and legally into your country without problems, the name of the bank, their contacts and my late father's deposit information are stated as bellow: The contact information's of the bank is as follows,Royal Bank of Scotland,36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YBEC3M ILH ( Reg:90312 )SWIFT: MIDLGB22( Your Faithful and Friendly Financial Partner )Tel : +447 866 401 484FAX : +44-700-593-0668Email : royalb_ankofscotland@luckymail.comEmail : sir.philiphampton@accountant.comDirector foreign operations dept: Mr Philip Hampton,Information about the deposit code are as follows.Name of depositor: LATE.DR.FRANK SAMY BEDIENationality: Democratic Republic Côte d'IvoireDeposit security code: 4124 5785 4695 2174Next of kin : MISS.GINNA BEDIEAmount deposited: US $7.600.000.00 USDPlease make sure you did not miss-place any of this information so that they will not stand on the ground to deny you access to the deposit, please hurry up, i am eager to join you, am sick and tied of poor condition of living over here as a refugee camp this refugee camp is just like one living in the hell but since we come in contact i know that it will soon come to an end . I'm not permit-ed to move freely over here because i have not gotten their contact stated above resident permit .I am trusting you based on your genuine promise that you won't betray yourself which you have taken me as part of you. Please do not involve a third person into this matter for now until we secure the money because of my father's name that rings like a bell in the ears of people since after his tragic fall, it is not everybody that likes my family name therefore our issue must be kept secret and shouldn't be known by anyone again apart from you. Please keep this very transaction secret for now, i am sure that you are working alone with me because God is with us and one with God is with majority.Keep me informed as you contact the bank firm on my behalf and please do not argue or stretch matters with them to avoid raising an eyebrow on my family name by any of the jealous staff or government authority, please everything calm and cool as you proceed, don't allow anything that can create awareness that I'm still alive to anyone because i am hiding my identity over here in this refugee camp except very few trusted ones that knows whom i am like the reverend Anthony Peters whom i gave you his telephone number here in this refugee camp i will be waiting to hear from you always.Love & care from,Ginna Bedie,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Good Day Sayang, aku benar-benar sedang mengalami kekhawatiran pengkhianatan dan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan Anda yakin untuk percaya ketika perusahaan nasehat saya untuk mencari mitra asing dari negara Anda karena saya seorang pengungsi saat ini dan hukum negara tidak mengizinkan saya untuk berpisah-mengambil dalam setiap transaksi internasional sampai saya mengamankan semua dokumen yang diperlukan. Saya juga diperingatkan untuk berhati-hati dengan jenis orang yang saya terhubung melalui internet karena sebagian besar orang yang palsu dan dapat menghancurkan masa depan saya jika saya tidak berdoa agar Tuhan membimbing saya untuk memilih orang yang nyata mengejutkan respon mail Anda datang dan Anda terdengar seolah-olah Anda sedang membaca pikiranku saat ini. Saya benar-benar tidak tahu bagaimana kita bisa meyakinkan satu sama lain sehingga kepercayaan yang dapat dibangun antara kami, saya bersedia untuk setia kepada Anda karena butuh seseorang untuk mengetahui seseorang. Saya telah melalui konten email Anda dan menemukan bahwa Anda layak mengetahui lebih lanjut, saya benar-benar tidak tahu bagaimana membuat Anda percaya saya lagi, saya benar-benar tersentuh oleh surat Anda dan saya meyakinkan Anda bahwa Anda tidak akan menyesal bertemu saya. Aku akan tetap setia kepada Anda dan memungkinkan Anda langsung saya pada apa yang harus dilakukan dengan dana ini ketika saya datang karena pengalaman yang luas dan pengetahuan yang luas sementara saya melanjutkan pendidikan saya di sana first.I berbicara dengan ayah Pendeta Williams hari lagi tentang Anda dan dia mendorong saya untuk memastikan bahwa saya memberikan rincian bank dan tentang deposit almarhum ayah saya 's karena ayah saya menggunakan nama saya sebagai keluarga terdekat Anda, saya juga menginformasikan bank yang akan menghubungi mereka atas nama saya jadi mereka menerima dan mengatakan sampai mereka mendengar dari Anda. Oleh karena itu menggunakan informasi ini yang saya merasa Anda mungkin perlu menghubungi mereka baik melalui telepon atau e-mail untuk mengetahui prosedur mereka Anda akan bertemu untuk memungkinkan Anda menerima dana ini secara resmi dan legal dalam negara Anda tanpa masalah, nama bank, kontak dan informasi deposito almarhum ayah saya dinyatakan sebagai di bawah: Informasi kontak dari bank adalah sebagai berikut, Royal Bank of Scotland, 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB EC3M ILH (Reg: 90.312) SWIFT: MIDLGB22 (Setia Anda dan ramah Keuangan Mitra) Tel: 447 866 401 484 FAX: + 44-700-593-0668 Email: Email: Direktur operasi di luar negeri dept : Mr Philip Hampton, Informasi tentang kode deposito adalah sebagai berikut. Nama deposan: LATE.DR.FRANK SAMY Bedie Kebangsaan: Republik Demokratik Côte d'Ivoire Deposit kode keamanan: 4124 5785 4695 2174 berikutnya kerabat: MISS.GINNA Bedie Jumlah disimpan: US $ 7.600.000.00 USD Pastikan Anda tidak melewatkan tempat setiap informasi ini sehingga mereka tidak akan berdiri di tanah untuk menolak akses anda ke deposit, mohon cepatlah, saya ingin bergabung dengan Anda, muak dan diikat kondisi miskin hidup di sini sebagai kamp pengungsi kamp pengungsi ini adalah seperti satu tinggal di neraka, tetapi karena kita datang dalam kontak saya tahu bahwa itu akan segera berakhir. Aku tidak mengizinkan-ed untuk memindahkan bebas di sini karena saya belum mendapatkan kontak mereka dinyatakan di atas ijin tinggal .I am mempercayai Anda berdasarkan janji asli Anda bahwa Anda tidak akan mengkhianati diri yang telah Anda ambil saya sebagai bagian dari Anda. Harap jangan melibatkan orang ketiga dalam hal ini untuk saat ini sampai kita mengamankan uang karena nama ayah saya yang berdering seperti bel di telinga orang sejak setelah jatuh tragis, tidak semua orang yang suka nama keluarga saya karena itu masalah kami harus dirahasiakan dan tidak boleh diketahui oleh siapa pun lagi selain Anda. Silakan menjaga rahasia transaksi yang sangat untuk saat ini, saya yakin bahwa Anda bekerja sendirian dengan saya karena Allah menyertai kita dan satu dengan Allah dengan mayoritas. Biarkan saya informasi yang Anda menghubungi perusahaan Bank atas nama saya dan jangan berdebat atau meregangkan hal dengan mereka untuk menghindari mengangkat alis pada nama keluarga saya dengan salah satu staf cemburu atau otoritas pemerintah, mohon semuanya tenang dan dingin seperti yang Anda melanjutkan, jangan biarkan apapun yang dapat menciptakan kesadaran bahwa aku masih hidup kepada siapa pun karena saya menyembunyikan identitas saya di sini di kamp pengungsi ini kecuali sangat sedikit yang terpercaya yang tahu siapa saya seperti Pendeta Anthony Peters yang saya berikan Anda nomor teleponnya di kamp pengungsi ini saya akan menunggu untuk mendengar dari Anda selalu. Love & perawatan dari, Ginna Bedie,

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