Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Today is a Day to Smile!Greetings mimi!Welcome to all the New Members. We'reglad you found ACX.Did you Smile Today?There is a new link on the Media andMonsoon Dashboards which should giveyou a reason to SMILEIt's our Funny Media Exchange where ACXMembers make money viewing funny mediaimages uploaded by other Members.It's part of the ACX service thatqualifies Members to earn DSC. Wehave over 10,000 images stored foryour daily enjoyment.Just click on "Smile NOW!"There's Another Reason to Smile!All ACX Members should get readyto fund their ACX Search accounts,in order to be first in buying "keywords" and making the Most Profitthe Fastest!Funding for the New ACX SEARCH willbe launching within 24 hours!Get Ready Right Now!Withdrawals Paid DailyAll Withdrawals are to be paid inless than 24 hours - that is ourpolicy.All 3 ACX Systems are paying mostRequested Withdrawals within 24 hours.There is a slight delay from PerfectMoney; however, we expect to get themcaught up this week by transferringmoney from the other payment processors.This is part of the free exchange asdescribed on our website, Method 1.http://adclickxpress.is/members/withdrawal-informationThere are times when PayToo can getbehind due to the fact that PayToodoes not operate on weekends. Pleasetake note of this difference in theway PayToo operates, which can causeshort delays.50 Ways to Save - New PageWe can all use extra money, and ACXis by far the best plan available
online today.
Take a look at all the ways you can
save and put that money to work.
There are lots of ways to get money
into your ACX Account, including
PayPal, Bitcoin, Credit Card, and
Bank Deposits and Wire Transfers.
It's very important that you prepare
to take advantage of the tremendous
earning opportunity that the ACX
SEARCH program will provide you.
Monsoon is a powerful long-term plan!
The MONSOON is the answer for anyone
who wants an easy, long-term solution. You
really can earn 2% A Day for Life.
ACX really is simple. Just keep
doing the things that make YOU the
most money. Thanks for being part
of the ACX solution.
Always working for your success!
ACX Management Team
P.S. Here are some very important points we think should
be in every update we write:
1- ACX Monsoon is the best system ever - earn
5% per month, every month for LIFE:
$50 per Month for Life = $333 Initial Purchase*
$100 per Month for Life = $667 Initial Purchase
$250 per Month for Life = $1,667 Initial Purchase
$500 per Month for Life = $3,333 Initial Purchase
$1000 per Month for Life = $6,667 Initial Purchase
$2500 per Month for Life = $16,667 Initial Purchase
$5000 per Month for Life = $33,333 Initial Purchase
2- ACX Support Team is available 24/7 by clicking on
the LIVE CHAT feature. Our goal is to provide you with
help to make your experience at ACX enjoyable and
profitable as quickly as possible.
3- All today's requested withdrawals are being worked on.
We will inform you as often as possible of any withdrawal
batches we have completed, as they happen - this will help
you request withdrawals for the smaller payment processors.
You can review these notifications in your Message Center,
under Support News - the link is near the bottom of on the
ACX Dashboard in the Member Area.
4- ClickDraw Winners are updated weekly - see them all at
5- ACX Management invites you to take the time to fully
understand ACX - the following documents are available
in the Member Area Menu under "Popular":
What is ACX?
ACX Simple Recipe
400% Strategy
Patented Pay System
Take the ACX Challenge
Better than an HYIP
Better than JustBeenPaid
Manage Your ACX Business
Money Management Guide
Put Your Money to Work
Panel Exchage
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