he Internet has transformed the musicindustry. Sales of CDs in retail  terjemahan - he Internet has transformed the musicindustry. Sales of CDs in retail  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

he Internet has transformed the mus

he Internet has transformed the music
industry. Sales of CDs in retail music stores
have been steadily declining while sales of
songs downloaded through the Internet to
iPods and other portable music players are skyrocket-ing. Moreover, the music industry is still contending
with millions of people illegally downloading songs for
free. Will the television industry experience a similar
Widespread use of high-speed Internet access,
powerful PCs with high-resolution display screens,
iPhones, iPads, other mobile handhelds, and leading-edge file-sharing services have made downloading of
video content from movies and television shows
faster and easier than ever. Free and often illegal
downloads of some TV shows are abundant. But the
Internet is also providing new ways for television
studios to distribute and sell their content, and they
are trying to take advantage of that opportunity.
YouTube, which started up in February 2005,
quickly became the most popular video-sharing Web
site in the world. Even though YouTube’s original mis-sion was to provide an outlet for amateur filmmakers,
clips of copyrighted Hollywood movies and television
shows soon proliferated on the YouTube Web site. It is
difficult to gauge how much proprietary content from
TV shows winds up on YouTube without the studios’
permission. Viacom claimed in a 2008 lawsuit that
over 150,000 unauthorized clips of its copyrighted
television programs had appeared on YouTube.
YouTube tries to discourage its users from posting
illegal clips by limiting the length of videos to 10
minutes each and by removing videos when
requested by their copyright owner. YouTube has also
implemented Video ID filtering and digital finger-printing technology that allows copyright owners to
compare the digital fingerprints of their videos with
material on YouTube and then flag infringing mater-ial. Using this technology, it is able to filter many
unauthorized videos before they appear on the
YouTube Web site. If infringing videos do make it
online, they can be tracked using Video ID.
The television industry is also striking back by
embracing the Internet as another delivery system
for its content. Television broadcast networks such as
NBC Universal, Fox, and CNN have put television
shows on their own Web sites. In March 2007, NBC
Universal, News Corp (the owner of Fox
Broadcasting), and ABC Inc. formed Hulu.com, a
Web site offering streaming video of television shows
and movies from NBC, Fox, ABC, Comedy Central,
PBS, USA Network, Bravo, FX, Speed, Sundance,
Oxygen, Onion News Network, and other networks.
Hulu also syndicates its hosting to other sites, includ-ing AOL, MSN, Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo!, and
Fancast.com, and allows users to embed Hulu clips
in their Web site. The site is supported by advertising
commercials, and much of its content is free to view-ers. CBS’s TV.com and Joost are other popular Web
television sites.
Content from all of these sites is viewable over
iPhones. Hulu has blocked services such as Boxee
that try to bring Hulu to TV screens, because that
would draw subscribers away from cable and satellite
companies, diminishing their revenue.
According to Hulu CEO Jason Kilar, Hulu has suc-cessfully brought online TV into the mainstream. It
dominates the market for online full-episode TV
viewing, with more than 44 million monthly visitors,
according to the online measurement firm comScore.
Monthly video streams more than tripled in 2009,
reaching over 900 million by January 2010.
What if there are so many TV shows available for
free on the Web that “Hulu households” cancel their
cable subscriptions to watch free TV online? Cable
service operators have begun worrying, especially
when the cable networks posted some of their
programming on the Web. By 2010, nearly 800,000
U.S. households had “cut the cord,” dumping their
cable, satellite, or high-speed television services from
telecom companies such as Verizon’s FiOS or AT&T’s
U-verse. In their place, they turned to
Web-based videos from services such as Hulu, down-loadable shows from iTunes, by-mail video subscrip-tion services such as Netflix, or even old-style over-the-air broadcast programming. Although the “cord
cutters” represent less than 1 percent of the 100
million U.S. households subscribing to a cable/
satellite/telco television service, the number of
cord-cutting U.S. households is predicted to double to
about 1.6 million. What if this trend continues?
In July 2009, cable TV operator Comcast
Corporation began a trial program to bring some of
Time Warner’s network shows, including TBS’s My
Boysand TNT’s The Closer,to the Web. Other cable
networks, including A&E and the History Channel,
participated in the Comcast test.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
he Internet has transformed the musicindustry. Sales of CDs in retail music storeshave been steadily declining while sales ofsongs downloaded through the Internet toiPods and other portable music players are skyrocket-ing. Moreover, the music industry is still contendingwith millions of people illegally downloading songs forfree. Will the television industry experience a similarfate?Widespread use of high-speed Internet access,powerful PCs with high-resolution display screens,iPhones, iPads, other mobile handhelds, and leading-edge file-sharing services have made downloading ofvideo content from movies and television showsfaster and easier than ever. Free and often illegaldownloads of some TV shows are abundant. But theInternet is also providing new ways for televisionstudios to distribute and sell their content, and theyare trying to take advantage of that opportunity.YouTube, which started up in February 2005,quickly became the most popular video-sharing Website in the world. Even though YouTube’s original mis-sion was to provide an outlet for amateur filmmakers,clips of copyrighted Hollywood movies and televisionshows soon proliferated on the YouTube Web site. It isdifficult to gauge how much proprietary content fromTV shows winds up on YouTube without the studios’permission. Viacom claimed in a 2008 lawsuit thatover 150,000 unauthorized clips of its copyrightedtelevision programs had appeared on YouTube.YouTube tries to discourage its users from posting
illegal clips by limiting the length of videos to 10
minutes each and by removing videos when
requested by their copyright owner. YouTube has also
implemented Video ID filtering and digital finger-printing technology that allows copyright owners to
compare the digital fingerprints of their videos with
material on YouTube and then flag infringing mater-ial. Using this technology, it is able to filter many
unauthorized videos before they appear on the
YouTube Web site. If infringing videos do make it
online, they can be tracked using Video ID.
The television industry is also striking back by
embracing the Internet as another delivery system
for its content. Television broadcast networks such as
NBC Universal, Fox, and CNN have put television
shows on their own Web sites. In March 2007, NBC
Universal, News Corp (the owner of Fox
Broadcasting), and ABC Inc. formed Hulu.com, a
Web site offering streaming video of television shows
and movies from NBC, Fox, ABC, Comedy Central,
PBS, USA Network, Bravo, FX, Speed, Sundance,
Oxygen, Onion News Network, and other networks.
Hulu also syndicates its hosting to other sites, includ-ing AOL, MSN, Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo!, and
Fancast.com, and allows users to embed Hulu clips
in their Web site. The site is supported by advertising
commercials, and much of its content is free to view-ers. CBS’s TV.com and Joost are other popular Web
television sites.
Content from all of these sites is viewable over
iPhones. Hulu has blocked services such as Boxee
that try to bring Hulu to TV screens, because that
would draw subscribers away from cable and satellite
companies, diminishing their revenue.
According to Hulu CEO Jason Kilar, Hulu has suc-cessfully brought online TV into the mainstream. It
dominates the market for online full-episode TV
viewing, with more than 44 million monthly visitors,
according to the online measurement firm comScore.
Monthly video streams more than tripled in 2009,
reaching over 900 million by January 2010.
What if there are so many TV shows available for
free on the Web that “Hulu households” cancel their
cable subscriptions to watch free TV online? Cable
service operators have begun worrying, especially
when the cable networks posted some of their
programming on the Web. By 2010, nearly 800,000
U.S. households had “cut the cord,” dumping their
cable, satellite, or high-speed television services from
telecom companies such as Verizon’s FiOS or AT&T’s
U-verse. In their place, they turned to
Web-based videos from services such as Hulu, down-loadable shows from iTunes, by-mail video subscrip-tion services such as Netflix, or even old-style over-the-air broadcast programming. Although the “cord
cutters” represent less than 1 percent of the 100
million U.S. households subscribing to a cable/
satellite/telco television service, the number of
cord-cutting U.S. households is predicted to double to
about 1.6 million. What if this trend continues?
In July 2009, cable TV operator Comcast
Corporation began a trial program to bring some of
Time Warner’s network shows, including TBS’s My
Boysand TNT’s The Closer,to the Web. Other cable
networks, including A&E and the History Channel,
participated in the Comcast test.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ia Internet telah mengubah musik
industri. Penjualan CD di toko musik retail
telah terus menurun sedangkan penjualan
lagu diunduh melalui Internet untuk
iPod dan pemutar musik portabel lainnya yang meroket-ing. Selain itu, industri musik masih bersaing
dengan jutaan orang secara ilegal men-download lagu untuk
gratis. Akan industri televisi pengalaman serupa
Meluasnya penggunaan akses internet kecepatan tinggi,
PC yang kuat dengan tampilan layar resolusi tinggi,
iPhone, iPads, handheld mobile lainnya, dan layanan file-sharing terdepan telah membuat download
konten video dari film dan acara televisi
lebih cepat dan lebih mudah dari sebelumnya. Gratis dan sering ilegal
download dari beberapa acara TV yang melimpah. Tapi
internet juga menyediakan cara-cara baru untuk televisi
studio untuk mendistribusikan dan menjual konten mereka, dan mereka
mencoba untuk mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan itu.
YouTube, yang dimulai pada bulan Februari 2005,
dengan cepat menjadi video-sharing Web yang paling populer
situs di dunia. Meskipun YouTube asli mis-sion adalah untuk menyediakan outlet untuk pembuat film amatir,
klip dari film-film Hollywood yang dilindungi hak cipta dan televisi
menunjukkan segera menjamur di situs Web YouTube. Hal ini
sulit untuk mengukur berapa banyak konten eksklusif dari
acara TV angin di YouTube tanpa studio '
izin. Viacom mengklaim dalam gugatan 2008 yang
lebih dari 150.000 klip yang tidak sah dari yang dilindungi hak cipta
program televisi telah muncul di YouTube.
YouTube mencoba untuk mencegah para penggunanya dari posting
klip ilegal dengan membatasi panjang video ke 10
menit masing-masing dan dengan menghapus video ketika
diminta oleh hak cipta pemilik. YouTube juga telah
dilaksanakan Video ID filtering dan teknologi jari-cetak digital yang memungkinkan pemilik hak cipta untuk
membandingkan sidik jari digital video mereka dengan
materi di YouTube dan kemudian bendera melanggar mater-ial. Dengan menggunakan teknologi ini, ia mampu menyaring banyak
video yang tidak sah sebelum mereka muncul di
situs Web YouTube. Jika melanggar video lakukan membuatnya
online, mereka dapat dilacak menggunakan ID Video.
Industri televisi juga menyerang balik dengan
merangkul internet sebagai sistem pengiriman lain
untuk isinya. Jaringan siaran televisi seperti
NBC Universal, Fox, dan CNN telah menempatkan televisi
menunjukkan pada situs web mereka sendiri. Pada bulan Maret 2007, NBC
Universal, News Corp (pemilik Fox
Broadcasting), dan ABC Inc dibentuk Hulu.com, sebuah
situs video Web korban mengalir dari acara televisi
dan film dari NBC, Fox, ABC, Comedy Central,
PBS, USA jaringan, Bravo, FX, Kecepatan, Sundance,
Oksigen, Onion News network, dan jaringan lainnya.
Hulu juga sindikat hosting untuk situs lain, includ-ing AOL, MSN, Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo !, dan
Fancast.com, dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk menanamkan Hulu klip
di situs Web mereka. Situs ini didukung oleh iklan
iklan, dan banyak isinya bebas untuk melihat-ers. CBS TV.com dan Joost adalah Web populer lainnya
situs televisi.
Isi dari semua situs tersebut dapat dilihat lebih
iPhone. Hulu telah memblokir layanan seperti Boxee
yang mencoba untuk membawa Hulu ke layar TV, karena itu
akan menarik pelanggan jauh dari kabel dan satelit
perusahaan, mengurangi pendapatan mereka.
Menurut CEO Hulu Jason Kilar, Hulu telah SUC-cessfully membawa TV online ke mainstream . Ini
mendominasi pasar untuk full-episode TV online
menonton, dengan lebih dari 44 juta pengunjung bulanan,
menurut perusahaan pengukuran online comScore.
Video Bulanan stream lebih dari tiga kali lipat pada tahun 2009,
mencapai lebih dari 900 juta pada Januari 2010.
Bagaimana jika ada begitu banyak acara TV yang tersedia untuk
gratis di Web yang "Hulu rumah tangga" membatalkan mereka
langganan kabel untuk menonton TV online gratis? Kabel
operator layanan mulai mengkhawatirkan, terutama
ketika jaringan kabel diposting beberapa mereka
pemrograman di Web. Pada tahun 2010, hampir 800.000
rumah tangga AS memiliki "memotong kabel," pembuangan mereka
kabel, satelit, atau layanan televisi kecepatan tinggi dari
perusahaan telekomunikasi seperti FiOS Verizon atau AT & T
U-Ayat. Di tempat mereka, mereka beralih ke
video berbasis Web dari layanan seperti Hulu, menunjukkan down-loadable dari iTunes, oleh-mail layanan video Iuran-tion seperti Netflix, atau bahkan gaya lama over-the-air pemrograman siaran. Meskipun "kabel
pemotong" mewakili kurang dari 1 persen dari 100
juta rumah tangga AS berlangganan kabel /
layanan televisi satelit / telco, jumlah
rumah tangga kabel-pemotongan US diperkirakan dua kali lipat menjadi
sekitar 1,6 juta. Bagaimana jika tren ini terus berlanjut?
Pada bulan Juli 2009, operator TV kabel Comcast
Corporation mulai program percobaan untuk membawa beberapa
acara jaringan Time Warner, termasuk TBS My
Boysand TNT The Closer, ke Web. Kabel lainnya
jaringan, termasuk A & E dan History Channel,
berpartisipasi dalam uji Comcast.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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