Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
North Star observes the chuckle: „This was right, the stature of human just likes a basin, wants to hold more water, needs to find time all water, unearths the soil, reconstructs this basin, now you do is this process, how many did the thermodetector measure a moment ago high?”„6122 degrees.”„Good, eats your behind food, rests for a half hour , to continue again.”„Yes!”Also does not know how long altogether has practiced, the belly already cluck, turned around to look, by the door does not know when had been put one barrel of food, sur- several vegetables, although in the practice room does not have the ray, but I, so long as used the mind immediately to see the whole matter clearly, even can see any vegetable red roast chicken block and shredded pork with garlic sauce two vegetables, very much got food down, therefore opened immediately eats!Has had 7 bowls of food continuously, almost the food in entire barrel finishing eating, had had a scare including me, was my capacity for food so when crazed?Has hit Bao Ge, lies down on the back wall, will rest one to be ordered to continue by the North Star view slightly to sit the practice.Actually a half hour of Cooldown, my strength restored about 25% most, feeling that the old gentleman a little kills the goose that lays the golden eggs, but I can also feel that my strength upper limit as if really in starting to break through, this is in my recent days practice has never had the feeling, the strength channel between stature and vein is more spacious, has to plant makes a connection, no matter what supervises the feelings of two arteries.In a while, the strength was consumed again up.North Star observes the old gentleman to give me Cooldown to restore to 25% strengths , to continue to practice again, consumes as before up.However, I also discovered that on thermodetector my Yang Yan Armour temperature truly is higher and higher, increased 9000 + degrees from 4000 + degrees, until breaking through 10,000 degrees time, making me only feel that a fingertip small burning hot ballistic vest simply is a small nuclear reactor, was lucky that I form one to protect the shield surface layer this strength, otherwise is only such small one can burn a none remaining a neighbor hundred meters house!The whole body clothes soaked evaporation, then soaked, the process of this practice seemed to be inexhaustible general, but the old gentleman was very gentle, at least until now was this.However quick, I experience to old gentleman „violent” side.„Whish!”When I rest nearly 3 hours restored 70-80% strengths, the old gentleman suddenly stands up, floating wants the immortal hanging and vertical, the under foot is treading roaring flame, visits me to say with a smile: „Li Xiao Yao, what Yang Yan the scala media strongest ability is, do you know?”„Yang Yanhua armor?” I asked.„No, armor of small part is useless, the genuine master can always see clearly your weakness, the true strongest defense is the impregnable whole body defense, therefore, the highest boundary of Yang Yanhua armor is this”Saying, his drinks lowly, immediately the flame lingering whole body, has formed radii about 10 centimeters Yang Yanjia, combines crowded in together, protects completely his whole body, the flame rose sharply has illuminated the entire turret, the North Star view whole body was lingering mobile flame remnant Armour, just like the deity, said with a smile slightly: „This is the highest boundary of Yang Yanhua armor, was called the hot Armour guard by the follower of Song!”I keep mouth shut, this person of Song definitely was the senior of game developer, how otherwise this name that likely was the skill nameThe North Star view continues saying: „I know that your duty needs to deal with various da
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