• Sites of evidence lost or deposited while using the water. Shipwreck terjemahan - • Sites of evidence lost or deposited while using the water. Shipwreck Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

• Sites of evidence lost or deposit

• Sites of evidence lost or deposited while using the water. Shipwrecks are perhaps the most obvious example.
• Sites established on or at the edge of water, which are partly or wholly submerged. These often relate to maritime infrastructure such as quays, wharves or docks.
• Sites built in or over water are rarely completely accessible to investigations based solely on dry-land methods (e.g. crannogs and pile dwellings).
• Sites that were established on land but are now submerged (e.g. the prehistoric sites in the eastern Gulf of Mexico or the prehistoric sites which were submerged when the English Channel flooded).
• Sites which have continued to develop during a rise in water-level. Since the site will progressively retreat away from its original location, earlier elements of its development will now only be available under water.
The second reason for underwater sites being important is that clues about the past are often so much better preserved than on land (figure 4.2). However, if artefacts are left exposed to seawater they will suffer from natural processes of decay (see chapter 16). Nevertheless individual objects that do survive are, to some extent, better protected from recovery or disturbance by the barrier of water above them (plate 4.1).

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
• Sites of evidence lost or deposited while using the water. Shipwrecks are perhaps the most obvious example.• Sites established on or at the edge of water, which are partly or wholly submerged. These often relate to maritime infrastructure such as quays, wharves or docks.• Sites built in or over water are rarely completely accessible to investigations based solely on dry-land methods (e.g. crannogs and pile dwellings).• Sites that were established on land but are now submerged (e.g. the prehistoric sites in the eastern Gulf of Mexico or the prehistoric sites which were submerged when the English Channel flooded).• Sites which have continued to develop during a rise in water-level. Since the site will progressively retreat away from its original location, earlier elements of its development will now only be available under water.The second reason for underwater sites being important is that clues about the past are often so much better preserved than on land (figure 4.2). However, if artefacts are left exposed to seawater they will suffer from natural processes of decay (see chapter 16). Nevertheless individual objects that do survive are, to some extent, better protected from recovery or disturbance by the barrier of water above them (plate 4.1).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
• Situs bukti hilang atau disimpan saat menggunakan air. Kapal Karam mungkin adalah contoh yang paling jelas.
• Situs yang didirikan pada atau di tepi air, yang sebagian atau seluruhnya terendam. Ini sering berhubungan dengan infrastruktur maritim seperti dermaga, dermaga atau dermaga.
• Situs yang dibangun di atas air atau jarang sekali diakses investigasi hanya didasarkan pada metode-lahan kering (misalnya crannogs dan tempat tinggal tumpukan).
• Situs yang didirikan di atas tanah tetapi sekarang terendam (misalnya situs prasejarah di Teluk Meksiko timur atau situs prasejarah yang terendam saat Selat Inggris banjir).
• Tempat yang terus berkembang selama kenaikan air tingkat. Sejak situs akan semakin mundur jauh dari lokasi semula, elemen sebelumnya perkembangannya sekarang hanya akan tersedia di bawah air.
Alasan kedua untuk situs bawah air yang penting adalah bahwa petunjuk tentang masa lalu sering jauh lebih baik diawetkan daripada di darat (gambar 4.2). Namun, jika artefak yang tersisa terkena air laut yang mereka akan menderita dari proses alami pembusukan (lihat bab 16). Namun benda individu yang melakukan bertahan adalah, sampai batas tertentu, lebih terlindungi dari pemulihan atau gangguan oleh penghalang air di atas mereka (plate 4.1).

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