#1008: Exists for the sequence! ( First )When Meng Hao here, real immo terjemahan - #1008: Exists for the sequence! ( First )When Meng Hao here, real immo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1008: Exists for the sequence! ( F

#1008: Exists for the sequence! ( First )

When Meng Hao here, real immortal rises, achievement Immortal Realm is supreme, after fusing Nirvana fruit, leapt has achieved in the fable the Immortal Emperor boundary of ancient times time, can cut to kill cultivation of Ancient Realm two soul lamps, this, had already caused a stir in Ninth Mountain and Sea.
In addition when Three Great Daoist Societies smelting trial, Meng Hao incarnation Fang Mu, the achievement first person, causes Three Great Daoist Societies to Meng Hao here, almost wins.
Doesn't said that was Three Great Daoist Societies, Five Great Holy Lands also had Three Churches and Six Sects, extremely cared to Meng Hao, if not did not have Three Great Daoist Societies that aloof standpoint, and as Fang Clan few head of the clan, any Sect outside Meng Hao impossible Bai Ruchu Three Great Daoist Societies, otherwise, they also will compete.
All around besides various Dao Realm Patriarch, these with Chosen that Meng Hao fights, follows respective Patriarch to approach, at this moment silent, the innermost feelings are complex.
„Hao'er father, although is sword cultivation, but his road, is different from his father, he already was my Ninth Sea God World core disciple, how could to do obeisance into Highest Sword Sect!” Ninth Sea God World approaches, besides the Fan Dong Er teacher, outside that old woman, an old man, was initially in the gate smelting trial, to Meng Hao is very that Ling Yunzi of appreciation.
„That how, he after all officially has not stepped into Ninth Sea God World!” Highest Sword Sect approaches, is a middle-aged man, he seems like the middle age, may in fact Cultivation actually be Dao Realm, the whole person such as the sword of sheath, words cold Li.
Saw that Highest Sword Sect and Ninth Sea God World, each one has not made concessions, that old man who Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple approaches, shows a faint smile.
„Fellow Daoist Fang, might as well call Meng Hao, asks his opinion.”
Fang Shoudao laughs, has not waited for speech, out the main hall, transmits coldly snorted, Meng Hao takes a step. He just a appearance, in the main hall instantaneous people vision roars looked to Meng Hao.
This is these Dao Realm Patriarch, the first time. In unreal picture, but real sees with one's own eyes Meng Hao. Also is the person of Three Great Daoist Societies, after the Meng Hao achievement real immortal, sees his honorable person for the first time.
In this main hall, besides various juniors, is Dao Realm Patriarch, almost Ninth Mountain and Sea most Dao Realm, here, their vision. roars falls when the Meng Hao body, Meng Hao felt the pressure, but the look has not actually changed, stepped into the main hall, looked at Fang Shoudao indifferently.
Fang Shoudao coughs, is somewhat afraid, nearby Fang Yanxu is helpless, coughs.
In the vision of people, the Meng Hao words spread.
„I must do obeisance into ...”
But his words have not said that suddenly. Three Great Daoist Societies that three Patriarch, after seeing Meng Hao, the look evening however changes. In their both eyes, reveals the intense light in an instant, particularly that Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple old man, he is hoary-headed, looks like is very kind, but at this moment, the light of his eye, was actually intense to peak.
All around this, lets other people. Stares.
„Brother Fang, may have the secret room!” Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple old man. breathes deeply, look extremely Grim. After the Ninth Sea God World old woman as well as Highest Sword Sect middle-aged man looked mutually, toward Fang Shoudao sinking sound to open mouth.
Fang Shoudao both eyes congeal, know some not to suit, slightly after hesitates, nodded.
Before Meng Hao, had not said the words that swallow, some surprise.
The Fang Shoudao right hand lifts suddenly wields, immediately he and Three Great Daoist Societies three old, Meng Hao, the form disappeared in the main hall in an instant, although Fang Yanxu also surprise, but here was Fang Clan, he had not been worried, but had a smile, talked with other people.
Quick, in the main hall spreads the sound of joke once more, but each Dao Realm powerhouse, has doubts in heart, but in the look, will actually not reveal slightly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1008: ada untuk urutan! (Pertama)Ketika Meng Hao di sini, nyata abadi naik, pencapaian alam abadi tertinggi, setelah sekering Nirvana buah, melompat telah dicapai dalam dongeng abadi Kaisar batas waktu zaman kuno, dapat memotong untuk membunuh budidaya kuno dunia dua jiwa lampu, ini, sudah telah menyebabkan kegemparan di kesembilan gunung dan laut.Selain ketika tiga besar masyarakat Dao peleburan sidang, Meng Hao inkarnasi Fang Mu, orang pertama prestasi, menyebabkan tiga besar masyarakat Dao Meng Hao di sini, hampir menang.Tidak mengatakan itu adalah masyarakat Dao besar tiga, lima besar tanah suci juga mempunyai tiga gereja dan enam mazhab, sangat peduli untuk Meng Hao, jika tidak tidak memiliki tiga besar Dao masyarakat sudut pandang menyendiri, dan sebagai Fang klan beberapa kepala klan, sekte apapun di luar Meng Hao mustahil Bai Ruchu tiga besar Dao masyarakat, jika tidak, mereka juga akan bersaing.Di sekitar selain berbagai Dao Realm patriark, dengan pilihan yang bertempur Meng Hao, mengikuti patriak masing-masing pendekatan, saat ini diam, perasaan terdalam kompleks."Hao'er ayah, meskipun adalah budidaya pedang, tapi jalan Nya, berbeda dari ayahnya, ia sudah adalah murid inti kesembilan laut dunia Tuhan saya, bagaimana bisa lakukan menyembah ke tertinggi sekte pedang!" Pendekatan kesembilan laut dunia Tuhan, selain guru Fan Dong Er, di luar perempuan tua itu, seorang lelaki tua, adalah pada awalnya di gerbang peleburan pengadilan, untuk Meng Hao sangat Ling Yunzi bahwa penghargaan."Bagaimana itu, dia setelah semua secara resmi telah tidak melangkah ke dunia Tuhan kesembilan laut!" Tertinggi pedang sekte pendekatan, adalah setengah baya pria, ia tampak seperti usia menengah, bahkan budidaya sebenarnya bisa Dao dunia, seluruh orang seperti pedang selubung, kata Li dingin.Melihat bahwa tertinggi pedang sekte dan dunia Tuhan kesembilan laut, masing-masing tidak telah membuat konsesi, bahwa orang tua yang abadi kuil kuno Dao Ritus pendekatan, menunjukkan senyum yang lemah."Sesama Dao Fang, mungkin juga panggilan Meng Hao, meminta pendapat."Fang Shoudao tertawa, tidak menunggu untuk pidato, keluar pendopo utama mentransmisikan dingin mendengus, Meng Hao mengambil langkah. Dia hanya penampilan, di aula utama sesaat orang visi mengaum tampak untuk Meng Hao.Ini Dao Realm patriark, ini adalah pertama kalinya. Di gambar nyata, tapi riil melihat dengan mata sendiri Meng Hao. Juga adalah orang tiga besar Dao masyarakat, setelah Meng Hao pencapaian nyata abadi, melihat orang terhormat nya untuk pertama kalinya.Di aula utama ini, selain berbagai yunior, adalah Dao Realm patriark, hampir kesembilan gunung dan laut paling Dao dunia, di sini, visi mereka. mengaum jatuh ketika tubuh Meng Hao Meng Hao merasakan tekanan, tapi tampilan tidak benar-benar telah berubah, melangkah ke ruang utama, memandang Fang Shoudao acuh tak acuh.Fang Shoudao batuk, agak takut, dekat Fang Yanxu tidak berdaya, batuk.Dalam visi orang, kata Meng Hao menyebar."Aku harus melakukan menyembah ke..."Tapi kata-katanya tidak mengatakan bahwa tiba-tiba. Tiga besar masyarakat Dao patriak itu tiga, setelah melihat Meng Hao, malam terlihat Namun perubahan. Di mata mereka yang kedua, mengungkapkan intens cahaya dalam sekejap, terutama orang tua Kuil Ritus abadi kuno Dao, dia berkepala beruban, tampak seperti baik, tapi pada saat ini, cahaya matanya, benar-benar intens ke puncak.Seluruh ini, memungkinkan orang lain. Menatap."Saudara Fang, mungkin memiliki kamar rahasia!" Laki-laki berusia abadi kuno Dao upacara candi. bernafas secara mendalam, terlihat sangat suram. Setelah kesembilan laut Tuhan dunia wanita tua serta pria paruh baya tertinggi pedang sekte tampak saling, menuju Fang Shoudao tenggelam suara untuk membuka mulut.Fang Shoudao kedua mata congeal, tahu beberapa tidak sesuai untuk, sedikit setelah pun yang canggung, mengangguk.Sebelum Meng Hao, tidak mengatakan kata-kata yang menelan, beberapa kejutan.Shoudao Fang tangan kanan mengangkat tiba-tiba wields, segera ia dan tiga besar masyarakat Dao tiga tua, Meng Hao, bentuk menghilang di aula utama dalam sekejap, meskipun Fang Yanxu juga mengejutkan, tapi di sini adalah Fang klan, ia tidak telah khawatir, tetapi memiliki senyum, berbicara dengan orang lain.Cepat, di aula utama menyebar suara lelucon sekali lagi, tapi setiap bidang Dao powerhouse, memiliki keraguan dalam hati, tetapi dalam tampilan, benar-benar tidak akan mengungkapkan sedikit.
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