When Franz Boas and Robert Lowie criticized the evolutionaryparadigm,  terjemahan - When Franz Boas and Robert Lowie criticized the evolutionaryparadigm,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When Franz Boas and Robert Lowie cr

When Franz Boas and Robert Lowie criticized the evolutionary
paradigm, they did it in the name and interest of
improved science, as did Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski
when they, too, sought to replace evolutionism and diffusionism
with their versions of functionalism. When
Leslie White in his turn attacked Boas and Lowie, it was to
advance his "science of culture." Opponents of the personality
and culture school or of structural-functionalism
were critical of these approaches because they believed
them to be inadequate to the problems they sought to solve. This is generally not true of the most influential critics
of the E1eld today- who are more likely to condemn the
very notion that anthropology can or should claim to be
scientific, if, indeed, they do not condemn science itself
(and positivism) as part of the so-called "Enlightenment
Project" (Nugent 1996:442; Rosenau 1992: 26, 76, 86).
(For recent [critical] reviews of this position see D'Andrade
1995; Darnton 1997; Reyna 1994; Spiro 1996;
Weinberg 1 996.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
When Franz Boas and Robert Lowie criticized the evolutionaryparadigm, they did it in the name and interest ofimproved science, as did Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowskiwhen they, too, sought to replace evolutionism and diffusionismwith their versions of functionalism. WhenLeslie White in his turn attacked Boas and Lowie, it was toadvance his "science of culture." Opponents of the personalityand culture school or of structural-functionalismwere critical of these approaches because they believedthem to be inadequate to the problems they sought to solve. This is generally not true of the most influential criticsof the E1eld today- who are more likely to condemn thevery notion that anthropology can or should claim to bescientific, if, indeed, they do not condemn science itself(and positivism) as part of the so-called "EnlightenmentProject" (Nugent 1996:442; Rosenau 1992: 26, 76, 86).(For recent [critical] reviews of this position see D'Andrade1995; Darnton 1997; Reyna 1994; Spiro 1996;Weinberg 1 996.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ketika Franz Boas dan Robert Lowie mengkritik evolusi
paradigma, mereka melakukannya atas nama dan kepentingan
peningkatan ilmu pengetahuan, seperti yang dilakukan Radcliffe-Brown dan Malinowski
ketika mereka juga berusaha untuk mengganti evolusionisme dan diffusionism
dengan versi mereka fungsionalisme. Ketika
Leslie Putih pada gilirannya menyerang Boas dan Lowie, itu adalah untuk
memajukan nya "ilmu budaya." Penentang kepribadian
dan budaya sekolah atau fungsionalisme struktural
yang penting dari pendekatan ini karena mereka percaya
mereka tidak memadai untuk masalah yang mereka berusaha untuk memecahkan. Hal ini umumnya tidak benar dari kritikus paling berpengaruh
dari hari ini-E1eld yang lebih mungkin untuk mengutuk
gagasan bahwa antropologi dapat atau harus mengklaim untuk menjadi
ilmiah, jika, memang, mereka tidak mengutuk ilmu itu sendiri
(dan positivisme) sebagai bagian dari apa yang disebut "Pencerahan
Project "(Nugent 1996: 442; Rosenau 1992: 26, 76, 86).
(Untuk terbaru [kritis] review dari posisi ini melihat D'Andrade
1995; Darnton 1997; Reyna 1994; Spiro 1996;
Weinberg 1 996.)
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