Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
meng Hao satu [tersenyum | mendengar] juga berpikir beberapa kebenaran, nilai orang ini tidak digunakan, sehingga selama melambaikan tangan, biji-bijian beberapa obat pil berangkat, jatuh ke Hankou, setelah mencair, tubuh pria mengilhami.Tapi sementara dia pikir berharap, Meng Hao bernapas dalam-dalam, seluruh vitalitas tubuh, selama tumblings, memungkinkan perubahan warna angin dan awan sangat, kekuatan besar yang meletus di Meng Hao seketika.Rakasa beralih pria tatapan, kemudian melihat perubahan besar, mengirimkan jeritan pada saat yang sama, Meng Hao di udara, telah diselenggarakan dengan orang ini tinggi, telah menggunakan kekuatan seluruh tubuh, orang ini, menuju laut kepiting, jahat pound!"Meng Hao Anda drop dead, Anda tak tahu malu, Anda malu beralih tubuh, mati seperti anjing!!" Dalam pria berteriak menyedihkan, tubuh seperti meteor, adalah memiliki nya sendiri kekuatan bersama-sama, kekuatan Meng Hao, menjadi bentuk manusia tombak, guruh, robekan membuka nihility secara langsung, bang untuk kepiting laut.Jika demikian, Meng Hao tidak terlalu hanya tahu malu, wujudnya di flash, terus bersembunyi di belakang orang ini tiba-tiba, bersama dengan dia bersama-sama, bang langsung pergi.Tiba-tiba waktu, tubuh orang ini pada bang di laut kepiting atas kepala, kilauan ray, tampaknya memiliki layar cahaya untuk muncul, tapi cepat lapisan demi lapisan mengganggu, meledak secara langsung, membuat tubuh pria, penetrasi masuk dalam tubuh kepiting laut ini.Spell formation of composition sea crab, in this flickers, fierce shivering, resembles not to be steady, but Meng Hao, entered sea crab within the body along with that guy, just went, his whole body Lightning Cauldron sparkle, changed positions to set unceasingly, unceasing slaughtering.At once, calls out in alarm the sound of pitiful yell, in this sea crab within the body unceasing spreading, is more than ten time of breath, the bang of bang, this huge sea crab, in midair torn to pieces, loudly collapse.During collapse, several hundred Monster Cultivator dispersing, reveal the crazy murderous intention, unexpectedly is not retreats, but kills to Meng Hao, Meng Hao both eyes dodge, in coldly snorted the right hand lifts, the Blood Demon head transforms, slaughters launches once more.Thundered the reverberation, the sky has the blood rain.Meng Hao each twinkle, will have Monster Cultivator dead, sad and shrill before that death, a piece, has caused these Monster Cultivator gradually continually, even if again crazy, shivers.But Monster Cultivator that eight Sea Dragon change , is Meng Hao slaughters the key point, two, three ... Meng Hao is similar to the deicide, the place visited, easily accomplished!At this moment his right hand grasps maliciously, holds seventh Sea Dragon, the notch opens the stature, after crumb heart, when turns around, he saw that beforehand Monster Cultivator guy immediately.This guy severe wound, may actually as before crazy fierce, in the look reveals the meaning of being unafraid of death, as if runs into the strong enemy, he must fight, does not hesitate to meet a cruel death, must fight!„Kills, our generation Monster Cultivator, head may break, the life may not have, but must kill!”„Has killed him!! The brothers, on, have killed him!!”His whooshing, is in crowd quite resounding one, during the reverberations, he runs, as if must fire into Meng Hao, Meng Hao coldly snorted, act, may actually stare.Is shocked in the fight, this matter on Meng Hao rarely seen, but now, he has gawked, as if some are unable to believe that dull body cultivator guy who looks at that whoosh.This guy, a military might, is unafraid of death, but ... He is not flushing unexpectedly, but is retreats, even ... The appearance that his movement at this moment, clearly forward runs, in the mouth whooshes clamors, may in fact, actually in fast retreats ...In crowd, if carefully did not look that was neglected very much easily ...The Meng Hao look is strange, this shameless fellow, by the Meng Hao story, after seeing the parrot and the meat jelly, thought that this guy is a character.Deep looked at this guy one eyes, Meng Hao has taken back the vision, waved, 100,000 mountains arrived, had the heavenly bodies change, suddenly exploded, formed to thunder, changes to the impact on sweep away, place visited, death endless.Finally, these Monster Cultivator feared!
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