SINGAPORE: If you’ve bought chocolate cakes from bakery chain Prima De terjemahan - SINGAPORE: If you’ve bought chocolate cakes from bakery chain Prima De Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

SINGAPORE: If you’ve bought chocola

SINGAPORE: If you’ve bought chocolate cakes from bakery chain Prima Deli, you should throw them away.

The advice comes from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Agri—Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA).

The two agencies say these cakes likely contain a bacteria called Salmonella Enteriditis, which has caused some people to get food poisoning.

Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can cause symptoms such as fever, watery diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

106 people have so far reported getting food poisoning after eating the cakes.

Six had to be hospitalised but have since been discharged. They tested positive for Salmonella Enteritidis.

The onset of illness for the last case was on 26 November. The effects are felt usually six to 72 hours after eating contaminated food.

The MOH was first notified of a food poisoning incident on 23 November.

As more cases of food poisoning were reported, investigations showed that the common food item in the various incidents were Prima Deli chocolate cakes bought as early as 19 November.

MOH and AVA conducted joint inspections of Prima Food Pte Ltd which produces the chocolate cakes for all Prima Deli retail outlets.

Food and environmental samples were taken for laboratory analysis.

Preliminary results suggest Salmonella is the likely culprit.

Prima Food has been told to stop the production of all chocolate cakes and to recall all these cakes from distribution and sale.

Meanwhile, food handlers are being screened and investigations going on to determine the source of the contamination.

MOH says that illnesses from Salmonella poisoning usually last four to seven days and most patients recover with no long—term health effects. Severe cases may require hospitalisation for re—hydration and/or antibiotic treatment.

Anyone with symptoms after consuming these cakes should seek immediate medical attention.

For any enquiries, you can contact MOH at 1800—2254122 or AVA at 1800—2262250.

For further information on salmonellosis, you can visit MOH website at — CNA/ir
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SINGAPORE: If you’ve bought chocolate cakes from bakery chain Prima Deli, you should throw them away.The advice comes from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Agri—Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA).The two agencies say these cakes likely contain a bacteria called Salmonella Enteriditis, which has caused some people to get food poisoning.Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can cause symptoms such as fever, watery diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain.106 people have so far reported getting food poisoning after eating the cakes.Six had to be hospitalised but have since been discharged. They tested positive for Salmonella Enteritidis.The onset of illness for the last case was on 26 November. The effects are felt usually six to 72 hours after eating contaminated food.The MOH was first notified of a food poisoning incident on 23 November.As more cases of food poisoning were reported, investigations showed that the common food item in the various incidents were Prima Deli chocolate cakes bought as early as 19 November.MOH and AVA conducted joint inspections of Prima Food Pte Ltd which produces the chocolate cakes for all Prima Deli retail outlets.Food and environmental samples were taken for laboratory analysis.Preliminary results suggest Salmonella is the likely culprit.Prima Food has been told to stop the production of all chocolate cakes and to recall all these cakes from distribution and sale.Meanwhile, food handlers are being screened and investigations going on to determine the source of the contamination.MOH says that illnesses from Salmonella poisoning usually last four to seven days and most patients recover with no long—term health effects. Severe cases may require hospitalisation for re—hydration and/or antibiotic treatment.Anyone with symptoms after consuming these cakes should seek immediate medical attention.For any enquiries, you can contact MOH at 1800—2254122 or AVA at 1800—2262250.For further information on salmonellosis, you can visit MOH website at — CNA/ir
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
SINGAPURA:. Jika Anda ?? ve membeli cokelat kue dari rantai toko roti Prima Deli, Anda harus membuangnya

. Saran berasal dari Departemen Kesehatan (Depkes) dan Agri ?? Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA)

Kedua lembaga mengatakan kue ini kemungkinan mengandung bakteri yang disebut Salmonella enteriditis, yang telah menyebabkan beberapa orang untuk mendapatkan keracunan makanan.

Salmonella adalah sekelompok bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan gejala seperti demam, diare berair, muntah dan sakit perut.

106 orang sejauh ini dilaporkan mendapatkan makanan keracunan setelah makan kue.

Enam harus dirawat di rumah sakit tetapi telah habis. Mereka dinyatakan positif Salmonella enteritidis.

Timbulnya penyakit untuk kasus terakhir adalah pada 26 November. Efek yang dirasakan biasanya enam sampai 72 jam setelah makan makanan yang terkontaminasi.

The Depkes pertama kali diberitahu tentang insiden keracunan makanan pada tanggal 23 November.

Karena lebih banyak kasus keracunan makanan dilaporkan, penyelidikan menunjukkan bahwa item makanan umum di berbagai insiden yang Prima Deli cokelat kue membeli sedini 19 November.

Depkes dan AVA dilakukan inspeksi bersama Prima Food Pte Ltd yang memproduksi kue cokelat untuk semua outlet ritel Prima Deli.

Makanan dan sampel lingkungan diambil untuk analisis laboratorium.

hasil awal menunjukkan Salmonella adalah kemungkinan pelakunya.

Prima food telah diberitahu untuk menghentikan produksi semua kue cokelat dan mengingat semua kue ini dari distribusi dan penjualan.

Sementara itu, penjamah makanan sedang diputar dan investigasi terjadi untuk menentukan sumber kontaminasi.

Depkes mengatakan bahwa penyakit dari keracunan salmonella biasanya berlangsung 4-7 hari dan kebanyakan pasien sembuh tanpa ?? efek kesehatan jangka panjang. Kasus yang parah mungkin memerlukan rawat inap untuk re ?? hidrasi dan / atau pengobatan antibiotik.

Siapa pun dengan gejala setelah mengkonsumsi kue ini harus mencari perhatian medis segera.

Untuk setiap pertanyaan, Anda dapat menghubungi Depkes pada 1800 ?? 2.254.122 atau AVA di 1800 ?? 2.262.250.

untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang salmonellosis, Anda dapat mengunjungi website Depkes di ?? CNA / ir
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