Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Alice sebelumnya percaya bahwa dia tidak lagi memegang terlalu dalam dari kasih sayang untuk Linley, tetapi apabila dia melihat dia sekali lagi muka dengan muka, terutama ketika ia melihat ekspresi disbelieving di wajahnya, dia merasa sakit di hatinya."Big brother Linley." Alice memanggil kepadanya.Linley's seputih salju wajah diadakan tidak titik darah. Ia berdiri di sana, terkejut, untuk waktu yang lama."Desir!" Membiarkan keluar menjerit marah, Shadowmouse kecil, Bebe, berubah menjadi hitam setan kabur dan dibebankan langsung menuju Alice dan Kalan. Meskipun Bebe sekarang sangat cerdas, dia masih binatang magis, dan masih dimiliki setan kekejaman binatang.Dia bisa tajam rasa percaya dan putus asa Linley di jantung. Ia akan membalas dendam.Bebe's tubuh tiba-tiba diperbesar dengan satu ukuran, dan dalam sekejap mata, muncul oleh Kalan dan Alice. Bebe's tajam cakar yang berkilau dengan cahaya dingin, beku hati mereka berdua. Mereka bahkan tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk menghindari atau untuk berbicara!"Kembali!" Linley di suara tiba-tiba berdering.Gelap mengaburkan bahwa Bebe shuddered, kemudian mendarat di salju, menyikat tepat oleh Kalan di wajah. Bebe berubah kepala untuk menatap Linley. "Mencicit mencicit!" Dia berseru, sementara pada saat yang sama ia mulai berdebat mental dengan Linley.Linley perlahan-lahan, tapi tegas, menggelengkan kepala.Bebe melirik Alice dan Kalan dengan mata dingin, kejam, lalu berbalik. Sekali lagi misterius menyusut kembali ke ukuran biasa tubuhnya, ia berubah menjadi bayangan kejam sekali lagi dan melompat ke Linley di bahu. Hanya menilai dari nya kelucuan yang dangkal, tidak ada yang bisa telah membayangkan bagaimana mengerikan dia benar-benar bisa."Huff, huff." Hanya sekarang Kalan mulai terkesiap untuk nafas. Keringat adalah manik-manik pada dahinya, dan dengan teror, ia menatap Bebe, bertengger di Linley di bahu.Alice menatap Linley. Dia mengambil napas dalam-dalam. "Big brother Linley, aku tahu bahwa sekarang, di hati Anda, Anda harus berada dalam kesakitan. Hal ini tidak mudah bagi kita untuk berbicara tentang hal ini di jalan. Mari kita pergi ke sebuah kedai minuman terdekat dan memiliki berbicara yang baik di sana. Oke?"Linley mengangguk. Dia tidak berbicara.…Pada jalan Dry, dalam sebuah hotel mewah. Linley dan Alice masing-masing duduk di sisi berlawanan dari tabel. Adapun Kalan, dia cukup cerdas lari untuk duduk di sudut kamar, tidak berani untuk mendapatkan cukup dekat untuk mengganggu mereka. Ia hanya nyaris melarikan diri dengan hidupnya dari Bebe di dekat-serangan. Kalan benar-benar adalah takut Linley.Meja terbuat dari poles marmer hitam. Itu adalah dua cangkir hangat buah anggur.Linley dan Alice sedang menghadapi satu sama lain diam-diam.Setelah lama berdiam diri, Alice mendesah kecil. "Big brother Linley. Saya telah bersalah Anda sangat dalam hal ini. Seluruh waktu, aku telah menolak untuk bertemu dengan Anda karena saya ingin Anda siap mental. Setidaknya, saya tidak ingin berdua untuk berpisah sebagai musuh.""Musuh?" Dalam hatinya, Linley tertawa pahit, tetapi ia tidak berbicara. Dia hanya diam-diam mendengarkan, memandang Alice.Alice terus. "Big brother Linley. Aku mengakui bahwa pada awalnya, saya benar-benar, benar-benar menyukai Anda. Aku juga berpikir tentang kami mendapatkan menikah dan memiliki anak-anak. "Tetapi setelah kita bersama-sama untuk waktu yang lama, saya menyadari bahwa dalam banyak hal, kami benar-benar tidak cocok."Linley akhirnya berbicara. "Dalam banyak cara? Alice, aku tidak seperti kekuatan Anda, saya juga menerima kelemahan-kelemahan Anda. Saya percaya bahwa ketika dua orang bersama-sama, mereka harus membuat tunjangan untuk satu sama lain dan mencoba untuk mengerti satu sama lain. Tidak ada dua orang akan menjadi beberapa sempurna, sempurna tanpa petunjuk perselisihan."Alice sedikit bibirnya. Dengan dua tangan, dia mengambil nya cangkir buah anggur dan mengambil seteguk."Kembali ketika kami muda, ketika kami pertama kali bertemu, saya berusia lima belas." Alice berbicara hanya setelah jangka panjang mengumpulkan pikirannya. "Dalam hatiku, Anda adalah pahlawan yang menyelamatkan saya, turun dari langit. Saya pernah berpikir kau bumi saya, saya langit, seluruh dunia saya, tapi sekarang aku menyadari itu tidak terjadi. Selain hal-hal ini, keluarga juga penting."Linley terheran-heran.“Big brother Linley, you’ve always been so filled with vitality, and you are also very good to me. You are very hard working as well. I must admit that you are very perfect. But…this isn’t enough. For example, this time, when my father went gambling, he lost several hundred thousand gold coins! But all big brother Kalan had to do was ask his family to help, and this matter was easily resolved.”Alice looked at Linley. “Big brother Linley, this is something you aren’t capable of doing. Although my father is a gambler and an alcoholic, he’s still my father.”“Just because of this?” Linley said gently.“No.” Alice continued. “Not just this. I’ve discovered that big brother Kalan has always been very good to me as well. He grew up alongside me, and I’m very familiar with him. But with regards to you, I’ve always felt as though you’ve been shrouded by a layer of mist. I can’t see you clearly.”“You are a genius magus at the number one magus institute in the continent, and at age 15, you were able to have your own private exhibition booth at the Proulx Gallery. By the sound of it, you are very perfect, but because of that perfection, I feel like I can’t see you clearly.”Alice’s voice grew lower. “The most important thing is, the two of us are always in separate places. At the beginning, it wasn’t so bad, but as time went on, I got tired. I’m used to always having someone by my side, just like how big brother Kalan is always by my side.”After saying all of these things, Alice fell silent.Linley was silent as well.After a long time passed, enough for the wine to grow cold, Linley spoke. “Alice, do you remember what we once said to each other? I once said to you, I can directly come live with you. But you told me, no. You don’t want to interrupt my training.”“But now, you say that I’m never with you?” A very pained smile was on Linley’s face.Alice wanted to speak, but there was nothing she could say.Everything she had just said was just excuses.Looking at Alice, Linley continued. “Alice, do you remember that first time we were together in a hotel, you said to me, you hoped that if my love for you disappeared, I would tell you and wouldn’t hide it from you. You would quietly leave me.”Linley suppressed his agitation, forcing himself to remain calm. “Back then, I also said, if you ever feel like you’ve lost your feelings for me, I too would hope that you would tell me directly and not lie to me. I, too, would quietly leave.”Alice’s eyes grew moist.“It isn’t a big deal that you are now with Kalan. But I wish you didn’t deceive me. For you to now be with Kalan behind my back and not openly explain things to me, to let me continue to harbor hope in my heart, to let me wait for you time and time again….do you know how it feels to wait for someone like that?”Linley’s body began to tremble. “September 29th, that was the first day you missed our meeting. I waited from midnight until nearly dawn. Every minute, every second, was hard to endure. When I returned to school, I was thinking, was it because I made you angry the previous time? So I wanted to make you happy. Like an idiot, I went to buy memory crystals to record the scenes of all the places around the Institute. I hoped that when we were not together, when you missed me, you could watch me.”“Carrying these two memory crystal balls, in mid-October, I once again went to you, my heart filled with hope. But once again, you weren’t there.”“In my heart, I started to grow restless. But I held firm. Because I remember that promise that we made each other. I believed that if you were going to leave me, you would let me know first. That’s why I held firm. The end of October, mid-November, I went as well. But in the end…”Linley stood up, regarding Alice with a bitter smile on his lips. “I came again today. But I’m lucky. This time, you didn’t continue to deceive me.”The tears were welling up in Alice’s eyes.“Big brother Linley-”Linley opened up his backpack and removed those two memory crystal balls. As he did so, Linley couldn’t help but think back to how he had gone everywhere in his school to record scenes. Thinking back to it, he felt himself to be such a fool.
“These two memory crystals, I’ve carried from the Ernst Institute to Fenlai City four times now. But now…they are meaningless.”
Linley was holding a memory crystal ball in each hand. Those two crystal balls suddenly collided….
Countless cracks appeared on the surface of each crystal ball. Linley’s hands went limp, and the two crystal balls dropped to the floor. “Crash!” With a splintering sound, they each split into over ten pieces, rolling about on the floor of the hotel. The splintering sound was very clear and high, and caused all the patrons of the hotel to turn and look at them.
Alice could no longer restrain her tears, which began to pour down her face.
“Big brother Linley, in the future, will we still be friends?” Tears blurring her vision, Alice raised her head to look at Linley.
On his feet, Linley looked at Alice, but he didn’t answer her question. After a while, a faint smile appeared on his face. “Alice, if I’m not mistaken, we started our relationship on November 29th of last year. Today is also November 29th. It’s been a full year. Thank you. At least you’ve given me some beautiful memories.”
Suddenly turning, Linley directly left via the front door of the hotel.
The entire hotel was silent. Kalan, previously in a corner, hurriedly ran over to Alice. As he did so, he ran over and stepped on some pieces of the shattered crystal balls. The crystalline sounds of the memory crystals being further shattered echoed in the hotel.
“Alice, are you okay?” Kalan embraced Alice comfortingly.
But by this time, Alice had been reduced to a puddle of tears. Despite being in Kalan’s arms, she still turned her head to watch as Linley
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