„On first, I and Sage Em­peror show­down, but fi­nally is not his matc terjemahan - „On first, I and Sage Em­peror show­down, but fi­nally is not his matc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„On first, I and Sage Em­peror show

„On first, I and Sage Em­peror show­down, but fi­nally is not his match, re­turned to the young time, I start to prac­tice Heav­enly God Tech­nique, ob­tained many all sorts of trea­sures, but wants to break End­less Space and Time of Sage Em­peror seal, was too dif­fi­cult, has not thought that will bump into the Tianyuan se­nior in here un­ex­pect­edly!” Nie Li said.
„Says how the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion you lose!” Tianyuan Great sink­ing sound said.
„After pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion An­ces­tral God Land de­stroys, Sage Em­peror has ex­plained the seal, works loose. Starts to slaugh­ter var­i­ous group of Ex­pert, ini­ti­ated was dis­il­lu­sioned greatly. Hides in Ex­pert of each bor­der area is not will­ing to live on dis­hon­or­ably, rises spirit­edly to re­volt, but force­fully had been sup­pressed by Sage Em­peror. Ei­ther body dead soul ex­tin­guishes, ei­ther is al­ways the slave!” Nie Li said.
The Tianyuan Great had not spo­ken, but Nie Li can feel the anger of Tianyuan Great.
The Tianyuan Great was killed, Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race by the en­tire seal in End­less Wilder­ness, gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tions, only if the slave. Do not tread, so under the vi­cious mat­ter, can the Tianyuan Great bear this tone?
„How you can re­sist Sage Em­peror, even if in hun­dred years, you also over hun­dred years old, what Realm can prac­tice?” The Tianyuan Great opened the mouth fi­nally once more.
„I, be­cause ob­tained a trea­sure, has the strength of re­ver­sal space and time, can there­fore have the op­por­tu­nity to re­sist with him.” Nie Li ex­plained said.
„That trea­sure that you said that should be Tem­po­ral Demon Spirit Book?” The Tianyuan Great wrin­kled brow, the sink­ing sound said. In his im­pres­sion, only then this trea­sure has might so.
Nie Li smiles does not speak, was de­fault.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„On first, I and Sage Em­peror show­down, but fi­nally is not his match, re­turned to the young time, I start to prac­tice Heav­enly God Tech­nique, ob­tained many all sorts of trea­sures, but wants to break End­less Space and Time of Sage Em­peror seal, was too dif­fi­cult, has not thought that will bump into the Tianyuan se­nior in here un­ex­pect­edly!” Nie Li said.„Says how the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion you lose!” Tianyuan Great sink­ing sound said.„After pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion An­ces­tral God Land de­stroys, Sage Em­peror has ex­plained the seal, works loose. Starts to slaugh­ter var­i­ous group of Ex­pert, ini­ti­ated was dis­il­lu­sioned greatly. Hides in Ex­pert of each bor­der area is not will­ing to live on dis­hon­or­ably, rises spirit­edly to re­volt, but force­fully had been sup­pressed by Sage Em­peror. Ei­ther body dead soul ex­tin­guishes, ei­ther is al­ways the slave!” Nie Li said.The Tianyuan Great had not spo­ken, but Nie Li can feel the anger of Tianyuan Great.The Tianyuan Great was killed, Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race by the en­tire seal in End­less Wilder­ness, gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tions, only if the slave. Do not tread, so under the vi­cious mat­ter, can the Tianyuan Great bear this tone?„How you can re­sist Sage Em­peror, even if in hun­dred years, you also over hun­dred years old, what Realm can prac­tice?” The Tianyuan Great opened the mouth fi­nally once more.„I, be­cause ob­tained a trea­sure, has the strength of re­ver­sal space and time, can there­fore have the op­por­tu­nity to re­sist with him.” Nie Li ex­plained said.„That trea­sure that you said that should be Tem­po­ral Demon Spirit Book?” The Tianyuan Great wrin­kled brow, the sink­ing sound said. In his im­pres­sion, only then this trea­sure has might so.Nie Li smiles does not speak, was de­fault.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Pada awalnya, saya dan Sage Kaisar showdown, tetapi akhirnya tidak pertandingan, kembali ke waktu muda, saya mulai berlatih Tuhan Surgawi Teknik, memperoleh banyak segala macam harta, tapi ingin istirahat Ruang tak berujung dan Waktu Sage Kaisar seal , itu terlalu sulit, tidak berpikir bahwa akan bertemu dengan Tianyuan senior sini tiba-tiba! "Nie Li mengatakan.
" Says bagaimana generasi sebelumnya Anda kehilangan! "Tianyuan besar tenggelam suara mengatakan.
" Setelah generasi sebelumnya Ancestral Allah Land menghancurkan, Sage Kaisar telah menjelaskan segel, bekerja longgar. Mulai menyembelih berbagai kelompok Ahli, diprakarsai telah kecewa sangat. Kulit di Expert masing-masing daerah perbatasan tidak bersedia untuk hidup dengan tidak hormat, naik penuh semangat untuk memberontak, tapi tegas telah ditekan oleh Sage Kaisar. Entah mayat jiwa memadamkan, baik selalu budak! "Nie Li mengatakan.
The Tianyuan besar tidak berbicara, tapi Nie Li bisa merasakan kemarahan Tianyuan besar.
The Tianyuan besar tewas, Heavenly Primordial Roh Ras oleh seluruh segel di Wilderness tak berujung, generasi setelah generasi, hanya jika budak. Jangan menginjak, jadi di bawah materi setan, bisa Tianyuan besar menanggung nada ini?
"Bagaimana Anda bisa menolak Sage Kaisar, bahkan jika dalam seratus tahun, Anda juga berusia lebih dari seratus tahun, apa Realm bisa berlatih?" The Tianyuan Besar membuka mulut akhirnya sekali lagi.
"saya, karena memperoleh harta, memiliki kekuatan ruang reversal dan waktu, karena itu dapat memiliki kesempatan untuk menolak dengan dia." jelas kata Nie Li.
"itu harta yang Anda mengatakan bahwa harus Temporal Siluman Roh buku? "The Tianyuan besar berkerut kening, kata suara tenggelamnya. Dalam kesannya, hanya kemudian harta ini memiliki mungkin jadi.
Nie Li tersenyum tidak berbicara, adalah default.
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