After a few seconds she murmured with little anger

After a few seconds she murmured wi

After a few seconds she murmured with little anger "Shenshah, leave me, don't forget, I am your maid Radha not your QUEEN (emphasized) Rukaiya begum, remember you were just hugging her so lovingly and showering your love while kissing her."

Jalal chuckled silently with her statement and replied gripping her stronger than before "Hmm... Radha, I can sense that difference, she is so sugary and effortless whereas you are so spicy and demanding."

His reply really annoyed her and made her more jealous ... she wrestled to come out of his strong clutch but couldn't manage. At last she gave up and loudly and irritably said "Why don't you go to your sugary queen and leave me alone, otherwise I will bite you so hard you will cry the entire night."

With loud laugh he broke the hug and cupped her annoyed face and said "Oh Radha, are you Jealous of Rukaiya??"

Radha narrowed her eyes at him and touchily replied "Why would I be Jealous of your queen? I don't care; you can sleep with her or kiss her or do whatever."

Jalal with stern tone replied "Radha, whatever you say but it does impact you, you didn't liked that I kissed her. You didn't liked that I hugged her. Radha I know for sure everything I do has an impact on you, otherwise a strong girl like you would never have tears in eyes."

Radha tried to sneak out from his gaze ... Changing conversation she asked "Shenshah, what is your plan for the night??"

Jalal silently chuckled seeing her uncomfortable itchy expression... and replied "It all depends on your answers to my questions. 'Radha, Why you had tears in your eyes when I didn't stop by your stall this morning? Why you thought I will buy your painting? Why did you make a special painting for me? Why are you scared to spend the night with me? Why my words give you pain? You are a maid and not my begum, what I said was truth then why you had this extreme reaction as if I have betrayed you?"

Radha with annoyance replied "Shenshah, I am too tired to answer your WHY questions, please just tell me where I can sleep? I had very rough day due to one of the monstrous person I know, I need to take rest"

Hearing her arrogant and cold answer Jalal lost his temper suddenly and shouted at her at top of his voice "RADHA... ENOUGH, when I ask questions, you better answer... Who is that monstrous person?"

She had no idea he will react
this way... she got scared seeing his angry eyes and loud shout... she replied quickly in dull tone "Reva" then she said in low tone " I want to go to sleep, I am very tired."

Jalal silently smirked with her answer...
Jalal in same angry tone asked "Radha, when did you eat last?"

Radha looked at him and in mild tone replied "My food is none of your business."

Jalal growled "Radha"

Radha replied angrily "I don't remember but don't act like my mother. Shenshah, I am warning you, I hate it when someone asks me when I ate. It's my body and I decide when to eat."

Jalal frustratedly replied "Oh Radha, it seems like food is your routine problem... looks like you and your mother always argue about your food."

Radha looking at him thinking, how does he know that my mom still runs behind me with the plate of food? Oh god, my only one peace in Agra was that no one forced me to eat and now he started chik chik chik chik about my food.

Radha with firm tone replied "Shenshah, I can't discuss that, it is too personal."

Jalal smirked faintly and with deep sigh out "Oh!!! Food habit is your personal issue."

Radha angrily stared at him and said in thick tone "Yes"

"Are you hungry Radha?"

Radha with squinted eyes replied "I don't like that question Shenshah."

"Radha if you don't behave properly then from tomorrow morning I will really send five dasis and five guards with breakfast, lunch and dinner and they won't leave until you finish your food."

Radha in annoyed tone "Oh, then I will run away from this palace"

Jalal smirked at her and said "Do you think you can run out of the palace so easily?"

Radha with exasperated tone replied "Shenshah, then I will kill you and run away."

Jalal playfully replied "Can you?"

Radha with seriously odd tone said "Yes Shenshah, that is the reason I came to this palace."

Jalal seriously replied "Then what you waiting for, I am all yours."

Radha mysteriously gazed and replied "Shenshah, when the time comes, I will not spare you and by the way you are not mine. You belong to your special queen, Maharani Rukaiya begum and your other special begums."

Jalal got up from sofa and pulled her by her wrist from across sofa and said "Radha, come with me."

Jalal took her to his personal huge terrace, there was a royal swing in one corner, and variety of plants were set up in the other corners. Aroma of flowers scent was making terrace more pleasing. The entire terrace was glowing in glaze of hundreds of candles and candle lamps. Silent cool waves of air was making the full moon night more glorious. In the center there was low height dinner table set up for two, sitting were arranged next to each other. In the glow of the moon she was able to see the lake.

Radha excitedly said "Omg Shenshah!!! This is the best place in the entire palace, I can imagine how beautiful it looks when the sun rises. You can see the entire lake, the jungle and the mountains from here, sitting on the swings watching sunrise and sunset ...aww!!! So beautiful... vow amazing!"

Jalal watched her chirpy glowing divine face... she looked so innocent and happy... her one smile brought immense peace in his heart.

Jalal stood next to her and while watching moon he said "Radha, you know this is my private kingdom. No begums or anyone is allowed here. At night, sometime I sit here for hours and hours and wait for the first ray of the sun, deep silence of this place gives me harmony and peace."

Radha with confusion looked at him and asked "Shenshah, Why did you bring me here? I am really scared, I am just a maid I have no right to feel special."

Jalal cupped her face lovingly and replied "Radha, you are here because you are that special to me, do you know that one little smile on your face makes me feel like I have won the entire world. I always felt something was missing but today you have filled that space. Radha, you have no clue what you mean to me."

Radha softly took his hands off from her face and replied painfully "Shenshah, do you know that, you are really a sweet talker but cruel in your actions. One minute you put me up in the sky and in the very next you throw me down from the same sky. I am really scared of you because you are the only one who is capable to make me cry and you don't miss any opportunity. I am just worried in next minute what you will do?? You are saying that I am giving you peace but I don't feel peace, I feel suffocated out of fear of what will happen next? As soon as I see you my heart beats so loud and fast that even I can hear it clearly. Sometimes I feel you have done some black magic on me that even after all the hurtful things you have done to me, I am still standing next to you and I desire to be with you. Shenshah I never felt feeble or helpless in my life but being around you makes me weak. You have crushed my pride so many times, that I have started to hate myself for liking you more than my self-respect and yes it still hurts me when you said to Rukaiya begum that I am just a cheap ordinary low class maid and I might be your one night stand. Your words are constantly ringing in my ears."

Jalal sadly replied "Radha, your every word feels like acid on my heart, I wish I could shed tears to show my pain. I know I was harsh many times but you are forgetting that I am a Shenshah, and I do not have a habit of taking anyone's tantrums. Do you know that your attitude is no less than a princess, actually worse than a princess. None of my begum dares to speak to me like this. Any woman I desire comes willingly to my feet. Radha you have also crushed my pride many times, I have bent down many times for you. I have crossed many boundaries for you. By the way just for your information, your arrogance is more than Rukaiya and your temper is worse than me but still I like to be with you. My eyes search for you... I also feel you have done some black magic on me... You were really wrong Radha, you made your own portrait and proved to entire world that I am crazy for your beauty. It was your preplanned game, you knew very well, I will not hurt you and buy your painting... I crossed all my limits many times. You called me heartless, cruel, monster and much more... Your words are ringing in my ears as well."

Hearing Jalal's turmoil Radha's blood boiled up, she sarcastically replied "Oh good it clearly shows we both have problems with each other. So you better stay away from me and don't even dare to touch me, I have listened enough, I can clearly see what you are trying to do! You want to make me feel guilty for nothing. You have made all the mistakes and on top of it you are blaming me, what a manipulation and yes I will say again... you are heartless and cruel." She took a deep breath in and puff it out loudly and stamped her feet and twisted her nose.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After a few seconds she murmured with little anger "Shenshah, leave me, don't forget, I am your maid Radha not your QUEEN (emphasized) Rukaiya begum, remember you were just hugging her so lovingly and showering your love while kissing her." Jalal chuckled silently with her statement and replied gripping her stronger than before "Hmm... Radha, I can sense that difference, she is so sugary and effortless whereas you are so spicy and demanding." His reply really annoyed her and made her more jealous ... she wrestled to come out of his strong clutch but couldn't manage. At last she gave up and loudly and irritably said "Why don't you go to your sugary queen and leave me alone, otherwise I will bite you so hard you will cry the entire night."With loud laugh he broke the hug and cupped her annoyed face and said "Oh Radha, are you Jealous of Rukaiya??" Radha narrowed her eyes at him and touchily replied "Why would I be Jealous of your queen? I don't care; you can sleep with her or kiss her or do whatever."Jalal with stern tone replied "Radha, whatever you say but it does impact you, you didn't liked that I kissed her. You didn't liked that I hugged her. Radha I know for sure everything I do has an impact on you, otherwise a strong girl like you would never have tears in eyes." Radha tried to sneak out from his gaze ... Changing conversation she asked "Shenshah, what is your plan for the night??" Jalal diam-diam tertawa melihat ekspresinya gatal tidak nyaman... dan menjawab "itu semua tergantung pada jawaban Anda untuk pertanyaan saya. 'Radha, mengapa Anda memiliki air mata di mata Anda ketika saya tidak mampir kios Anda pagi ini? Mengapa Anda pikir saya akan membeli lukisan Anda? Mengapa Anda membuat sebuah lukisan yang khusus untuk saya? Mengapa Anda takut untuk menghabiskan malam dengan saya? Mengapa kata-kata saya memberikan Anda sakit? Anda adalah seorang pembantu dan bukan begum saya, apa yang saya katakan kebenaran itu kemudian mengapa Anda memiliki reaksi ekstrim ini seolah-olah aku telah mengkhianati Anda?" Radha dengan gangguan menjawab "Shenshah, aku terlalu lelah untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengapa Anda, silakan saja kirim saya dimana saya bisa tidur? Aku punya hari yang sangat kasar karena salah satu orang yang mengerikan yang saya tahu, saya perlu mengambil istirahat" Mendengar jawaban Dia sombong dan dingin Jalal lost temper tiba-tiba dan berteriak padanya di atas suara-Nya "RADHA... CUKUP, ketika saya mengajukan pertanyaan, Anda lebih baik menjawab... Siapakah orang itu mengerikan?"Ia tidak tahu dia akan bereaksicara ini... dia punya takut melihat matanya marah dan keras berteriak... dia menjawab cepat kusam nada "Reva" lalu dia berkata dalam nada rendah "saya ingin pergi tidur, saya sangat lelah." Jalal diam-diam smirked dengan jawabannya... Jalal nada marah sama bertanya "Radha, ketika Anda makan terakhir?" Radha memandangnya dan nada ringan menjawab "makanan adalah urusanmu." Jalal ketus "Radha" Radha menjawab dengan marah "Aku tidak ingat tapi jangan bertindak seperti ibu saya. Shenshah, aku 'm peringatan Anda, aku benci kalau seseorang bertanya kepada saya ketika saya makan. Ini adalah tubuh saya dan saya memutuskan kapan harus makan." Jalal frustratedly menjawab "Oh Radha, tampaknya seperti makanan adalah masalah rutin Anda... terlihat seperti Anda dan ibumu selalu berdebat tentang makanan Anda."Radha melihat dia berpikir, bagaimana ia tahu bahwa ibuku masih berjalan di belakang saya dengan sepiring makanan? Oh Tuhan, damai sejahtera-Ku hanya satu di Agra adalah bahwa tidak ada yang memaksa saya untuk makan dan sekarang ia memulai chik chik chik chik tentang makanan.Radha dengan nada tegas menjawab "Shenshah, saya tidak membahas bahwa, itu terlalu pribadi."Jalal smirked samar-samar dan dengan napas keluar "Oh! Kebiasaan makanan adalah masalah pribadi Anda." Radha marah menatapnya dan berkata dalam nada tebal "Ya" "Apakah Anda lapar Radha?" Radha dengan mata menyipit menjawab "Saya tidak suka pertanyaan Shenshah." "Radha jika Anda tidak berperilaku baik maka dari besok pagi aku akan benar-benar mengirimkan lima dasis dan lima penjaga dengan sarapan, Makan Siang dan makan malam dan mereka tidak akan meninggalkan sampai Anda selesai makanan Anda." Radha di jengkel nada "Oh, maka saya akan melarikan diri dari Istana ini" Jalal smirked padanya dan berkata "Apakah Anda pikir Anda dapat menjalankan dari Istana begitu mudah?" Radha dengan nada jengkel menjawab "Shenshah, maka aku akan membunuh Anda dan melarikan diri." Jalal Main-Main menjawab "Dapat Anda?" Radha dengan nada serius aneh berkata "Ya Shenshah, yang menjadi alasan saya datang ke Istana ini."Jalal serius menjawab "maka apa yang Anda menunggu, saya semua milikmu." Radha misterius menatap dan menjawab "Shenshah, ketika saatnya tiba, aku tidak akan menyayangkan kamu dan dengan cara yang tidak saya. Anda milik Ratu khusus Anda, Maharani Rukaiya begum dan begums khusus Anda yang lain." Jalal bangun dari sofa dan menariknya oleh pergelangan tangannya dari seluruh sofa dan berkata "Radha, datang dengan saya." Jalal membawanya ke teras besar nya pribadi, ada ayunan royal di salah satu sudut, dan berbagai jenis tanaman yang didirikan di sudut yang lain. Aroma aroma bunga membuat Teras lebih menyenangkan. Teras seluruh bersinar di glasir ratusan lilin dan lampu lilin. Diam dingin gelombang udara membuat malam purnama lebih mulia. Di pusat ada ketinggian rendah meja makan set up untuk dua, tempat duduk yang disusun berdampingan. Dalam cahaya bulan dia mampu melihat Danau.Radha penuh semangat berkata "Omg Shenshah!!! Ini adalah tempat terbaik di Istana seluruh, aku bisa membayangkan betapa indah itu terlihat saat matahari terbit. Anda dapat melihat seluruh danau, hutan dan pegunungan dari sini, duduk di ayunan menonton matahari terbit dan terbenam... aww!!! Begitu indah... nazar menakjubkan! "Jalal menyaksikan dia bersinar riang gembira ilahi wajah... dia tampak begitu polos dan bahagia... senyumnya satu membawa kedamaian besar dalam hatinya.Jalal berdiri di sampingnya dan sambil menonton bulan ia berkata "Radha, Anda tahu ini adalah kerajaanku pribadi. Begums tidak atau siapa pun diperbolehkan di sini. Pada malam hari, kadang-kadang aku duduk di sini selama berjam-jam dan menunggu pertama sinar matahari, dalam keheningan dari tempat ini memberi saya keselarasan dan kedamaian.Radha dengan kebingungan memandangnya dan bertanya "Shenshah, Mengapa Apakah Anda membawa saya di sini? Aku benar-benar takut, aku hanya seorang pembantu yang saya tidak punya hak untuk merasa istimewa." Jalal cupped her face lovingly and replied "Radha, you are here because you are that special to me, do you know that one little smile on your face makes me feel like I have won the entire world. I always felt something was missing but today you have filled that space. Radha, you have no clue what you mean to me." Radha softly took his hands off from her face and replied painfully "Shenshah, do you know that, you are really a sweet talker but cruel in your actions. One minute you put me up in the sky and in the very next you throw me down from the same sky. I am really scared of you because you are the only one who is capable to make me cry and you don't miss any opportunity. I am just worried in next minute what you will do?? You are saying that I am giving you peace but I don't feel peace, I feel suffocated out of fear of what will happen next? As soon as I see you my heart beats so loud and fast that even I can hear it clearly. Sometimes I feel you have done some black magic on me that even after all the hurtful things you have done to me, I am still standing next to you and I desire to be with you. Shenshah I never felt feeble or helpless in my life but being around you makes me weak. You have crushed my pride so many times, that I have started to hate myself for liking you more than my self-respect and yes it still hurts me when you said to Rukaiya begum that I am just a cheap ordinary low class maid and I might be your one night stand. Your words are constantly ringing in my ears." Jalal sadly replied "Radha, your every word feels like acid on my heart, I wish I could shed tears to show my pain. I know I was harsh many times but you are forgetting that I am a Shenshah, and I do not have a habit of taking anyone's tantrums. Do you know that your attitude is no less than a princess, actually worse than a princess. None of my begum dares to speak to me like this. Any woman I desire comes willingly to my feet. Radha you have also crushed my pride many times, I have bent down many times for you. I have crossed many boundaries for you. By the way just for your information, your arrogance is more than Rukaiya and your temper is worse than me but still I like to be with you. My eyes search for you... I also feel you have done some black magic on me... You were really wrong Radha, you made your own portrait and proved to entire world that I am crazy for your beauty. It was your preplanned game, you knew very well, I will not hurt you and buy your painting... I crossed all my limits many times. You called me heartless, cruel, monster and much more... Your words are ringing in my ears as well." Hearing Jalal's turmoil Radha's blood boiled up, she sarcastically replied "Oh good it clearly shows we both have problems with each other. So you better stay away from me and don't even dare to touch me, I have listened enough, I can clearly see what you are trying to do! You want to make me feel guilty for nothing. You have made all the mistakes and on top of it you are blaming me, what a manipulation and yes I will say again... you are heartless and cruel." She took a deep breath in and puff it out loudly and stamped her feet and twisted her nose.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
After a few seconds she murmured with little anger "Shenshah, leave me, don't forget, I am your maid Radha not your QUEEN (emphasized) Rukaiya begum, remember you were just hugging her so lovingly and showering your love while kissing her."

Jalal chuckled silently with her statement and replied gripping her stronger than before "Hmm... Radha, I can sense that difference, she is so sugary and effortless whereas you are so spicy and demanding."

His reply really annoyed her and made her more jealous ... she wrestled to come out of his strong clutch but couldn't manage. At last she gave up and loudly and irritably said "Why don't you go to your sugary queen and leave me alone, otherwise I will bite you so hard you will cry the entire night."

With loud laugh he broke the hug and cupped her annoyed face and said "Oh Radha, are you Jealous of Rukaiya??"

Radha narrowed her eyes at him and touchily replied "Why would I be Jealous of your queen? I don't care; you can sleep with her or kiss her or do whatever."

Jalal with stern tone replied "Radha, whatever you say but it does impact you, you didn't liked that I kissed her. You didn't liked that I hugged her. Radha I know for sure everything I do has an impact on you, otherwise a strong girl like you would never have tears in eyes."

Radha tried to sneak out from his gaze ... Changing conversation she asked "Shenshah, what is your plan for the night??"

Jalal silently chuckled seeing her uncomfortable itchy expression... and replied "It all depends on your answers to my questions. 'Radha, Why you had tears in your eyes when I didn't stop by your stall this morning? Why you thought I will buy your painting? Why did you make a special painting for me? Why are you scared to spend the night with me? Why my words give you pain? You are a maid and not my begum, what I said was truth then why you had this extreme reaction as if I have betrayed you?"

Radha with annoyance replied "Shenshah, I am too tired to answer your WHY questions, please just tell me where I can sleep? I had very rough day due to one of the monstrous person I know, I need to take rest"

Hearing her arrogant and cold answer Jalal lost his temper suddenly and shouted at her at top of his voice "RADHA... ENOUGH, when I ask questions, you better answer... Who is that monstrous person?"

She had no idea he will react
this way... she got scared seeing his angry eyes and loud shout... she replied quickly in dull tone "Reva" then she said in low tone " I want to go to sleep, I am very tired."

Jalal silently smirked with her answer...
Jalal in same angry tone asked "Radha, when did you eat last?"

Radha looked at him and in mild tone replied "My food is none of your business."

Jalal growled "Radha"

Radha replied angrily "I don't remember but don't act like my mother. Shenshah, I am warning you, I hate it when someone asks me when I ate. It's my body and I decide when to eat."

Jalal frustratedly replied "Oh Radha, it seems like food is your routine problem... looks like you and your mother always argue about your food."

Radha looking at him thinking, how does he know that my mom still runs behind me with the plate of food? Oh god, my only one peace in Agra was that no one forced me to eat and now he started chik chik chik chik about my food.

Radha with firm tone replied "Shenshah, I can't discuss that, it is too personal."

Jalal smirked faintly and with deep sigh out "Oh!!! Food habit is your personal issue."

Radha angrily stared at him and said in thick tone "Yes"

"Are you hungry Radha?"

Radha with squinted eyes replied "I don't like that question Shenshah."

"Radha if you don't behave properly then from tomorrow morning I will really send five dasis and five guards with breakfast, lunch and dinner and they won't leave until you finish your food."

Radha in annoyed tone "Oh, then I will run away from this palace"

Jalal smirked at her and said "Do you think you can run out of the palace so easily?"

Radha with exasperated tone replied "Shenshah, then I will kill you and run away."

Jalal playfully replied "Can you?"

Radha with seriously odd tone said "Yes Shenshah, that is the reason I came to this palace."

Jalal seriously replied "Then what you waiting for, I am all yours."

Radha mysteriously gazed and replied "Shenshah, when the time comes, I will not spare you and by the way you are not mine. You belong to your special queen, Maharani Rukaiya begum and your other special begums."

Jalal got up from sofa and pulled her by her wrist from across sofa and said "Radha, come with me."

Jalal took her to his personal huge terrace, there was a royal swing in one corner, and variety of plants were set up in the other corners. Aroma of flowers scent was making terrace more pleasing. The entire terrace was glowing in glaze of hundreds of candles and candle lamps. Silent cool waves of air was making the full moon night more glorious. In the center there was low height dinner table set up for two, sitting were arranged next to each other. In the glow of the moon she was able to see the lake.

Radha excitedly said "Omg Shenshah!!! This is the best place in the entire palace, I can imagine how beautiful it looks when the sun rises. You can see the entire lake, the jungle and the mountains from here, sitting on the swings watching sunrise and sunset ...aww!!! So beautiful... vow amazing!"

Jalal watched her chirpy glowing divine face... she looked so innocent and happy... her one smile brought immense peace in his heart.

Jalal stood next to her and while watching moon he said "Radha, you know this is my private kingdom. No begums or anyone is allowed here. At night, sometime I sit here for hours and hours and wait for the first ray of the sun, deep silence of this place gives me harmony and peace."

Radha with confusion looked at him and asked "Shenshah, Why did you bring me here? I am really scared, I am just a maid I have no right to feel special."

Jalal cupped her face lovingly and replied "Radha, you are here because you are that special to me, do you know that one little smile on your face makes me feel like I have won the entire world. I always felt something was missing but today you have filled that space. Radha, you have no clue what you mean to me."

Radha softly took his hands off from her face and replied painfully "Shenshah, do you know that, you are really a sweet talker but cruel in your actions. One minute you put me up in the sky and in the very next you throw me down from the same sky. I am really scared of you because you are the only one who is capable to make me cry and you don't miss any opportunity. I am just worried in next minute what you will do?? You are saying that I am giving you peace but I don't feel peace, I feel suffocated out of fear of what will happen next? As soon as I see you my heart beats so loud and fast that even I can hear it clearly. Sometimes I feel you have done some black magic on me that even after all the hurtful things you have done to me, I am still standing next to you and I desire to be with you. Shenshah I never felt feeble or helpless in my life but being around you makes me weak. You have crushed my pride so many times, that I have started to hate myself for liking you more than my self-respect and yes it still hurts me when you said to Rukaiya begum that I am just a cheap ordinary low class maid and I might be your one night stand. Your words are constantly ringing in my ears."

Jalal sadly replied "Radha, your every word feels like acid on my heart, I wish I could shed tears to show my pain. I know I was harsh many times but you are forgetting that I am a Shenshah, and I do not have a habit of taking anyone's tantrums. Do you know that your attitude is no less than a princess, actually worse than a princess. None of my begum dares to speak to me like this. Any woman I desire comes willingly to my feet. Radha you have also crushed my pride many times, I have bent down many times for you. I have crossed many boundaries for you. By the way just for your information, your arrogance is more than Rukaiya and your temper is worse than me but still I like to be with you. My eyes search for you... I also feel you have done some black magic on me... You were really wrong Radha, you made your own portrait and proved to entire world that I am crazy for your beauty. It was your preplanned game, you knew very well, I will not hurt you and buy your painting... I crossed all my limits many times. You called me heartless, cruel, monster and much more... Your words are ringing in my ears as well."

Hearing Jalal's turmoil Radha's blood boiled up, she sarcastically replied "Oh good it clearly shows we both have problems with each other. So you better stay away from me and don't even dare to touch me, I have listened enough, I can clearly see what you are trying to do! You want to make me feel guilty for nothing. You have made all the mistakes and on top of it you are blaming me, what a manipulation and yes I will say again... you are heartless and cruel." She took a deep breath in and puff it out loudly and stamped her feet and twisted her nose.
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