High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy P terjemahan - High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy P Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

High above the city, on a tall colu

High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.

He was very much admired indeed. "He is as beautiful as a weathercock," remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for having artistic tastes; "only not quite so useful," he added, fearing lest people should think him unpractical, which he really was not.

"Why can't you be like the Happy Prince?" asked a sensible mother of her little boy who was crying for the moon. "The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything."

"I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy," muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue.

"He looks just like an angel," said the Charity Children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their clean white pinafores.

"How do you know?" said the Mathematical Master, "you have never seen one."

"Ah! but we have, in our dreams," answered the children; and the Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did not approve of children dreaming.

One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her.

"Shall I love you?" said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. So he flew round and round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silver ripples. This was his courtship, and it lasted all through the summer.

"It is a ridiculous attachment," twittered the other Swallows; "she has no money, and far too many relations"; and indeed the river was quite full of Reeds. Then, when the autumn came they all flew away.

After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his lady- love. "She has no conversation," he said, "and I am afraid that she is a coquette, for she is always flirting with the wind." And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most graceful curtseys. "I admit that she is domestic," he continued, "but I love travelling, and my wife, consequently, should love travelling also."

"Will you come away with me?" he said finally to her; but the Reed shook her head, she was so attached to her home.

"You have been trifling with me," he cried. "I am off to the Pyramids. Good-bye!" and he flew away.

All day long he flew, and at night-time he arrived at the city. "Where shall I put up?" he said; "I hope the town has made preparations."

Then he saw the statue on the tall column.

"I will put up there," he cried; "it is a fine position, with plenty of fresh air." So he alighted just between the feet of the Happy Prince.

"I have a golden bedroom," he said softly to himself as he looked round, and he prepared to go to sleep; but just as he was putting his head under his wing a large drop of water fell on him. "What a curious thing!" he cried; "there is not a single cloud in the sky, the stars are quite clear and bright, and yet it is raining. The climate in the north of Europe is really dreadful. The Reed used to like the rain, but that was merely her selfishness."

Then another drop fell.

"What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off?" he said; "I must look for a good chimney-pot," and he determined to fly away.

But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and he looked up, and saw - Ah! what did he see?

The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little Swallow was filled with pity.

"Who are you?" he said.

"I am the Happy Prince."

"Why are you weeping then?" asked the Swallow; "you have quite drenched me."

"When I was alive and had a human heart," answered the statue, "I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans- Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I led the dance in the Great Hall. Round the garden ran a very lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is made of lead yet I cannot chose but weep."

"What! is he not solid gold?" said the Swallow to himself. He was too polite to make any personal remarks out loud.

"Far away," continued the statue in a low musical voice, "far away in a little street there is a poor house. One of the windows is open, and through it I can see a woman seated at a table. Her face is thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress. She is embroidering passion- flowers on a satin gown for the loveliest of the Queen's maids-of- honour to wear at the next Court-ball. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. He has a fever, and is asking for oranges. His mother has nothing to give him but river water, so he is crying. Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, will you not bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? My feet are fastened to this pedestal and I cannot move."

"I am waited for in Egypt," said the Swallow. "My friends are flying up and down the Nile, and talking to the large lotus- flowers. Soon they will go to sleep in the tomb of the great King. The King is there himself in his painted coffin. He is wrapped in yellow linen, and embalmed with spices. Round his neck is a chain of pale green jade, and his hands are like withered leaves."

"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you not stay with me for one night, and be my messenger? The boy is so thirsty, and the mother so sad."

"I don't think I like boys," answered the Swallow. "Last summer, when I was staying on the river, there were two rude boys, the miller's sons, who were always throwing stones at me. They never hit me, of course; we swallows fly far too well for that, and besides, I come of a family famous for its agility; but still, it was a mark of disrespect."

But the Happy Prince looked so sad that the little Swallow was sorry. "It is very cold here," he said; "but I will stay with you for one night, and be your messenger."

"Thank you, little Swallow," said the Prince.

So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince's sword, and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.

He passed by the cathedral tower, where the white marble angels were sculptured. He passed by the palace and heard the sound of dancing. A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover. "How wonderful the stars are," he said to her, "and how wonderful is the power of love!"

"I hope my dress will be ready in time for the State-ball," she answered; "I have ordered passion-flowers to be embroidered on it; but the seamstresses are so lazy."

He passed over the river, and saw the lanterns hanging to the masts of the ships. He passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jews bargaining with each other, and weighing out money in copper scales. At last he came to the poor house and looked in. The boy was tossing feverishly on his bed, and the mother had fallen asleep, she was so tired. In he hopped, and laid the great ruby on the table beside the woman's thimble. Then he flew gently round the bed, fanning the boy's forehead with his wings. "How cool I feel," said the boy, "I must be getting better"; and he sank into a delicious slumber.

Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince, and told him what he had done. "It is curious," he remarked, "but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold."

"That is because you have done a good action," said the Prince. And the little Swallow began to think, and then he fell asleep. Thinking always made him sleepy.

When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath. "What a remarkable phenomenon," said the Professor of Ornithology as he was passing over the bridge. "A swallow in winter!" And he wrote a long letter about it to the local newspaper. Every one quoted it, it was full of so many words that they could not understand.

"To-night I go to Egypt," said the Swallow, and he was in high spirits at the prospect. He visited all the public monuments, and sat a long time on top of the church steeple. Wherever he went the Sparrows chirruped, and said to each other, "What a distinguished stranger!" so he enjoyed himself very much.

When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince. "Have you any commissions for Egypt?" he cried; "I am just starting."

"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you not stay with me one night longer?"

"I am waited for in Egypt," answered the Swallow. "To-morrow my friends will fly up to the Second Cataract. The river-horse couches there among the bulrushes, and on a great granite throne sits the God Memnon. All night long he watches the stars, and when the morning star shines he utters one cry of joy, and then he is silent. At noon the yellow lions come down to the water's edge to drink. They have eyes like green beryls, and their roar is louder than the roar of the cataract.

"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "far away across the city I see a young man in a garret. He is leaning over a desk covered with papers, and in a tumbler by his side there is a bunch of withered violets. His hair is brown and crisp, and his lips are red as a pomegranate, and he has large and dreamy eyes. He is trying to finish a play for the Director of the Theatre, but he is too cold to write any more. There is no
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tinggi di atas kota, pada kolom tinggi, berdiri patung Pangeran yang bahagia. Ia adalah dilapisi seluruh daun tipis emas baik-baik saja, untuk mata ia dua safir terang, dan besar batu rubi merah delima bersinar pada gagang pedang nya.Ia adalah sangat dikagumi. "Ia sebagai cantik sebagai weathercock," kata salah satu dewan kota yang ingin memperoleh reputasi karena memiliki selera artistik; "hanya tidak begitu berguna," ia menambahkan, karena takut, bahwa orang harus berpikir dia unpractical, yang ia benar-benar tidak."Kenapa engkau tidak seperti Pangeran yang bahagia?" tanya seorang ibu yang masuk akal dari anak laki-lakinya yang menangis untuk bulan. "Pangeran yang bahagia tidak pernah mimpi menangis untuk apapun.""Aku senang ada beberapa orang di dunia yang sangat bahagia," bergumam seorang laki-laki yang kecewa saat ia memandang patung yang indah tersebut."Dia tampak seperti malaikat," kata anak-anak penderma yang muncul dari Katedral dengan jubah merah tua mereka yang terang dan Oto putih yang bersih."Bagaimana Apakah Anda tahu?" kata Master matematika, "Anda tidak pernah melihat satu.""Ah! Tapi kita memiliki, dalam mimpi kita,"jawab anak-anak; Master matematika mengerutkan kening dan tampak sangat parah, ia tidak setuju anak-anak bermimpi.Pada suatu malam terbang di atas kota layang kecil. Teman-temannya telah pergi ke Mesir enam minggu sebelumnya, tetapi ia telah tinggal karena ia sedang jatuh cinta dengan sang alang alang yang paling indah. Dia telah bertemu dengannya di awal musim semi saat ia terbang menyusuri Sungai setelah ngengat kuning besar, dan telah sangat tertarik oleh Pinggang ramping yang ia berhenti untuk berbicara dengannya."Akan aku mencintaimu?" kata burung layang-layang, yang suka datang ke titik sekaligus, dan sang alang alang membuatnya busur rendah. Jadi ia terbang bulat dan sekeliling dia, menyentuh air dengan sayap-Nya, dan membuat riak-riak perak. Ini adalah pacaran nya, dan itu berlangsung sepanjang musim panas."Ini adalah lampiran konyol," twittered menelan lainnya; "dia memiliki tidak ada uang, dan terlalu banyak hubungan"; dan itu sungai memang penuh dengan alang-alang. Kemudian, ketika musim gugur datang mereka semua terbang menjauh.Setelah mereka telah ia merasa kesepian, dan mulai bosan terhadap pasangannya tercinta. "Dia memiliki percakapan ada," katanya, "dan aku takut bahwa dia adalah wanita yang genit, karena ia selalu menggoda dengan angin." Dan tentu saja, setiap kali angin bertiup, Reed membuat merunduk. "Aku mengakui bahwa dia mahluk domestik," lanjutnya, "tetapi aku senang bepergian, dan isteriku, akibatnya, harus senang bepergian juga.""Akan Anda datang pergi dengan saya?" dia akhirnya mengatakan padanya; namun sang alang alang menggelengkan kepalanya, ia terlalu terikat dengan rumahnya."Anda telah remeh dengan saya," ia menangis. "Aku akan pergi menuju piramid-piramid. Selamat tinggal!"dan ia terbang menjauh.Sepanjang hari ia terbang, dan pada malam hari ia tiba di kota. "Mana aku harus beristirahat?" ia berkata; "Aku harap kota ini telah membuat persiapan."Kemudian ia melihat sebuah patung diatas kolom yang tinggi."Aku akan menaruh di sana," sahutnya; "itu adalah posisi yang bagus, dengan banyak udara segar." Maka ia mendarat diantara kaki patung Pangeran yang bahagia."Saya mempunyai ruang tidur emas," katanya lembut kepada dirinya sendiri ketika ia memandang sekelilingnya bulat, dan ia siap untuk pergi tidur; Tapi sama seperti dia adalah meletakkan kepalanya di bawah sayap Nya setetes air yang besar jatuh diatasnya. "Aneh sekali!" sahutnya; "tidak ada satu pun awan di langit, bintang-bintang cukup jelas dan terang, dan belum hujan. Iklim di utara Eropa benar-benar mengerikan. Sang alang alang dahulu senang akan hujan, tapi itu hanya nya keegoisan."Kemudian tetesan berikutnya jatuh."Apa itu penggunaan patung jika itu tidak dapat menjaga hujan dari?" ia berkata; "Saya harus mencari panci cerobong baik", dan dia bertekad untuk terbang.Namun belum sempat ia membuka sayapnya, tetesan ketiga jatuh, dan dia mendongak, dan melihat--Ah! apa yang dia Lihat?Mata dari Pangeran yang bahagia penuh dengan air mata, dan air mata yang mengalir di pipinya emas. Wajahnya ini begitu indah cahaya bulan bahwa burung layang-layang dipenuhi dengan belas kasihan."Siapa yang kau?" katanya."Aku Pangeran yang bahagia.""Mengapa engkau menangis kemudian?" tanya burung layang-layang; "Anda memiliki cukup bermandikan saya.""When I was alive and had a human heart," answered the statue, "I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans- Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I led the dance in the Great Hall. Round the garden ran a very lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is made of lead yet I cannot chose but weep.""What! is he not solid gold?" said the Swallow to himself. He was too polite to make any personal remarks out loud."Far away," continued the statue in a low musical voice, "far away in a little street there is a poor house. One of the windows is open, and through it I can see a woman seated at a table. Her face is thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress. She is embroidering passion- flowers on a satin gown for the loveliest of the Queen's maids-of- honour to wear at the next Court-ball. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. He has a fever, and is asking for oranges. His mother has nothing to give him but river water, so he is crying. Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, will you not bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? My feet are fastened to this pedestal and I cannot move.""I am waited for in Egypt," said the Swallow. "My friends are flying up and down the Nile, and talking to the large lotus- flowers. Soon they will go to sleep in the tomb of the great King. The King is there himself in his painted coffin. He is wrapped in yellow linen, and embalmed with spices. Round his neck is a chain of pale green jade, and his hands are like withered leaves.""Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you not stay with me for one night, and be my messenger? The boy is so thirsty, and the mother so sad.""I don't think I like boys," answered the Swallow. "Last summer, when I was staying on the river, there were two rude boys, the miller's sons, who were always throwing stones at me. They never hit me, of course; we swallows fly far too well for that, and besides, I come of a family famous for its agility; but still, it was a mark of disrespect."But the Happy Prince looked so sad that the little Swallow was sorry. "It is very cold here," he said; "but I will stay with you for one night, and be your messenger.""Thank you, little Swallow," said the Prince.So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince's sword, and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.He passed by the cathedral tower, where the white marble angels were sculptured. He passed by the palace and heard the sound of dancing. A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover. "How wonderful the stars are," he said to her, "and how wonderful is the power of love!""I hope my dress will be ready in time for the State-ball," she answered; "I have ordered passion-flowers to be embroidered on it; but the seamstresses are so lazy."He passed over the river, and saw the lanterns hanging to the masts of the ships. He passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jews bargaining with each other, and weighing out money in copper scales. At last he came to the poor house and looked in. The boy was tossing feverishly on his bed, and the mother had fallen asleep, she was so tired. In he hopped, and laid the great ruby on the table beside the woman's thimble. Then he flew gently round the bed, fanning the boy's forehead with his wings. "How cool I feel," said the boy, "I must be getting better"; and he sank into a delicious slumber.Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince, and told him what he had done. "It is curious," he remarked, "but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.""That is because you have done a good action," said the Prince. And the little Swallow began to think, and then he fell asleep. Thinking always made him sleepy.When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath. "What a remarkable phenomenon," said the Professor of Ornithology as he was passing over the bridge. "A swallow in winter!" And he wrote a long letter about it to the local newspaper. Every one quoted it, it was full of so many words that they could not understand."To-night I go to Egypt," said the Swallow, and he was in high spirits at the prospect. He visited all the public monuments, and sat a long time on top of the church steeple. Wherever he went the Sparrows chirruped, and said to each other, "What a distinguished stranger!" so he enjoyed himself very much.When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince. "Have you any commissions for Egypt?" he cried; "I am just starting.""Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you not stay with me one night longer?""I am waited for in Egypt," answered the Swallow. "To-morrow my friends will fly up to the Second Cataract. The river-horse couches there among the bulrushes, and on a great granite throne sits the God Memnon. All night long he watches the stars, and when the morning star shines he utters one cry of joy, and then he is silent. At noon the yellow lions come down to the water's edge to drink. They have eyes like green beryls, and their roar is louder than the roar of the cataract."Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "far away across the city I see a young man in a garret. He is leaning over a desk covered with papers, and in a tumbler by his side there is a bunch of withered violets. His hair is brown and crisp, and his lips are red as a pomegranate, and he has large and dreamy eyes. He is trying to finish a play for the Director of the Theatre, but he is too cold to write any more. There is no
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tinggi di atas kota, pada kolom tinggi, berdiri patung Happy Prince. Dia disepuh seluruh dengan daun tipis emas murni, untuk mata ia memiliki dua batu safir cerah, dan ruby merah besar bersinar di pedangnya-gagang. Dia sangat dikagumi memang. "Dia adalah seindah arah angin yang," kata salah satu Anggota Dewan Kota yang ingin mendapatkan reputasi untuk memiliki selera artistik; "Hanya tidak begitu berguna," tambahnya, takut jangan-jangan orang harus berpikir dia tidak praktis, yang ia benar-benar tidak. "Mengapa kamu tidak bisa menjadi seperti Happy Prince?" tanya seorang ibu yang masuk akal dari anak kecilnya yang menangis untuk bulan. "The Happy Prince pernah bermimpi menangis untuk apa pun." "Saya senang ada beberapa orang di dunia yang cukup senang," gumam seorang pria kecewa karena ia menatap patung indah. "Dia tampak seperti malaikat," kata Anak Charity karena mereka keluar dari katedral di jubah merah cerah dan oto putih yang bersih. "Bagaimana Anda tahu?" kata Guru Matematika, "Anda tidak pernah melihat satu." "Ah, tapi kami telah, dalam mimpi kita," jawab anak-anak!; dan Guru Matematika mengerutkan kening dan tampak sangat parah, karena ia tidak menyetujui anak bermimpi. Satu malam ada terbang di atas kota Walet kecil. Teman-temannya sudah pergi ke Mesir enam minggu sebelumnya, tapi ia tinggal di belakang, karena ia jatuh cinta dengan Reed paling indah. Dia telah bertemu di awal musim semi karena ia terbang ke sungai setelah ngengat kuning besar, dan telah begitu tertarik dengan pinggang yang ramping bahwa ia telah berhenti untuk berbicara dengannya. "Haruskah aku mencintaimu?" kata Walet, yang suka datang ke titik sekaligus, dan Reed membuatnya busur rendah. Jadi ia terbang berputar-putar, menyentuh air dengan sayapnya, dan membuat riak perak. Ini adalah pacaran, dan itu berlangsung sepanjang musim panas. "Ini adalah lampiran konyol," berkicau yang Swallows lainnya; "Dia tidak punya uang, dan terlalu banyak hubungan"; dan memang sungai itu cukup penuh Reeds. Kemudian, ketika musim gugur datang mereka semua terbang menjauh. Setelah mereka pergi, ia merasa kesepian, dan mulai ban cinta Lady- nya. "Dia tidak punya percakapan," katanya, "dan saya takut bahwa dia genit, karena ia selalu menggoda dengan angin." Dan tentu saja, setiap kali angin bertiup, Reed membuat gerakan merunduk yang anggun. "Saya mengakui bahwa dia dalam negeri," lanjutnya, "tetapi aku senang bepergian, dan istri saya, akibatnya, harus senang bepergian juga." "Maukah Anda datang pergi dengan saya?" katanya akhirnya padanya; tapi Reed menggeleng, ia begitu terikat ke rumahnya. "Anda telah bermain-main dengan saya," serunya. "Saya pergi ke Piramida. Selamat tinggal!" dan ia terbang menjauh. Sepanjang hari ia terbang, dan pada malam hari ia tiba di kota. "Di mana saya akan memasang?" dia berkata; ". Saya berharap kota telah membuat persiapan" . Lalu ia melihat patung pada kolom tinggi "Aku akan memasang ada," teriaknya; "Itu adalah posisi yang baik, dengan banyak udara segar." Jadi dia hinggap hanya antara kaki Happy Prince. "Saya memiliki kamar tidur emas," katanya pelan pada dirinya sendiri sambil melihat ke sekeliling, dan dia siap untuk pergi tidur; tapi hanya karena ia meletakkan kepalanya di bawah sayap-Nya setetes besar air jatuh pada dirinya. "Apa hal yang aneh!" dia menangis; "Tidak ada awan di langit, bintang-bintang yang cukup jelas dan terang, namun hujan. Iklim di utara Eropa benar-benar mengerikan. The Reed dulu seperti hujan, tapi itu hanya keegoisannya . " Kemudian turun lagi jatuh. "Apa penggunaan patung jika tidak dapat menjaga hujan off?" dia berkata; . "Saya harus mencari cerobong-pot yang baik," dan ia bertekad untuk terbang Tapi sebelum ia membuka sayapnya, penurunan ketiga jatuh, dan dia mendongak, dan melihat - Ah! apa yang dia lihat? Mata Happy Pangeran penuh dengan air mata, dan air mata mengalir di pipi emasnya. Wajahnya begitu indah di bawah sinar bulan yang Swallow kecil dipenuhi dengan belas kasihan. "Siapa kau?" katanya. "Saya Happy Prince." "Kenapa kamu menangis?" tanya Walet tersebut; "Anda telah cukup basah aku." "Ketika saya masih hidup dan memiliki hati manusia," jawab patung, "saya tidak tahu apa itu air mata, karena aku tinggal di Istana Sans- Souci, dimana duka tidak diijinkan untuk masukkan. Di siang hari aku bermain dengan teman saya di taman, dan di malam hari aku memimpin dansa di Balai Agung. Putaran taman berlari dinding yang sangat tinggi, tapi saya tidak pernah peduli untuk bertanya apa yang ada di luar itu, segala sesuatu tentang saya itu begitu indah. istana saya menelepon saya Happy Prince, dan bahagia memang saya adalah, jika kesenangan menjadi kebahagiaan. Jadi saya tinggal, dan jadi saya meninggal. Dan sekarang saya mati mereka telah mendirikan saya di sini sangat tinggi sehingga aku bisa melihat semua keburukan dan semua penderitaan kota saya, dan meskipun hatiku terbuat dari timah namun aku tidak bisa memilih tapi menangis. " "Apa! dia tidak solid emas?" kata Walet untuk dirinya sendiri. Dia terlalu sopan untuk membuat pernyataan pribadi keras. "Jauh," lanjut patung dengan suara musik rendah, "jauh di jalan kecil ada sebuah rumah miskin. Salah satu jendela yang terbuka, dan melalui itu saya bisa melihat seorang wanita duduk di meja. Wajahnya tipis dan usang, dan dia memiliki kasar, tangan merah, semua tertusuk oleh jarum, karena ia adalah seorang penjahit. Dia menyulam bunga passion- pada gaun satin untuk terindah Ratu pelayan-of kehormatan untuk memakai di depan Pengadilan-bola. Dalam tidur di sudut ruangan anak kecilnya terbaring sakit. Dia demam, dan meminta jeruk. Ibunya tidak ada memberinya tapi air sungai, sehingga ia menangis. Telan, layang kecil, akan Anda tidak membawa ruby yang keluar dari saya pedang-gagang? Kakiku diikat ke alas ini dan saya tidak bisa bergerak. " "Saya menunggu di Mesir , "kata Walet. "Teman-teman saya terbang naik dan turun sungai Nil, dan berbicara dengan bunga lotus- besar. Segera mereka akan pergi tidur di makam Raja besar. Raja ada dirinya di dalam peti mati-nya dicat. Ia dibungkus kain kuning , dan dibalsem dengan rempah-rempah. Putaran lehernya adalah rantai batu giok berwarna hijau pucat, dan tangannya adalah daun layu seperti. " "Burung layang, layang kecil," kata Pangeran, "Anda akan tidak tinggal dengan saya selama satu malam, dan menjadi utusan-Ku? Anak itu begitu haus, dan ibunya menjadi sangat sedih. " "Saya tidak berpikir saya seperti anak laki-laki," jawab burung layang-layang. . "Musim panas lalu, ketika saya tinggal di sungai, ada dua anak laki-laki kasar, putra miller, yang selalu melemparkan batu pada saya Mereka tidak pernah memukul saya, tentu saja, kami menelan terbang terlalu baik untuk itu, dan selain itu, Saya datang dari keluarga terkenal kelincahan nya, tapi tetap saja, itu adalah tanda hormat ". Tapi Happy Pangeran tampak begitu sedih bahwa Swallow sedikit menyesal. "Hal ini sangat dingin di sini," katanya; "Tapi aku akan tinggal dengan Anda selama satu malam, dan menjadi utusan Anda." "Terima kasih, layang kecil," kata Pangeran. Jadi Walet memilih keluar ruby besar dari pedang Pangeran, dan terbang dengan itu di paruhnya atas atap kota. Dia melewati menara katedral, di mana para malaikat marmer putih yang dipahat. Ia melewati istana dan mendengar suara menari. Seorang gadis cantik keluar di balkon dengan kekasihnya. "Betapa indahnya bintang-bintang," katanya kepadanya, "dan betapa indahnya adalah kekuatan cinta!" "Saya berharap gaunku akan siap pada waktunya untuk Negara-bola," dia menjawab; "Saya telah memerintahkan gairah-bunga untuk bordir di atasnya,. Tapi penjahit begitu malas" Dia melewati sungai, dan melihat lentera tergantung pada tiang-tiang kapal. Dia melewati Ghetto, dan melihat orang-orang Yahudi tawar lama dengan satu sama lain, dan menimbang uang dalam skala tembaga. Akhirnya ia datang ke rumah miskin dan melihat ke dalam. Anak itu melemparkan tergesa-gesa di tempat tidurnya, dan ibu tertidur, ia sangat lelah. Dalam dia melompat, dan meletakkan ruby besar di atas meja samping bidal wanita. Kemudian ia terbang dengan lembut sekeliling tempat tidur, mengipasi dahi anak itu dengan sayapnya. "Aku merasa dingin," kata anak itu, "Aku harus menjadi lebih baik"; dan ia tenggelam ke dalam tidur lezat. Kemudian Swallow terbang kembali ke Happy Prince, dan mengatakan kepadanya apa yang telah dilakukannya. "Aneh," katanya, "tapi aku merasa cukup hangat sekarang, meskipun begitu dingin." "Itu karena Anda telah melakukan tindakan yang baik," kata Pangeran. Dan Walet kecil mulai berpikir, dan kemudian ia tertidur. Berpikir selalu membuatnya mengantuk. Ketika hari pecah ia terbang ke sungai dan mandi. "Apa fenomena yang luar biasa," kata Profesor Ornitologi saat ia menyebrangi jembatan. "Sebuah menelan di musim dingin!" Dan ia menulis surat tentang hal itu ke surat kabar lokal. Setiap satu dikutip itu, itu penuh dengan begitu banyak kata-kata yang mereka tidak mengerti. "Untuk malam aku pergi ke Mesir," kata Walet, dan ia bersemangat tinggi di prospek. Ia mengunjungi semua monumen publik, dan duduk lama di atas menara gereja. Ke mana pun ia pergi burung pipit membicarakannya dan berkata satu sama lain, "Apa yang orang asing yg!" sehingga ia menikmati dirinya sangat banyak. Ketika bulan naik ia terbang kembali ke Happy Prince. "Apakah Anda punya komisi untuk Mesir?" dia menangis; "Saya baru mulai." "Burung layang, layang kecil," kata Pangeran, "Anda akan tidak tinggal dengan saya satu malam lagi?" "Saya menunggu di Mesir," jawab burung layang-layang. "Untuk besok teman-teman saya akan terbang ke Katarak Kedua. Sofa sungai-kuda ada di antara rumput gajah, dan pada granit takhta besar duduk Allah Memnon. Sepanjang malam ia menonton bintang-bintang, dan ketika bintang pagi bersinar dia mengucapkan satu teriakan sukacita, dan kemudian dia diam. Pada tengah hari singa kuning turun ke tepi air minum. Mereka memiliki mata seperti beryls hijau, dan gemuruh mereka lebih keras dari raungan katarak. "Walet, Walet, layang kecil, "kata Pangeran," jauh di seberang kota aku melihat seorang anak muda di sebuah kamar loteng. Dia membungkuk di atas meja ditutupi dengan kertas, dan di tumbler sisinya ada sekelompok violet layu. Rambutnya berwarna coklat dan renyah, dan bibirnya semerah buah delima, dan ia memiliki mata besar dan melamun. Dia sedang mencoba untuk menyelesaikan bermain untuk Direktur Teater, tapi dia terlalu dingin untuk menulis lagi. Tidak ada

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