Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Independen pelajar standar di tingkat lokalPelajar yang independen, menurut standar 4, mengejar informasi yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan pribadi. Siswa mencari informasi yang berkaitan dengan bidang karier, hobi, masalah-masalah kesehatan, dan isu-isu lingkungan yang menarik. Kemudian, dalam pembentukan diproduksi dan solusi yang dirancang, dikembangkan, dan dievaluasi berkaitan dengan kepentingan pribadi mereka.Kepentingan pribadi adalah faktor motivasi besar bagi siswa yang mencari dalam pembentukan. Dari kelas ketiga mahasiswa yang ingin tahu jika ada laki-laki dan perempuan kupu-kupu untuk senior yang membuat keputusan tentang apa college untuk menghadiri, faktor kunci adalah kepentingan pribadi atau perlu tahu. Laki-laki yang segar dan kelas sejarah sophomore di Columbus, Nebraska, SMA belajarthat the man responsible for designing and building the boat that allowed the allied troops to land on D-Day was born in their home town. The teacher wondered why nothing had ever been done to recognize Andrew Jackson Higgins and asked the classes if they would be interested in doing something to honor him. From that in no cent beginning came a multi-year project in which students re searched Higgins, his company, and where his boat had been used. They designed a memorial, contacted lo cal businesses to sup port them, carried out fund-raising activities, and wrote letters to prominent people such as the governor and state and national representatives. Part of the me mo rial was to contain sand from all the beaches on which the Higgins boats landed. The students found individuals who were willing to see they got the sand. Students wrote the inscriptions that are a part of the memorial. When it came time to dedicate the first phase of the memorial, the students contacted Mr. Higgins’s daughters and invited them to be a part of the ceremony. To day, as a result of student interest and motivation to re search a problem and find an answer, the city has a national monument to Andrew Jackson Higgins. Motivation is powerful.
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