so here i am giving summary of the 14 chapters which are in this threa terjemahan - so here i am giving summary of the 14 chapters which are in this threa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

so here i am giving summary of the

so here i am giving summary of the 14 chapters which are in this thread,

as this will be more convenient to the new readers.

So, the story begins with a movie director named, santram, who was over excited when he came to know that his little sister jodha, is going to come!! his happiness knew no bound and why not, his little princess was coming after 4 years, it was kinda emotional and very auspicious day for him, his assistant piya sharma, came to him and got to know that jodha is coming back, she suggested to throw a surprise party for jodha's arrival to which santram happily agreed, meanwhile between their conversation, the producer and the main leads of santram's upcoming movie arrived his mansion, jalal being the main lead of the movie, too was there, and between the talking session, santram invited jalal and the group to be a part in the surprise party, as they all are favourites of his little princess- jodha, after listening so much about jodha from others, a kind of curiosity settled inside jalal, and the last sentence of piya - "beware of jodha, as the bundle of naughtiness, is going to come" made him more curious to meet the little princess of santram.

As the time for jodha's arrival came, all were getting excited and specially the brother, as he was going to meet his little princess after 4 years, jodha was in paris so as to complete her fashion designing course, and was coming to india for 1 year for her internship, after waiting for a hour or so, jalal got irritated as he haven't waited for anyone in his life, while on the other side, jodha and her bestest pal, moti arrived india, being unknown of the fact that their are lots of people waiting for her. She was told that santram was not at home and was busy in his shooting, and she would have to spend the day alone, so she took a quite long time for buying some snacks and sweets for her dinner.

As soon as she entered her home, there was darkness all around, and having achluophobia , she feared and bumped into jalal, who came there as he forgot his phone there only, Jalal saved her from falling, jodha was trying to figure out the person, jalal looked at her face, as some dim light was falling on her face, and for him the world stopped, he was just looking at her without blinking his eyes, her face was beyond beautiful, her eyes, big in shock but still looking so cute, reflecting everything as a mirror, crystal clear, her lips,slightly opened in shock, pink, attractive, succulent, but soon her lips formed pouty, she was saying something, her eyes became wider, she was blinking her eyes, and her nose turned red, she was saying something, but jalal was busy in her heavenly kissable lips. But suddenly his thoughts broke when she pushed him, he shook his head so as to confirm that it was not a dream, he looked at her, she was wearing, a pink colour dress, noo!! it was a night suit with a cartoon printed on the top, further going down, her slippers were too pink, over all she was a pink fairy, jodha was still not able to see his face, she looked at him and then at his hand, which was holding some silver thing, it was shining, she was saying something pointing towards his hand, but jalal was busy gaping her, her long, wavy hairs were disturbing her to talk, after every second she was putting her hairs back, but his thoughts broke when jodha again pushed him.

"are you a deaf thief??" asked jodha making jalal shock, which cleared that she was thinking jalal as a thief, so this was their first meet, and there only jalal got a new name from jodha,i.e "dirty dog", from that point there cute fights continued, a new entry of jodha's cousin ranvijay singh which was in a relation with moti created a new fun in the story, jodha being a innocent girl was making jalal fall in love with her without letting him know and the same thing was happening with jodha too, during the shooting trip, they started to feel something different for each other, a feeling which was unknown and new for them, sunaina, jodha's friend came to india and had a crush on jalal, and seeing them together jodha was getting jealous.

they both started to share something with each other which they haven't shared with anyone else, jalal shared the biggest truth of his life with jodha, which is, he was one of the biggest business man of India but left that profession as he thought it as a reason for his father's heart attack was the loss in his business, and at that point jalal got to know that jodha's parents died when she was of 5.

When they both reached khan mansion, they saw that every newspaper and news channels were having their photo, and was stating jodha as jalal's girlfriend, but it was solved after some time, during this period, jalal noticed jodha having some pills, he was confused about them, when he asked this from jodha, she refused to answer it and gave excuses, meanwhile jalal's friend veer entered in this story, hence doubling the fun, and in between all this, jalal got to know about the pills (plz refer chapter 14, if you are interested i n knowing what had actually happened)

soo!! itz all this which happened in the 14 chapters, in the 15th chapter you will meet a drunken jodha
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
so here i am giving summary of the 14 chapters which are in this thread, as this will be more convenient to the new readers.So, the story begins with a movie director named, santram, who was over excited when he came to know that his little sister jodha, is going to come!! his happiness knew no bound and why not, his little princess was coming after 4 years, it was kinda emotional and very auspicious day for him, his assistant piya sharma, came to him and got to know that jodha is coming back, she suggested to throw a surprise party for jodha's arrival to which santram happily agreed, meanwhile between their conversation, the producer and the main leads of santram's upcoming movie arrived his mansion, jalal being the main lead of the movie, too was there, and between the talking session, santram invited jalal and the group to be a part in the surprise party, as they all are favourites of his little princess- jodha, after listening so much about jodha from others, a kind of curiosity settled inside jalal, and the last sentence of piya - "beware of jodha, as the bundle of naughtiness, is going to come" made him more curious to meet the little princess of santram.As the time for jodha's arrival came, all were getting excited and specially the brother, as he was going to meet his little princess after 4 years, jodha was in paris so as to complete her fashion designing course, and was coming to india for 1 year for her internship, after waiting for a hour or so, jalal got irritated as he haven't waited for anyone in his life, while on the other side, jodha and her bestest pal, moti arrived india, being unknown of the fact that their are lots of people waiting for her. She was told that santram was not at home and was busy in his shooting, and she would have to spend the day alone, so she took a quite long time for buying some snacks and sweets for her dinner.As soon as she entered her home, there was darkness all around, and having achluophobia , she feared and bumped into jalal, who came there as he forgot his phone there only, Jalal saved her from falling, jodha was trying to figure out the person, jalal looked at her face, as some dim light was falling on her face, and for him the world stopped, he was just looking at her without blinking his eyes, her face was beyond beautiful, her eyes, big in shock but still looking so cute, reflecting everything as a mirror, crystal clear, her lips,slightly opened in shock, pink, attractive, succulent, but soon her lips formed pouty, she was saying something, her eyes became wider, she was blinking her eyes, and her nose turned red, she was saying something, but jalal was busy in her heavenly kissable lips. But suddenly his thoughts broke when she pushed him, he shook his head so as to confirm that it was not a dream, he looked at her, she was wearing, a pink colour dress, noo!! it was a night suit with a cartoon printed on the top, further going down, her slippers were too pink, over all she was a pink fairy, jodha was still not able to see his face, she looked at him and then at his hand, which was holding some silver thing, it was shining, she was saying something pointing towards his hand, but jalal was busy gaping her, her long, wavy hairs were disturbing her to talk, after every second she was putting her hairs back, but his thoughts broke when jodha again pushed him."are you a deaf thief??" asked jodha making jalal shock, which cleared that she was thinking jalal as a thief, so this was their first meet, and there only jalal got a new name from jodha,i.e "dirty dog", from that point there cute fights continued, a new entry of jodha's cousin ranvijay singh which was in a relation with moti created a new fun in the story, jodha being a innocent girl was making jalal fall in love with her without letting him know and the same thing was happening with jodha too, during the shooting trip, they started to feel something different for each other, a feeling which was unknown and new for them, sunaina, jodha's friend came to india and had a crush on jalal, and seeing them together jodha was getting jealous.they both started to share something with each other which they haven't shared with anyone else, jalal shared the biggest truth of his life with jodha, which is, he was one of the biggest business man of India but left that profession as he thought it as a reason for his father's heart attack was the loss in his business, and at that point jalal got to know that jodha's parents died when she was of 5.When they both reached khan mansion, they saw that every newspaper and news channels were having their photo, and was stating jodha as jalal's girlfriend, but it was solved after some time, during this period, jalal noticed jodha having some pills, he was confused about them, when he asked this from jodha, she refused to answer it and gave excuses, meanwhile jalal's friend veer entered in this story, hence doubling the fun, and in between all this, jalal got to know about the pills (plz refer chapter 14, if you are interested i n knowing what had actually happened)
soo!! itz all this which happened in the 14 chapters, in the 15th chapter you will meet a drunken jodha
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
jadi di sini saya memberikan ringkasan 14 bab yang di thread ini, karena ini akan menjadi lebih nyaman untuk pembaca baru. Jadi, cerita dimulai dengan seorang sutradara film bernama, santram, yang lebih senang ketika ia datang untuk mengetahui bahwa adik jodha nya, akan datang !! kebahagiaannya tidak mengenal batas dan mengapa tidak, putri kecilnya datang setelah 4 tahun, itu agak emosional dan hari yang sangat menguntungkan baginya, ia sharma asisten piya, datang kepadanya dan harus tahu jodha yang datang kembali, dia menyarankan untuk mengadakan pesta kejutan untuk kedatangan jodha untuk yang santram gembira setuju, sedangkan antara percakapan mereka, produser dan pemeran utama film mendatang santram tiba rumah besarnya, jalal menjadi pemeran utama film, juga ada di sana, dan di antara sesi berbicara , santram mengundang jalal dan kelompok untuk menjadi bagian dalam pesta kejutan, karena mereka semua adalah favorit dari jodha princess- kecilnya, setelah mendengarkan begitu banyak tentang jodha dari orang lain, semacam rasa ingin tahu diselesaikan dalam jalal, dan kalimat terakhir dari piya - "Waspadalah terhadap jodha, sebagai bundel kenakalan, akan datang" membuatnya lebih penasaran untuk memenuhi putri kecil santram. Sebagai waktu untuk kedatangan jodha itu datang, semuanya semakin bersemangat dan khusus saudara, karena ia akan bertemu putri kecilnya setelah 4 tahun, jodha berada di paris sehingga untuk menyelesaikan nya merancang kursus fashion, dan datang ke india selama 1 tahun untuk magang, setelah menunggu satu jam atau lebih, jalal mendapat jengkel karena ia haven ' t menunggu siapa pun dalam hidupnya, sementara di sisi lain, jodha dan sobat terbaikku nya, moti tiba india, yang diketahui dari fakta bahwa mereka banyak orang menunggunya. Dia diberitahu bahwa santram tidak ada di rumah dan sedang sibuk dalam penembakan itu, dan dia harus menghabiskan hari saja, jadi dia butuh waktu cukup lama untuk membeli beberapa makanan ringan dan permen untuknya malam. Begitu ia masuk rumahnya , ada kegelapan di sekitar, dan memiliki Achluophobia, ia takut dan menabrak jalal, yang datang ke sana karena ia lupa telepon di sana saja, Jalal menyelamatkannya dari jatuh, jodha mencoba untuk mencari tahu orang, jalal menatap wajahnya, karena beberapa cahaya redup jatuh di wajahnya, dan baginya dunia berhenti, ia hanya menatapnya tanpa berkedip matanya, wajahnya luar indah, matanya, besar shock tapi masih tampak begitu lucu, mencerminkan segala sesuatu sebagai cermin, jernih, bibirnya, sedikit dibuka shock, merah muda, menarik, lezat, tetapi segera bibirnya membentuk cemberut, ia mengatakan sesuatu, matanya menjadi lebih luas, ia berkedip matanya, dan hidungnya memerah, dia mengatakan sesuatu, tapi jalal sibuk di bibir kissable surgawi nya. Tapi tiba-tiba pikirannya pecah ketika ia mendorongnya, ia menggelengkan kepalanya sehingga untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu bukan mimpi, dia melihat, dia mengenakan, gaun warna pink, noo !! itu adalah malam sesuai dengan kartun dicetak di atas, lanjut turun, sandal nya terlalu pink, atas semua dia adalah peri merah muda, jodha masih tidak dapat melihat wajahnya, ia menatapnya dan kemudian di tangannya , yang memegang beberapa hal perak, itu bersinar, dia mengatakan sesuatu menunjuk ke arah tangannya, tapi jalal sibuk menganga nya, panjang, rambut bergelombang yang mengganggu dia untuk berbicara, setelah setiap detik ia menempatkan rambut kembali, tapi pikirannya pecah ketika jodha lagi mendorongnya. "kau pencuri tuli ??" tanya jodha membuat kejutan jalal, yang dibersihkan bahwa dia berpikir jalal sebagai pencuri, jadi ini pertama kali bertemu mereka, dan ada hanya jalal mendapat nama baru dari jodha, yaitu "anjing kotor", sejak saat itu perkelahian ada lucu melanjutkan, sebuah entri baru jodha sepupu ranvijay singh yang dalam kaitannya dengan moti menciptakan menyenangkan baru dalam cerita, jodha menjadi gadis lugu membuat jatuh jalal cinta padanya tanpa membiarkan dia tahu dan hal yang sama terjadi dengan jodha juga, selama perjalanan menembak, mereka mulai merasakan sesuatu yang berbeda satu sama lain, perasaan yang tidak diketahui dan baru bagi mereka, Sunaina, teman jodha datang ke India dan naksir jalal, dan melihat mereka bersama-sama jodha semakin cemburu. mereka berdua mulai untuk berbagi sesuatu dengan satu sama lain yang mereka tidak berbagi dengan orang lain, jalal bersama kebenaran terbesar dalam hidupnya dengan jodha, yaitu, dia adalah salah satu orang bisnis terbesar di India tetapi meninggalkan profesi itu karena ia pikir itu sebagai Alasan untuk serangan jantung ayahnya adalah kerugian dalam bisnisnya, dan pada saat itu jalal harus tahu orang tua yang jodha meninggal ketika ia masih dari 5. Ketika mereka berdua mencapai khan rumah, mereka melihat bahwa setiap surat kabar dan berita saluran sedang foto mereka , dan menyatakan jodha sebagai pacar jalal, tapi itu diselesaikan setelah beberapa waktu, selama periode ini, jalal melihat jodha memiliki beberapa pil, ia bingung tentang mereka, ketika ia bertanya ini dari jodha, ia menolak untuk menjawab dan memberi alasan, Sementara teman jalal yang veer masuk dalam cerita ini, maka dua kali lipat menyenangkan, dan di antara semua ini, jalal harus tahu tentang pil (plz merujuk pasal 14, jika Anda tertarik untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi) soo !! itz semua ini yang terjadi dalam 14 bab, pada bab ke-15 Anda akan bertemu dengan jodha mabuk

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