visiting teacher as she or he experiments with similar techniques. Pro terjemahan - visiting teacher as she or he experiments with similar techniques. Pro Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

visiting teacher as she or he exper

visiting teacher as she or he experiments with similar techniques. Professional
Development Schools exist primarily in the United States, Canada and Europe. Chile’s
highly successful ICT-in-education program, Enlaces, uses components of the
Professional Development School model in teacher training. Professional Development
Schools can exist in areas where schools and teachers colleges are nearby. However, for
a Professional Development School to be successful, there must be core groups of
effective teachers at both the teachers college and at the partner school.
Professional Development Schools can also take the form of partnerships between high
performing and low performing primary or secondary schools. As part of a project that
began in January 2006, four teachers at the American School in Mexico City, in
conjunction with Mexico’s Secretaria de Educación Publica (SEP), provide professional
development inICT integration to several local public secondary schools. This
professional development involves workshops, reciprocal classroom observations and
resource sharing, and follow-up assistance to targeted secondary school teachers.
Professional Development Schools can help teachers who have basic skills develop
intermediate and advanced skills.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
visiting teacher as she or he experiments with similar techniques. ProfessionalDevelopment Schools exist primarily in the United States, Canada and Europe. Chile’shighly successful ICT-in-education program, Enlaces, uses components of theProfessional Development School model in teacher training. Professional DevelopmentSchools can exist in areas where schools and teachers colleges are nearby. However, fora Professional Development School to be successful, there must be core groups ofeffective teachers at both the teachers college and at the partner school.Professional Development Schools can also take the form of partnerships between highperforming and low performing primary or secondary schools. As part of a project thatbegan in January 2006, four teachers at the American School in Mexico City, inconjunction with Mexico’s Secretaria de Educación Publica (SEP), provide professionaldevelopment inICT integration to several local public secondary schools. Thisprofessional development involves workshops, reciprocal classroom observations andresource sharing, and follow-up assistance to targeted secondary school teachers.Professional Development Schools can help teachers who have basic skills developintermediate and advanced skills.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
mengunjungi guru sebagai dia atau dia eksperimen dengan teknik serupa. Profesional
Sekolah Pengembangan ada terutama di Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan Eropa. Chile
sangat sukses ICT-in-program pendidikan, Enlaces, menggunakan komponen dari
model yang Sekolah Pengembangan Profesional dalam pelatihan guru. Pengembangan Profesional
Sekolah bisa eksis di daerah di mana sekolah dan guru perguruan tinggi berada di dekatnya. Namun, untuk
Sekolah Pengembangan Profesional untuk menjadi sukses, harus ada kelompok inti
guru yang efektif di kedua guru perguruan tinggi dan di sekolah mitra.
Sekolah Pengembangan Profesional juga dapat mengambil bentuk kemitraan antara tinggi
performing dan sekolah primer atau sekunder yang berkinerja rendah . Sebagai bagian dari proyek yang
dimulai pada Januari 2006, empat guru di Sekolah Amerika di Mexico City, di
hubungannya dengan Meksiko Secretaria de Educación Publica (September), menyediakan profesional
integrasi pengembangan inICT ke beberapa sekolah menengah umum setempat. Ini
pengembangan profesional melibatkan lokakarya, observasi kelas timbal balik dan
berbagi sumber daya, dan bantuan tindak lanjut untuk guru sekolah menengah yang ditargetkan.
Sekolah Pengembangan Profesional dapat membantu guru-guru yang memiliki keterampilan dasar mengembangkan
keterampilan menengah dan lanjutan.
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