Why does the quantity of salt demanded tend to be unre- sponsive to ch terjemahan - Why does the quantity of salt demanded tend to be unre- sponsive to ch Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Why does the quantity of salt deman

Why does the quantity of salt demanded tend to be unre- sponsive to changes in its price?
2. Why is the quantity of education demanded in private universities much more responsive than salt is to changes in price?
3. Draw Engel curves for both a normal good and an infe- rior good.
4. Give two examples of what are, for most students, infe- rior goods.
5. Can the price-consumption curve for a normal good ever be downward-sloping?
6. To get the market demand curve for a product, why do we add individual demand curves horizontally rather than vertically?
7. Summarize the relationship between price elasticity, changes in price, and changes in total expenditure.
8. Why don’t we measure the responsiveness of demand to price changes by the slope of the demand curve instead of using the more complicated expression for elasticity?
9. For a straight-line demand curve, what is the price elas- ticity at the revenue maximizing point?
10. Do you think a college education at a specific school has a high or low price (tuition) elasticity of demand?
11. How can changes in the distribution of income across consumers affect the market demand for a product?
12. If you expected a long period of declining GNP, what kinds of companies would you invest in?
will tend to respond sharply to changes in price. For many consumers, housing is a prime example of such a good. The goods least responsive to price changes will be those that account for very small budget shares and for which substi- tution possibilities are very limited. For most people, salt has both of these properties.
• There are two equivalent techniques for generating market demand curves from individual demand curves. The first is to display the individual curves graphically and then add them horizontally. The second is algebraic and proceeds by first solving the individual demand curves for the respective Q values, then adding those values, and finally solving the resulting sum for P.
• A central analytical concept in demand theory is the price elasticity of demand, a measure of the responsiveness of purchase decisions to small changes in price. It is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded that is caused by a 1 percent change in price. Goods for which the ab- solute value of elasticity exceeds 1 are said to be elastic; those for which it is less than 1, inelastic; and those for which it is equal to 1, unit elastic.
• Another important relationship is the one between price elasticity and the effect of a price change on total expendi- ture. When demand is elastic, a price reduction will increase total expenditure; when inelastic, total expenditure falls when the price goes down. When demand is unit elastic, to- tal expenditure is at a maximum.
• The price elasticity of demand depends largely on four fac- tors: substitutability, budget share, direction of income ef- fect, and time. (1) Substitutability. The more easily consumers may switch to other goods, the more elastic de- mand will be. (2) Budget share. Goods that account for a large share of total expenditures will tend to have higher price elasticity. (3) Direction of income effect. Other factors
the same, inferior goods will tend to be less elastic with re- spect to price than normal goods. (4) Time. Habits and ex- isting commitments limit the extent to which consumers can respond to price changes in the short run. Price elasticity of demand will tend to be larger, the more time consumers have to adapt.
• Changes in the average income level in a market generally shift the market demand curve. The income elasticity of de- mand is defined analogously to price elasticity. It is the per- centage change in quantity that results from a 1 percent change in income. Goods whose income elasticity of de- mand exceeds zero are called normal goods; those for which it is less than zero are called inferior; those for which it exceeds 1 are called luxuries; and those for which it is less than 1 are called necessities. For normal goods, an increase in income shifts market demand to the right; and for infe- rior goods, an increase in income shifts demand to the left. For some goods, the distribution of income, not just its average value, is an important determinant of market demand.
• The cross-price elasticity of demand is a measure of the re- sponsiveness of the quantity demanded of one good to a small change in the price of another. It is defined as the per- centage change in the quantity demanded of one good that results from a 1 percent change in the price of the other. If the cross-price elasticity of demand for X with respect to the price of Z is positive, X and Z are substitutes; and if negative, they are complements. In remembering the formu- las for the various elasticities—own price, cross-price, and income—many people find it helpful to note that each is the percentage change in an effect divided by the percentage change in the associated causal factor.
• The Appendix to this chapter examines additional topics in demand theory, including the constant elasticity demand curve and the income-compensated demand curve.
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13. True or false: For a budget spent entirely on two goods, an increase in the price of one will necessarily decrease the consumption of both, unless at least one of the goods is inferior. Explain.
14. Mike spends all his income on tennis balls and basketball tickets. His demand curve for tennis balls is elastic. True or false: If the price of tennis balls rises, he consumes more tickets. Explain.
15. True or false: If each individual in a market has a straight-line demand curve for a good, then the market demand curve for that good must also be a straight line. Explain.
16. Suppose your budget is spent entirely on two goods: bread and butter. If bread is an inferior good, can butter be inferior as well?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Why does the quantity of salt demanded tend to be unre- sponsive to changes in its price?2. Why is the quantity of education demanded in private universities much more responsive than salt is to changes in price?3. Draw Engel curves for both a normal good and an infe- rior good.4. Give two examples of what are, for most students, infe- rior goods.5. Can the price-consumption curve for a normal good ever be downward-sloping?6. To get the market demand curve for a product, why do we add individual demand curves horizontally rather than vertically?7. Summarize the relationship between price elasticity, changes in price, and changes in total expenditure.8. Why don’t we measure the responsiveness of demand to price changes by the slope of the demand curve instead of using the more complicated expression for elasticity?9. For a straight-line demand curve, what is the price elas- ticity at the revenue maximizing point?10. Do you think a college education at a specific school has a high or low price (tuition) elasticity of demand?11. How can changes in the distribution of income across consumers affect the market demand for a product?12. If you expected a long period of declining GNP, what kinds of companies would you invest in?QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW 127will tend to respond sharply to changes in price. For many consumers, housing is a prime example of such a good. The goods least responsive to price changes will be those that account for very small budget shares and for which substi- tution possibilities are very limited. For most people, salt has both of these properties.• There are two equivalent techniques for generating market demand curves from individual demand curves. The first is to display the individual curves graphically and then add them horizontally. The second is algebraic and proceeds by first solving the individual demand curves for the respective Q values, then adding those values, and finally solving the resulting sum for P.• A central analytical concept in demand theory is the price elasticity of demand, a measure of the responsiveness of purchase decisions to small changes in price. It is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded that is caused by a 1 percent change in price. Goods for which the ab- solute value of elasticity exceeds 1 are said to be elastic; those for which it is less than 1, inelastic; and those for which it is equal to 1, unit elastic.• Another important relationship is the one between price elasticity and the effect of a price change on total expendi- ture. When demand is elastic, a price reduction will increase total expenditure; when inelastic, total expenditure falls when the price goes down. When demand is unit elastic, to- tal expenditure is at a maximum.• The price elasticity of demand depends largely on four fac- tors: substitutability, budget share, direction of income ef- fect, and time. (1) Substitutability. The more easily consumers may switch to other goods, the more elastic de- mand will be. (2) Budget share. Goods that account for a large share of total expenditures will tend to have higher price elasticity. (3) Direction of income effect. Other factorsthe same, inferior goods will tend to be less elastic with re- spect to price than normal goods. (4) Time. Habits and ex- isting commitments limit the extent to which consumers can respond to price changes in the short run. Price elasticity of demand will tend to be larger, the more time consumers have to adapt.• Changes in the average income level in a market generally shift the market demand curve. The income elasticity of de- mand is defined analogously to price elasticity. It is the per- centage change in quantity that results from a 1 percent change in income. Goods whose income elasticity of de- mand exceeds zero are called normal goods; those for which it is less than zero are called inferior; those for which it exceeds 1 are called luxuries; and those for which it is less than 1 are called necessities. For normal goods, an increase in income shifts market demand to the right; and for infe- rior goods, an increase in income shifts demand to the left. For some goods, the distribution of income, not just its average value, is an important determinant of market demand.• The cross-price elasticity of demand is a measure of the re- sponsiveness of the quantity demanded of one good to a small change in the price of another. It is defined as the per- centage change in the quantity demanded of one good that results from a 1 percent change in the price of the other. If the cross-price elasticity of demand for X with respect to the price of Z is positive, X and Z are substitutes; and if negative, they are complements. In remembering the formu- las for the various elasticities—own price, cross-price, and income—many people find it helpful to note that each is the percentage change in an effect divided by the percentage change in the associated causal factor.• The Appendix to this chapter examines additional topics in demand theory, including the constant elasticity demand curve and the income-compensated demand curve.fra7573x_ch04_095-138 8/19/07 2:02 PM Page 127128 CHAPTER 4 INDIVIDUAL AND MARKET DEMAND13. True or false: For a budget spent entirely on two goods, an increase in the price of one will necessarily decrease the consumption of both, unless at least one of the goods is inferior. Explain.14. Mike spends all his income on tennis balls and basketball tickets. His demand curve for tennis balls is elastic. True or false: If the price of tennis balls rises, he consumes more tickets. Explain.15. True or false: If each individual in a market has a straight-line demand curve for a good, then the market demand curve for that good must also be a straight line. Explain.16. Suppose your budget is spent entirely on two goods: bread and butter. If bread is an inferior good, can butter be inferior as well?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mengapa jumlah garam yang diminta cenderung sponsive unre- perubahan harga?
2. Mengapa kuantitas pendidikan menuntut di perguruan tinggi swasta jauh lebih responsif daripada garam adalah untuk perubahan harga?
3. Menggambar kurva Engel untuk kedua barang normal dan infe- rior yang baik.
4. Berikan dua contoh dari apa yang, bagi sebagian besar siswa, barang rior infe-.
5. Dapat kurva konsumsi-harga untuk barang normal pernah menjadi miring ke bawah?
6. Untuk mendapatkan kurva permintaan pasar untuk suatu produk, mengapa kita menambahkan kurva permintaan individu horizontal daripada vertikal?
7. Meringkas hubungan antara elastisitas harga, perubahan harga, dan perubahan total belanja.
8. Mengapa kita tidak mengukur respon dari permintaan terhadap perubahan harga dengan kemiringan kurva permintaan daripada menggunakan ekspresi yang lebih rumit untuk elastisitas?
9. Untuk permintaan kurva garis lurus, apa harga elas- ticity pada titik pendapatan memaksimalkan?
10. Apakah Anda berpikir pendidikan kuliah di sebuah sekolah tertentu memiliki harga tinggi atau rendah (kuliah) elastisitas permintaan?
11. Bagaimana perubahan dalam distribusi pendapatan di seluruh konsumen dapat mempengaruhi permintaan pasar untuk produk?
12. Jika Anda diharapkan dalam jangka panjang GNP menurun, apa jenis perusahaan yang akan Anda berinvestasi dalam?
akan cenderung merespon tajam perubahan harga. Bagi banyak konsumen, perumahan adalah contoh utama dari yang baik tersebut. Barang-barang paling responsif terhadap perubahan harga akan menjadi orang yang menjelaskan saham anggaran yang sangat kecil dan yang kemungkinan tution substi- sangat terbatas. Bagi kebanyakan orang, garam telah baik sifat ini.
• Ada dua teknik yang setara untuk menghasilkan kurva permintaan pasar dari kurva permintaan individu. Yang pertama adalah untuk menampilkan kurva individu grafis dan kemudian menambahkannya horizontal. Yang kedua adalah aljabar dan hasil dengan terlebih dahulu memecahkan kurva permintaan individu untuk nilai Q masing-masing, kemudian menambahkan nilai-nilai, dan akhirnya memecahkan jumlah yang dihasilkan untuk P.
• Sebuah konsep analitis sentral dalam teori permintaan elastisitas harga permintaan, ukuran sebuah dari respon keputusan pembelian untuk perubahan kecil dalam harga. Hal ini didefinisikan sebagai persentase perubahan kuantitas yang diminta yang diakibatkan oleh perubahan 1 persen dalam harga. Barang yang nilai zat terlarut ab elastisitas melebihi 1 dikatakan elastis; mereka yang kurang dari 1, inelastis; dan orang-orang yang itu sama dengan 1, Unit elastis.
• hubungan penting lainnya adalah salah satu di antara elastisitas harga dan efek dari perubahan harga total pengeluaran mendatang. Ketika permintaan elastis, penurunan harga akan meningkatkan total belanja; ketika inelastis, total belanja jatuh ketika harga turun. Ketika permintaan Unit elastis, pengeluaran tal ke- di maksimal.
• Elastisitas harga permintaan tergantung pada empat faktor-faktor: substitusi, berbagi anggaran, arah pendapatan-upaya fect, dan waktu. (1) substitusi. Semakin mudah konsumen dapat beralih ke barang-barang lain, mand de- lebih elastis akan. (2) saham Anggaran. Barang yang menjelaskan bagian besar dari total belanja akan cenderung memiliki nilai elastisitas harga yang lebih tinggi. (3) Arah efek pendapatan. Faktor-faktor lain
yang sama, barang inferior akan cenderung lebih elastis dengan respek terhadap harga dari barang biasa. (4) Waktu. Kebiasaan dan komitmen isting mantan membatasi sejauh mana konsumen dapat menanggapi perubahan harga dalam jangka pendek. Elastisitas harga permintaan akan cenderung lebih besar, yang lebih banyak konsumen saat harus beradaptasi.
• Perubahan tingkat pendapatan rata-rata di pasar umumnya menggeser kurva permintaan pasar. Elastisitas pendapatan dari mand de- didefinisikan analog untuk harga elastisitas. Ini adalah perubahan persentase dalam kuantitas yang dihasilkan dari perubahan 1 persen pendapatan. Barang yang berpenghasilan elastisitas mand de- melebihi nol disebut barang normal; mereka untuk yang kurang dari nol disebut rendah; mereka yang melebihi 1 disebut kemewahan; dan yang untuk yang kurang dari 1 disebut kebutuhan. Untuk barang normal, kenaikan pendapatan menggeser permintaan pasar ke kanan; dan untuk barang rior infe-, peningkatan pendapatan menggeser permintaan ke kiri. Untuk beberapa barang, distribusi pendapatan, bukan hanya nilai rata-rata, merupakan faktor penentu penting dari permintaan pasar.
• Elastisitas silang harga permintaan adalah ukuran dari sponsiveness kembali dari kuantitas yang diminta dari satu yang baik untuk perubahan kecil dalam harga yang lain. Hal ini didefinisikan sebagai perubahan persentase dalam kuantitas yang diminta dari satu baik yang dihasilkan dari perubahan 1 persen dalam harga yang lain. Jika elastisitas lintas harga permintaan X sehubungan dengan harga Z yang positif X dan Z adalah pengganti; dan jika negatif, mereka melengkapi. Dalam mengingat memformulasikan las untuk berbagai elastisitas-sendiri harga, cross-harga, dan pendapatan-banyak orang merasa perlu untuk dicatat bahwa masing-masing persentase perubahan efek dibagi dengan persentase perubahan faktor kausal terkait.
• The Lampiran bab ini membahas topik tambahan dalam teori permintaan, termasuk kurva permintaan elastisitas konstan dan permintaan kurva pendapatan kompensasi.
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13. Benar atau salah: Untuk anggaran menghabiskan sepenuhnya pada dua barang, peningkatan harga satu tentu akan mengurangi konsumsi baik, kecuali setidaknya salah satu barang inferior. Jelaskan.
14. Mike menghabiskan semua penghasilannya pada bola tenis dan basket tiket. Kurva permintaan nya untuk bola tenis elastis. Benar atau salah: Jika harga bola tenis naik, ia mengkonsumsi lebih tiket. Jelaskan.
15. Benar atau salah: Jika setiap individu di pasar memiliki permintaan kurva garis lurus yang baik, maka kurva permintaan pasar untuk kebaikan yang juga harus menjadi garis lurus. Jelaskan.
16. Misalkan anggaran Anda dihabiskan sepenuhnya pada dua barang: roti dan mentega. Jika roti adalah baik rendah, dapat menjadi mentega rendah juga?
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