Information gathered by from police sources, media re terjemahan - Information gathered by from police sources, media re Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Information gathered by Balkanalysi

Information gathered by from police sources, media reports and special field research in Athens indicates a steep increase in organized crime in Greece, a trend accompanied by the country’s ongoing economic crisis and marked by the involvement of transnational crime organizations and illegal immigrant groups. At the same time, the Greek authorities – with assistance from strategic foreign partners like Israel – are taking measures to combat the crime wave and reduce the power of criminal groups. Still, we expect the crime rate to increase in 2012 and into 2013.

The following report, which draws in part on exclusive information gathered by, provides specific data about crime activity in Greece by category, concluding with a preview of measures to be taken by the Greek police in the coming months.

A Healthy Market for Illegal Weapons Trafficking

Organized crime syndicates in Greece have been expanding steadily over the past decade. The existence of an abundance of illegal firearms and illicit market for them, the concentration in certain locales of illegal immigration populations, and the severe economic crisis gripping the country have provided an ideal climate in which criminal groups are able to arm themselves, recruit “foot soldiers” and generally increase their clout.

Greek authorities estimate that some 1.5 million firearms exist in the country; however, the number of licensed owners of hunting rifles does not exceed 300,000 people, meaning that the rest of the weapons are illegally owned.

Over the past three years, police investigations accompanying the arrests of members of the so-called “neo-terrorist” groups Revolutionary Struggle and the Conspiracy Cells of Fire proved that terrorists were able to easily obtain weaponry on the black market. Weapons including pistols and ammunition are being imported by crime groups from Albania and the ex-Yugoslavia and ex-Soviet Union states, through a variety of illegal arms trafficking channels.

The Greek police estimate that currently some 300 gangs involved in trafficking weapons operate in the country. The main points of entry for them have been identified as the Greek-Albanian borders and the south coast of Crete (for weapons imported from the Middle East by ship).

The Security Directory of Police in the Attica region (which includes Athens) has issued over the years around 5,000 licenses for weapons for personal protection to citizens such as politicians, businesspeople, journalists and others who have proved their susceptibility to armed attack. All in all, only 10,000 pistols and revolvers are licences and are accounted for.

On the other hand, in the Attica prefecture alone, it is calculated that 100,000 arms are being held by citizens. The people trafficking weapons in Athens are mostly also involved in the drugs trade, racketeering and armed robberies. The black market is a very good source of a secondary income on top of their primal illegal activities.

The weapons being sold are divided into two major categories: the ‘clean’ ones, and the ‘dirty’ ones- which include those of unclear provenance. The first category includes weapons that have not been used in any previous criminal act, while the second category comprises weapons that have passed through several hands; thus, ownership of the latter becomes a risky proposition, as police may wrongly identify this purchaser with a crime, if the gun is associated with earlier robberies, homicides or other gun crimes of which the purchaser would not be aware.

On the black market in Greece, weapons prices vary significantly. For example, a Czech CZ pistol costs from a 1,000-2,000 euros, while an Austrian Glock 17 goes for up to 2.500 Euros. The equally famous Italian Berretta currently sells for around 800-1,000 Euros. Lesser value is registered for a Russian Tokarev (just 500-600 euros) and a Magnum 357 (500 euros). The prices are for used weapons; for ‘clean’ ones, prices can quadruple.

The black market for weapons exists in many areas in Athens, such as in the central Omonoia Square, and the Liosia region in the north-eastern outskirts of the city. Police note that the drugs trade and arms trafficking go hand in hand, and there have been numerous cases of barter exchange in criminal groups that sell heroin or cocaine for arms.

Robbery and other Violent Crimes on the Increase

In mid-2009, as the economy declined, a crime wave erupted in Greece. At that time, an estimated 216 burglaries were committed on a daily basis throughout the country, along with 14 armed robberies, 70 auto thefts and one homicide.

In the same year, a classified police report was leaked to the press that revealed a 42.6% increase in armed robberies compared to the previous year. Moreover, physical assaults on pedestrians for the purposes of theft increased by 83%, and robberies in super markets and groceries stores increased by 100%.

These events of 2009 represented by far the largest spike in criminal rates that Greece has ever seen. And the situation would only grow worse. In the last week of March 2010 alone, 145 armed robberies were committed in Athens. This gave Greece the dubious honor of being the EU ‘champion’ in terms of relative increase in crime rates, compared to all other member states during the period 2008-2010.

To provide a background example illustrating the contrast, a mere 80 robberies per annum were being registered in the whole of Greece back in 1980.

Beyond Athens, the past two-and-a-half years have also seen a dramatic increase in crime in the central Greece region of Thessaly. According to data from the Thessaly security police directorate, there was a 90% rise in criminal rates for the first six months of 2010. Similar trends were noted in Crete, Achaia, Korinthia, Messinia, Viotia and Thessaloniki.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Informasi yang dikumpulkan oleh dari sumber-sumber kepolisian, laporan media dan penelitian bidang khusus di Athena menunjukkan kenaikan yang curam dalam kejahatan terorganisir di Yunani, kecenderungan didampingi oleh krisis ekonomi berkelanjutan di negara dan ditandai dengan keterlibatan organisasi kejahatan transnasional dan imigran ilegal kelompok. Pada saat yang sama, pemerintah Yunani-dengan bantuan dari mitra-mitra asing yang strategis seperti Israel – mengambil langkah-langkah untuk memerangi kejahatan gelombang dan mengurangi kekuatan kelompok kriminal. Namun, kita mengharapkan tingkat kejahatan untuk meningkatkan tahun 2012 dan 2013.

laporan berikut, yang menarik di bagian informasi eksklusif yang dikumpulkan oleh, menyediakan data tertentu tentang kegiatan kejahatan di Yunani berdasarkan Kategori, menyimpulkan dengan preview dari langkah-langkah yang akan diambil oleh polisi Yunani dalam bulan-bulan mendatang

sehat pasar untuk perdagangan senjata gelap

sindikat kejahatan terorganisir di Yunani telah memperluas terus selama dekade terakhir. Keberadaan ilegal senjata api dan pasar terlarang bagi mereka, yang berlimpah konsentrasi dalam locales tertentu populasi imigrasi ilegal, dan krisis ekonomi yang parah yang mencengkeram negeri telah menyediakan iklim yang ideal di mana kelompok kriminal mampu mempersenjatai diri mereka, merekrut "prajurit" dan umumnya meningkatkan pengaruh mereka.

otoritas Yunani memperkirakan bahwa ada beberapa senjata api 1,5 juta dalam negeri; Namun, nomor pemilik berlisensi senapan berburu tidak melebihi 300.000 orang, berarti bahwa sisa senjata ilegal dimiliki.

selama tiga tahun, penyelidikan polisi menyertai penangkapan anggota apa yang disebut "neo-teroris" kelompok perjuangan revolusioner dan sel konspirasi api membuktikan bahwa teroris mampu mudah memperoleh persenjataan di pasar gelap. Senjata termasuk pistol dan amunisi sedang diimpor oleh kelompok-kelompok kejahatan dari Albania dan Serikat mantan Yugoslavia dan ex-Uni Soviet, melalui berbagai ilegal senjata perdagangan saluran.

The Greek polisi memperkirakan bahwa saat ini beberapa penjahat 300 yang terlibat dalam perdagangan senjata beroperasi di negara. Poin utama masuk bagi mereka telah diidentifikasi sebagai perbatasan Yunani-Albania dan Pantai Selatan Kreta (untuk senjata diimpor dari Timur Tengah oleh kapal).

Direktori polisi keamanan di wilayah Attica (yang termasuk Athena) telah dikeluarkan selama bertahun-tahun sekitar 5.000 lisensi untuk senjata untuk perlindungan pribadi untuk warga seperti politisi, pengusaha, wartawan dan lain-lain yang telah membuktikan mereka kerentanan terhadap serangan bersenjata. Semua dalam semua, hanya 10.000 pistol dan revolver lisensi dan diperhitungkan untuk

di sisi lain, di Prefektur Attica sendirian, dihitung 100.000 lengan yang diadakan oleh warga. Orang-orang perdagangan senjata di Athena sebagian besar juga terlibat dalam perdagangan obat-obatan, perampokan bersenjata dan racketeering. Pasar gelap adalah sumber yang sangat baik dari pendapatan sekunder di atas mereka primal ilegal kegiatan.

senjata dijual dibagi menjadi dua kategori utama: yang 'bersih', dan 'kotor' orang-orang-termasuk mereka yang tidak jelas asal. Kategori pertama mencakup senjata yang sudah tidak digunakan dalam tindak pidana apapun sebelumnya, sementara kategori kedua terdiri dari senjata yang telah melewati beberapa tangan; dengan demikian, kepemilikan yang terakhir menjadi proposisi berisiko, polisi mungkin keliru mengidentifikasi pembeli ini dengan kejahatan, Jika pistol dikaitkan dengan perampokan sebelumnya, pembunuhan atau kejahatan senjata lain yang pembeli tidak akan sadar.

di pasar gelap di Yunani, senjata harga bervariasi secara signifikan. Sebagai contoh, CZ Ceko pistol biaya dari Euro 1.000-2.000, sedangkan Glock 17 Austria berlaku untuk hingga 2.500 Euro. Berretta Italia sama-sama terkenal saat ini dijual seharga sekitar 800-1,000 Euro. Lebih rendah nilainya terdaftar untuk peluru Rusia (hanya 500-600 Euro) dan Magnum 357 (500 Euro). Harga adalah untuk digunakan senjata; untuk orang-orang yang 'bersih', harga dapat quadruple.

pasar gelap untuk senjata ada di banyak daerah di Athena, seperti di pusat Syntagma Square, dan kawasan Liosia di pinggiran utara-timur kota. Polisi dicatat bahwa obat perdagangan dan perdagangan senjata berjalan beriringan, dan ada sejumlah kasus pertukaran barter dalam kelompok-kelompok kriminal yang menjual heroin atau kokain untuk lengan.

perampokan dan kejahatan kekerasan lainnya pada peningkatan

pada pertengahan 2009, sebagai ekonomi menurun, kejahatan gelombang meletus di Yunani. Pada waktu itu, perkiraan 216 rompakan yang dilakukan setiap hari seluruh negeri, bersama dengan 14 bersenjata perampokan, 70 auto pencurian dan satu pembunuhan.

pada tahun yang sama, laporan polisi rahasia bocor ke pers yang mengungkapkan 42,6% peningkatan perampokan bersenjata dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Selain itu, fisik menyerang pada pejalan kaki untuk keperluan pencurian meningkat sebesar 83%, dan perampokan di super toko pasar dan bahan makanan yang meningkat 100%.

These kejadian tahun 2009 diwakili oleh jauh terbesar lonjakan harga kriminal yang Yunani yang pernah. Dan situasi hanya akan bertambah buruk. Dalam minggu terakhir bulan Maret 2010 saja, 145 perampokan bersenjata itu dilakukan di Athena. Hal ini memberikan Yunani kehormatan meragukan keberadaan Uni Eropa 'juara' dalam hal peningkatan relatif di tingkat kejahatan dibandingkan dengan semua negara anggota lainnya selama periode 2008-2010.

untuk memberikan contoh latar belakang yang menggambarkan kontras, hanya 80 perampokan per tahun yang terdaftar di seluruh Yunani kembali pada tahun 1980.

luar Athena, dua-dan-a-setengah tahun terakhir juga telah melihat peningkatan dramatis dalam kejahatan di wilayah Yunani tengah Thessalia. Menurut data dari Direktorat polisi keamanan Thessalia, ada 90% kenaikan tarif pidana untuk enam bulan pertama tahun 2010. Tren serupa diperhatikan di Crete, Achaia, Korinthia, Messinia, Viotia dan Thessaloniki.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Information gathered by from police sources, media reports and special field research in Athens indicates a steep increase in organized crime in Greece, a trend accompanied by the country’s ongoing economic crisis and marked by the involvement of transnational crime organizations and illegal immigrant groups. At the same time, the Greek authorities – with assistance from strategic foreign partners like Israel – are taking measures to combat the crime wave and reduce the power of criminal groups. Still, we expect the crime rate to increase in 2012 and into 2013.

The following report, which draws in part on exclusive information gathered by, provides specific data about crime activity in Greece by category, concluding with a preview of measures to be taken by the Greek police in the coming months.

A Healthy Market for Illegal Weapons Trafficking

Organized crime syndicates in Greece have been expanding steadily over the past decade. The existence of an abundance of illegal firearms and illicit market for them, the concentration in certain locales of illegal immigration populations, and the severe economic crisis gripping the country have provided an ideal climate in which criminal groups are able to arm themselves, recruit “foot soldiers” and generally increase their clout.

Greek authorities estimate that some 1.5 million firearms exist in the country; however, the number of licensed owners of hunting rifles does not exceed 300,000 people, meaning that the rest of the weapons are illegally owned.

Over the past three years, police investigations accompanying the arrests of members of the so-called “neo-terrorist” groups Revolutionary Struggle and the Conspiracy Cells of Fire proved that terrorists were able to easily obtain weaponry on the black market. Weapons including pistols and ammunition are being imported by crime groups from Albania and the ex-Yugoslavia and ex-Soviet Union states, through a variety of illegal arms trafficking channels.

The Greek police estimate that currently some 300 gangs involved in trafficking weapons operate in the country. The main points of entry for them have been identified as the Greek-Albanian borders and the south coast of Crete (for weapons imported from the Middle East by ship).

The Security Directory of Police in the Attica region (which includes Athens) has issued over the years around 5,000 licenses for weapons for personal protection to citizens such as politicians, businesspeople, journalists and others who have proved their susceptibility to armed attack. All in all, only 10,000 pistols and revolvers are licences and are accounted for.

On the other hand, in the Attica prefecture alone, it is calculated that 100,000 arms are being held by citizens. The people trafficking weapons in Athens are mostly also involved in the drugs trade, racketeering and armed robberies. The black market is a very good source of a secondary income on top of their primal illegal activities.

The weapons being sold are divided into two major categories: the ‘clean’ ones, and the ‘dirty’ ones- which include those of unclear provenance. The first category includes weapons that have not been used in any previous criminal act, while the second category comprises weapons that have passed through several hands; thus, ownership of the latter becomes a risky proposition, as police may wrongly identify this purchaser with a crime, if the gun is associated with earlier robberies, homicides or other gun crimes of which the purchaser would not be aware.

On the black market in Greece, weapons prices vary significantly. For example, a Czech CZ pistol costs from a 1,000-2,000 euros, while an Austrian Glock 17 goes for up to 2.500 Euros. The equally famous Italian Berretta currently sells for around 800-1,000 Euros. Lesser value is registered for a Russian Tokarev (just 500-600 euros) and a Magnum 357 (500 euros). The prices are for used weapons; for ‘clean’ ones, prices can quadruple.

The black market for weapons exists in many areas in Athens, such as in the central Omonoia Square, and the Liosia region in the north-eastern outskirts of the city. Police note that the drugs trade and arms trafficking go hand in hand, and there have been numerous cases of barter exchange in criminal groups that sell heroin or cocaine for arms.

Robbery and other Violent Crimes on the Increase

In mid-2009, as the economy declined, a crime wave erupted in Greece. At that time, an estimated 216 burglaries were committed on a daily basis throughout the country, along with 14 armed robberies, 70 auto thefts and one homicide.

In the same year, a classified police report was leaked to the press that revealed a 42.6% increase in armed robberies compared to the previous year. Moreover, physical assaults on pedestrians for the purposes of theft increased by 83%, and robberies in super markets and groceries stores increased by 100%.

These events of 2009 represented by far the largest spike in criminal rates that Greece has ever seen. And the situation would only grow worse. In the last week of March 2010 alone, 145 armed robberies were committed in Athens. This gave Greece the dubious honor of being the EU ‘champion’ in terms of relative increase in crime rates, compared to all other member states during the period 2008-2010.

To provide a background example illustrating the contrast, a mere 80 robberies per annum were being registered in the whole of Greece back in 1980.

Beyond Athens, the past two-and-a-half years have also seen a dramatic increase in crime in the central Greece region of Thessaly. According to data from the Thessaly security police directorate, there was a 90% rise in criminal rates for the first six months of 2010. Similar trends were noted in Crete, Achaia, Korinthia, Messinia, Viotia and Thessaloniki.

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