A LEE face proudly, pushes di­rectly into, in the hand the long-bar­re terjemahan - A LEE face proudly, pushes di­rectly into, in the hand the long-bar­re Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A LEE face proudly, pushes di­rectl

A LEE face proudly, pushes di­rectly into, in the hand the long-bar­relled gun has ges­tic­u­lated sud­denly from the sky, im­me­di­ately „brushes” 4 black ink from the sky con­dense, falls above Wang Jian's front and warhorse rapidly, I said hur­riedly loudly: „Wang Jian, de­fends!”
Wang Jian's re­ac­tion rate is also fast, the rapid hor­i­zon­tal sword front en­ters the de­fense ef­fect, like this many can weaken with­stands the in­jury, how­ever the in­jury of LEE erupts sud­denly, the long-bar­relled gun ad­vances the at­tack con­tin­u­ously, the ac­cu­rate burst in Wang Jian's black ink, points out frankly the rumor to trans­mit com­pletely to­gether, Wang Jian's armor was de­com­posed rapidly lit­tle, this is the bro­ken de­fense at­tack ef­fect, the con­sec­u­tively four in­jury fig­ures fly, SSS level skill black ink punc­tures sud­denly
„?” Wang Jian's HP sees bot­tom in­stan­ta­neously, looks at me and Li Mu as­ton­ished: „Free elder brother, Boss, this”
A warhorse wail, Wang Jian has dropped down with horse, even has ex­ploded in­clud­ing the hard hel­met, I and Li Mu look at the anger to launch a psy­cho­log­i­cal at­tack, wal­lops one for­ward, I and LEE wrong body, but was un­able to pur­sue again, the sim­ple sword wields, the dance of ghosts and gods starts, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity adds on one time to ride again, when thou­sand, sword fierce storms kills con­tin­u­ally, in­stan­ta­neous LEE be­hind is bring­ing the rid­ing war is the player is killed dozens peo­ple by me con­tin­u­ously, he could not bear frown to look my one eyes, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai!?”
How­ever LEE has not turned head , to con­tinue to rush ahead for­ward, Li Mu, Ran Min, Lin Wan Er and oth­ers on sev­eral peo­ple, where can re­sist sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple of sharp cav­alry sol­diers who LEE leads to clash, saw us the world that with great dif­fi­culty on the city hits must fall into enemy hands, sud­denly the front has broad­cast a fa­mil­iar sound: „Low­ered the head!”
Is that Fang Geque the voice?
Lin Wan Er and Li Mu et al. sub­con­scious low­er­ing the head, the next quar­ter, the clothes sleeve float­ing Fang Ge error whole body wraps the roar­ing flame to ap­pear in the city wall, is nip­ping the steel tooth, the paper fan wields sud­denly, „Hong” roar­ing flame takes away as many things as pos­si­ble, the player who in­stan­ta­neous LEE leads re­ceived among 5 W-9 W com­pletely the dif­fer­ent in­juries, si­mul­ta­ne­ously on Fang Geque jumped out one „the Holy Ghost third-or­der” phrase, this is a Holy Ghost third-or­der skill, the ad­di­tional above song error spirit tech­nique strik­ing power, is sim­ply ter­ror­ist!
I trem­bled slightly, see clearly this skill name, the fire god roared, was truly ter­ror­ist, the per­son who flash LEE led was flick­ered to mas­sacre over hun­dred peo­ple by Fang Geque, this power to in­jure was too ter­ri­fy­ing, but as if this skill had any neg­a­tive im­pact, Fang Geque stood in same place mo­tion­less, the com­plex­ion was pale: „Scenery, on!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A LEE face proudly, pushes di­rectly into, in the hand the long-bar­relled gun has ges­tic­u­lated sud­denly from the sky, im­me­di­ately „brushes” 4 black ink from the sky con­dense, falls above Wang Jian's front and warhorse rapidly, I said hur­riedly loudly: „Wang Jian, de­fends!”Wang Jian's re­ac­tion rate is also fast, the rapid hor­i­zon­tal sword front en­ters the de­fense ef­fect, like this many can weaken with­stands the in­jury, how­ever the in­jury of LEE erupts sud­denly, the long-bar­relled gun ad­vances the at­tack con­tin­u­ously, the ac­cu­rate burst in Wang Jian's black ink, points out frankly the rumor to trans­mit com­pletely to­gether, Wang Jian's armor was de­com­posed rapidly lit­tle, this is the bro­ken de­fense at­tack ef­fect, the con­sec­u­tively four in­jury fig­ures fly, SSS level skill black ink punc­tures sud­denly„24237!”„22112!”„23311!”„25112!”„?” Wang Jian's HP sees bot­tom in­stan­ta­neously, looks at me and Li Mu as­ton­ished: „Free elder brother, Boss, this”A warhorse wail, Wang Jian has dropped down with horse, even has ex­ploded in­clud­ing the hard hel­met, I and Li Mu look at the anger to launch a psy­cho­log­i­cal at­tack, wal­lops one for­ward, I and LEE wrong body, but was un­able to pur­sue again, the sim­ple sword wields, the dance of ghosts and gods starts, takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity adds on one time to ride again, when thou­sand, sword fierce storms kills con­tin­u­ally, in­stan­ta­neous LEE be­hind is bring­ing the rid­ing war is the player is killed dozens peo­ple by me con­tin­u­ously, he could not bear frown to look my one eyes, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai!?”How­ever LEE has not turned head , to con­tinue to rush ahead for­ward, Li Mu, Ran Min, Lin Wan Er and oth­ers on sev­eral peo­ple, where can re­sist sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple of sharp cav­alry sol­diers who LEE leads to clash, saw us the world that with great dif­fi­culty on the city hits must fall into enemy hands, sud­denly the front has broad­cast a fa­mil­iar sound: „Low­ered the head!”Is that Fang Geque the voice?Lin Wan Er and Li Mu et al. sub­con­scious low­er­ing the head, the next quar­ter, the clothes sleeve float­ing Fang Ge error whole body wraps the roar­ing flame to ap­pear in the city wall, is nip­ping the steel tooth, the paper fan wields sud­denly, „Hong” roar­ing flame takes away as many things as pos­si­ble, the player who in­stan­ta­neous LEE leads re­ceived among 5 W-9 W com­pletely the dif­fer­ent in­juries, si­mul­ta­ne­ously on Fang Geque jumped out one „the Holy Ghost third-or­der” phrase, this is a Holy Ghost third-or­der skill, the ad­di­tional above song error spirit tech­nique strik­ing power, is sim­ply ter­ror­ist!I trem­bled slightly, see clearly this skill name, the fire god roared, was truly ter­ror­ist, the per­son who flash LEE led was flick­ered to mas­sacre over hun­dred peo­ple by Fang Geque, this power to in­jure was too ter­ri­fy­ing, but as if this skill had any neg­a­tive im­pact, Fang Geque stood in same place mo­tion­less, the com­plex­ion was pale: „Scenery, on!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Wajah LEE bangga, mendorong langsung ke dalam, di tangan senjata laras panjang telah gesticulated tiba-tiba dari langit, segera "sikat" 4 tinta hitam dari mengembun langit, jatuh di atas depan dan kuda perang Wang Jian cepat, aku cepat-cepat berkata keras: "Wang Jian, membela!"
laju reaksi Wang Jian juga cepat, cepat pedang depan horisontal memasuki efek pertahanan, seperti ini banyak dapat melemahkan tahan cedera, namun cedera LEE meletus tiba-tiba, pistol laras panjang kemajuan serangan terus menerus, meledak akurat dalam tinta hitam Wang Jian, menunjukkan terus terang rumor untuk mengirimkan sepenuhnya bersama-sama, armor Wang Jian itu terurai dengan cepat sedikit, ini adalah efek serangan pertahanan rusak, berturut-turut empat angka cedera terbang, SSS keterampilan tingkat tusukan tinta hitam tiba-tiba
"! 24237"
! "22112"
"! 23311"
! "25112"
"?" Wang Jian HP melihat bawah seketika, menatapku dan Li Mu heran: "kakak Gratis, Boss, ini"
A meratap kuda perang, Wang Jian telah turun ke bawah dengan kuda, bahkan telah meledak termasuk helm keras, saya dan Li Mu melihat kemarahan untuk meluncurkan serangan psikologis, Wallops satu maju, saya dan LEE tubuh yang salah, tapi tidak bisa mengejar lagi, pedang sederhana wields, tarian hantu dan dewa dimulai, mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan menambahkan pada satu waktu untuk naik lagi, ketika ribu, pedang badai ganas membunuh terus, sesaat LEE belakang membawa perang berkuda adalah pemain menewaskan puluhan orang oleh saya terus, dia bisa tidak menanggung cemberut melihat satu mata saya, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "Xiao Yao Zi Zai !?"
kepala Namun LEE belum berubah, terus buru-buru ke depan maju, Li Mu, Ran Min, Lin Wan Er dan lain-lain pada beberapa orang, di mana dapat menahan beberapa ribu orang tentara kavaleri tajam yang LEE mengarah ke bentrokan, melihat kami dunia bahwa dengan kesulitan besar pada hits kota harus jatuh ke tangan musuh, tiba-tiba depan telah menyiarkan suara akrab: "Menurunkan kepala "
Apakah itu Fang Geque suara?
Lin Wan Er dan Li Mu et al. Bawah Sadar menurunkan kepala, kuartal berikutnya, pakaian sleeve mengambang kesalahan Fang Ge seluruh tubuh membungkus api menderu muncul di tembok kota, yang menggigit gigi baja, kipas kertas wields tiba-tiba, "Hong" mengaum api menghapus sebanyak hal mungkin, pemain yang seketika LEE mengarah diterima di antara 5 W-9 W-benar cedera yang berbeda, secara bersamaan pada Fang Geque melompat keluar salah satu "Roh Kudus orde ketiga" frase, ini adalah keterampilan orde ketiga Roh Kudus, tambahan atas kesalahan lagu teknik semangat kekuatan mencolok, hanya teroris!
aku gemetar sedikit, melihat dengan jelas nama skill ini, dewa api menderu, benar-benar teroris, orang yang berkedip LEE menyebabkan itu berkedip-kedip untuk pembantaian lebih dari seratus orang oleh Fang Geque, ini kekuatan untuk melukai terlalu menakutkan, tapi seolah-olah keterampilan ini memiliki dampak negatif, Fang Geque berdiri di tempat yang tak bergerak sama, kulit yang pucat: "! Scenery, pada"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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