The Peasant's Wise Daughter There was once a poor peasant who had no l terjemahan - The Peasant's Wise Daughter There was once a poor peasant who had no l Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Peasant's Wise Daughter There w

The Peasant's Wise Daughter

There was once a poor peasant who had no land, but only a small house,
and one daughter. Then said the daughter, "We ought to ask our lord the King
for a bit of newly-cleared land." When the King heard of their poverty, he
presented them with a bit of land, which she and her father dug up, and
intended to sow with a little corn and grain of that kind. When they had dug
nearly the whole of the field, they found in the earth a mortar made of pure
gold. "Listen," said the father to the girl, "as our lord the King has been so
gracious and presented us with the field, we ought to give him this mortar in
return for it." The daughter, however, would not consent to this, and said,
"Father, if we have the mortar without having the pestle as well, we shall
have to get the pestle, so you had much better say nothing about it." He
would, however, not obey her, but took the mortar and carried it to the King,
said that he had found it in the cleared land, and asked if he would accept it
as a present. The King took the mortar, and asked if he had found nothing
besides that? "No," answered the countryman. Then the King said that he must
now bring him the pestle. The peasant said they had not found that, but he
might just as well have spoken to the wind; he was put in prison, and was to
stay there until he produced the pestle. The servants had daily to carry him
bread and water, which is what people get in prison, and they heard how the
man cried out continually, "Ah! if I had but listened to my daughter! Alas,
alas, if I had but listened to my daughter!" Then the servants went to the
King and told him how the prisoner was always crying, "Ah, if I had but
listened to my daughter!" and would neither eat nor drink. So he commanded the
servants to bring the prisoner before him, and then the King asked the peasant
why he was always crying, "Ah! if I had but listened to my daughter!" and what
it was that his daughter had said. "She told me that I ought not to take the
mortar to you, for I should have to produce the pestle as well." "If you have
a daughter who is as wise as that, let her come here." She was therefore
obliged to appear before the King, who asked her if she really was so wise,
and said he would set her a riddle, and if she could guess that, he would
marry her. She at once said yes, she would guess it. Then said the King, "Come
to me not clothed, not naked, not riding, not walking, not in the road, and
not out of the road, and if thou canst do that I will marry thee." So she went
away, put off everything she had on, and then she was not clothed, and took a
great fishing net and seated herself in it and wrapped it entirely round and
round her, and then she was not naked, and she hired an ass, and tied the
fisherman's net to its tail, so that it was forced to drag her along, and that
was neither riding nor walking. The ass had also to drag her in the ruts, so
that she only touched the ground with her great toe, and that was neither
being in the road nor out of the road. And when she arrived in that fashion,
the King said she had guessed the riddle and fulfilled all the conditions.
Then he ordered her father to be released from the prison, took her to wife,
and gave into her care all the royal possessions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Peasant's Wise Daughter There was once a poor peasant who had no land, but only a small house,and one daughter. Then said the daughter, "We ought to ask our lord the Kingfor a bit of newly-cleared land." When the King heard of their poverty, hepresented them with a bit of land, which she and her father dug up, andintended to sow with a little corn and grain of that kind. When they had dugnearly the whole of the field, they found in the earth a mortar made of puregold. "Listen," said the father to the girl, "as our lord the King has been sogracious and presented us with the field, we ought to give him this mortar inreturn for it." The daughter, however, would not consent to this, and said,"Father, if we have the mortar without having the pestle as well, we shallhave to get the pestle, so you had much better say nothing about it." Hewould, however, not obey her, but took the mortar and carried it to the King,said that he had found it in the cleared land, and asked if he would accept itas a present. The King took the mortar, and asked if he had found nothingbesides that? "No," answered the countryman. Then the King said that he mustnow bring him the pestle. The peasant said they had not found that, but hemight just as well have spoken to the wind; he was put in prison, and was tostay there until he produced the pestle. The servants had daily to carry himbread and water, which is what people get in prison, and they heard how theman cried out continually, "Ah! if I had but listened to my daughter! Alas,alas, if I had but listened to my daughter!" Then the servants went to theKing and told him how the prisoner was always crying, "Ah, if I had butlistened to my daughter!" and would neither eat nor drink. So he commanded theservants to bring the prisoner before him, and then the King asked the peasantwhy he was always crying, "Ah! if I had but listened to my daughter!" and whatit was that his daughter had said. "She told me that I ought not to take themortar to you, for I should have to produce the pestle as well." "If you havea daughter who is as wise as that, let her come here." She was thereforeobliged to appear before the King, who asked her if she really was so wise,and said he would set her a riddle, and if she could guess that, he wouldmarry her. She at once said yes, she would guess it. Then said the King, "Cometo me not clothed, not naked, not riding, not walking, not in the road, andnot out of the road, and if thou canst do that I will marry thee." So she wentaway, put off everything she had on, and then she was not clothed, and took agreat fishing net and seated herself in it and wrapped it entirely round andround her, and then she was not naked, and she hired an ass, and tied thefisherman's net to its tail, so that it was forced to drag her along, and thatwas neither riding nor walking. The ass had also to drag her in the ruts, sothat she only touched the ground with her great toe, and that was neitherbeing in the road nor out of the road. And when she arrived in that fashion,the King said she had guessed the riddle and fulfilled all the conditions.Then he ordered her father to be released from the prison, took her to wife,and gave into her care all the royal possessions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Petani itu Wise Putri Ada seorang petani miskin yang tidak memiliki tanah, tetapi hanya sebuah rumah kecil, dan satu putri. Lalu kata putri, "Kita harus meminta junjungan kita Raja untuk sedikit lahan yang baru-dibersihkan. " Ketika Raja mendengar kemiskinan mereka, ia disajikan dengan sedikit tanah, yang ia dan ayahnya digali, dan dimaksudkan untuk menabur dengan jagung kecil dan biji-bijian seperti itu. Ketika mereka telah menggali hampir seluruh lapangan, mereka ditemukan di bumi mortar yang terbuat dari murni emas. "Dengar," kata ayah gadis itu, "sebagai tuan kami Raja telah begitu murah hati dan disajikan kita dengan lapangan, kami harus memberinya mortir ini kembali untuk itu. " Putri, bagaimanapun, tidak akan menyetujui ini, dan mengatakan, "Bapa, jika kita memiliki mortir tanpa alu juga, kita akan harus mendapatkan alu, sehingga Anda telah jauh lebih baik mengatakan apa-apa tentang hal itu. " Dia akan, bagaimanapun, tidak taat, tapi mengambil lesung dan membawanya ke Raja, mengatakan bahwa ia telah menemukan itu di tanah dibersihkan, dan bertanya apakah ia akan menerimanya sebagai hadiah. Raja mengambil mortir, dan bertanya apakah ia telah menemukan apa-apa selain itu? "Tidak," jawab senegaranya itu. Kemudian Raja berkata bahwa ia harus sekarang membawanya alu. Petani mengatakan mereka tidak menemukan itu, tapi ia mungkin hanya juga telah berbicara dengan angin; ia dimasukkan ke dalam penjara, dan untuk tinggal di sana sampai ia diproduksi alu. Para pelayan harus setiap hari untuk membawanya roti dan air, yang adalah apa yang orang masuk penjara, dan mereka mendengar bagaimana pria berteriak terus menerus, "Ah! jika saya punya tapi mendengarkan anak saya! Alas, sayangnya, jika saya punya tapi mendengarkan putriku! " Kemudian hamba pergi ke Raja dan mengatakan kepadanya bagaimana tahanan itu selalu menangis, "Ah, kalau aku punya tapi mendengarkan anak saya! " dan tidak akan makan atau minum. Jadi dia memerintahkan hamba untuk membawa tahanan di depannya, dan kemudian Raja meminta petani mengapa dia selalu menangis, "Ah! jika saya punya tapi mendengarkan anak saya!" dan apa itu bahwa putrinya telah mengatakan. "Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa saya tidak harus mengambil mortir untuk Anda, karena aku harus menghasilkan alu juga. " "Jika Anda memiliki seorang putri yang sebijaksana itu, biarkan dia datang ke sini. " Oleh karena itu ia wajib muncul sebelum Raja, yang bertanya apakah dia benar-benar sangat bijaksana, dan mengatakan ia akan mengatur dirinya teka-teki, dan jika dia bisa menebak bahwa ia akan menikahinya. Dia sekaligus mengatakan ya, dia akan menebak itu. Lalu kata Raja, "Ayo saya tidak berpakaian, tidak telanjang, tidak naik, tidak berjalan, tidak di jalan, dan tidak keluar dari jalan, dan jika engkau dapat melakukan itu saya akan menikah engkau. " Jadi dia pergi jauh, menunda semua yang ia miliki, dan kemudian dia tidak berpakaian, dan mengambil jaring ikan yang besar dan duduk sendiri di dalamnya dan dibungkus seluruhnya bulat dan bulat, dan kemudian dia tidak telanjang, dan ia menyewa seorang ass, dan mengikat jaring nelayan untuk ekornya, sehingga terpaksa menyeretnya sepanjang, dan bahwa itu tidak naik atau berjalan. Pantat juga telah menyeretnya dalam bekas roda, sehingga ia hanya menyentuh tanah dengan kaki yang besar, dan itu tidak makhluk di jalan atau keluar dari jalan. Dan ketika ia tiba dalam mode itu, Raja mengatakan ia menduga teka-teki dan memenuhi semua kondisi. Lalu ia memerintahkan ayahnya akan dibebaskan dari penjara, membawanya ke istri, dan memberikan ke dalam perawatan nya semua harta kerajaan.

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