5. Nominated Subcontractors5.1 Definition of “nominated Subcontractor” terjemahan - 5. Nominated Subcontractors5.1 Definition of “nominated Subcontractor” Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

5. Nominated Subcontractors5.1 Defi

5. Nominated Subcontractors
5.1 Definition of “nominated Subcontractor”
In the Contract, “nominated Subcontractor” means a Subcontractor:
a) who is stated in the Contract as being a nominated Subcontractor, or
b) whom the Engineer, under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments], instructs the Contractor to employ as a Subcontractor subject to Sub-Clause 5.2 [Objection to Notification].
5.2 Objection to Nomination
The Contractor shall not be under any obligation to employ a nominated Subcontractor against whom the Contractor raises reasonable objection by notice to the Engineer as soon as practicable, with supporting particulars. An objection shall be deemed reasonable if it arises from (among other things) any of the following matters, unless the Employer agrees in writing to indemnify the Contractor against and from the consequences of the matter:
a) there are reasons to believe that the Subcontractor does not have sufficient competence, resources or financial strength;
b) the nominated Subcontractor does not accept to indemnify the Contractor against and from any negligence or misuse of Goods by the nominated Subcontractor, his agents and employees; or
c) the nominated Subcontractor does not accept to enter into a subcontract which specifies that, for the subcontracted work (including design, if any), the nominated Subcontractor shall:
(i) undertake to the Contractor such obligations and liabilities as will enable the Contractor to discharge his obligations and liabilities under the Contract;
(ii) indemnify the Contractor against and from all obligations and liabilities arising under or in connection with the Contract and from the consequences of any failure by the Subcontractor to perform these obligations or to fulfil these liabilities, and
(iii) be paid only if and when the Contractor has received from the Employer payments for sums due under the Subcontract referred to under Sub-Clause 5.3 [Payment to nominated Subcontractors].

5.3 Payments to nominated Subcontractors
The Contractor shall pay to the nominated Subcontractor the amounts shown on the nominated Subcontractor’s invoices approved by the Contractor which the Engineer certifies to be due in accordance with the subcontract. These amounts plus other charges shall be included in the Contract Price in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) of Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums], except as stated in Sub-Clause 5.4 [Evidence of Payments].

5.4 Evidence of Payments
Before issuing a Payment Certificate which includes an amount payable to a nominated Subcontractor, the Engineer may request the Contractor to supply reasonable evidence that the nominated Subcontractor has received all amounts due in accordance with previous Payment Certificates, less applicable deductions for retention or otherwise. Unless the Contractor:
a) submits this reasonable evidence to the Engineer, or
b) (i) satisfies the Engineer in writing that the Contractor is reasonably entitled to withhold or refuse to pay these amounts, and (ii) submits to the Engineer reasonable evidence that the nominated Subcontractor has been notified of the Contractor’s entitlement, then the Employer may (at his sole discretion) pay, direct to the nominated Subcontractor, part or all of such amounts previously certified (less applicable deductions) as are due to the nominated Subcontractor and for which the Contractor has failed to submit the evidence described in sub-paragraphs (a) or (b) above. The Contractor shall then repay, to the Employer, the amount which the nominated Subcontractor was directly paid by the Employer.

6. Staff and Labour
6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour
Except as otherwise stated in the Specification, the Contractor shall make arrangements for the engagement ofall staff and labour, local or otherwise, and for their payment, feeding, transport, and, when appropriate, housing.

The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ staff and labour with appropriate qualifications and experience from sources within the Country.

6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour
The Contractor shall pay rates of wages, and observe conditions of labour, which are not lower than those established for the trade or industry where the work is carried out. If no established rates or conditions are applicable, the Contractor shall pay rates of wages and observe conditions which are not lower than the general level of wages and conditions observed locally by employers whose trade or industry is similar to that of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall inform the Contractor’s Personnel about their liability to pay personal income taxes in the Country in respect of such of their salaries, wages, allowances and any benefits as are subject to tax under the Laws of the Country for the time being in force, and the Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof as may be imposed on him by such Laws.

6.3 Persons in the Service of Employer
The Contractor shall not recruit, or attempt to recruit, staff and labour from amongst the Employer’s Personnel.

6.4 Labour Laws
The Contractor shall comply with all the relevant labour Lawsapplicable to the Contractor’s Personnel, including Laws relating to their employment, health, safety, welfare, immigration and emigration, and shall allow them all their legal rights.

The Contractor shall require his employees to obey all applicable Laws, including those concerning safety at work.

6.5 Working Hours
No work shall be carried out on the Site on locally recognised days of rest, or outside the normal working hours stated in the Contract Data, unless:
a) otherwise stated in the Contract,
b) the Engineer gives consent, or
c) the work is unavoidable, or necessary for the protection of life or property or for the safety of the Works, in which case the Contractor shall immediately advise the Engineer.

6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour
Except as otherwise stated in the Specification, the Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary accommodation and welfare facilities for the Contractor’s Personnel. The Contractor shall also provide facilities for the Employer’s Personnel as stated in the Specification. The Contractor shall not permit any of the Contractor’s Personnel to maintain any temporary or permanent living quarters within the structures forming part of the Permanent Works.

6.7 Health and Safety
The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to maintain the health and safety of the Contractor’s Personnel. In collaboration with local health authorities, the Contractor shall ensure that medical staff, first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance service are available at all times at the Site and at any accommodation for Contractor’s and Employer’s Personnel, and that suitable arrangements are made for all necessary welfare and hygiene requirements and for the prevention of epidemics.

The Contractor shall appoint an accident prevention officer at the Site, responsible for maintaining safety and protection against accidents. This person shall be qualified for this responsibility, and shall have the authority to issue instructions and take protective measures to prevent accidents. Throughout the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall provide whatever is required by this person to exercise this responsibility and authority.

The Contractor shall send, to the Engineer, details of any accident as soon as practicable after its occurrence. The Contractor shall maintain records and make reports concerning health, safety and welfare of persons, and damage to property, as the Engineer may reasonably require. HIV-AIDS Prevention. The Contractor shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness program via an approved service provider, and shall undertake such other measures as are specified in this Contract to reduce the risk of the transfer of the HIV virus between and among the Contractor’s Personnel and the local community, to promote early diagnosis and to assist affected individuals. The Contractor shall throughout the contract (including the Defects Notification Period): (i) conduct Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaigns, at least every other month, addressed to all the Site staff and labour (including all the Contractor's employees, all Subcontractors and any other Contractor’s or Employer’s personnel employees, and all truck drivers and crew making deliveries to Site for construction activities) and to the immediate local communities, concerning the risks, dangers and impact, and appropriate avoidance behavior with respect to, of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) - or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in general and HIV/AIDS in particular; (ii) provide male or female condoms for all Site staff and labour as appropriate; and (iii) provide for STI and HIV/AIDS screening, diagnosis, counselling and referral to a dedicated national STI and HIV/AIDS program, (unless otherwise agreed) of all Site staff and labour.

The Contractor shall include in the program to be submitted for the execution of the Works under Sub-Clause 8.3 an alleviation program for Site staff and labour and their families in respect of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) including HIV/AIDS. The STI, STD and HIV/AIDS alleviation program shall indicate when, how and at what cost the Contractor plans to satisfy the requirements of this Sub Clause and the related specification. For each component, the program shall detail the resources to be provided or utilised and any related sub-contracting proposed. The Program shall also include provision of a detailed cost estimate with supporting documentation. Payment to the Contractor for preparation and implementation this program shall not exceed the Provisional Sum dedicated for this purpose.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
5. nominasi subkontraktor5.1 definisi "dinominasikan subkontraktor"Dalam kontrak, "nominasi subkontraktor" berarti subkontraktor:) yang dinyatakan dalam kontrak sebagai subkontraktor nominasi, ataub) siapa insinyur, di bawah Pasal 13 [variasi dan penyesuaian], memerintahkan kontraktor mempekerjakan sebagai subkontraktor tunduk pada sub ayat 5.2 [keberatan terhadap pemberitahuan].5.2 keberatan untuk nominasiKontraktor akan tidak berkewajiban untuk mempekerjakan subkontraktor nominasi terhadap kontraktor menimbulkan keberatan wajar oleh pemberitahuan kepada insinyur segera sebagai mungkin, dengan mendukung khusus. Keberatan akan dianggap wajar jika itu timbul dari (antara lain) salah satu hal-hal berikut, kecuali majikan setuju dalam menulis untuk mengganti kerugian kontraktor melawan dan dari akibat masalah:) ada alasan untuk percaya bahwa subkontraktor tidak memiliki cukup kompetensi, sumber daya atau kekuatan keuangan;b) subkontraktor nominasi tidak menerima untuk mengganti kerugian kontraktor melawan dan dari kelalaian atau penyalahgunaan barang melalui subkontraktor nominasi, agen dan karyawan; atauc) subkontraktor nominasi tidak menerima untuk masuk ke dalam subkontrak yang menentukan bahwa, untuk pekerjaan subkontrak (termasuk desain, jika ada), subkontraktor nominasi akan:(i) melakukan kepada kontraktor seperti kewajiban dan tanggung jawab sebagai akan mengaktifkan kontraktor untuk melaksanakan kewajiban-nya dan kewajiban di bawah kontrak;(ii) rugi kontraktor melawan dan dari segala kewajiban dan kewajiban yang timbul di bawah atau terkait dengan kontrak dan dari akibat kegagalan oleh subkontraktor melaksanakan kewajiban-kewajiban ini atau untuk memenuhi kewajiban ini, dan(iii) dibayar hanya jika dan ketika kontraktor telah menerima dari pembayaran majikan untuk jumlah yang jatuh tempo di bawah subkontrak yang disebut dalam sub ayat 5.3 [pembayaran untuk nominasi subkontraktor].5.3 pembayaran untuk nominasi subkontraktorKontraktor harus membayar untuk subkontraktor ditunjuk jumlah yang ditampilkan pada faktur subkontraktor nominasi yang disetujui oleh kontraktor yang mengesahkan insinyur untuk jatuh tempo sesuai dengan subkontrak. Jumlah ini ditambah biaya lainnya harus dimasukkan dalam kontrak harga sesuai dengan sub-ayat (b) dari sub ayat 13.5 [sementara jumlah], kecuali seperti yang tercantum dalam sub ayat 5.4 [bukti pembayaran].5.4 bukti pembayaranSebelum mengeluarkan sertifikat pembayaran yang mencakup jumlah yang dibayarkan kepada kontraktor nominasi, insinyur dapat meminta kontraktor untuk menyediakan bukti-bukti yang wajar bahwa subkontraktor ditunjuk telah menerima semua jumlah karena sesuai dengan sertifikat pembayaran sebelumnya, kurang pengurangan berlaku untuk penyimpanan atau sebaliknya. Kecuali kontraktor:) mengajukan bukti ini wajar untuk insinyur, ataub) (i) memenuhi insinyur secara tertulis bahwa kontraktor cukup berhak untuk menahan atau menolak untuk membayar jumlah ini, dan (ii) tunduk kepada insinyur wajar bukti bahwa subkontraktor nominasi telah diberitahu hak kontraktor, maka majikan mungkin (kebijaksanaan nya) membayar, langsung ke subkontraktor nominasi, sebagian atau seluruh jumlah tersebut sebelumnya bersertifikat (kurang diterapkan pada pengurangan) karena subkontraktor Nominasi dan untuk yang kontraktor telah gagal menyerahkan bukti yang dijelaskan dalam sub ayat (a) atau (b) di atas. Kontraktor akan kemudian membayar, untuk majikan, jumlah yang subkontraktor ditunjuk langsung dibayar oleh majikan.6. staf dan tenaga kerja6.1 keterlibatan staf dan tenaga kerjaKecuali seperti yang dinyatakan dalam spesifikasi, kontraktor harus membuat pengaturan untuk keterlibatan ofall staf dan tenaga kerja, lokal atau sebaliknya, dan mereka pembayaran, makan, transportasi, dan, bila sesuai, perumahan.Kontraktor didorong, sejauh yang praktis dan masuk akal untuk mempekerjakan staf dan tenaga kerja yang tepat kualifikasi dan pengalaman dari sumber-sumber dalam negeri.6.2 tingkat upah dan kondisi kerjaKontraktor harus membayar tarif upah, dan mengamati kondisi kerja, yang tidak lebih rendah daripada didirikan untuk perdagangan atau industri yang mana pekerjaan dilakukan. Jika tidak ada tingkat mapan atau ketentuan yang berlaku, kontraktor harus membayar tarif upah dan mengamati kondisi yang tidak lebih rendah dari tingkat upah dan kondisi diamati secara lokal oleh majikan yang perdagangan atau industri ini mirip dengan kontraktor.Kontraktor akan menginformasikan kontraktor personil tentang kewajiban mereka untuk membayar pajak penghasilan pribadi di negara dalam hal seperti gaji mereka, gaji, tunjangan dan manfaat seperti yang dikenakan pajak di bawah undang-undang negara untuk saat ini berlaku, dan kontraktor akan melakukan tugas tersebut dalam hal pengurangan seperti daripadanya seperti mungkin dikenakan kepadanya oleh undang-undang tersebut.6.3 orang dalam pelayanan majikanKontraktor tidak akan merekrut, atau mencoba untuk merekrut, staf dan tenaga kerja dari antara majikan personil.6.4 Hukum PerburuhanKontraktor harus mematuhi semua buruh relevan Lawsapplicable untuk kontraktor personil, termasuk undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan mereka, Kesehatan, keselamatan, kesejahteraan, Imigrasi dan emigrasi, dan akan memungkinkan mereka semua hak-hak hukum mereka.Kontraktor harus mensyaratkan para karyawannya mematuhi semua hukum yang berlaku, termasuk mengenai keselamatan kerja.6,5 jam kerjaTidak ada pekerjaan yang dilakukan di situs lokal diakui hari istirahat, atau di luar jam kerja normal yang tercantum dalam kontrak Data, kecuali:) dinyatakan lain dalam kontrak,b) insinyur memberikan persetujuan, atauc) karya ini tidak dapat dihindari, atau diperlukan untuk perlindungan kehidupan atau properti atau keselamatan pekerjaan, dalam hal mana kontraktor akan segera memberitahu insinyur.6.6 Fasilitas untuk staf dan tenaga kerjaKecuali jika dinyatakan dalam spesifikasi, kontraktor akan menyediakan dan memelihara semua fasilitas akomodasi dan kesejahteraan yang diperlukan untuk kontraktor personil. Kontraktor harus juga menyediakan fasilitas bagi majikan personil sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam spesifikasi. Kontraktor tidak mengijinkan salah satu kontraktor personil untuk mempertahankan setiap tempat tinggal sementara atau permanen dalam struktur yang membentuk bagian dari pekerjaan permanen.6.7 kesehatan dan keselamatanKontraktor harus sama sekali saat mengambil semua tindakan pencegahan yang wajar untuk menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan personil kontraktor. Bekerjasama dengan otoritas kesehatan lokal, kontraktor harus memastikan bahwa staf medis, Fasilitas pertolongan pertama, sakit bay dan layanan ambulans yang tersedia setiap saat di situs dan di setiap akomodasi untuk kontraktor dan majikan personil, dan bahwa pengaturan cocok dibuat untuk semua persyaratan kesejahteraan dan kebersihan yang diperlukan dan untuk pencegahan epidemi.Kontraktor harus menunjuk pencegahan kecelakaan petugas di situs, bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga keamanan dan perlindungan terhadap kecelakaan. Orang ini akan memenuhi syarat untuk tanggung jawab ini, dan akan memiliki wewenang untuk masalah petunjuk dan mengambil langkah-langkah perlindungan untuk mencegah kecelakaan. Seluruh pelaksanaan pekerjaan, kontraktor harus menyediakan apapun diperlukan oleh orang ini untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawab dan otoritas.The Contractor shall send, to the Engineer, details of any accident as soon as practicable after its occurrence. The Contractor shall maintain records and make reports concerning health, safety and welfare of persons, and damage to property, as the Engineer may reasonably require. HIV-AIDS Prevention. The Contractor shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness program via an approved service provider, and shall undertake such other measures as are specified in this Contract to reduce the risk of the transfer of the HIV virus between and among the Contractor’s Personnel and the local community, to promote early diagnosis and to assist affected individuals. The Contractor shall throughout the contract (including the Defects Notification Period): (i) conduct Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaigns, at least every other month, addressed to all the Site staff and labour (including all the Contractor's employees, all Subcontractors and any other Contractor’s or Employer’s personnel employees, and all truck drivers and crew making deliveries to Site for construction activities) and to the immediate local communities, concerning the risks, dangers and impact, and appropriate avoidance behavior with respect to, of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) - or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in general and HIV/AIDS in particular; (ii) provide male or female condoms for all Site staff and labour as appropriate; and (iii) provide for STI and HIV/AIDS screening, diagnosis, counselling and referral to a dedicated national STI and HIV/AIDS program, (unless otherwise agreed) of all Site staff and labour. Kontraktor harus termasuk dalam program akan diajukan untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan di bawah sub ayat 8.3 program pengentasan situs staf dan tenaga kerja dan keluarga mereka dalam hal seksual menular infeksi (IMS) dan penyakit menular seksual (IMS) termasuk HIV/AIDS. IMS, STD dan HIV/AIDS program pengentasan akan menunjukkan Kapan, bagaimana dan berapa harganya kontraktor rencana untuk memenuhi persyaratan klausul ini Sub dan spesifikasi terkait. Untuk setiap komponen, program akan detail sumber daya yang disediakan atau dimanfaatkan dan apapun terkait sub-kontrak diusulkan. Program ini juga akan mencakup penyediaan perkiraan biaya rinci dengan dokumen pendukung. Pembayaran kepada kontraktor untuk persiapan dan pelaksanaan program ini tidak akan melebihi jumlah sementara didedikasikan untuk tujuan ini.
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