Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Di luar langit berbintang, ras alien Paragon keenam ruang, duduk bersila untuk duduk dalam meditasi, ia telah digunakan selama beberapa bulan, menjelaskan Meng Hao ruang sumber komprehensif, segera telah diselamatkan dari Xuan Fang, pada saat ini dua mata membuka sengit, terlihat ke pegunungan dan laut pesawat, melihat Meng Hao.Dalam melihat contoh Meng Hao, ia disukai, Meng Hao tidak mati, saat ini ia ketika sumber ruang rusak, dapat merasa, mungkin benar-benar tidak berpikir bahwa penampilan Meng Hao, jadi tak terduga cepat, hanya beberapa bulan, cedera yang hampir mati dari mantan yang mengembalikan seperti biasa, dan lebih pemberani.Bersama dengan kesadaran Meng Hao, bersama dengan ray binar bintang Sun, mati bersama dengan satu yang ras alien dikontrol, alien ras tentara bereaksi, tapi maksud pembunuh seperti sebelumnya intens, Gunung pertama pada saat ini, sudah menjadi kain kirmizi.Kekuatan Meng Hao tidak lagi revolusi Sun Star, tetapi Hai Meng di sana, pada saat ini juga item dari embun halus cahaya, suara, tiba-tiba di dekat telinga Meng Hao, jelas gema."Memungkinkan Paragon puppet bertindak!"meng Hao dua mata menghindar instan, tahu pilihan Hai Meng, tidak ragu-ragu, rasa ilahi pindah, segera nya boneka Paragon, dua mata menyajikan sinar instan, tubuh selangkah keluar, kelajuan kecepatan, langsung meroket Gunung pertama!Pegunungan dan laut pesawat, harus menghancurkan perjanjian sementara perang, pilihan... Biarkan Paragon bertindak!Almost in instance that the Paragon puppet goes out, in the starry sky that alien race Paragon of sixth day, his facial color big change, clenching teeth maliciously, he must explain the space source, but also requires some time, but now, these months later, the first mountain has not captured, he understands that this does not have the energy of strategy, if Xuan Fang, surely is not so.At present the appearance of Meng Hao, Mountains and Seas Plane must destroy to agree, lets this Paragon clenching teeth maliciously, he does not hesitate his Cultivation to be damaged unexpectedly, does not hesitate his energetic dispirited, spouts blood of the big life source directly, fell in front space source, by Secret Skill, took own life as the price, space source that this soon opened, ahead of time, forcefully opening.The bang of bang, along with sprinkling of blood of its life source, the Meng Hao space source, shivers immediately immediately, suddenly, had the crack, ka under the sound, collapses immediately!In collapse flickers, the Xuan Fang form such as a lightning, loudly, he just a appearance, not having the least bit to hesitate, immediately the right hand lifts to revolve fully, a figure third day.Third day fierce shivering, under thunders, the incline, toward Mountains and Seas Plane, goes slowly loudly.Entire war, in this moment, because of the return of Meng Hao, from tranquil several months, seethes with excitement loudly, erupts once more, the Meng Hao importance, is not he can make the strength of Sun Star display peak, but lies in ... His appearance, can let balance between Mountains and Seas Plane and alien race, presents the serious incline.But Hai Meng Paragon waited for several months, waits , the return of Meng Hao, is this balanced incline.Paragon puppet act, directly soars the first mountain, belongs to this Paragon puppet pressure, at this moment comprehensive eruption, at the same time, outside starry sky third day the mainland, is coming loudly, the speed is getting more and more fast, Xuan Fang Paragon that just got out of trouble, has hair dishevelled at this moment, is very distressed, looks pale.But his has the bitterness and astringency, he was stranded the several months, this war, lost the control, but now, he understands that arrived at the crucial time.„Li Long, with my act, we lost the situation together, if cannot draw ... This war ... We must defeat!” Along with Xuan Fang to open mouth, another Paragon that whole body has not filled black light, without any hesitates, immediately waves hand, a figure third day mainland.Rumbling, this third day the mainland reacted, the speed is faster immediately, toward Mountains and Seas Plane, rumbling goes.Meanwhile, fourth day mainland, in this moment, under Xuan Fang any has not hesitated, is following, two mainland are similar to two are unable to describe that the giant of size, raises deafening howling at this moment, directly soars Mountains and Seas Plane to pound.
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