Say­ing, him was flush­ing un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, puts o terjemahan - Say­ing, him was flush­ing un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, puts o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Say­ing, him was flush­ing un­ex­pe

Say­ing, him was flush­ing un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, puts out a hand to win an anti-riot shield from a pro­tec­tor squad mem­ber hand, waved is pound­ing to me, laughed say­ing: „Death, death!”
I one hor­i­zon­tal, does not avoid, the both arms con­cen­trate on strength Yu Xi­ao­hei, the both legs stand firm, will be sud­denly small from be­hind to sweep black, since pa­trols to want using the shield to kill me, that shield leads him to give to cut away to­gether con­sid­ers as fin­ished!
The flame spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, small black ad­van­tage has cut to pieces di­rectly the shield, and passed over gen­tly and swiftly the pa­trolling right arm skill place, „ka scratches” one, that green scales were cut a wound, and dis­in­te­gra­tion sev­eral pyra­mids, pa­trolling was painful to whin to stop doing the back­lash, pate „bang bang” by Xing Lie two burst hit, was ac­tu­ally thought con­tin­u­ously lit­tle, has waved the arms about and snatched a shield, is pound­ing to my nu­mer­ous bang, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left hand raises, the pitch-dark muz­zle has aimed at me, the cor­ners of the mouth raise: „How tastes the taste of bul­let?”
I am star­tled slightly, raises the arm hur­riedly, „bang”, guards against ex­plo­sions the shield under the bi­lat­eral tremen­dous strength sud­denly stave, al­though the pa­trolling strength is at vari­ance with the av­er­age man, but ac­tu­ally not com­pared with me, but I in con­ve­niently hold one sec­tion that the ex­plo­sion-proof shield breaks in­stan­ta­neously in the hand, the di­rect stan­dard keeps off in the pa­trolling muz­zle front, „bang”, the arm trans­mits a numb feel­ing.
Pa­trolled to kill my heart to be too heavy, the con­tin­ual burst, pol­ished the bul­let in mag­a­zine di­rectly has given up, I took ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to hold the half shield am being one time sweep away to his head!
Pounded the face to dis­tort, the blood spat­tered in all di­rec­tions, I twice swept away to brush, until has beaten the shield of this ex­otic ma­te­r­ial man­u­fac­ture com­pletely, nearby pro­tec­tor squad mem­bers have been shocked, as if was un­able to un­der­stand that this type has fought, in their eyes was not firm the ex­plo­sion-proof shield that may de­stroy, may ac­tu­ally with pa­trolling to re­gard the toy same to use by me.
Both hands one cold, will be small raises black in the hand, above the sword blade edge is also re­main­ing the blood of pa­trolling, but this han­dle sword found­ing process is good, the blood does not moisten the front, but is flow­ing above slowly.
Sees me to re­veal slightly black, pa­trols fears this han­dle sword ob­vi­ously very much, clenches teeth, looks that the per­son of sur­round­ing blood sickle are also get­ting fewer and fewer, had al­ready de­cided that sneers: „Fa­ther has sooner or later killed you, wait and see!”
Say­ing, was pa­trolling stands up from fail­ure, the whole per­son ben­e­fit­ted under the arrow di­rec­tion of fire ship, „puff” en­tered the water.
I shout to clear the way in com­mu­ni­ca­tion im­me­di­ately lowly: „He­li­copter, scans the po­si­tion of this per­son, il­lu­mi­nates to me!”
Say­ing, the yawn bites the small black cut­ting edge sud­denly, both hands raises takes off the coat, casts off the ear­phone, the div­ing pos­ture jumps down the ship, the river water is bit­ing cold, quite some­what can­not bear all of a sud­den, the sink­ing body en­ters in the river water, I open eyes re­luc­tantly, the sur­round­ings wa­ters were shone well-il­lu­mi­nated by the lights of three he­li­copters, turns around sud­denly, pa­trols a scale, is a sur­vival is likely or­di­nary in the under water wicked beast, the com­plex­ion flushed fiercely.
The both arms gather the strength, I sweep away the long sword sud­denly!
The sword blade edge shocks on his sharp claws, in the water starts to as­cend blood red, pa­trolled in­jured, small black was con­trolled one's feel­ings the st
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Say­ing, him was flush­ing un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, puts out a hand to win an anti-riot shield from a pro­tec­tor squad mem­ber hand, waved is pound­ing to me, laughed say­ing: „Death, death!”I one hor­i­zon­tal, does not avoid, the both arms con­cen­trate on strength Yu Xi­ao­hei, the both legs stand firm, will be sud­denly small from be­hind to sweep black, since pa­trols to want using the shield to kill me, that shield leads him to give to cut away to­gether con­sid­ers as fin­ished!„Bang!”The flame spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, small black ad­van­tage has cut to pieces di­rectly the shield, and passed over gen­tly and swiftly the pa­trolling right arm skill place, „ka scratches” one, that green scales were cut a wound, and dis­in­te­gra­tion sev­eral pyra­mids, pa­trolling was painful to whin to stop doing the back­lash, pate „bang bang” by Xing Lie two burst hit, was ac­tu­ally thought con­tin­u­ously lit­tle, has waved the arms about and snatched a shield, is pound­ing to my nu­mer­ous bang, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left hand raises, the pitch-dark muz­zle has aimed at me, the cor­ners of the mouth raise: „How tastes the taste of bul­let?”I am star­tled slightly, raises the arm hur­riedly, „bang”, guards against ex­plo­sions the shield under the bi­lat­eral tremen­dous strength sud­denly stave, al­though the pa­trolling strength is at vari­ance with the av­er­age man, but ac­tu­ally not com­pared with me, but I in con­ve­niently hold one sec­tion that the ex­plo­sion-proof shield breaks in­stan­ta­neously in the hand, the di­rect stan­dard keeps off in the pa­trolling muz­zle front, „bang”, the arm trans­mits a numb feel­ing.Pa­trolled to kill my heart to be too heavy, the con­tin­ual burst, pol­ished the bul­let in mag­a­zine di­rectly has given up, I took ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to hold the half shield am being one time sweep away to his head!„Bang!”Pounded the face to dis­tort, the blood spat­tered in all di­rec­tions, I twice swept away to brush, until has beaten the shield of this ex­otic ma­te­r­ial man­u­fac­ture com­pletely, nearby pro­tec­tor squad mem­bers have been shocked, as if was un­able to un­der­stand that this type has fought, in their eyes was not firm the ex­plo­sion-proof shield that may de­stroy, may ac­tu­ally with pa­trolling to re­gard the toy same to use by me.Both hands one cold, will be small raises black in the hand, above the sword blade edge is also re­main­ing the blood of pa­trolling, but this han­dle sword found­ing process is good, the blood does not moisten the front, but is flow­ing above slowly.Sees me to re­veal slightly black, pa­trols fears this han­dle sword ob­vi­ously very much, clenches teeth, looks that the per­son of sur­round­ing blood sickle are also get­ting fewer and fewer, had al­ready de­cided that sneers: „Fa­ther has sooner or later killed you, wait and see!”Say­ing, was pa­trolling stands up from fail­ure, the whole per­son ben­e­fit­ted under the arrow di­rec­tion of fire ship, „puff” en­tered the water.I shout to clear the way in com­mu­ni­ca­tion im­me­di­ately lowly: „He­li­copter, scans the po­si­tion of this per­son, il­lu­mi­nates to me!”Say­ing, the yawn bites the small black cut­ting edge sud­denly, both hands raises takes off the coat, casts off the ear­phone, the div­ing pos­ture jumps down the ship, the river water is bit­ing cold, quite some­what can­not bear all of a sud­den, the sink­ing body en­ters in the river water, I open eyes re­luc­tantly, the sur­round­ings wa­ters were shone well-il­lu­mi­nated by the lights of three he­li­copters, turns around sud­denly, pa­trols a scale, is a sur­vival is likely or­di­nary in the under water wicked beast, the com­plex­ion flushed fiercely.The both arms gather the strength, I sweep away the long sword sud­denly!„Bang!”The sword blade edge shocks on his sharp claws, in the water starts to as­cend blood red, pa­trolled in­jured, small black was con­trolled one's feel­ings the st
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mengatakan, dia telah disiram terduga atas inisiatif sendiri, menempatkan tangan untuk memenangkan perisai anti-kerusuhan dari tangan anggota skuad pelindung, melambai berdebar-debar saya, tertawa mengatakan: "! Kematian, kematian"
Saya horizontal, tidak menghindari , lengan baik berkonsentrasi pada kekuatan Yu Xiaohei, kaki kedua berdiri teguh, akan tiba-tiba kecil dari belakang untuk menyapu hitam, karena patroli ingin menggunakan perisai untuk membunuh saya, perisai yang mengarah dia untuk memberikan memotong pergi bersama-sama menganggap sebagai selesai !
The spatters api ke segala arah, keuntungan hitam kecil telah dipotong-potong langsung perisai, dan melewati lembut dan cepat yang berpatroli lengan kanan tempat keterampilan, "ka goresan" satu, bahwa sisik hijau dipotong luka, dan disintegrasi beberapa piramida, patroli itu menyakitkan untuk whin untuk berhenti melakukan serangan balik, pate "bang bang" oleh Xing Lie dua ledakan hit, itu benar-benar berpikir terus sedikit, telah melambaikan lengan tentang dan menyambar perisai, berdebar-debar untuk berbagai Bang saya , secara bersamaan tangan kiri menimbulkan, moncong gelap gulita ditujukan pada saya, sudut-sudut kenaikan mulut: "Bagaimana rasanya rasa peluru?"
saya terkejut sedikit, menimbulkan lengan buru-buru, "bang", penjaga terhadap ledakan perisai di bawah kekuatan yang luar biasa bilateral tiba-tiba mencegah, meskipun kekuatan patroli adalah berbeda dengan orang rata-rata, tapi benar-benar tidak dibandingkan dengan saya, tapi saya di mudah memegang salah satu bagian yang ledakan-bukti perisai istirahat seketika di tangan, langsung standar terus off di patroli moncong depan, "bang", lengan mentransmisikan perasaan mati rasa.
patroli membunuh hatiku menjadi terlalu berat, ledakan terus menerus, dipoles peluru di majalah langsung telah menyerah, saya mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan untuk tahan setengah perisai saya menjadi satu waktu menyapu pergi ke kepalanya!
ditumbuk wajah untuk mendistorsi, darah terpercik ke segala arah, saya dua kali tersapu ke sikat, sampai telah dipukuli perisai pembuatan bahan eksotis ini sepenuhnya, anggota skuad pelindung terdekat telah terkejut, seakan tidak mampu memahami bahwa jenis ini telah berjuang, di mata mereka tidak teguh perisai ledakan-bukti yang dapat merusak, mungkin benar-benar dengan berpatroli menganggap mainan yang sama untuk menggunakan oleh saya.
Kedua tangan yang dingin, akan menjadi kecil menimbulkan hitam di tangan, di atas tepi pedang pisau juga sisa darah patroli, namun proses berdirinya pedang pegangan ini baik, darah tidak membasahi bagian depan, tetapi mengalir di atas perlahan-lahan.
Sees saya untuk mengungkapkan sedikit hitam, patroli takut pedang menangani ini jelas sangat banyak, mengepalkan gigi, terlihat bahwa orang sekitarnya sabit darah juga semakin sedikit dan lebih sedikit, sudah memutuskan bahwa menyeringai: "Bapa memiliki cepat atau lambat membunuh Anda, menunggu dan ! melihat "
Mengatakan, sedang berpatroli berdiri dari kegagalan, seluruh orang diuntungkan bawah arahan panah kapal api," meniup "masuk air.
saya berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan dalam komunikasi langsung rendah:" Helicopter, memindai posisi ini orang, menerangi dengan saya! "
Mengatakan, menguap gigitan ujung tombak hitam kecil tiba-tiba, kedua tangan kenaikan gaji melepas mantel, melemparkan off earphone, postur menyelam melompat turun kapal, air sungai menggigit dingin, cukup agak tidak bisa menanggung semua tiba-tiba, tubuh tenggelam masuk dalam air sungai, saya membuka mata enggan, lingkungan perairan yang bersinar dengan baik-diterangi oleh lampu-lampu tiga helikopter, berbalik tiba-tiba, patroli skala, adalah kelangsungan hidup suatu kemungkinan biasa di di bawah air binatang jahat, kulit memerah keras.
The kedua lengan mengumpulkan kekuatan, saya menyapu pedang panjang tiba-tiba!
ujung pedang pisau guncangan pada cakar yang tajam, di dalam air mulai naik darah merah, berpatroli terluka, hitam kecil dikendalikan perasaan seseorang st
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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