C. Affective ProcessesPeople's beliefs in their coping capabilities af terjemahan - C. Affective ProcessesPeople's beliefs in their coping capabilities af Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

C. Affective ProcessesPeople's beli

C. Affective Processes
People's beliefs in their coping capabilities affect how much stress and depression they
experience in threatening or difficult situations, as well as their level of motivation. Perceived
self-efficacy to exercise control over stressors plays a central role in anxiety arousal. People who
believe they can exercise control over threats do not conjure up disturbing thought patterns. But
those who believe they cannot manage threats experience high anxiety arousal. They dwell on
their coping deficiencies. They view many aspects of their environment as fraught with danger.
They magnify the severity of possible threats and worry about things that rarely happen.
Through such inefficacious thinking they distress themselves and impair their level of
functioning. Perceived coping self-efficacy regulates avoidance behavior as well as anxiety
arousal. The stronger the sense of self-efficacy the bolder people are in taking on taxing and
threatening activities.
Anxiety arousal is affected not only by perceived coping efficacy but by perceived
efficacy to control disturbing thoughts. The exercise of control over one's own consciousness is
summed up well in the proverb: "You cannot prevent the birds of worry and care from flying
over your head. But you can stop them from building a nest in your head." Perceived self6
efficacy to control thought processes is a key factor in regulating thought produced stress and
depression. It is not the sheer frequency of disturbing thoughts but the perceived inability to turn
them off that is the major source of distress. Both perceived coping self-efficacy and thought
control efficacy operate jointly to reduce anxiety and avoidant behavior.
Social cognitive theory prescribes mastery experiences as the principal means of
personality change. Guided mastery is a powerful vehicle for instilling a robust sense of coping
efficacy in people whose functioning is seriously impaired by intense apprehension and phobic
self-protective reactions. Mastery experiences are structured in ways to build coping skills and
instill beliefs that one can exercise control over potential threats. Intractable phobics, of course,
are not about to do what they dread. One must, therefore, create an environment so that
incapacitated phobics can perform successfully despite themselves. This is achieved by enlisting
a variety of performance mastery aids. Feared activities are first modeled to show people how to
cope with threats and to disconfirm their worst fears. Coping tasks are broken down into
subtasks of easily mastered steps. Performing feared activities together with the therapist further
enables phobics to do things they would resist doing by themselves. Another way of overcoming
resistance is to use graduated time. Phobics will refuse threatening tasks if they will have to
endure stress for a long time. But they will risk them for a short period. As their coping efficacy
increases the time they perform the activity is extended. Protective aids and dosing the severity
of threats also help to restore and develop a sense of coping efficacy.
After functioning is fully restored, the mastery aids are withdrawn to verify that coping
successes stem from personal efficacy rather than from mastery aids. Self-directed mastery
experiences, designed to provide varied confirmatory tests of coping capabilities, are then
arranged to strengthen and generalize the sense of coping efficacy. Once people develop a
resilient sense of efficacy they can withstand difficulties and adversities without adverse effects.
Guided mastery treatment achieves widespread psychological changes in a relatively
short time. It eliminates phobic behavior and anxiety and biological stress reactions, creates
positive attitudes and eradicates phobic ruminations and nightmares. Evidence that achievement
of coping efficacy profoundly affects dream activity is a particularly striking generalized impact.
A low sense of efficacy to exercise control produces depression as well as anxiety. It
does so in several different ways. One route to depression is through unfulfilled aspiration.
People who impose on themselves standards of self-worth they judge they cannot attain drive
themselves to bouts of depression. A second efficacy route to depression is through a low sense
of social efficacy. People who judge themselves to be socially efficacious seek out and cultivate
social relationships that provide models on how to manage difficult situations, cushion the
adverse effects of chronic stressors and bring satisfaction to people's lives. Perceived social
inefficacy to develop satisfying and supportive relationships increases vulnerability to
depression through social isolation. Much human depression is cognitively generated by
dejecting ruminative thought. A low sense of efficacy to exercise control over ruminative
thought also contributes to the occurrence, duration and recurrence of depressive episodes.
Other efficacy-activated processes in the affective domain concern the impact of
perceived coping self-efficacy on biological systems that affect health functioning. Stress has
been implicated as an important contributing factor to many physical dysfunctions.
Controllability appears to be a key organizing principle regarding the nature of these stress
effects. It is not stressful life conditions per se, but the perceived inability to manage them that is
debilitating. Thus, exposure to stressors with ability to control them has no adverse biological
effects. But exposure to the same stressors without the ability to control them impairs the
immune system. The impairment of immune function increases susceptibility to infection,
contributes to the development of physical disorders and accelerates the progression of disease.
Biological systems are highly interdependent. A weak sense of efficacy to exercise
control over stressors activates autonomic reactions, catecholamine secretion and release of
endogenous opioids. These biological systems are involved in the regulation of the immune
system. Stress activated in the process of acquiring coping capabilities may have different effects
than stress experienced in aversive situations with no prospect in sight of ever gaining any selfprotective
efficacy. There are substantial evolutionary benefits to experiencing enhanced
immune function during development of coping capabilities vital for effective adaptation. It
would not be evolutionarily advantageous if acute stressors invariably impaired immune
function, because of their prevalence in everyday life. If this were the case, people would
experience high vulnerability to infective agents that would quickly do them in. There is some
evidence that providing people with effective means for managing stressors may have a positive
effect on immune function. Moreover, stress aroused while gaining coping mastery over
stressors can enhance different components of the immune system.
There are other ways in which perceived self-efficacy serves to promote health. Lifestyle
habits can enhance or impair health. This enables people to exert behavioral influence over their
vitality and quality of health. Perceived self-efficacy affects every phase of personal change--
whether people even consider changing their health habits; whether they enlist the motivation
and perseverance needed to succeed should they choose to do so; and how well they maintain the
habit changes they have achieved. The stronger the perceived self-regulatory efficacy the more
successful people are in reducing health-impairing habits and adopting and integrating healthpromoting
habits into their regular lifestyle. Comprehensive community programs designed to
prevent cardiovascular disease by altering risk-related habits reduce the rate of morbidity and
D. Selection Processes
The discussion so far has centered on efficacy-activated processes that enable people to
create beneficial environments and to exercise some control over those they encounter day in
and day out. People are partly the product of their environment. Therefore, beliefs of personal
efficacy can shape the course lives take by influencing they types of activities and environments
people choose. People avoid activities and situations they believe exceed their coping
capabilities. But they readily undertake challenging activities and select situations they judge
themselves capable of handling. By the choices they make, people cultivate different
competencies, interests and social networks that determine life courses. Any factor that
influences choice behavior can profoundly affect the direction of personal development. This is
because the social influences operating in selected environments continue to promote certain
competencies, values, and interests long after the efficacy decisional determinant has rendered
its inaugurating effect.
Career choice and development is but one example of the power of self-efficacy beliefs
to affect the course of life paths through choice-related processes. The higher the level of
people's perceived self-efficacy the wider the range of career options they seriously consider, the
greater their interest in them, and the better they prepare themselves educationally for the
occupational pursuits they choose and the greater is their success. Occupations structure a good
part of people's lives and provide them with a major source of personal growth.
III. Adaptive Benefits of Optimistic Self-Beliefs of Efficacy
There is a growing body of evidence that human accomplishments and positive wellbeing
require an optimistic sense of personal efficacy. This is because ordinary social realities
are strewn with difficulties. They are full of impediments, adversities, setbacks, frustrations, and
inequities. People must have a robust sense of personal efficacy to sustain the perseverant effort
needed to succeed. In pursuits strewn with obstacles, realists either foresake them, abort their
efforts prematurely
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
C. afektif prosesRakyat keyakinan dalam kemampuan mengatasi mereka mempengaruhi berapa banyak stres dan depresi merekapengalaman dalam situasi yang mengancam atau sulit, serta tingkat motivasi mereka. Dirasakandiri-khasiat untuk mengendalikan stres memainkan peran sentral dalam kecemasan gairah. Orang-orang yangpercaya mereka dapat mengontrol ancaman tidak menyulap mengganggu pola pikir. Tapimereka yang percaya mereka cant mengelola ancaman mengalami kecemasan tinggi gairah. Mereka tinggal dimereka mengatasi kekurangan. Mereka melihat banyak aspek lingkungan mereka sebagai penuh dengan bahaya.Mereka memperbesar tingkat keparahan kemungkinan ancaman dan khawatir tentang hal-hal yang jarang terjadi.Melalui pemikiran tersebut inefficacious mereka penderitaan diri mereka dan merusak tingkatberfungsi. Mengatasi dirasakan diri-kemanjuran mengatur menghindari perilaku serta kecemasangairah. Semakin kuat rasa diri-kemanjuran lebih berani orang-orang yang dalam mengambil pajak danmengancam kegiatan.Kecemasan gairah dipengaruhi tidak hanya oleh kemanjuran mengatasi dirasakan tapi oleh dirasakankhasiat untuk mengontrol mengganggu pikiran. Latihan kontrol atas kesadaran sendiridisimpulkan baik dalam pepatah: "Anda tidak dapat mencegah burung-burung khawatir dan perawatan dari terbangatas kepala Anda. "Tetapi Anda dapat menghentikan mereka membangun sarang mereka di kepala Anda." Dirasakan self6khasiat untuk mengontrol pikiran proses adalah faktor kunci dalam regulasi stres pemikiran yang diproduksi dandepresi. Hal ini tidak semata-mata frekuensi mengganggu pikiran tetapi ketidakmampuan dirasakan untuk mengubahmereka melepaskan itu adalah sumber utama kesulitan. Keduanya dianggap mengatasi kemanjuran diri dan berpikirkontrol kemanjuran beroperasi bersama-sama untuk mengurangi kecemasan dan avoidant perilaku.Teori kognitif sosial menentukan penguasaan pengalaman dengan kepala sekolahperubahan kepribadian. Dipandu penguasaan adalah kendaraan yang kuat untuk menanamkan rasa kuat mengatasiefektivitas pada orang yang berfungsi serius terganggu oleh intens ketakutan dan fobiaperlindungan diri reaksi. Penguasaan pengalaman terstruktur dalam cara-cara untuk membangun keterampilan mengatasi danmenanamkan keyakinan bahwa seseorang dapat menjalankan kontrol atas potensi ancaman. Phobics terselesaikan, tentu saja,yang tidak akan melakukan apa yang mereka takut. Satu harus, karena itu, menciptakan lingkungan sehinggaphobics lumpuh dapat menjalankan berhasil meskipun mereka sendiri. Hal ini dicapai dengan membuat daftarberbagai kinerja penguasaan AIDS. Takut kegiatan pertama model untuk menunjukkan orang-orang bagaimana untukmengatasi ancaman dan disconfirm ketakutan terburuk mereka. Mengatasi tugas dipecah menjadisubtugas mudah menguasai langkah. Melakukan kegiatan yang ditakuti bersama-sama dengan terapis lebih lanjutmemungkinkan phobics melakukan hal-hal yang mereka akan menolak melakukan sendiri. Cara lain untuk mengatasiperlawanan adalah menggunakan waktu lulus. Phobics akan menolak tugas-tugas yang mengancam jika mereka harusbertahan stres untuk waktu yang lama. Tapi mereka akan risiko mereka untuk suatu jangka pendek. Sebagai keampuhan mengatasi merekaincreases the time they perform the activity is extended. Protective aids and dosing the severityof threats also help to restore and develop a sense of coping efficacy.After functioning is fully restored, the mastery aids are withdrawn to verify that copingsuccesses stem from personal efficacy rather than from mastery aids. Self-directed masteryexperiences, designed to provide varied confirmatory tests of coping capabilities, are thenarranged to strengthen and generalize the sense of coping efficacy. Once people develop aresilient sense of efficacy they can withstand difficulties and adversities without adverse effects.Guided mastery treatment achieves widespread psychological changes in a relativelyshort time. It eliminates phobic behavior and anxiety and biological stress reactions, createspositive attitudes and eradicates phobic ruminations and nightmares. Evidence that achievementof coping efficacy profoundly affects dream activity is a particularly striking generalized impact.A low sense of efficacy to exercise control produces depression as well as anxiety. Itdoes so in several different ways. One route to depression is through unfulfilled aspiration.People who impose on themselves standards of self-worth they judge they cannot attain drivethemselves to bouts of depression. A second efficacy route to depression is through a low senseof social efficacy. People who judge themselves to be socially efficacious seek out and cultivatehubungan sosial yang menyediakan model untuk mengelola situasi yang sulit, bantalEfek stres kronis dan membawa kepuasan kepada kehidupan rakyat. Dirasakan sosialinefficacy untuk mengembangkan hubungan yang memuaskan dan mendukung meningkatkan kerentanan terhadapdepresi melalui isolasi sosial. Banyak manusia depresi kognitif yang dihasilkan olehdejecting malaikat berpikir. Rasa rendah khasiat untuk mengendalikan malaikatpemikiran juga berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya, durasi dan terulangnya episode depresi.Proses lainnya kemanjuran-diaktifkan dalam domain afektif keprihatinan dampakmengatasi dirasakan diri-khasiat pada sistem biologis yang mempengaruhi kesehatan berfungsi. Stres memilikiterlibat sebagai faktor penting untuk disfungsi fisik yang banyak.Pengendalian tampaknya menjadi kunci prinsip mengenai sifat stres ini pengorganisasianefek. Hal ini tidak kondisi stres kehidupan per se, tetapi ketidakmampuan dirasakan mengelola mereka yangmelemahkan. Dengan demikian, paparan stres dengan kemampuan untuk mengendalikan mereka memiliki biologis tidak merugikanefek. Tetapi paparan stres sama tanpa kemampuan untuk mengendalikan mereka mengganggu7sistem kekebalan tubuh. Penurunan fungsi imun meningkatkan kerentanan terhadap infeksi,berkontribusi pada pengembangan gangguan fisik dan mempercepat perkembangan penyakit.Sistem biologis sangat saling berhubungan. Rasa lemah khasiat untuk latihanmengendalikan stres mengaktifkan reaksi otonom, katekolamin sekresi dan pelepasanopioid endogen. Ini sistem biologis yang terlibat dalam regulasi kekebalansistem. Diaktifkan dalam proses memperoleh kemampuan mengatasi stres mungkin memiliki efek yang berbedadaripada stres yang berpengalaman dalam situasi permusuhan dengan tidak ada prospek di hadapan pernah memperoleh apapun selfprotectiveefikasi. Ada manfaat evolusi besar mengalami ditingkatkanfungsi kekebalan tubuh selama pengembangan kemampuan mengatasi penting untuk efektif adaptasi. Ituakan tidak menguntungkan secara evolusioner jika akut stres selalu gangguan kekebalan tubuhfungsi, karena mereka prevalensi di kehidupan sehari-hari. Jika ini kasusnya, orang akanpengalaman tinggi kerentanan terhadap agen infektif yang cepat akan melakukan mereka di. Ada beberapabukti bahwa menyediakan orang-orang dengan cara yang efektif untuk mengelola stres mungkin memiliki positifefek pada fungsi kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu, stres terangsang sementara mendapatkan mengatasi penguasaan atasstres dapat meningkatkan berbagai komponen sistem kekebalan tubuh.Ada cara lain di mana diri-kemanjuran dirasakan berfungsi untuk mempromosikan kesehatan. Gaya hidupkebiasaan bisa meningkatkan atau mengganggu kesehatan. Hal ini memungkinkan orang untuk mengerahkan pengaruh perilaku atas merekavitalitas dan kualitas kesehatan. Diri-kemanjuran dirasakan mempengaruhi setiap tahap pribadi perubahan--Apakah orang bahkan menganggap mengubah kebiasaan kesehatan mereka; Apakah mereka meminta motivasidan ketekunan yang diperlukan untuk sukses harus mereka memilih untuk melakukannya; dan seberapa baik mereka mempertahankanPerubahan kebiasaan yang telah mereka capai. Semakin kuat kemanjuran Regulatory dirasakan lebihorang-orang yang sukses adalah dalam mengurangi kebiasaan yang merusak kesehatan dan mengadopsi dan mengintegrasikan healthpromotingkebiasaan ke gaya hidup mereka biasa. Program komunitas yang komprehensif yang dirancang untukmencegah penyakit kardiovaskular dengan mengubah kebiasaan risiko yang berhubungan dengan mengurangi tingkat morbiditas dankematian.D. proses seleksiDiskusi sejauh ini telah berpusat pada kemanjuran-diaktifkan proses yang memungkinkan orang untukmenciptakan lingkungan yang bermanfaat dan untuk latihan kendali atas mereka, mereka menghadapi hari didan hari keluar. Orang yang sebagian produk dari lingkungan mereka. Oleh karena itu, keyakinan pribadiKhasiat dapat membentuk mengambil kehidupan lapangan dengan mempengaruhi mereka jenis kegiatan dan lingkunganorang memilih. Orang-orang menghindari aktivitas dan situasi mereka percaya melebihi mereka mengatasikemampuan. Tetapi mereka mudah melakukan kegiatan menantang dan pilih situasi mereka menilaimereka sendiri yang mampu penanganan. Dengan pilihan yang mereka buat, orang-orang yang mengolah berbedakompetensi, kepentingan dan jaringan sosial yang menentukan kehidupan kursus. Salah satu faktor yangpengaruh pilihan perilaku dapat sangat mempengaruhi arah pengembangan pribadi. Ini adalahkarena pengaruh sosial yang beroperasi di lingkungan yang dipilih terus mempromosikan tertentukompetensi, nilai-nilai dan kepentingan lama setelah menentukan decisional kemanjuran telah diberikanefeknya meresmikan.Pilihan karir dan pengembangan hanyalah salah satu contoh kekuatan keyakinan diri-kemanjuranuntuk mempengaruhi jalan kehidupan melalui proses-proses yang berhubungan dengan pilihan. Semakin tinggi tingkatorang dirasakan kemanjuran diri lebih luas berbagai pilihan karir mereka serius mempertimbangkan,lebih besar minat mereka dalam mereka, dan menjadi lebih baik mereka mempersiapkan diri untuk pendidikankegiatan kerja mereka memilih dan semakin besar adalah keberhasilan mereka. Pekerjaan struktur yang baikBagian dari orang-orang hidup dan menyediakan mereka dengan sumber utama pertumbuhan pribadi.8III. adaptif manfaat optimis kepercayaan diri kemanjuranAda tubuh tumbuh bukti bahwa prestasi manusia dan kesejahteraan positifmembutuhkan rasa pribadi khasiat optimis. Hal ini karena biasa realitas sosialyang berserakan dengan kesulitan. Penuh hambatan, kesengsaraan, kemunduran, frustrasi, danketidakadilan. Orang harus memiliki rasa yang kuat pribadi khasiat untuk mempertahankan usaha perseverantdiperlukan untuk sukses. Dalam pengejaran penuh dengan rintangan, realis foresake baik mereka, membatalkan merekaupaya prematur
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