1. Milling around. The lack of leader direction inevitably results in  terjemahan - 1. Milling around. The lack of leader direction inevitably results in  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1. Milling around. The lack of lead

1. Milling around. The lack of leader direction inevitably results in some initial
confusion, frustration, and “milling around”—either actually or verbally.
Questions such as “Who is responsible here?” or “What are we supposed to
be doing?” are characteristic and refl ect the concern felt at this stage.
2. Resistance to personal expression or exploration. Members initially present a
public self—one they think will be acceptable to the group. They are fearful
of and resistant to revealing their private selves.
3. Description of past feelings. Despite doubts about the trustworthiness of the
group and the risk of exposing oneself, disclosure of personal feelings does
begin—however hesitantly and ambivalently. Generally, this disclosure
deals with events outside of the group; members tend to describe feelings
in a “there-and-then” fashion.
4. Expression of negative feelings. As the group progresses, there is a movement
toward the expression of here-and-now feelings. Often these expressions
take the form of criticism of the group leader, usually for not providing the
needed direction.
5. Expression and exploration of personally meaningful material. If the expression
of negative reactions is seen by the members as acceptable to the group, a
climate of trust is likely to emerge. Members are then able to take the risks
involved in disclosing personal material. At this point the participants begin
to realize that the group is what they make it, and they begin to experience
6. Expression of immediate interpersonal feelings in the group. Members tend to
express a full range of feelings toward one another.
7. Development of a healing capacity in the group. Next, members begin to
spontaneously reach out to one another, expressing care, support, understanding,
and concern. At this stage helping relationships are often formed
within the group that offer members aid in leading more constructive lives
outside of the group.
8. Self-acceptance and the beginning of change. Participants begin to accept
aspects of themselves that they formerly denied or distorted; they get
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1. berkeliaran. Kurangnya pemimpin arah pasti mengakibatkan beberapa awalkebingungan, frustrasi, dan "berkeliaran" — secara lisan atau benar-benar.Pertanyaan seperti "Siapa bertanggung jawab di sini?" atau "apa yang kita seharusnyalakukan?"yang karakteristik dan refl ect keprihatinan merasa pada tahap ini.2. resistensi terhadap ekspresi pribadi atau eksplorasi. Anggota yang pada awalnya hadirUmum diri-salah satu yang mereka pikir akan diterima ke grup. Mereka takut akandari dan tahan untuk mengungkapkan diri mereka pribadi.3. Deskripsi masa lalu perasaan. Meskipun keraguan tentang keandalankelompok dan risiko memperlihatkan diri sendiri, pengungkapan perasaan pribadi tidakmulai — namun ragu-ragu dan sebagiannya. Umumnya, ini pengungkapanberkaitan dengan kejadian di luar kelompok; anggota cenderung menggambarkan perasaandalam mode "sana-dan-maka".4. ekspresi perasaan negatif. Sebagai kelompok berlangsung, ada gerakanterhadap ekspresi perasaan di sini dan sekarang. Sering ungkapan-ungkapan inimengambil bentuk kritik terhadap pemimpin kelompok, biasanya tidak menyediakanperlu arah.5. ekspresi dan eksplorasi pribadi bermakna bahan. Jika ekspresinegatif reaksi dilihat oleh anggota sebagai diterima ke grup,iklim kepercayaan mungkin akan muncul. Anggota kemudian dapat mengambil risikoterlibat dalam mengungkapkan bahan pribadi. Pada titik ini peserta mulaiuntuk menyadari bahwa grup adalah apa yang mereka membuat itu, dan mereka mulai mengalamikebebasan.6. ekspresi langsung interpersonal perasaan dalam kelompok. Anggota cenderungmengungkapkan serangkaian penuh perasaan terhadap satu sama lain.7. pengembangan kapasitas penyembuhan dalam kelompok. Selanjutnya, anggota mulaispontan menjangkau satu sama lain, mengungkapkan perawatan, dukungan, pemahaman,dan kekhawatiran. Pada tahap ini membantu hubungan sering dibentukdalam kelompok yang menawarkan anggota membantu memimpin kehidupan yang lebih konstruktifluar kelompok.8. penerimaan diri dan awal dari perubahan. Peserta mulai menerimaaspek diri bahwa mereka sebelumnya ditolak atau terdistorsi; mereka mendapatkan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. Milling around. The lack of leader direction inevitably results in some initial
confusion, frustration, and “milling around”—either actually or verbally.
Questions such as “Who is responsible here?” or “What are we supposed to
be doing?” are characteristic and refl ect the concern felt at this stage.
2. Resistance to personal expression or exploration. Members initially present a
public self—one they think will be acceptable to the group. They are fearful
of and resistant to revealing their private selves.
3. Description of past feelings. Despite doubts about the trustworthiness of the
group and the risk of exposing oneself, disclosure of personal feelings does
begin—however hesitantly and ambivalently. Generally, this disclosure
deals with events outside of the group; members tend to describe feelings
in a “there-and-then” fashion.
4. Expression of negative feelings. As the group progresses, there is a movement
toward the expression of here-and-now feelings. Often these expressions
take the form of criticism of the group leader, usually for not providing the
needed direction.
5. Expression and exploration of personally meaningful material. If the expression
of negative reactions is seen by the members as acceptable to the group, a
climate of trust is likely to emerge. Members are then able to take the risks
involved in disclosing personal material. At this point the participants begin
to realize that the group is what they make it, and they begin to experience
6. Expression of immediate interpersonal feelings in the group. Members tend to
express a full range of feelings toward one another.
7. Development of a healing capacity in the group. Next, members begin to
spontaneously reach out to one another, expressing care, support, understanding,
and concern. At this stage helping relationships are often formed
within the group that offer members aid in leading more constructive lives
outside of the group.
8. Self-acceptance and the beginning of change. Participants begin to accept
aspects of themselves that they formerly denied or distorted; they get
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