Long Tianming walked to the front, swept an eye over the crowd, and li terjemahan - Long Tianming walked to the front, swept an eye over the crowd, and li Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Long Tianming walked to the front,

Long Tianming walked to the front, swept an eye over the crowd, and lightly smiled. “Just now, Qin Yue and Ye Xuan both displayed their talents, the zither and calligraphy, respectively. Since two are required for Go, then there is no point. I shall make a fool of myself and show my painting skills!”

Long Tianming lifted a brush and dipped it into the ink as his eyes turned to the blank page before him.

Earlier, Long Tianming had been smiling and content. But suddenly, an expression that was a deep as water and towering as a mountain burst forth across his face, accompanied by a frighteningly overbearing aura. The audience at the foot of the stage couldn’t help gasping for breath.

Long Tianming was like a treasured sword that had been unsheathed. It seemed as if he was trying to force the audience to submit to him through aura alone. The brush in his hand descended and coiled like snakes and dragons, leaving inky black patterns across the page. Slowly, but surely, a ferocious beast took form on the paper; it was a Celestial Blood Saint Dragon, landing with wings unfurled.

From the dragon’s bones, scales, to wings, every part was composed of vigorous strokes.

The Celestial Blood Saint Dragon appeared as if it was ready to leap out from the paper. Chilling rays of light emitted from its eyes, as though it was the overseer of all life.

This painting contained boundless intent and an overbearing quality. The crowd of students felt captivated and stifled simply by beholding that Celestial Blood Saint Dragon. It was clear that Qin Yue’s zither and Ye Xuan’s calligraphy were both far too inferior to this painting that contained supreme overbearing aura.

Comparing Qin Yue and Ye Xuan’s understanding towards Dao to Long Tianming’s understanding was like comparing a firefly to the luminous moon. They stood worlds apart.

“I have made a fool of myself.” Long Tianming halted his brush and put it aside. The powerful aura that had been emanating from him instantly retracted.

“Senior Brother Long Tianming’s painting is truly imposing, and filled with the Dao of the King. We can only exclaim in admiration!”

Ye Xuan stood up and heaped on his own flattery. “Senior Brother Long Tianming’s Celestial Blood Saint Dragon reigns the land, far more prideful than any outstanding hero. From this painting, one can see Senior Brother Long Tianming’s broad mind!”

Nie Li sneered at the flattery from people like Ye Xuan. The Dao intent in Long Tianming’s painting was at most “overbearing”; it was still far from the level of “Dao of the King”. This painting also had nothing to do with the broad mind that Ye Xuan had been praising about. You could only say that Long Tianming had strong and wild ambitions.

It was true; Long Tianming was indeed someone with wild and deep ambitions. Furthermore, his talent was extraordinary. He’d be a troublesome enemy to run into.

Long Tianming looked at Mingyue Wushuang and Yan Yang as he lightly smiled. “Among the four arts, only Go is left. Would the two of you be willing to reveal a little of your Go skills?”

Two people are required for Go and the outcome of such a match could be easily determined. If one person’s Dao intent was stronger and suppressed the other person’s, then it’d make the loser rather difficult to exhibit their skills and embarrassed. Long Tianming was trying to pit Mingyue Wushuang and Yan Yang against each other.

One of them was the Holy Son of the Skyblaze Sect, while the other one was the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Note Sect. If the two of them competed, what would the outcome be? The members of the crowd couldn’t help having expectations of the match.

Yan Yang lightly said, “I’m fine with it.”

Although he was well aware of Long Tianming’s schemes, Yan Yang wasn’t bothered by them; therefore, he didn’t reject the idea. Yan Yang definitely wouldn’t back off from a fight with anyone.

Mingyue Wushuang couldn’t help smiling. “I’ve made a fool of myself. I rarely play Go, so I’m not very
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Long Tianming walked to the front, swept an eye over the crowd, and lightly smiled. “Just now, Qin Yue and Ye Xuan both displayed their talents, the zither and calligraphy, respectively. Since two are required for Go, then there is no point. I shall make a fool of myself and show my painting skills!”Long Tianming lifted a brush and dipped it into the ink as his eyes turned to the blank page before him.Earlier, Long Tianming had been smiling and content. But suddenly, an expression that was a deep as water and towering as a mountain burst forth across his face, accompanied by a frighteningly overbearing aura. The audience at the foot of the stage couldn’t help gasping for breath.Long Tianming was like a treasured sword that had been unsheathed. It seemed as if he was trying to force the audience to submit to him through aura alone. The brush in his hand descended and coiled like snakes and dragons, leaving inky black patterns across the page. Slowly, but surely, a ferocious beast took form on the paper; it was a Celestial Blood Saint Dragon, landing with wings unfurled.From the dragon’s bones, scales, to wings, every part was composed of vigorous strokes.The Celestial Blood Saint Dragon appeared as if it was ready to leap out from the paper. Chilling rays of light emitted from its eyes, as though it was the overseer of all life.This painting contained boundless intent and an overbearing quality. The crowd of students felt captivated and stifled simply by beholding that Celestial Blood Saint Dragon. It was clear that Qin Yue’s zither and Ye Xuan’s calligraphy were both far too inferior to this painting that contained supreme overbearing aura.Comparing Qin Yue and Ye Xuan’s understanding towards Dao to Long Tianming’s understanding was like comparing a firefly to the luminous moon. They stood worlds apart.“I have made a fool of myself.” Long Tianming halted his brush and put it aside. The powerful aura that had been emanating from him instantly retracted.“Senior Brother Long Tianming’s painting is truly imposing, and filled with the Dao of the King. We can only exclaim in admiration!”Ye Xuan stood up and heaped on his own flattery. “Senior Brother Long Tianming’s Celestial Blood Saint Dragon reigns the land, far more prideful than any outstanding hero. From this painting, one can see Senior Brother Long Tianming’s broad mind!”Nie Li sneered at the flattery from people like Ye Xuan. The Dao intent in Long Tianming’s painting was at most “overbearing”; it was still far from the level of “Dao of the King”. This painting also had nothing to do with the broad mind that Ye Xuan had been praising about. You could only say that Long Tianming had strong and wild ambitions.It was true; Long Tianming was indeed someone with wild and deep ambitions. Furthermore, his talent was extraordinary. He’d be a troublesome enemy to run into.
Long Tianming looked at Mingyue Wushuang and Yan Yang as he lightly smiled. “Among the four arts, only Go is left. Would the two of you be willing to reveal a little of your Go skills?”

Two people are required for Go and the outcome of such a match could be easily determined. If one person’s Dao intent was stronger and suppressed the other person’s, then it’d make the loser rather difficult to exhibit their skills and embarrassed. Long Tianming was trying to pit Mingyue Wushuang and Yan Yang against each other.

One of them was the Holy Son of the Skyblaze Sect, while the other one was the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Note Sect. If the two of them competed, what would the outcome be? The members of the crowd couldn’t help having expectations of the match.

Yan Yang lightly said, “I’m fine with it.”

Although he was well aware of Long Tianming’s schemes, Yan Yang wasn’t bothered by them; therefore, he didn’t reject the idea. Yan Yang definitely wouldn’t back off from a fight with anyone.

Mingyue Wushuang couldn’t help smiling. “I’ve made a fool of myself. I rarely play Go, so I’m not very
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Panjang Tianming berjalan ke depan, menyapu mata atas kerumunan, dan ringan tersenyum. "Baru saja, Qin Yue dan Ye Xuan kedua ditampilkan bakat mereka, kecapi dan kaligrafi, masing-masing. Sejak dua diperlukan untuk Go, maka tidak ada gunanya. Aku akan membuat diriku sendiri dan menunjukkan keterampilan melukis saya! " Panjang Tianming mengangkat kuas dan dicelupkan ke dalam tinta saat matanya beralih ke halaman kosong di depannya. Sebelumnya, panjang Tianming telah tersenyum dan konten. Tapi tiba-tiba, sebuah ekspresi yang mendalam seperti air dan menjulang seperti gunung meledak di wajahnya, disertai dengan aura menakutkan sombong. Para penonton di kaki panggung tidak bisa membantu terengah-engah. Panjang Tianming seperti pedang berharga yang telah dihunus. Tampaknya seolah-olah ia mencoba untuk memaksa penonton untuk tunduk padanya melalui aura saja. Sikat di tangannya turun dan melingkar seperti ular dan naga, meninggalkan pola hitam bertinta di halaman. Perlahan, tapi pasti, binatang buas mengambil formulir di atas kertas; itu adalah Celestial Darah Saint Naga, mendarat dengan sayap membentangkan. Dari tulang naga, sisik, untuk sayap, setiap bagian terdiri dari stroke yang kuat. The Celestial Darah Saint Naga muncul seolah-olah itu adalah siap untuk melompat keluar dari kertas. Sinar dingin dari cahaya yang dipancarkan dari matanya, seolah-olah itu adalah pengawas dari semua kehidupan. Lukisan ini terkandung maksud tak terbatas dan kualitas sombong. Kerumunan siswa merasa terpikat dan menahan hanya dengan amati bahwa Celestial Darah Saint Naga. Sudah jelas bahwa sitar Qin Yue dan kaligrafi Ye Xuan berdua terlalu rendah untuk lukisan ini yang berisi aura tertinggi sombong. Membandingkan Qin Yue dan pemahaman Ye Xuan terhadap Dao pemahaman Panjang Tianming adalah seperti membandingkan kunang-kunang ke bulan bercahaya. Mereka berdiri jauh berbeda. "Saya telah membuat diriku sendiri." Panjang Tianming dihentikan kuas dan menyisihkannya. Aura kuat yang telah memancar dari dia langsung ditarik. "Lukisan Saudara Senior panjang Tianming ini benar-benar mengesankan, dan diisi dengan Dao Raja. Kami hanya bisa berseru kagum! " Ye Xuan berdiri dan menumpuk di sanjungan sendiri. "Senior Saudara panjang Tianming Surgawi Darah Saint Naga memerintah tanah, jauh lebih sombong daripada pahlawan yang luar biasa. Dari lukisan ini, kita dapat melihat pikiran yang luas Senior Saudara panjang Tianming ini! " Nie Li ejek di sanjungan dari orang-orang seperti Ye Xuan. Dao niat dalam lukisan panjang Tianming adalah paling "sombong"; itu masih jauh dari tingkat "Dao Raja". Lukisan ini juga tidak ada hubungannya dengan pikiran yang luas bahwa Ye Xuan telah memuji tentang. Anda hanya bisa mengatakan bahwa panjang Tianming memiliki ambisi yang kuat dan liar. Memang benar; Panjang Tianming memang seseorang dengan ambisi liar dan mendalam. Selanjutnya, bakatnya luar biasa. Dia akan menjadi musuh sulit untuk mengalami. Panjang Tianming memandang Mingyue Wushuang dan Yan Yang ia ringan tersenyum. "Di antara empat seni, hanya Go yang tersisa. Akan Anda berdua bersedia untuk mengungkapkan sedikit keterampilan Go Anda? " Dua orang yang diperlukan untuk Go dan hasil pertandingan tersebut dapat dengan mudah ditentukan. Jika satu orang Dao maksud adalah kuat dan ditekan orang lain itu, maka akan membuat kalah agak sulit untuk memamerkan keterampilan mereka dan malu. Panjang Tianming mencoba mengadu Mingyue Wushuang dan Yan Yang terhadap satu sama lain. Salah satunya adalah Anak Suci dari Skyblaze Sekte, sementara yang lain adalah Maiden Kudus dari Heavenly Catatan Sect. Jika mereka berdua berkompetisi, apa yang akan hasilnya menjadi? Para anggota kerumunan tidak bisa membantu memiliki harapan pertandingan. Yan Yang ringan berkata, "Aku baik-baik dengan itu." Meskipun ia sangat menyadari skema Panjang Tianming ini, Yan Yang tidak terganggu oleh mereka; Oleh karena itu, ia tidak menolak gagasan itu. Yan Yang pasti tidak akan mundur dari pertarungan dengan siapa pun. Mingyue Wushuang tak bisa menahan senyum. "Aku sudah membuat diriku sendiri. Saya jarang bermain Go, jadi saya tidak sangat

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