Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Not is only he so, several other Patriarch, completely has stood up the body, may at this moment ...Suddenly, the six patriarchs right hand lifts, presses toward the earth, immediately a fluctuation erupts loudly, has formed the protection, preventing the people to run out.„, The old man does not want to get rid to you, but also please keep here moment, when outside was tranquil, I will make you go out safely.” Six patriarchs, slowly to open mouth.„Sixth child!” Seventh ancestor fierce turning around, in the item reveals wipes the murderous intention, in this crucial time, in this family chaos flickers, does not hesitate, but is the thunder solution that needs, slow one step, causes heavy losses to the family.In to open mouth instant, the seventh ancestor directly soars the six patriarchs to go.„Do you, want to prevent us? Depending on outside Fang Hehai, can rebel successfully?” The seventh ancestor anger is dreadful, murderous intention fills the air, but approaches the six patriarchs in him instant, on the face of six patriarchs, reveals a ridicule.„Fang Hehai that junior, but is a unimportant person in plan, as for here, the seventh child, you thinks really that I am a person?”Instance that the six patriarchs words spread, the seventh ancestor facial color suddenly changes, when this flash, suddenly, the fourth ancestor, in the eye the murderous intention dodges, turns around, toward the nearby fifth ancestor, directly gets rid.„Does Fourth Brother, you do!” Thunders shakes the heavens, lets eight side reacted, rapidness that too all these have, but fifth ancestor Cultivation is deep, although suddenly, but waves as before, fought with the fourth ancestor in one.At this time, sneered, spread from the second ancestor mouth, he went out one step, let the third ancestor there facial color change.The second ancestor, is in their several people, is next to the Fang Clan ancestor's powerhouse, his going out, that is bringing the hostility malignant influences, immediately lets this Fang Clan several Patriarch, complete mind reacted.Six people, three people of revolting clans!!Thunders shakes the heavens, their six people in this rock cave, launch the showdown immediately, shakes the heavens moved, making the earth shiver, the seventh ancestor spouts the blood, the look is sad and shrill.„Why!” Their six people are closing up together for many years, is not the brothers, may in the emotion, because of the same bloodline, they be similar to the brothers.„The seventh child, I do not want to deceive you, all these, for ... Lord Li inheritance!” Replied that the seventh ancestor, is most powerhouses in this group of person, the second ancestor.The Fang Clan drastic change, thunders the reverberation, the Planet East Victory intense tremor, the Ninth Mountain and Sea stir, Dao Realm of these families, in this moment, the look change, is surprised.Sementara itu, di luar Planet Timur kemenangan, Fang klan leluhur, bahwa patriak melihat ini diam-diam, di item memiliki satu untuk menghapus cahaya yang sangat aneh untuk flash melalui seketika itu juga, tak seorang pun dapat menemukan petunjuk, ia melihat pada Planet Timur kemenangan korban dari keluarga, tahu setelah waktu keluarga, terlepas dari kemenangan atau kekalahan, dapat vitalitas kerusakan parah, mungkin, dalam terang aneh ini , menyerupai untuk menyembunyikan satu orang klan memuakkan ejekan!Tubuhnya harus kembali Planet Timur kemenangan dalam flash, mengungkapkan yang memberikan perasaan pengamat, menyerupai oleh budidaya nya, kembali ke Fang klan, Semua klan memuakkan tidak dapat membalikkan langit!Contoh yang tetapi keluar kepadanya, berjuang Meng Hao tiba-tiba sebelumnya, setelah menurun 11, tetap pilihan ini orang-orang di langit berbintang, sudut-sudut mulut mengungkapkan satu gumpalan untuk mengejek, tubuh mengambil satu langkah ke depan, muncul di depan leluhur marga Fang instan, telah mencegah jalannya.Orang ini, adalah Ji Yin di semua orang kognisi!!Tapi dia, sebenarnya tidak benar Ji Yin!Demikian pula, dia di sebelumnya semua dipilih, hanya... Telah tidak mendapatkan menyingkirkan orang Meng Hao perang!Ketiga memberikan, terima kasih saudara dan saudari tiket bulanan, hari ini adalah tenaga kerja hari, bahagia liburan ~ ~ (ruang jatuh aktivitas baik daging pie, dazzles sel keren telepon Anda untuk mengambil! Perhatian ~ / umum nomor (sedikit Surat meningkatkan teman untuk meningkatkan jumlah umum untuk memasukkan ddxiaoshuo kemudian), segera berpartisipasi! Setiap orang memiliki hadiah, sekarang segera membayar perhatian ke ddxiaoshuo sedikit surat umum nomor!) (Untuk dilanjutkan...)...
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