Objective: To assess the level of knowledge, perceptions and usageprof terjemahan - Objective: To assess the level of knowledge, perceptions and usageprof Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Objective: To assess the level of k

Objective: To assess the level of knowledge, perceptions and usage
profile for generic drugs among laypersons. Methods: A crosssectional
study was conducted with 278 volunteers (180 women and
98 men, aged 37.1±15.8 years). A questionnaire was drawn up with
questions on their use, perceptions and knowledge of generic drugs.
Results: Most respondents (99.6%) knew that generic drugs exist,
but only 48.6% were able to define them correctly, while 78.8% of the
respondents had some information about generics. This information
was obtained mainly through television (49.3%). In terms of generic
drug characteristics, 79.1% stated that they were confident about
their efficacy, 74.8% believed that generic drugs have the same effect
as branded medications, 88.8% said that generics were priced lower
than branded medications, and 80.2% stated that they bought generic
drugs because of price. With regard to drugs prescribed by medical
practitioners, 17.6% of the participants said that their doctors never
prescribed generics and only 7.5% confirmed that their doctors always
prescribed generics. Conclusion: For the lay public, the sample in this
study has sufficient knowledge of generic drugs in terms of definition,
efficacy and cost. Consequently, the volunteers interviewed are very
likely to use generics. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate
that programs should be implemented in order to boost generic drug
prescriptions by medical practitioners.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Objective: To assess the level of knowledge, perceptions and usageprofile for generic drugs among laypersons. Methods: A crosssectionalstudy was conducted with 278 volunteers (180 women and98 men, aged 37.1±15.8 years). A questionnaire was drawn up withquestions on their use, perceptions and knowledge of generic drugs.Results: Most respondents (99.6%) knew that generic drugs exist,but only 48.6% were able to define them correctly, while 78.8% of therespondents had some information about generics. This informationwas obtained mainly through television (49.3%). In terms of genericdrug characteristics, 79.1% stated that they were confident abouttheir efficacy, 74.8% believed that generic drugs have the same effectas branded medications, 88.8% said that generics were priced lowerthan branded medications, and 80.2% stated that they bought genericdrugs because of price. With regard to drugs prescribed by medicalpractitioners, 17.6% of the participants said that their doctors neverprescribed generics and only 7.5% confirmed that their doctors alwaysprescribed generics. Conclusion: For the lay public, the sample in thisstudy has sufficient knowledge of generic drugs in terms of definition,efficacy and cost. Consequently, the volunteers interviewed are verylikely to use generics. Furthermore, the results of this study indicatethat programs should be implemented in order to boost generic drugResep oleh praktisi medis.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tujuan: Untuk menilai tingkat pengetahuan, persepsi dan penggunaan
profil untuk obat generik antara awam. Metode: Sebuah cross sectional
studi dilakukan dengan 278 relawan (180 perempuan dan
98 laki-laki, berusia 37,1 ± 15,8 tahun). Kuesioner disusun dengan
pertanyaan penggunaannya, persepsi dan pengetahuan tentang obat generik.
Hasil: Sebagian besar responden (99,6%) tahu bahwa obat generik ada,
tetapi hanya 48,6% yang mampu mendefinisikan dengan benar, sedangkan 78,8% dari
responden memiliki beberapa informasi tentang obat generik. Informasi ini
diperoleh terutama melalui televisi (49,3%). Dalam hal generik
karakteristik obat, 79,1% menyatakan bahwa mereka yakin tentang
keberhasilan mereka, 74,8% percaya bahwa obat generik memiliki efek yang sama
seperti obat bermerek, 88,8% mengatakan bahwa obat generik yang harga lebih rendah
daripada obat bermerek, dan 80,2% menyatakan bahwa mereka membeli generik
obat karena harga. Berkenaan dengan obat yang diresepkan oleh dokter
praktisi, 17,6% dari peserta mengatakan bahwa dokter mereka pernah
diresepkan obat generik dan hanya 7,5% menegaskan bahwa dokter mereka selalu
diresepkan obat generik. Kesimpulan: Bagi masyarakat awam, sampel dalam
penelitian memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang obat generik dalam hal definisi,
efikasi dan biaya. Akibatnya, para relawan diwawancarai sangat
mungkin untuk menggunakan obat generik. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa program harus dilaksanakan dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan obat generik
resep oleh praktisi medis.
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