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Biografi Ki Hadjar Dewantara Versi Bahasa Inggris (biografi Ki Hadjar Dewantara Versi Inggris)Ki Hadjar Dewantara lahir di Yogyakarta pada Mei 2 1889.Terlahir sebagai Raden Mas bernama asli Soewardi Soeryaningrat. Dia berasal dari keluarga Kraton Yogyakarta. Raden Mas bernama asli Soewardi Soeryaningrat, bahkan pada 40 tahun oleh menghitung tahun Saka, dinamai Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Sejak itu, ia tidak lagi menggunakan diliputi di depan namanya. Ini berarti bahwa dia bebas bisa dekat dengan rakyat, baik secara fisik dan hati.Hidupnya adalah benar-benar ditandai perjuangan dan dedikasi untuk kepentingan bangsa. Ia selesai sekolah dasar di ELS (SD Belanda) kemudian dapat terus STOVIA (Bumiputera sekolah Kedokteran), tapi itu tidak sampai akhir karena sakit. Kemudian ia bekerja sebagai wartawan di beberapa Surat Kabar yang termasuk Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Hindia, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer dan Poesara. Pada waktu itu, ia dianggap sebagai seorang penulis handal. Tulisannya sangat komunikatif, tajam dan patriotik untuk membangkitkan semangat anti-kolonial pembaca.Selain ulet sebagai reporter muda, dia adalah juga aktif dalam organisasi sosial dan politik. Pada tahun 1908, ia adalah aktif di bagian propaganda Boedi Oetomo untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan mengilhami orang-orang Indonesia pada waktu itu mengenai pentingnya Persatuan dalam bangsa dan negara.Then, with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo, he founded Indische Partij (the first political party that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims to achieve an independent Indonesia.They tried to register the organization to obtain legal status in the Dutch colonial government. But the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg tried to block it with the presence of the party was refused registration on March 11, 1913. The reason for refusal was that the organization is considered to evoke a sense of nationalism and unity to move against the Dutch colonial government.Then, after the refusal of registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij he helped form the Committee Bumipoetra in November 1913. The committee as well as a rival committee of the Committee of One Hundred Years of Independence Celebration of the Dutch. Boemipoetra Committee's critique of the Dutch government intends to celebrate one hundred years of its free Holland from French colonialism to withdraw money from the people of colonies to finance the festivities.In connection with the celebration of the plan, he was criticized by Als Ik Eens article entitled Was Nederlander (If I'm A Netherlands) and Een maar voor Allen Allen Ook voor Een (One for All, but All for One Also). If I'm A Dutch writings published in newspapers owned by de Expres dr. Douwes Dekker, among others, reads:"If I were a Dutchman, I will not hold the parties freedom in our own country who had robbed her freedom. Parallel to the way of thinking, is not only unfair, but it also does not deserve to have the inlander give donations to fund the celebration.Thought for organizing the celebration alone insulting them and now we are scratching the bag anyway. Come forward and unseen insult it! If I'm a Dutchman. What offends me and my friends countrymen especially the fact that the nation is required to participate finance inlander a job that he himself had no interest at all. "As a result of his essay, the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg sentenced without trial, punishment internering (waste law) is a sentence withdesignate a place to stay that allowed for a person to reside. He was sentenced to imprisonment on Bangka Island.Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also publish a pitched defend Soewardi. But the Dutch believed that writing and inciting the people to revolt against the colonial GOI. As a result, they also suspended internering. Douwes Dekker dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled to the island of Banda.But they wanted banished to the Netherlands because there they can learn to
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